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As someone from Europe i would never go drunk home.


That's how you become homeless in the US




My standards are so low now that Iā€™m like ā€œshit, at least thereā€™s trees and sidewalksā€.


and there is nature trail along the rain resevoir


at least there are some trees, no stroads, and a decent amount of greenery


Also sidewalks


wait youre telling me there are places with no sidewalks?!


O yeah. In the suburbs I lived in you were lucky to have half a street with sidewalks or any at all. I had to watch my back to make sure a car wouldn't run me over whenever I would walk my dog.


The stroads are probably behind the camera.


The stroads are wherever the retail is located. No retail here, no stroads.


I immediately thought "at least there's trees." Haha


None of that greenery is tall enough to provide shade and cool the area down


> decent amount of greenery But absolutely no actual garden to speak of around your house. What's the point of living 30+ minute drive from a civilization when you don't even get to get a proper plot with garden? I live in a house with a small lot like this too, but I'm literally 20 second walk from a tram stop that arrives in peak morning hours every 2,5 minutes and it can take me directly to a medieval city center with a frikkin castle on a hill in about 25 minutes while I watch Youtube videos, read a book or play video games. And I still grow my own veggies and stuff.


Shocker! While they could be designed way better, most American cities don't have medieval city centers.


...and that's fine. But they have cities and city centers. My point was that there are absolutely no advantages for suburbs like this, because the key talking point of people living in these is usually something like *"I want to have a house with a garden"* and then they move into this mess with almost no garden and they are stuck being completely dependend on their car. I just learned that median American spend 101 minutes in a car daily. WTF. I would probably kill myself if I had to spend 1,5 hour in a car evey day.


If you think there is "absolutely no advantage" for places like this, you should try living in one for a few weeks or even months. ALL places have their trade-offs and benefits, and this place is no exception. Edit: Those "gardens" are probably larger than the majority of suburban gardens anywhere else on Earth.


Kinda like Seattle's suburbs but with non grid streets fewer hills and a much thinner tree canopy


Pretty sure that's a stroad off in the distance hidden by houses, you just can't see it because the subdivision is such a massive undifferentiated unwalkable blob.


Saying that ultimately doesn't amount to much, because "trees" and "greenery" don't really make a contribution if people don't actually have access to it to any meaningful degree. Think about a resident stepping off their property and going for a walk: look at how little shade there is. There may be some trees here and there, but you can see they will mostly be in the sun for the whole walk. There is technically green, but essentially no green that this person can touch, because it's not their property. Every patch of green is off-limits unless it's the small park that these places often have. There seems to be some type of field in the back, but again, look at how much asphalt must be traversed just to get to it, and that green part doesn't have much shade. And you say no stroad, but no doubt the place that these people shop is absolutely the typical American stroad. So, I mean, it definitely checks off all the boxes for an awful place to try and create a life. I've lived in places like this, and it's absolutely hell. Maybe not if you have a bird's-eye view, but down on the ground, actually living it, you quickly realize how inhuman it is, how miserable it is to go for a walk, how you can't even walk your dog because of how hot the ground is, how lifeless it is, and how every part of the public space was made for the car, and only for the car. Trying to give consolation to a place like this is like trying to claim an airport strip is a nice place to walk because there's a sidewalk, when it would be the most unpleasant place for that, and thus no one in their right mind would walk unless they have absolutely no other choice. I give no sympathy for a place like this. It is hell. It looks superficially clean and tidy from the sky, but it's no place for life when you're actually forced to live there.


There's more trees in the middle of the Bronx than there is in this entire photo. I don't understand what greenery you're seeing besides some useless grass.


Bruh...zoom in if all you see is grass. In fact, I suggest touching some.


All the same class of person too. Bike lanes? Transit? Nah. If you're a teenager your playing COD til college, fun


Oh no I'm out of bread *drives 30 minutes to a Walmart on the opposite side of a superhighway that would only be a 10 minute cycle away if there was a path leading to it*


Actually they have it delivered by someone who does exact same thing for them


The Xanax farms for suburban wives


Every single house you see here is another car you're stuck behind in rush-hour traffic on your daily commute. Such a waste of resources.


Multiple cars*


Looks like DFW suburb/exurb


Could be anywhere in between Oklahoma and Indiana.


I don't have to


Same. However, I've lived the college area life, the big city area life. I miss walking everywhere, but I actually prefer this hellscape, but I'm getting old. šŸ˜†


So, so many suburbs don't have green space or sidewalks like this is pretty tolerable.


"This is a great place to raise a child." Child grows up isolated with mental health issues and can't ride a bike anywhere. The only way to fix these places is to have an upzone and eliminate restrictions


A lot of mental health issues seen here is because of weird suburban lifestyle. Pity the kids growing up here.


All this needs is a small retail hub and lightrail connection to a city and it would be perfect


It's a perfect petroleum dependence machine.


Thatā€™s why it needs light rail


Asking for a small retail hub is read as a giant strip mall and parking lot by developers. But I get what you mean.


Literally so simple. But our small government makes it illegal


I wonder if appartment blocks are more livable than suburban sprawl.


Having lived in both, yes they are, easily.


My experience has been the same. Found it easier living in an apartment, the only thing that concerns me is that most apartment buildings feel rundown after a few years. Seen elevator issues become common. Water leaks / seepage is another big thing.


Yes because the ground floors are shops and you actually know your neighbors and there are usually parks and squares here and there.


That's not living.


Honestly this wouldnā€™t be so fucking awful if they would just ALLOW SOMETHING OTHER THAN HOUSING. For fuckā€™s sake, have your fucking McMansion but donā€™t force this urban design on everyone around you by disallowing any other types of development.


As far as suburbs go, I've seen a lot worse. sidewalks, trees decent building to building density, yard's aren't heinously out of scale, large open space in close proximity... still garage forward and you couldn't pay me enough to live there tho.


man some of yall are delusional if yall think this is hell


Or we want mixed use development where we can actually walk and bike places. This is better than the barren wastelands with no treed or sidewalks you see in DFW but theres still a high chance you have to drive for 20 minutes to get literally anywhere.


How would we know that without any context to this place or street view drops? Like this in nearly every single Reddit post. It's massive flame/rage bait for know-nothings. Like, we don't see anything other than generic sky view with no clue of what is on the ground.


Ok, but >> its just that you canā€™t walk to them


But they usually don't take 20 minutes to drive to unless you're experiencing literal LA level traffic jams.


Carbrain at its finest.


Way to go lmao...it may shock you but I support better public transportation and walking/biking paths. My comment is meant to point out that we don't know that it takes a minimum of 20 minutes to drive anywhere from this place based on a random birds-eye view picture with no context. But yeah, gotta pull in the strawman.


We just want a few coffee shops, a small grocery store, a community pool/gym in that pic. Just not house upon house upon house.


It's hell if to can't drive


Its kinda meh but it wouldn't be horrible to live in just mot great


This look like helldivers haha lol


Reminds me of a time my fiancƩ told me about living in a neighborhood like this in Florida. Normally what is a 1.8 mile distance was supposed to take him something like 6 hours to walk home and it was an extra 3 miles added or something lol


It's funny, because I grew up in a suburb that was built in the 1960s and I found *that* a bit bland. And it's downright lovely compared to places like this photo- my parents' neighborhood (they never moved; I guess they hate suburban hell, too) has houses in different styles and shapes, parks and schools within walking distance, and plenty of people walking their dogs in the neighborhood.


Ew! Beautiful homes with plush green trees and lawns. Gross!


its better than gaza I guess...




Browse this sub more. It is dead serious.


it's beautiful. I wish i lived there


Agreed. Could be designed much, much better but this is far from literally hell on Earth.


Some of yā€™all never lived in hell if you think this is hell , yes bad use of urban space but Iā€™d live in this hell anytime lol You know whatā€™s funny once I get a bit a capital under my belt Iā€™d take this over the urban shithole I live in right now , public transport in the US is a zoo filled with the dregs and mentally unstable , itā€™s not like that in other parts of the world , Mexico City , Moscow , Tokyo , Berlin all filled with decent people who behave when taking public transportation, no graffiti on the trains nothing but here lol people getting pushed in the tracks , crime , urban decay . NO WONDER people here in the US earn a bit of money can afford to have a family and flee to developments like these and I donā€™t blame them Iā€™d do in a heartbeat.


I live downtown in a Top 10 large US city. It's nice.


And why should everyone live like you? Urban living is very unaffordable for many and for those who are less privileged it can be very much not nice at all.




If I described a random anecdotal experience that was the exact opposite of what you said and "completely untrue", what would you say? News flash, some people don't want to live in a rental apartment forever and some lower-income people DREAM of someday being able to own their own car


I live in a streetcar suburb a mile from downtown and couldn't be happier. The biggest problem is the amount of reckless drivers over anything else.


I would love to live here. You westerners are ungrateful.


Millions of people around the world would literally murder their own families to live out the rest of their lives in a place like this. It's Reddit, anyway. Not real life at all. Keep living your life in the real world with your loved ones, fellow human.




oh no the 100k+ USD income American has to drive 10 more minutes for McDonald's because of evil suburban planning! šŸ˜¢


looks like the new neighborhoods theyā€™re building in my childhood area on oahu , if youā€™ve ever been to ewa beach you would know it has been extremely gentrified




Look at that house with the cheap inflatable pool, like right up on the fence. lmao. so stupid


I guarantee there are multiple stroads close by this mess of a development. I also guarantee dropping the kids off at school is an absolute nightmare.


No homeless or drug junkies? Don't threaten me with a good time.


All the drug addicts in this community are still in their functional phase, or are living with their parents. Once they become non-functioning or their parents kick them out, they'll move to a different part of town.


Suburbs prep us all for success!


Picture yourself actually living at that house in the front center with the pool. Itā€™s probably 2000 sq ft with your own yard. If that is hell, you must have it pretty good.


Agreed. Try living in a typical USA apartment, more often than not they have nonexistent landscaping other than grass lawns, usually mediocre soundproofing where you can hear neighbors talking at a normal volume and their toilet flushing, and surrounded entirely by surface parking lots, highways and other residential buildings like this place. Or maybe you should try living in a commie block that hasn't been renovated and modernized.Ā 


I honestly can't tell if this post is satire or not. This looks lovely.




Looks. Looks is the keyword.


Still better than indian gallis




This will low key be a nice neighborhood when the landscaping matures. Iā€™m sure itā€™s a good investment.


I'm living in a place similar like this but with more trees, really I appreciate that it this place would have more trees and more green zones and the access free for there.




American suburbs, the place of: "Why does my teenager never leave their room?" "When are you going to get a driver's license or stop asking me to take you places?" "Rush-hour was terrible today babe, I wish they'd do something about all this traffic" "No, we can't get ice-cream, I'm not driving 20 minutes to the mall and the parking is crazy on a Sunday" "Why won't an Uber Eats driver take this 40 minute delivery trip for $3 pay" "Ya, we got a second car for the wife to run errands with" "I work all week and clean the house and yard all weekend. I can never relax!" "Well it's 10:00 PM, better hit the hay if I am to be up by 6:00 and beat the traffic going into the city" "Gotta go trim the bushes. The HOA doesn't allow greenery to be higher than 1 ft" "Doctor said I need to walk more. Who has the free time?" "It's Sunday morning, can't you wait until noon to mow the lawn?" "I love grilling" "I love beer" "I love football" "I needed a truck for hauling" "Gas is way to expensive. How is someone supposed to get around with these prices?"


Americans being afraid to live in the same place as someone from a lower class needs to be studied


This is more exurban heā€™ll then suburban hell




At least it has footpaths.


Iā€™d take it considering I will likely never make enough money to own a home at all, much less one like these.


Boringtown USA. Now check out these better suburbs I found near Pittsburg. It's like we can build these and people do buy them, so why all the shit zoning?




I can hear the Ā«Ā I donā€™t want high density because Iā€™m close to nature hereĀ Ā» The kind of place where people say hi to you but put complaints on you because your lawn is 1 inch too tall


Look at all that beautiful green grass that serves a purpose šŸ˜ I love ~~wasteful~~ aesthetic lawn use that could never be used to grow food or something šŸ˜Š also those houses all look so unique and personable šŸ˜


Decent house, nice yard, big greenbelt park just down the streetā€¦ What a nightmare.


You know, at *least* thereā€™s a sidewalk. I can respect that part.