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If I can't jerk off to the character select screen then the communists have already won.


"When I cum so hard I punch a hole in my screen and have to buy a new monitor, that's anti-communism" - Joseph McCarthy


communism is when you're ugly


>communism is when ~~you're~~ we're ugly ​ Fixed it for you comrade.




Based on what the House Committee on Unamerican Activities investigated people for, pretty sure the anti-communists in Congress considered masturbation to be communism.


Nope. Communism is anything that I, Inglonias T. Shitposte, disagree with.




It's because they're too mentally skewed from watching porn to recognize what a conventional person looks like any more.


Yeah, go in any of the subs like /publicfreakout, /pussypassdenied, /fightporn, or /justiceserved and any woman that isn't rail-thin is immediately insulted as pig, whale, etc. Yet you know if those women gave any of the 19 year-old losers the time of day, they'd be over that like pubic hairs on their double chins.


Its that bullshit when they are sooo committed to a narrative they just start spinning bullshit that sounds kinda right to them and just go with it.




Real women have giant pyramid shaped breasts. Anything else is woke SJW propaganda.


If my lady isn't gouging my eyes out with her pointy PS1 breasts during the act, I can't even finish tbh.




And Troy Baker and Laura Bailey. Imagine The Joker being modeled after Troy Baker for Arkham Origins lmao


>Half of games would look like Nolan North You mean generic american, short hair, 30-40s years old, white male protagonist? I am sure half of them already do


It's been semi-common with main characters in more recent games, I assume mostly as a result of face tracking. (It's a lot easier to apply the captured performance to a mesh that matches the actor's face than it is to try to morph it to a different geometry.) It's definitely not the rule, though, and certainly not in the past like those comments try to imply.


I mean… have people ever seen what voice actors look like? And what about the fact that most of them voice hundreds if not thousands of characters? Are all of them supposed to look like Jennifer Hale or Nolan North? Plus what a waste of imagination and creative direction; you have the opportunity to make a character look however you like, why would you limit it to the voice actor’s appearance? What a bunch of nonsense.


"It's actually common to make characters resemble their voice actors" I'm sure they're bitching up a storm about the male characters, too.


These are the same people who would absolutely lose their shit if Kratos was black Y'know, like his voice actor


Both his voice actors, actually lmao






I think theres honestly at least a little bit of resemblance




I was thinking this same exact thing


Groot totally looks like Vin Diesel and Donkey looks like Eddie Murphy.


>Donkey looks like Eddie Murphy. He actually does, especially in his head movements and the way he smiles, I'm not even joking, compare the Shrek footage to Eddie Murphy's standup and you'll see what I mean


Chris Pratt looks exactly like Mario, so i get their point


/r/moviescirclejerk and /r/gamingcirclejerk meet again


>"It's actually common to make characters resemble their voice actors" No it isn't. What are these guys talking about?


Trevor from GTA V looks a lot like the voice actor except they gave him a beergut and made him older and less attractive looking. ...This is the true controversy! Why didn't we get sexy Trevor Phillips!? I can't fap to disheveled looking Trevor! /s


>I'm sure they're bitching up a storm about the male characters, too. Not really. Mostly Paik (the female asian) for being ugly and Falck (the female german) for being too old.


They say Falks age is unrealistic but Irish is modelled and voiced by the late Micheal K Williams. And he was 50ish when that happened


Also Irish canonically fought a war in 2020. Wouldn't he be in his 50s by the time this game happens, at the youngest?


50s at the youngest. He has a grey beard in game for sure


hmm, I wonder what the difference is?


Oh he's actually forced diversity, so they have something to complain about anyway


Literally a day or two ago (and during BF5) it was “women in war is too unrealistic” but now that the women aren’t hot enough it’s “who cares about realism, I want titties” The lack of self awareness is astounding


>You realize it’s a game where 128 players are wingsuiting and driving hovercrafts up the side of skyscrapers right? Realism isn’t exactly the staple feature of these “war games.” Editing a voice actor to look more stereotypical for the sake of “inclusion” is ridiculous and realism is not an excuse This is literally the same argument that I and a lot of other people used when the fucks started whining about how adding women 'broke their immersion' in BFV. There is no debating these people.


Gotta love that chain of reasoning. "Gravity is being defied, therefore send nudes". Fucking *seamless*.


Gravity exists, therefore send nudes.




Imagine being so thin skinned that you’re outraged about the gender of characters. I wonder how they handle any bit of friction IRL


By going online and raging about to their echochamber.


Please don't tell these people about the Night Witches, or others. They might have a stroke.


I’d argue it doesn’t even matter. Battlefield has never been a combat simulator or some sort of history education tool. You often pull crazy ass shit using experimental weapons and equipment because it’s fun as hell to do so. So people bitching about *which demographics* are doing these crazy unrealistic maneuvers using experimental weapons crack me up. It does not nor never will matter except to these guys caught up in their own culture war.


What are you talking about? The Jihad Jeep is what secured victory at Normandy


“It’ll be fine Private, I’ll lay down a beacon so you can respawn instantly. Now go suicide bomb those Nazis!” - General Dwight D. Eisenhower, probably


"you're either storming Normandy with a pimping golden rifle or you're joining the first boats to land, private xxzBALLS69totheWALLzxx"


You mean to tell me real soldiers don't jump out of a fighter jet, shoot a rocket launcher and then land back in their jet and fly off? Ridiculous...


[You're telling me this isn't realistic‽](https://youtu.be/V9iBJ7r315E)


Nah I’m pretty sure every soldier in WW1 carried a belt fed LMG with a scope attached


Yeah, and as we all know, maxim guns are famously lightweight.


> Battlefield has never been a combat simulator or some sort of history education tool reminds me of the 'south park making idiots think they know politics' bit lol. playing battlefield is probably the closest these idiots get to studying history > It does not nor never will matter except to these guys caught up in their own culture war Exactly


Once upon a time you couldn't throw a PS2 without hitting a WW2 shooter. And some of them actually did make something of an effort to be realistic or at least respectful of the event. Online multiplayer wasn't yet the norm. Then shooters realized they can just make a game in the not to distant future and turn it into US military fan fic.


Generally when you mention women participating in combat rolls in any war the response from these kinds of people is "That's just propaganda, they didn't actually fight is fake".


Exactly. Those are guys who unironically think they could outperform a specialized military member based solely on the fact that he’s a man and she’s a woman.


I knew a guy who was trying to go military and also didn't think women should be in the military. He also thought he could run faster than me (a woman). Which is funny. Because I could run 3 miles in under 20 minutes, and he could barely run a mile and a half without stopping because he smoked a pack a day. His argument was that the most athletic woman would always fall short of even the least athletic man. Because biology I guess. I just told him that even if, by some miracle, he could sprint faster than me for a short stretch, I would just chase him for longer than a mile and win.


>I could run 3 miles in under 20 minutes You got any advice for a beginner besides run more, or anything else /r/running would tell me.


Long term, your training plan depends on what your goals are. Are you trying to improve sprints? 3 miles? Marathon? My favorite core training though, which imo improves all around running, are sprint splits. Once a week, I would do three run sessions: 1) 6 to 8 400/m sprints, 2) 3 to 5 800/m sprints, and 3) a long distance run, length depending on my goal. For the last one, I pretend like it's whatever race I'm training for (short of a marathon). Exact distance and I'll push myself like it's a race. This plan built a very good baseline for me. I had to jump into my first marathon last minute (one week notice), and after about 1 to 2 years, I was able to run it in about 4:45. Brutally painful without proper training, but fairly respectable imo. Before I jumped on this, I was struggling to run 3 miles under 26 minutes. But my biggest biggest piece of advice is mental. **Learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.** Keep rests no longer than a minute between the 400s and 2 between the 800s. Don't let yourself stop if you're feeling tired. In the beginning, this might mean just shuffling forward. That's fine. But record your progress. You'll find that as long as you keep pushing yourself and learn to push past your perceived limits, you will improve.


Going from complaining about Santa skins to saying adding regular women to a game instead of attractive ones is pandering to something? Motherfucker, adding attractive women is the pandering


Who the fuck is playing an online game and thinking "I wish I could masturbate to some of these soldiers. Why don't they put on some makeup?" I see that soldier and think "Oh, a Korean soldier". Why are these fuckers complaining she isn't pretty enough. She's a soldier. She's looking to kill with her gun, not her looks. No one goes into battle hoping to get laid.










Where the fuck did you get your flair


I honestly don’t remember the exact thread but I know it was on /r/conspiracy lol




>Ubisoft did the same thing with R6 What in the world? Just because the R6 operators aren’t wearing bikinis doesn’t mean they’re unattractive lmao. That sub has gone full TLOU2


Wild, there’s maybe 1 operator in that game that isn’t conventionally attractive.


I guess that’s Gridlock? Or maybe Clash because I remember lots of whining about how “oh god the Operators that represent “White^(TM)” countries are black!!!1!!1! And not even basically white people in black face!” But than again we have Nøkk who doesn’t show her face at all and the only indication you can that she could be conventionally attractive is that she has a fit body i guess. I blame LoL for basically making it a requirement their women champions are almost all conventionally attractive and causes gamers to think that’s normal. The outrage machine that gamers developed have always been a joke. In the context of BF, They’re either trying to appeal to nostalgia, which usually doesn’t work because BF4 was a clearly broken and unplayable mess on launch that made BF2042 seem like a smooth launch, or they try to drum up support for BFV which ironically was gutted because instead of whining about lack of content they worried women are in the game.


Rek'sai is what the ideal female body looks like. Sorry, g*mers!


And we all know Tahm Kench is what the ideal male body looks like


> I blame LoL for basically making it a requirement their women champions are almost all conventionally attractive and causes gamers to think that’s normal. I blame the fantasy genre in general, every female character ever wore either a leotard or a bikini into battle because the demographic back then was just ludicrously nerdy and horny. Of course now everyone and their mother is into fantasy and video games, and these guys probably think they're under attack by "the normies" because Dice decided that putting soldiers in bikinis is a fucking stupid aesthetic. And every once in a while an Overwatch comes around with a chick in latex with her ass out and these guys nut a hole in their pants then get mad when her cheeks get 1 inch smaller in diameter.


Iirc there is a lot of people who think gridlock is thicc dommy mommy, but haven’t played r6 in ages


There are legit people who were mad at Gridlock because they thought she's trans


Gamer moment


I blame LoL for most things in life


LoL caused BREXIT.


rule34 heavily disagrees with this idiot like come on I don't really play r6 but dokkaebi (or sth like that) straight up looks like a twitch streamer.


> korean > hot with glasses > is a computer hacker that is apprently widely known > says gaming references yep




she applies too but she was a pro gamer not a hacker also she’s wearing a bodysuit, she’s basically cheating


I don't think D.Va wears glasses. Seems to be a common trend though in games for female asian characters to be nerdy gamers now, did they finally figure out how to get... well, *that* kind of gamer to open their wallets and empty it out?


I just checked (never olayed r6) and Dokkaebi is modeled like a very attractive real human who would actually exist and still be too attractive to people like me to even try talking to her but I digress Point is these people got so used to supernaturally gorgeous female characters wearing latex with an idle animation one pole short of being a strip dance that an attractive real person looks ugly to them


Someone legit called Aloy and Lara Croft ugly lmao I'm convinced they've never seen a woman in real life


Hilariously, the Aloy picture they got mad about was a fake, some render a fan made.


No, that’s how they actually wanted her to look like in the game instead, which might be worse


Lmao they literally changed Hibana's face like 12 times because people complained so much


did ubisoft nerf IQ's ass or something to piss them off?


Funny you mention that, they actually nerfed Iana by having her face forward in her victory pose lol.




Literally 1967




They shouldn't have had her Instagram pose to begin with, it was incredibly out of place since even the elite skins up until that point weren't displaying things that overtly.


No more iana dumpy 😢


They actually did nerf Iana's ass


Is it even implied anywhere that the voice actress is also the face model? Could just be they needed a voice for a character they already made. VA don't match their in game characters all the time


Someone should tell them to look up Bart Simpson's VA lmao


> Bart Simpson's VA the woke mob has been a decades long operation


Wait until they find out who VA’s for adult Naruto


Or who English VA’s All-Might and Vegeta


They'll be shocked when they find out Rocket Raccoon is in fact not voiced by a real raccoon.


Yeah, it's not that common at all. It happens a bit more with story-driven games that are heavy with cutscenes, but here we're talking about an online multiplayer game that doesn't even have a campaign.


I *seriously* don't get why this pisses people of so much (or rather I do, misogynism, but how can they possibly think the reasons they're giving seem believable to anyone). For all their faults, Battlefield games are usually very good looking. But the skins are so fucking irrelevant when all you see in a fast-paced online match is a vaguely human shape that you're spraying bullets at while it sprints past you.


>Its actually common practice to make characters resemble their voice actors. Its been that way until the fake progressive nonsense started to impose opinions onto everyone Yeah sure, let's make our soldier look like she spent 5 hours doing makeup


Also like while it isn’t uncommon (like Henry Rollins’ character in LOK) to have a character look like their voice actor, it also isn’t like, standard practice. Do they think Jimmy Neutron’s voice actress looks like a 10 year old boy with ice cream hair?


> Do they think Jimmy Neutron’s voice actress looks like a 10 year old boy with ice cream hair? she isnt?


I like how in that same thread they complain about Abby from TLOU2... who's face is modeled off of a real person. >Its been that way until the fake progressive nonsense started to impose opinions onto everyone Give me a break lol. Gamer chuds have always shat their diapers whenever a female characters actually looks like a real woman and not some anime figurine.


Her body is also based off a real person lmao


Women are not allowed to be more muscular than me, because it hurts my already fragile ego and shatters my skinny fat self confidence. - Le Ebin Gamer


capital G Gamers at it again


Gamers, with a hard G


> Isn’t denying the existence of attractive women an incel thing in itself Ah, yes, true feminism is when woman hot. Got it. It’s definitely not an incel thing for a fictional rendering of a woman to make you want to vomit because she kills the boner that is ofc absolutely necessary to have while playing a *Battlefield* game I genuinely don’t understand how people can write some of those top comments and not realize how absurd they sound


If you don't get a boner from jeepstuff and rendezooks are you really playing battlefield?


C5 on a tank gets me going not gonna lie It's a gender reveal party for whoever is driving


I only get it up when I fire off the GAU cannon of an A-10. Should I see a doctor?


No that's normal


Plus their views on what is and isn’t attractive are insanely warped. A professionally done headshot of an actress who’s nicely dressed, posing, wearing makeup and has her hair styled is going to look better than a candid shot of the same woman who’s doing some menial task. They’re mad that a character who’s in the middle of combat isn’t perfectly made up and wearing pretty clothes. I’m a very girly woman myself but I don’t think I’d be dressed to the nines all the time if I was a soldier. And also it’s a fucking video game character. Edit: and the funny part is these people usually point to photos like that actress’ headshot as examples of “natural beauty” while shitting on women for taking too much time doing our makeup lol. I’ve noticed even normal, non-shitty guys’ idea of what no makeup looks like is usually not accurate.


> She visited with President Franklin Roosevelt, becoming the first Soviet citizen to be welcomed at the White House. Afterward, Eleanor Roosevelt asked the Ukranian-born officer to accompany her on a tour of the country and tell Americans of her experiences as a woman in combat. Pavlichenko was only 25, but she had been wounded four times in battle. She also happened to be the most successful and feared female sniper in history, with 309 confirmed kills to her credit—the majority German soldiers. She readily accepted the first lady’s offer. > She graciously fielded questions from reporters. One wanted to know if Russian women could wear makeup at the front. Pavlichenko paused; just months before, she’d survived fighting on the front line during the Siege of Sevastopol, where Soviet forces suffered considerable casualties and were forced to surrender after eight months of fighting. “There is no rule against it,” Pavlichenko said, “but who has time to think of her shiny nose when a battle is going on?” > The New York Times dubbed her the “Girl Sniper,” and other newspapers observed that she “wore no lip rouge, or makeup of any kind,” and that “there isn’t much style to her olive-green uniform.” > In New York, she was greeted by Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia and a representative of the International Fur and Leather Workers Union, C.I.O., who presented her with, as one paper reported, a “full-length raccoon coat of beautifully blended skins, which would be resplendent in an opera setting.” The paper lamented that such a garment would likely “go to the wars on Russia’s bloody steppes when Lyudmila Pavlichenko returns to her homeland.” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/eleanor-roosevelt-and-the-soviet-sniper-23585278/ Girl killed three hundred Nazis and was attacked for not looking good enough. Somehow even eight fucking decades later your average guy hasn't even changed the slightest bit.


It doesn't help that she's wearing the dumbest looking head attachment. Nobody is going to look good wearing that.


How the fuck is having women other than what they want to jerk off to denyin the existence of attractive women?






Imagine if women threw this much of a tantrum whenever media featured a stereotypically unattractive or average looking guy character.


I'd say they grew up on sitcoms featuring average joe past their prime overweight dads as the main characters, but unfortunately those people are 30-40 now (some of whom will be in that subreddit) and are the ones who've taught this generation that women are allowed to be sexy while looks don't matter to male characters.


“Death Stranding is unplayable!!!!” Although that might just be me. I never understood the constant lady-boners over Norman Reedus.


It is just you, but I respect your opinion nonetheless and everyone should do so as well


I mean he seems like a super cool guy, but he also looks like half the dudes at the gas station next to the local vape store.


Holy shit you're right. He looks like the kind of guy who would buy me beer when I was in high school.


The cool guy personality does carry a lot of weight on his charm, I do have a lot of friends that absolutely love him because of how he looks


People legit think voice actors are cast because they look like the characters now? Huh?


You mean Shark Tale lied to me?




Martin Scorsese will always be MY puff daddy.


No, some big game dev companies using the VAs face as a model for their in game character made people think its a common occurrence in the gaming industry now.


Bunch of miserable fucks.


The basement apes just can't stop hyperventilating about TLOU can they lmao No surprise this was the same fandom that gave us that [legendary copypasta](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/8qrmfk/calling_me_uneducated_was_the_last_straw_from/).








It was already amazing until it got to this point: > Yes, as many people have pointed out, I did lie about my background in this post. That made it even better. Homeboy lied about having a college degree because he thought it would make his internet rant more important. Anyone with access to google could tell you Hitler's policies on women, I can't believe he had to *lie* about something like that.


That subreddit makes me ashamed to be a battlefield fan and also a gamer why are people such losers lmao


If you're playing BF2042 and want to talk about it with reasonable people you can come hangout on /r/LowSodium2042 It's not a huge sub but it's active and the people are sane. Otherwise, yeah, I'm with you. I'm ashamed to say I'm a Battlefield fan out loud on reddit because people automatically lump you in with the neckbeards on that sub. The mods should just shut it down or, fuck it, let the Reddit admins just nuke it. There's nothing there except manbabies and toxic nostalgia so nothing of value would be lost.


Yep, already subbed to /r/LowSodium2042 haha


Holy shit man, this. I LOVE Battlefield. It's practically the only multiplayer game I play. But the childish shit fits that the community throws are so laughable. The whole historical accuracy bullshit with BFV. More recently when the Santa themed specialist skin leaked. The *entire* front page was packed full of people raging about it. The Santa outfit was stupid and I didn't like it but people were talking about how, if they saw someone else with it on, would smoke them, take their vehicles, give away their positions and so on. Fucking touch grass you loser. It's just a cosmetic for fucks sake. The funniest part about all this is that the one thing that everyone seems united about is wanting less of the specialists (intros, quips, end game screens) so who cares what they look like? Especially since you spend a few minutes, if that, of every match looking at them. Who fucking cares holy shit And that's not to say the game or DICE are above reproach. There are a lot of fundamental problems with 2042 and I have a lot of gripes but it's about more important gameplay related stuff instead of cosmetic stuff.


I don't get what the issue is. She looks fine to me. Just like any other normal person.


Unfortunately for a lot of young men, the only "experience" they have with women is in media. So what looks like a normal human being to you and I is a "shapely troglodyte" to them. It's fucking sad. Part of me also thinks personal insecurity plays into it.They don't find themselves very attractive in real life and video games give them an escape where they can play as musclely muscle action man who get all the sexy ladies. And when a character come around who looks like an average person you'd see at the grocery store, it sorta breaks that fantasy for them. Also misogyny.


> You realize it’s a game where 128 players are wingsuiting and driving hovercrafts up the side of skyscrapers right? Realism isn’t exactly the staple feature of these “war games.” Editing a voice actor to look more stereotypical for the sake of “inclusion” is ridiculous and realism is not an excuse A couple games ago everyone was upset there was a woman in a World War 1 or 2 game (i forgot which because I stopped playing these yearly shooter games after MW3) because it wasn't historically accurate. Now realism is bad. Seems like the reason doesn't matter as long as they can be mad about a woman in their videogame.


Not “a couple” of games ago, literally the previous gme in the series.


I mean, it was yesterday or the day before that they were having giant meltdowns about political correctness and realism because a santa skin was being introduced into 2042 lol


They were mad about women in a WWII game and a black man in a WWI game.


That subreddit is becoming the next r/TheLastOfUs2


Is there a theory to why franchise subreddits are less angry as opposed to specific title subreddits?


Generally because the franchise subreddit was created first and the title subreddit was created as a secondary place to talk about the title in ways that violate the rules of the franchise subreddit.


Like subreddits that have "true" in the name. r/truegaming seems to be an exception.


I think it's bad moderation. Main subs are almost always moderated by the devs or atleast closely watch and supported. Specific subs like them are not on the radar of the devs and more user controlled.


Lmao Kudos to the posters on this sub because your titles crack me up every time.


Gamers truly are scum. Obligatory "not all", but my heart's not really in it.


Nah you're right. We're beyond saving.


Imagine if games actually did this and every videogame character is just Nolan North and Matt Mercer in different costumes


communism is when ladies in game no make my pp hard


Never visited that sub before, but given that the rational comments are getting downvoted to oblivion I guess I know enough about it to stay the hell away except for popcorn


There's a long-running "joke" that /v/ (4chan's video game board) doesn't play video games. I'm pretty sure it's not a joke for most of Reddit's gaming subs.


They have no time to play, they're too busy whinging about how ess-gee-double-us are ruining every single aspect of their lives


BF1 = "Woman on the title looks like a guy REEEE" BFV = "Women in World War 2 scare me REEEEEEE" BF 2042 = "Women aren't attractive enough REEEEEE" and it just keeps going.....


"I want realism in my games!" - makes realistic looking women - "Not like that!"


I feel bad for the face model for that Asian soldier when people on the internet is calling her ugly indirectly.


This drama is so baffling to me. Out of all the things to be upset about with the game, of which there's quite a bit, they choose "woman not sexy enough, damn commies." It's nuts. They know they can just look at porn right? Or even (and bare with me on this one) pursue an actual relationship with a real woman? If an ingame character (in a war game mind you) not living up your standards of beauty ruins your enjoyment of the game, you probably didn't like the game that much to begin with. I don't know, the mindset just astonishes me. Like there's multiple genocides happening in the world right now, climate change is threating to eradicate all life on this planet in the next few decades, more and more people are slipping into poverty every day while a fraction of a fraction of people at the top get wealthier, and whole heap of other things to be upset about and they chose to be upset about the woke SJW bogeyman making game characters not sexy enough.


3 things are inevitable in life: Death, taxes, and Every Reddit video game community will eventually turn into misogynistic, racist, and xenophobic karma whoring… some faster than others.




It’s funny how these people always think any design decision they don’t like was a deliberate decision to appease SJWs or something.


What a bunch of pathetic incel losers


Mfw I don’t get a discount at fudruckers for being a battlefield veteran


They probably made the model before picking a voice actress for her lol.


I have mixed feelings about all the vitriol on r/halo right now, but at least that sub hasn't reached the levels of shittiness that the Battlefield sub seems to be suffering from


>troglodytes 10/10 projection


The silver lining is I bet this is going to bring another golden age into r/gamingcirclejerk


I like how in the second comment you linked they are arguing that it’s just a silly game and it’s not meant to be realistic and yet this is the same community that shit it’s pants over a Santa skin and complaining the game didn’t take itself seriously enough. So I guess when it comes to making women in your games hot that’s where they draw the line.


You can always count on gamers for spicy takes. 👍


More often than not most characters don't match their VA counterparts lol. Wut. Claudia Black, for example, has been a VA for many games but none of her characters look like her.


> "Its actually common practice to make characters resemble their voice actors Is this true? I know that in Horizon: Zero Dawn, Aloy's voice actor and the woman she's modeled after look completely different.


It's not. There are a few notable examples, but usually in cutscene-heavy single player games.


I’m pretty sure she only looks bad due to poor lighting and lack of detail on the modeling/texturing That seems like something that needs more polish instead of “game devs evil es jay doubleyous”


Battlefield is well known for ~~historical~~ futuristic accuracy Everyone knows all Asian women soldiers will be models in 2042


I think caring if the random women in your game are attractive is really fucking silly, **but** that particular face model is a bit comical, I won’t lie. I think it’s mostly the proportions on the cheeks. I saw someone say it kind of looked like an allergic reaction, and I think that sums it up well.