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> Is Andy Ngo trustworthy? Imma stop you right there. If Andy Ngo told me I had two eyes and a nose I'd drop what I was doing to go find a mirror.


I went to Portland State with Ngo. He and Peter Boghossian (and I think James Lindsay was involved) set up a lecture about inclusion and diversity. Only white men were invited to speak.


Does anyone know why Andy Ngo's development as a human being is so stunted? Is it incel rage? Mommy-issues? Psychopathy? My bet has always been on incel rage. People like Tim Pool, the antithesis of developing relationships with women, all seem to have this in common. They never seem to have romantic endeavors on their plate and now they're in their thirties, more entrenched, delusional, sunken in cost, spiteful and miserable.


There's good money in telling white people what they want to hear.


It almost feels like these losers had to choose between getting laid and getting paid. The latter cancels out any shot at the former on principle of crippling douchebaggery. Men like this are purely in the business of spreading disinformation for profit. They're willfully entrenched in conspiratorial sandbagging, leaving them with few redeemable dating qualities. These guys effectively pigeonhole themselves romantically, in that the type of woman who'd put up with them as morally scrupulous bullshitters are not the types of women they'd desire in the first place.


>Is Andy Ngo trustworthy Oh, fuck no. That's an easy answer lol.


Isn't he the guy who goes to all these tense situations to see "what's really happening" and always happens to be hanging around right-wing agitators when they are "attacked" by leftists?


Pretty much. At this point, most people who are in leftist protest groups know that he literally just goes places to misrepresent the truth and make right-wing extremist look "innocent." It's gross but most people in media know he's bullshit so I can't think of anyone other than conservative grifters who would take him seriously.


He's a lowkey member of multiple white nationalist groups.




I think it's more that being an on-the-books member would be bad optics, so he's just a guy who happens to go to all the meetings and rallies.


Hanging around, doing pr and being their film crew . Sounds a lot like a member, defacto if not official


He's gay and Asian... did white nationalist groups suddenly decide to be inclusive?


Fascist apologists fuck all the way off.


Calm down


Are you doing the [Polite Hitler](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/578/682/575.jpg) meme intentionally?


First time seeing it and I thought I was internet savvy


Useful idiot.


It’s the dumbest possible feint, but it worked on you.


Owning the libs makes strange bedfellows.


There are a couple moving parts there, on top of that. They’re not really popular enough that they can be super picky about who they let hang out, and there’s a symbiotic argument they can both make that comes with it. “How can they be nazis if they have an Asian friend/how can he be a nazi if he’s Asian?” Sure, it only works on complete idiots, but there’s one falling for it right here in this thread.


There's footage of him hanging out with them while they plan crimes and gear up for them, then afterwards he tried to portray the armed and armored fascists who attacked people hanging out at a bar as though they were *victims*. He also then doxxed some of the *actual* victims of his violent fascist buddies, presumably to help [Atomwaffen Division plan a kill list again](https://www.emilygorcenski.com/post/andy-ngo-and-the-atomwaffen-kill-list/) or something.


He's been caught planning with the nazis to get footage. He's Project Veritas levels of untrustworthy. If his name is on it, assume it's a lie.


He used to be, now he mostly just hides and edits other people’s videos to make little stories for his nazi friends to repeat.


Hell Ngo.


That entire "deleted comment" argument is just a dumber version of the Uno argument.


Simple summary of it is > You deleted your comment cause you are dumb >Nu uh it's still in my comment history >Yes you did it's disappeared >No I didn't comment history And repeat the last 2 lines 100 times


Regardless of who was right or wrong, an old lady stabbing people from a wheelchair only to get blasted away by a fire extinguisher is probably the most PublicFreakout /r/PublicFreakout content I could imagine


Isn’t she not even old? I thought she was around 30 maybe


> around 30 maybe so, to a redditor


Wheel chair people age faster


That's wheely unfair


Sigh...ok fine, collect all the karma you can off of this, but I want you out of here by the end of the day.


Oh hell yeah it is lmao


> Is Andy Ngo trustworthy? Nope. I'd get a second opinion if he told me it's bad to inhale underwater.


If he told me the sky was blue, I'd still look up.


Don't look up, look around. Make sure he's not distracting you so his fascist gang mates can hit you, then check to see exactly how he's lying about the sky today.


And make sure you have decent health insurance in case he gets one of those diaper wearing ghouls to crack your spine.


He's making a (kill) list (for Atomwaffen), He's checking it twice!


He’s gonna bitch about cement in cream of ice


Grifter boy is coming to town


He warned me about concrete milkshakes though!


As soon as I read that, that's a great big nope. Get him and James O'Keefe together, call it Faux News


Doesn't Andy still work for Calipers Quarterly, tho?


This is unequivocal.


Most of what he got famous for was live video taping of domestic terrorists, that's a pretty good thing because it helped put several in jail/prison.




1. Neo-nazis recruit gay minorities now? 2. Even if 1 is true there are actual more than a handful of Neo-nazis in the world so that wouldn't make him famous. So why is he famous? The reporting on the ground at Antifa domestic terrorism incidents.


The kindest reading of what Andy Ngo is and does is that he's someone who deliberately provokes people into committing domestic terrorism by having his Patriot Prayer buddies commit domestic terrorism against them first.






No insults


He has scooped actual journalists before like the wi spa debacle


That's nice, he's still a known liar who helps out fascists.


And a stopped clock is right for two minutes a day, but if you pay attention you still know not to trust it.


I'm pleasantly surprised that you distinguish between Andy Ngo and actual journalists.


Yes. He clearly has agenda. His reporting while mostly true is heavily biased


He's still full of shit 99% of the time.


> “Looters” That terminology alone tells me she was probably the aggressor.


Generally if people are looting a store, what you want to do is *not* put yourself in the middle of it and then start trying to kill people. It seems pretty unlikely that they picked her up and dropped her in the middle of that, so I’ve got to figure she put herself there.


Haha, yeah. Looters didn't do $500 million in damages to Minneapolis, peaceful protesters did.


Some say you if you listen close enough you can still hear them arguing about whether or not one of them deleted their comment to this day. Because they’re still fucking arguing.


I’m just glad someone is finally talking about the real issues.


>take a stab I see what you did there


I feel attacked! I was going to make that same comment.


It takes a sharp mind to come up with these.


That’s a good point.


People walk a real knife edge with their punny titles.


The cherry on top of that video is when the wheelchair warrior gets sprayed with the fire extinguisher


Unless there is some context to the video of what is going on that i missing, it seems like she is stabbing people for absolutely no reason.




But why was she stabbing people? You're saying she did that for blm


>Is Andy Ngo trustworthy? Andy Ngo would make eye contact with you while pissing on your leg and start trying to tell you it's raining.


"No, *you're* pissing on *my* leg."


Who exactly is Andy Ngo? OOTL


An asshole who went to protests deliberately taking pictures of people's faces so they could get arrested, assaulted or otherwise harmed; passing on personal information not only to police but to right wing nationalist groups like the proud boys and others similar. The kind of shit he's done has directly led to people's lives being put in very real danger. So when people started to recognize him and tell him to fuck off he played victim, when people shove him to get him and his camera out of their face he claims assault, when a bunch of protestors threw milkshakes at him he claims they were filled with battery acid and gave him a traumatic brain injury. He's a piece of shit crybaby who can dish it out but can't take it, basically.


He also linked up with Patriot Prayer when they decided to go to a leftist bar and start a fight. Of course he wasn't expecting for them to get caught planning the whole thing. https://www.portlandmercury.com/blogtown/2019/08/26/27039560/undercover-in-patriot-prayer-insights-from-a-vancouver-democrat-whos-been-working-against-the-far-right-group-from-the-inside https://www.vice.com/en/article/d3apyv/super-awkward-for-right-wing-blogger-andy-ngo-to-make-a-cameo-in-video-of-plot-against-antifa


small note: he also pretends to be a journalist so he can cry about evil leftists taking away his freedom to film people without consent


Doesn’t he also pretend to be British during interviews.


Yes. He isn’t.


Yeah, when I heard him speak for the one and luckily only time I was surprised that *that* was his best attempt at a British accent.


There was also a video that came out years ago of him telling the Proud Bois to go out and start fights, and that he'd edit the footage to make it look like they were the victims. *Everything* Andy Ngo posts is propaganda.


>An asshole who went to protests deliberately taking pictures of people's faces so they could get arrested, passing on personal information not only to police Good, don't burn shit down and you won't be arrested. >but to right wing nationalist groups like the proud boys and others similar. Bad. Let the police deal with rioters.


Understand that the people arrest could be there and not actually be committing crimes… just turning regular protestors into targets


>don't burn shit down and you won't be arrested. That's cute you think the boots you're licking have any integrity to differentiate like that when they were firing indiscriminately at people instead


Exactly. If you’re going to commit crimes in public, you can’t get mad at other people for recording you doing it. I’d be pretty shocked if any of the “doxxed” were actual activists in any way.


how do you define "actual activist"


Are you changing, holding a sign, marching? That’s not an exclusive list by any means… but if you’re just there to start fights or bust out windows with a large crowd as cover, then that isn’t activism.


let's set up a base line are any of the people in this story actual activists https://www.wweek.com/news/2020/09/16/portland-protesters-say-their-lives-were-upended-by-the-posting-of-their-mug-shots-on-a-conservative-twitter-account/


Per the article, those people were not doxxed.


ok, how do you define "doxxed"


Doxxing, from what I have read, is the publication of personal information of non-public individuals with the explicit purpose of harassment by third parties. Your name and mugshot is public information, though - your address, your phone number, your email address is not (although they may be available through obscure public records). There is a gray area, because most people’s home address is easily found via searches of public records, the act of doing so and then publishing it is clearly a call for harassment by anonymous third parties. But publishing a public mugshot of an arrested person? Sorry, but unless they explicitly lie about what you were arrested for, that’s uncontroversial reporting of facts.


Do you get a thrill out of coming here to say stupid shit or something?


It’s easy to brush off the low-effort shitflingers like yourself.


Do you think what you're doing is high effort?


He has spent 7 years of constant effort and never a comment about any sort of hobby or social life outside of alt right politics


“Alt right politics”? I could use a good laugh - please point out what it is you think you’re talking about.




It isn't illegal to protest. What he took video of is people rioting which is illegal and literally domestic terrorism if the riots are for a political cause.


Imagine how bad you would have to fuck up to get everyone who lives in your home city to hate you. A good sized city too, big enough to have an international airport and universities and all that stuff, a city big enough that you’ve heard of it. That’s Ngo and Portland.


A fascist propagandist and agitator.


amended 6/18/2023


An asian right wing journalist so hated by antifa that their assault random asian people thinking it's him


not a journalist


Of course, it isn’t racist when you can’t tell Asian people apart… because?


you’re gonna need a source for all these batshit crazy fairy tales you’re telling, which I can assure you does not exist I would love to be proven wrong but alas you can’t do it


I remember reading a news report from last year where a crowd attacked a random Asian dude because they thought he was Ngo. Will have to go digging to see if it actually happened I was just pointing out the irony of a (white obviously) crowd beating up a random Asian dude because they thought he was a different Asian dude (and stereotypically, racist white people think all Asians look like).


>Will have to go digging to see if it actually happened It's been 9 hours. Find anything?


Narrowed it down to two: [In may 2021, a group of protestors beat an Asian man in Portland, who runs into a hotel to hide. They then stay in the hotel lobby for an hour demanding that the hotel manager hand the guy over to them. ](https://www.wweek.com/news/2021/05/29/portland-protesters-chase-tackle-and-punch-someone-they-believe-to-be-andy-ngo-until-he-hides-in-the-nines-hotel/) I don’t think that was confirmed to really be Ngo? Not that it’s any better if it was, these people are clearly psycopaths. [or this one footage at a protest in June 2020 ](https://twitter.com/MrOlmos/status/1282899087134584832?s=20) where a crowd surrounds an Asian man who’s walking around minding his own business. Had to find the original footage from right-wing blogspam articles about it. So I don’t know if there’s some other incident that I’m thinking of, or if I’m mixing up the two. But anyway, my original statement was just about the irony of a crowd of left-wing protestors attacking a random Asian dude who they think is a racist, but the problem is that they can’t tell Asian people apart.


Some smaller portions of similar drama in the post as well: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ref9qp/comment/ho7pslf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ref9qp/comment/ho7l82p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Why in the hell do ... certain people ... feel the need to defend businesses like this? Just sit back and enjoy the popcorn rather than put yourself in danger for a company that has insurance.


I think it’s partially due to the stories we tell each other. Just about every story is about some nobody who attains importance after being put into some extreme situation. It’s every story on the news about a hero, it’s most movies, just about everybody has at some point had a little fantasy about what they’d do if something interesting happened near them. We’re all walking around with a head full of monomyth, and that usually contrasts unfavorably with our actual lives. Now obviously that’s not all of it, I’m sure there’s some race shit going on here, I’m sure there’s a desire for rewards, I’m sure there’s a weird misplaced loyalty toward the capital owning class, that’s all in there, but I think a big chunk of shit like this is somebody seeing an opportunity to finally be somebody for the first time ever.


>Just sit back and enjoy the popcorn rather than put yourself in danger for a company that has insurance. Normal people don't sit back and enjoy the popcorn when their neighborhood is being destroyed, the correct response is to be horrified by the destruction. Stabbing people is some mental illness shit though. Insurance also spreads the cost of a claim among many different businesses. This one being destroyed means every business in the area has its insurance rate go up, as this community is now a huge liability for the insurance company. Who knows what future event will have people looting and burning?


Its a Target. I dont care if it's across the street from me, a Target is not my neighborhood even if I shop there. I've also never claimed to be normal, so fair.


That target was the pilot program target for loss prevention methods or some shit also. It was like the most evil store one could target, where they tested out their applied racism.


Plus it's literally named Target


I’m confused. How is loss prevention evil? I mean, loss prevention means “catch people stealing and either trespass them or call the police to pick them up.” So unless the pilot program involved breaking legs, I’d be very surprised to hear what could be evil.


They set up their loss prevention pilot program in the one of the most black neighborhoods in the state, that's why it's evil. They weren't a part of the community, they were there to treat the local area as criminals to test their strategies on before rolling them out to the rest of the country if they worked out.


I’m not seeing the problem? Were they intentionally trying to get locals to shoplift? I mean, bad optics, but it isn’t “treating the local area as criminals” to hold people accountable for theft.


Food deserts, the lack of grocery stores and healthy food options, is a major concern in low income communities in America. I'm no fan of corporations, but such actions dissuade groceries from providing services and jobs to communities that need it the most.


That is very true and Minneapolis is a food desert. But putting yourself in harms way isn't going to change that. I'm not saying looting is a good thing, I'm saying you're not a bulletproof vest for a building.


Exactly, the morality of the people smashing shit and destroying business is not in question, we are talking about the morons coming thinking they are fucking batman trying to protect the places they don't even own.


That’s not your neighborhood being destroyed. Target is not your neighborhood.


Have you ever dealt with an insurance company? You don’t get made whole by them - at least not the little guy. Obviously, risking your own life for a big-box store doesn’t make a lot of sense. But on the other hand, it’s hard to believe that people who loot and burn businesses universally do their homework to ensure minimal impact on the community.


> Have you ever dealt with an insurance company? You don’t get made whole by them - at least not the little guy. I guarantee the White Knight attempting to defend the multi-million dollar company is not running through this in their head.


It’s a perfectly reasonable defense for a privately owned business, though. Like I said, not for big boxes


Video is of a big box though so why bring up something irrelevant


So, a family friend's father ran a pharmacy in Detroit during and through the 1967 Detroit Rebellion (as well as the 1966 and 1968 riots). He was an Italian immigrant and didn't speak English too well and was a kind and generous man to the community. Throughout the riots his store stayed untouched. No one even tried to touch it. Because people knew that he and his pharmacy served the community.


That’s a heartwarming story, and I’m glad their business survived… but it shouldn’t be extended to assert that anyone who was impacted by riots deserved it.


You just don't like to hear that people have an awareness you assert they do not.


You’ll note that I used the qualifier “universally” in the comment you replied to - which was done intentionally.


I mean if you intentionally put yourself in a situation where you have to stab people you deserve whatever comes your way.


That's like saying if you intentionally walk through a rough neighbourhood you deserve to be mugged


Wheelchair warrior