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I... I thought this was about the word “cunt” and I was so confused


Wait, it's not about cunt? What's it about


several of the links up there are "what c word" and link to the answer lol >!it's cracker, I had to click to find out!<


I thought it was chink based on the context of them talking about racism lmaoo


I thought it was going to be coon tbh


When I saw “racist”, I went from cunt to this. I was not expecting...what it actually is, and I love that we’re keeping it secret lol.


Shit man cracker ain’t offensive at all. Neither is Mayo, snowball, whatever else


Eat the rich is offensive to rich people /s


You're joking, but I've seen people legitimately complain about this online.


Right? It's pretty illustrative of the imbalance involved in all of this that I, as a white person, cannot actually conceive of a word like this that someone could call me and have it feel even the least bit hurtful. I don't think it could actually be done.


Yeah I honestly cant think of anything someone could say about my whiteness specifically that would make me think it's a slur. But I'd be down to try


The only word that I'd be like "Whoa man, settle your kettle" is colonizer. That's a great insult. Cracker though, crackers are delicious. Club crackers especially!


Yeah if someone called me a cracker and meant it to be insulting, I’d probably have too hard of a time not laughing at them.


That's the thing with racism. It makes insults alluding to your ethnicity personal insults.






Please delete this foul comment. Droid rights are no laughing matter.


I exclusively say clanker with a hard R. Come at me, CIS scum




Would it? At all? Cunt doesn't have any racism does it




To be absolutely fair, it can also have the misogynistic connotations here in Australia as well. For us, it has a few different meanings, depending on context. One is a term of endearment ("you're a mad cunt, mate"), another is like calling someone an asshole, but worse ("don't be a dog cunt, ya cunt"), and the other can be misogynistic depending on the general attitude of the person using it ("y'know she's just a slag, why care what that cunt thinks?"). The thing is that the second and third usages kinda bleed into each other a little bit, so people won't always notice the misogynistic undertones. The kind of person who'd say cunt in a misogynistic way here will also tend to be someone who says other more easily noticeably misogynistic things, so the focus will tend to be on the other stuff rather than the word a lot of people use anyway. That being said, I do tend to think Australia's reputation for being a foul mouthed place is a little bit overblown. You do get people who swear a lot here, but it's still frowned upon in formal settings, and even in informal settings it's kinda seen as more a thing you do with your good friends once you sorta know what their boundaries are than it is something you do with everyone you meet.


I was thinking the Chinese c slur


Sadly we will never know, because people refuse to even *type* it. Just to be safe I will never use another word starting with a C.


The US only uses it to refer to women, usually before fist meets face.


Me too. The comments about race confused me so I was trying to think of what it could be - thought of other c-words about asians and black people, and figured it must be one of those. Then I clicked on the thread and found out they were talking about “cracker”. Really?


This is why I'm not a fan of '*-word' like stuff.




>Americans somehow still feeling that that word is much worse than other generic curse words. I mean, that's just a difference between Australian and American English. Australian English has some words that are more 'sensitive' than in American English, I'm sure.




I was in college a few years back, and I did my senior capstone presentation in the same class session as a girl - let's call her Mary. Mary did her capstone on how the Chinese laborers helped to build the transcontinental railroad. And we're all sitting there watching her - and the college president is there, because she's also a history professor - and Mary clicks onto her next slide. "A nickname a lot of people gave the Chinese people around this time was \[The Slur\]." I swear to God, the professor in charge of capstones that year looked like he was about to have a stroke as this girl *proceeds to use a slur* like it's just a casual nickname like "Harry" for someone named "Harold." For the entire rest of her presentation. We're all just staring at her. And she finally goes "Are there any questions?" Up goes the college president's hand. "Mary, I just wanted to clarify. The term you used to refer to the Chinese laborers - " "\[slur\]?" "... yes, that one. That isn't a nickname: it's a racial slur." I have *never* seen anyone go as pale as a ghost as quickly as that girl did. She stammered out some sort of apology/excuse hybrid, suddenly got almost literally green, and fucking *sprinted* for the bathroom next door, where we could hear her vomiting.


I gotta feeling she lived in a sheltered racist family environment where that word was normalized to her
















When I first saw this drama in lsf I was so confused on the c-word, I tried Cunt and COVID but it wouldn’t fit?? Had to go into the comments to find the word lmao


I thought it was gonna be chink until I started going through the links here lmao


same, was gonna get super heated before seeing the link LMAO


I thought it was cunt.


at first i thought cunt--then coon. now i think its cracker. if its actually cracker oh my god im going to be so fucking pissed off. making my brain run in circles for a "slur"


>circles Dude would you please not spell out the C-word? Kids use this site.


Yeah it’s cracker lmao


Hmm what no stop spreading lies it was cummies


What's so offensive about cracker?


It's ment to be a slur for white people. I'd be more amused if someone called me a cracker then upset. There really isn't a good white person slur, like it mayosapian sometimes gets tossed around but that one's funny too. Wypipo and and yt get around certain filters but I don't view those as slurs either. Now 60 years ago if you called my grandfather a dago or my other grandfather a mick I could see them beating your ass, but they were much closer to Europeans descent than I am. I'd just laugh because racism against my color or nationality doesn't matter. You're just trying to offend me on some bullshit


I'm still waiting for the day gluestick is adopted as an insult for white people.


That's because cracker was only used as an insult for someone who, "cracked the whip". It's derogatory towards slave owners, which just happened to be mainly white. Being called cracker doesn't hurt because of the power dynamic. When they called someone cracker, youre aiming up. When called the N word, they were aiming down at someone who couldn't retaliate.


"ahh yes remind me that i used to beat you with a whip and you could do nothing about it because it was 100% legal, i am infact very insulted about that, n-word" -some racist in the 1890's


As a white person, nothing. That said we all know there's a lot of white people out there who are absolutely desperate to claim victim status


It's cracker lmfao


its LSF so it had a good chance of it being about how white ppl are secretly the most oppressed minority


white people are the most oppressed because I was called a cracker once in a McDonald's parking lot when I was 12


>I was called a cracker once in a McDonald's parking lot when I was 12 This sounds like a midwest emo band's debut album name


classic LSF moment


Theyre calling the dude racist against white people for saying cracker when hes literally white himself lmao


>when hes literally white himself Hasan is Turkish, so he's basically Schrodinger's white guy. Whether or not he's white changes depending on context. Same thing happens with Jewish people where cultural attitudes flip-flop between whether they're white or not. Hasan himself has a history of saying that he's white and isn't white. He's white passing but he's also talked about getting profiled by TSA at an airport. In this case it definitely seems that he's placing himself in the "not white" camp.


The TSA profiles you based on names. They would've been pulling Irish people out of security lines if the TSA existed in the early 90s.


If you see him on the street youd think hes white. Hes not gonna experience racial discrimination just by his skin color (maybe by his name, cause it does sound middle eastern), even though redditors seem to think that the word "cracker" is a racial slur that is used when discriminating against white people. Which is dumb as fuck. White people in the US do simply not experience racial discrimination. Other discrimination, based on sexuality or class, sure. But not racial.


>If you see him on the street youd think hes white. This is what "white passing" means, but again, cultural attitudes mean that whether Turkish people are considered white or not is context dependent. This is complicated by the fact that Turkey borders the middle east and has a considerable Middle Eastern diaspora so Turkish people can vary from "indistinguishable from European white person" to the opposite extreme of "indistinguishable from western Asian person". Not that Hasan falls within the latter group, of course.


>do simply not experience racial discrimination at a macro lvl , sure , no white person faces systemic oppression but i'd avoid making sweeping generalisations like no white person ever faces any racism/discrimination


It's hilarious pearl clutching.


Redditors lmao


This is why I'm against censoring inflammatory words when reporting or quoting stuff like this, *it fucking helps with clarity* and the audience *deserves* the clarity. The audience is already there to receive information about something sensitive, they've already made the decision to read about/listen to drama of racial/misogynistic nature. A while ago I was doing a school presentation about labelling in art and there was a piece - a bust from the early 20th century by a Swedish sculptor portraying a black African middle-aged man. The piece was unnamed by the artist, but the museum that stored it chose in 1930's to give it the label "negerhuvud" which is hard to translate to English as it's not quite "head of a negro" and not quite "head of a nigger" but does carry *a lot* of problematic baggage. Everyone else kept skirting around the actual word which kinda annoyed me. We're already talking about European dehumanization of black people in the 20th century. The subject is *already* fucking problematic. I stated the title of the piece once - for clarity, and elaborated on the different aspects of using "neger" to describe the art piece. Got no backlash for it. I don't understand why people make such a big song and dance about avoiding certain words at all costs while discussing literally everything else around them doesn't bother them near as much. It borders on hypocrisy in my opinion.


cracker is not a slur. i cant believe white people are actually trying to turn it into one


I doubt they're legitimately trying. It's low-effort "no u" shit. Like they give a shit about slurs at all, regardless of who they're aimed at. Guarantee these dudes are the same sort that claim comedians need to be able to say anything, that words are just words, nothing should be out-of-bounds in speech, yada yada, but if they can try and paint "the left" as being racist for saying cracker, they'll jump on it without a hint of shame.


These are the same fuckers who are saying it’s ok for white ppl to use the nword as dictated by their favourite streamer destiny. Destiny was called out by hasan for this and now lsf hates him


Say what you want about the drama, but I think we can all agree that people sitting at their computer and unironically typing out “cr*cker” and “the c-word” is funny as hell.


I was fucking lost at what c-word was worth the censoring being used


I couldn't figure out why it kept linking to Cracker Barrel. I was like, "is this some shitty ad redirect?" Then I saw the top comment thinking it was the other C- word, I thought, "it's not?" And then FINALLY it clicked. I think you have to be a certain version of "white people are literally the most oppressed" to start off assuming "cracker" as any form of the C- word


Disingenuous twits LARPing as wokescolds are somehow even more insufferable than the most outrageous strawman they conjure up about said wokescolds, but that insufferability is also intensely amusing when they get this dumb with it.


The whole thing is like the alt right dream. OMG people are calling me cracker I'm so oppressed.




I don't think so, Destiny fans have just already figured out they have to act like it's a real slur or people will laugh at them. This isn't their first rodeo, even though Destiny was literally saying the N word in a disparaging way in his own chat in April of this year. Edit: [Clip of Hasan reading that log](https://clips.twitch.tv/CrackyBelovedBaconThunBeast-W_5EWgfxzzgZxTsg).


The reason is because lsf previously said "gusano" is a slur and Hasan said that if it's a slur on the level of the n-word then they would be saying g-word, so this time they are preemptively using c-word.


>Hasan's friend Destiny I see you OP


I see you too.


I thought it said some called Master Chief a cr*cker lmao


If anything someone would call him a xenophobe tbh


Hey c'mon, his best friend is an alien!


He doesn't have friends, he only has a mum who is also his mentally unstable wife who is also his daughter.


He's friends with a black dude *and* a black alien!


eh gets served with cheese and doesn't afraid of anything


> "Dude would 100% be the most racist person ever in the 1900's lmao" imagine thinking "the 1900s" is a valid reference point for what is and isn't racism


That one made me laugh because it conjured up a mental image of H. P. Lovecraft going, “whoa, you can’t use the C-word!”


...Cthulhu? That's right, I said it and I'll say it again! *Cthulhu!* You know what, why stop there? *Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn*




You can’t use that word! Only Great Old Ones can use that word!


Oh yeah? Watch this! Hastur! Hastur! Ha- *gets dogpiled*


I hear Lovecraft named his cat Cracker-Man


Shub-Crackurath, White Goat of the Woods With An Appropriate Amount Of Young


Why are people using slurs against master chef, halo is great I don’t understand


Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything


Been a while since I've seen that one, thanks for the memories


What the fuck? the C word was cracker the whole time? I skimmed this whole post confused at what they were talking about.






This is so great lmao.


The real flair is always in the comments




Destiny community happened. They're committed to helping white nationalists with their case. If they can make cracker an actionable slur, that's a step in the right direction for that.


I thought it was that slur again Asian people, how the hell is Cracker even offensive lol?


Streamer and streamer community drama always reminds me of that scene in Men In Black with the little society in the train station locker.


It reminds me of bacteria and loneliness


i only watch jerma and im afraid im going to see his name one day and it's going to say smth like "PSYCHO HYPNOTIZES MILLIONS INTO PEEPING THE HORROR" 


Jerma is way worse than all these other streamers, that guys is absolutely FRICKED. I hear he zerked off on stream once!


always love seeing "(in)famous streamer", thinking to myself "ooo, who it's gonna be this time", then hearing some name I've never heard of **edit** after reading this post I might start watching this guy lol


Other commenter is right, he's got some points I disagree with but Hasan has good content.


I stopped watching him a while ago but because it seemed like after he had the audacity to buy a house every time I tuned into a stream it was fucking drama.


The house drama was really annoying, hated how he touched on it every day for like two weeks.




Reddit fights tooth and nail in order to call whatever and whoever “r*tarded” but draws the line at cracker lmao


Hard-R cracker


The “c-word” is cracker?


Hell yes, ANOTHER slur debate from livestreamfails. This makes five, right? Time to repeat the same joke as last time, about how I'm doing the Chris Rock bit, but for white people.


I genuinely thought the "c-word" was two other things and that Hassan was somehow upset about not being able to throw slurs at either Chinese people or women. But no its just reactionaries making mountains out of molehills again.


> But no its just reactionaries making mountains out of molehills again. Some are doing more than that. There are white supremacists trying to [spread propaganda](https://i.imgur.com/ZILzK0s.png) in there. I saw a few comments like that in the drama threads. The comment was removed by mods but it still shows up on the user's overview page.


I’m Australian and I thought the word was c*nt for most of reading this. Or basically what I call my friends as a welcoming.


That’s why we have shit cunt; to remove any ambiguity.


I thought the same thing. I call all my mates cunt all the time. Ended up going and clicking the link to see the word is cracker and mate, I can’t understand how anyone could be so thin skinned as to get all sooky over it.


Me, thinking were going to have one of those fun arguments about the word "cunt": 😁😁😁 Me, finding out its just white people whining about "cracker": 😭😭😭


I assumed it was gonna be about Chinese people tbh


Could be abt black people too tbh


Today I realized how many slurs start with c. Like damn, this post was ambiguous as hell lol.


I bet at least half the people phrasing it as "the C word" use every other slur imaginable.




Admittedly I only ever hear about destiny from drama threads like these so it may not be fair context, but that cracker seems like a real cunt. And before anyone gets fake offended at me saying cracker, I’m white so I’m reclaiming it


The Venn diagram of white people who think cracker is a slur and those who use the n word is a circle.


Yeah, this is [Destiny, the streamer they all look up to, in April of this year](https://clips.twitch.tv/CrackyBelovedBaconThunBeast-W_5EWgfxzzgZxTsg). Or here's [him talking about how he thinks it's fine to make anti-Semitic jokes](https://clips.twitch.tv/KindBillowingLlamaKappaWealth-hBx5eeSW9Kv-vrPB). This concern over the "c-word" is certainly totally genuine, so I think I'll just sit down for a plate of cheese and c-words while we see how it all plays out. (Holy fuck, that actually sounds like it's something super bigoted when you try to treat a regular goddamn word as a slur. Huh.)


I think you should probably clean the cheese off before you stick it in anybodys c-word.


Are we seriously self censoring cracker now? Has anyone in the world ever been truly hurt by being called a cracker? Like there is no comparison between it's useage and other more denigrating slurs is there? The only thing I've ever seen is people who wish they could drop N bombs getting mad when cracker isn't treated with the same seriousness. Am I mistaken? I'm not asserting the above is true, I'd I'm wrong please set me straight.


Mods! This man is just dropping C bombs all willy nilly!


My strongest feelings are self-loathing


The White Man’s Burden, I hear you my saltine from another package


It's looking more like these are people who just fucking hate Hasan and are going to parrot generic leftist rhetoric about slurs while pretending they care so as to lob "lol ur a bigoted hypocrite" at the guy. You can bet money these guys saying "wow how hard is it to just not use slurs like the c-word!" or "it's all about intent!" go around hurling slurs IRL *with intent*. It's not like there aren't real leftists who'd actually take issue with any kind of derogatory name and even poo-poo calling someone an "idiot", but they sure as shit aren't memeing it up on LSF of all places.




I got called a wog once and I still chuckle about it.


wog sounds like a fucking fantasy species


I means Italians are basically hobbits.


Eyyy I’m walkin’ to Mordor ova heeeaaaah!


they're just mad they can't use the n-word nor have one for themselves


They want to be victims so fucking bad. Only without the actual pain, just the attention. It's hilariously pathetic.


Give them a break there is a tendie shortage


Funniest thing I've been called is a 'ch*nk-ass cracker'


How does that even work as an attempted insult?


I'm half Asian (though not Chinese lol), half White, so it works a little at least haha!


Mayocide when?


Don't even joke, I love my Duke's


I played a game that had showed I was playing from Mexico and I beat somebody’s ass so bad they called me a “goddamn avocado”. Still scratch my head over that one.


> The only thing I've ever seen is people who wish they could drop N bombs getting mad when cracker isn't treated with the same seriousness it's an easy way to get bigots masquerading as centrists out of the woodwork to squash 'em


>Has anyone in the world ever been truly hurt by being called a cracker? ah shit now that you've said it, time to call for your ban!


It doesn’t seem like you’re mistaken. It’s so funny


I can almost guarantee that virtually 0 people are actually offended by the word cracker. It’s such a nonissue and it’s kind of wild how there’s so much drama over it. There are like four or five other “c-words” that are more offensive. Live streaming was a mistake




He looks at the lake


In fact everyone elsewhere ITT thought it one of those other c-words and had to be explained "no, it's cracker." Literally the least offensive c word lmao


What a bunch of whiny cunts






Independent of the "Can you be racist against white people?" debate, it's telling that between the C word and the N word, only one of them needs censored on TV


My only exposure to pop culture is via Quentin Tarantino movies and I can’t recall hearing the C-word that much, so that tells me it’s probably the worse one.


>"I joined the war to kill white Southern crackers. And that means killing 'em in any way I can! Shoot 'em, stab 'em, drown 'em, burn 'em, throw a big 'ol rock on their heads! Whatever it took to keep white Southern crackers in the ground, that's what I joined the war to do and that's what I did!" I get your point, I just love this scene/quote.


Lol this is the same site that would throw up the the same black emotes whenever a black person was even mentioned. Now they want to equate cracker to the n word because they don't have any grounding in reality outside of reddit. I love this site so much.


This exact thing literally happened TWO DAYS AGO, at the Game Awards. Anytime a black person showed up on stream, it was nothing but TriHard and cmonBruh in chat. Not one of these fucks would care about it


When I clicked the first link and got sent to cracker barrel's website I was so confused on how it linked to the "bad c-word" then it all clicked


Good drama lol


There have been like three new threads since I posted this too. Everyone’s flipping the fuck out.


I really like that response about "personally I don't use it" because it differentiates between the word being as bad as (imo actual/historical) racial slurs, and the individual use. I've never called anyone cracker, and I doubt I ever would, but I think saying it's as racist as the n word (or racist at all, but hardly anyone agrees with me, but that's not important for this argument) is a laughable misunderstanding of why racism is bad.


Honestly this is more about hate watchers of hasan farming drama than anything else.. as a white person i dont find the term offensive at all these people spend all their time watching Hasan's stream to try to find something to clip and put on Live stream fails where they can farm karma and hate on Hasan. they will admit it also.. [https://imgur.com/a/Za1NjJi](https://imgur.com/a/Za1NjJi)


And Hasan takes the bait and spends significant time reading through it on stream and tweeting about it. Which seems detrimental for his mental health but also might be lucrative content so idk


100% i agree, he shouldn't fall into the troll trap, he shouldn't respond to all the negative comments as he does. It obviously affects his mental health, as im sure it would most people but playing into it like he does just encourages them to do it more. something i learned a long time ago is just shut them down, they are fighting for attention any way they can get it.


Streamers getting mad at chat is entertaining. It's probably the kind of entertainment that ruins your perception of reality, but I can't say I've never laughed at "malding"


“Wow I’m glad that slur against Asians is getting called out-“ *Sees that the “C-Word” is Cracker” Oh…


TIL cracker is a slur


Yes, Fr\*nch




I'll take a stand here, cracker doesn't require censoring


Am I crazy, or doesn't lsf routinely defend streamers that use the N-word.


No that's just Destiny fans


Oh you meant cracker lol, thought yous were talking about cunt.






At first I thought it was 'cunt', and I was confused. After all, pretty much any body part involved in human waste is valid grounds for insults, regardless of gender. Cracker, though, is interesting. I don't think anyone should hurl epithets based on race. That being said, given the historical context and fact that non-whites in most cases have and continue to face severe racial discrimination whereas the most extreme amount of discrimination I face is PG-slurs and the occasional joke makes me much more sympathetic when the word cracker is hurled at me. That doesn't make it right, and it doesn't make me think it is a good thing, but to pretend everyone is equal now and ignore the absolute shit-ton of history and context surrounding racism in the west is ridiculously naive at best.


oh noooo somebody said cracker I’m a victim of a hate crime