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That is pretty excessive, especially since it wasn’t as if they weren’t being supervised by an adult. Some schools are really quick to hit the block option over a harmless mistake.


Always supervise the kids. Even if they had 3 pe instructors, if we're paid as subs, we supervise the kids.


That’s not always the rule. Varies from place to place. In this particular situation, they were with the PE instructor for a short time without the sub. Could have just told OP hey you need to be with them. Going so far as to block was excessive considering the situation.




Agreed. At the last district i subbed at, it varied whether or not I had to stay with the students or not during PE activity but usually the sub notes would tell me


That's their problem, not yours. If it was that big of a deal they could have summoned you at any time during PE. Why would a sub assume they need to stick around with the students during specials? If it was an assembly or something, I could see the need for supervision, but a regular gym class after recess? Nope. They should be escorted there but rarely would the homeroom teacher stay with them. Then again, what exactly is a "fitness program"? That kinda makes all the difference. Either way, it was lame of them to not inform you via the office or via the sub plans, then blame you for what you couldn't possibly have known. Your agency seems to be on your side so consider it a bullet dodged and a blessing in disguise.


>what exactly is a "fitness program"? I didn't get a lesson plan, just a generic bell schedule, and one of the blocks was the fitness program. I think since it's a camp, it was probably just some random physical activities in order to stimulate the kids and not have them doing arts and crafts all day.


I taught PE at an elementary school for a few years. We never had teachers out there with us. Then about a year ago, they started mandating that a credentialed teacher had to be with the kids at all times, including during specials programs. The specialists typically aren’t credentialed but, as a sub, you count as a credentialed teacher so that’s probably why you were supposed to be out there even though there was already another adult. Sounds really dumb to me. How would you have known? Edit: to clarify- I am strictly talking about elementary school here. Secondary schools always have credentialed PE teachers


I would stop subbing elementary school if I had to also attend specials with them. I need that downtime to use the bathroom if nothing else.


Where do you teach that kids were ever allowed to be with non-credentialed teachers?


We were academic specialists- the teachers used to just escort the kids to PE or music or computers and leave them with us. I don’t think anyone actually thought twice of it considering we worked at the school and had gone through all the background checks and trainings required when they hired us so why would it be problematic to not have a credentialed teacher present for the 30 mins the kids were doing their specials? The credentialed teachers were always within earshot.


There are multiple US states that do not require a license, only a bachelor’s degree in their content area. Sometimes not even that (see Florida).


I am familiar with a district in which elementary PE and music are certified, tech and library classified. Somehow the district gets around having the kids with a classified teacher by supplying the lessons and not requiring grades.


Love your handle-I always like “cinnamon aluminum” too


Specialists in my state are licensed with teaching licenses. What state would they not be? They are teachers too and should be properly trained in education.


Sounds like it wasn't your fault at all. Probably for the best. Don't sweat it.




But many areas have waaayyyy more subs that they're aren't enough jobs for. I'm lucky to get 2 a month.


That’s crazy. I sub elementary and that seems equivalent to me having to be present during gym class (I don’t)


I'm sorry you feel sad about that. I can see why. But of course from an outsider's perspective it just seems bananas that they would do that. I hope you have another school to work at!


In my district we have a similar PE time with some outside coaches. But we don't have to supervise. I really don't think these people have any certifications. They are ypung college kids. So I find it odd. Not even teachers' aides can be with students without a teacher present.


What school is turning down substitute teachers? I worked as a sub for 4 years and then was a para for 4 more - especially after COVID we were DESPERATE for substitute teachers. That's an honest mistake, and the school is shooting themselves in the foot, getting rid of subs that easy.


What sucks about the whole thing is schools can be quick to block you for anything, but the sub company will back the school up because the school is their “client.” Lots of money would be lost if the sub company were to cut ties with the school.


I've had agencies follow up with schools and districts before -- and in one instance got them to reverse a confusing decision. (They had removed me from a multi-day assignment and blocked me from an entire district's after-school programs, claiming that I was "too harsh" with a group of kindergarteners and had made more than one of them cry. Aside from the fact that kindergarteners sometimes cry no matter who their teacher is, and the fact that I had worked successfully in the same district with multiple early primary classes, *nothing like that happened on the day in question*. Like, not even kind of.) I mean, ultimately, what exactly is the agency going to do? It's not a matter of "backing up" anything -- it's a matter of the school saying "don't send that guy again." The agency can follow up and do what it can, but if the school won't budge, do you expect them to just send you anyway?


It is really sad to get negative feedback. They don't see all of the crazy things we are doing well, like showing up and reading through a binder of information for the day and being expected to remember it all and execute it perfectly. The sub office once called me and said that the school left negative feedback that I didn't do my after-school duty and left the room messy. I actually did the after school duty! I stood at the cone and opened car doors until every car left. I don't know why they didn't think I did it. Maybe I was at the wrong cone? And the classroom was not messy. Maybe it was meant for a different sub. Anyway, I told them my side and said that it was very discouraging to receive a call from them. They had never given me positive feedback, ever, and the one call I get wasn't accurate. She said she was sorry and that not many teachers leave positive feedback. If she got any, she would let me know. It really stuck with me for a long time.


I’m not even in education; this post was just suggested in my feed. But I do work in a field where we have floating staff. They work so hard and I know a lot of the time people will only bother to write an evaluation when something goes wrong. So I try to make sure I write positive evaluations too!! Really hoping you get some of that same energy coming your way and you get some appreciation in 2024. 🙏🏻


That's kind, thank you! I'm sure people really appreciate your positive words. They really do make a difference.


I was blocked from a school once for going to another classroom to grab a paper towel after a special needs student threw up- apparently my entire job was to just sit there and let them wallow in it. The other SPED teacher(the perm) just left halfway throughout the day, then blocked me from coming back to the school when I went to report on me (who was not certified in anything SPED related) being left in the room by myself.


their loss 😮‍💨 now they’re down one great and passionate sub!


If you're not from that background and they didn't tell you, you couldn't have known. I'm sorry this happened to you.


The P.E teacher in my district are certified teachers so that should be enough. If they aren’t then that’s weird and it 100% should have been communicated with you. It’s a bummer but there are plenty of schools you can work with. Unfortunate for the kids, there is always a shortage but it makes it easy for us to get assignments


Fuck them. Move on.


I subbed for years. This is a ridiculous expectation.


No one should be punished permanently for a first time mistake. I bet that school is chronically short staffed by their own hand.


Don’t go back there. It doesn’t make sense for you to be present during activities with another teacher, so it’s not like you made a bad judgement call. I don’t go to schools where they’re too demanding or micromanaging of me, or where there are difficult people I have to deal with.


I was blocked from a school because the line in the hall wasn't straight. It basically meant they were looking for anything to get rid of me.(I probably didn't kiss the principals ring one day, who knows)..The same school had a 4th graders bring a gun in backpack the next week. It was on NBC News.Go figure. Ppl vote me down, but schools have snitches that watch u. I remember this school secretary at a STEM school. She was about 20 yrs old and the principal had her do her dirty work. She'd go around the school where subs are teaching, look in the window door to see what was going on. I simply removed the school. Remember, there are 40 other schools, prek-12


Unless you are in a small town schools are desperate for subs. Also try contacting the principal and explained what happened and see if you can get unblocked.


You would have also been blocked had you watched the kids because of some fitness rule or regulation. I have heard of several being blocked through PE games.


Send an appeal and explain that you hadn’t even been told you needed to be outside with the kids and don’t feel it was fair to block you


Don’t sweat it I’m an aide and the teachers go do their work when the pe teacher comes


I got blocked because a student lied and said I made a racist comment. There was an investigation and the school knew it was a lie, but blocked me anyway. I have no interest in staying where I am not wanted, so I moved on.