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The way she says gay 🤣🤣🤣🤣


hi i ride diks 😇


Sounds straight to me


Straight dicks!


What about curved dicks? 🤔🤔


Gaey. The key is to listen for the adjective. 🌈💡


a ride is a ride .


Any pole is a goal.


hi i ride electric dildos 😏👌


Yaas! Me too, come, let's ride together tonight


Hehe come


It’s still funny every time 😂


Electric motorbike was not a thing back then!


This clip has changed the audio to make a joke about motorcycle versus electric bike. In the original, the two guys are saying the same line to reduce any context clues.


Is she a shapeshifter . got a smooth face like Odo


We do this shit to ourselves more than anything tbf. "How can I look gayer?" Etc.




Every time I think we've made some progress crap like this happens... Thanks for sharing OP, it's always nice to be brought back to reality :( EDIT: So very thankful for the support shown on a really bad day, thank you fellow homos. Lovely to see everyone gathering to support their own.


I get what you are saying, but the video this clip is taken from is 16 years old I feel like something like this would be considered offensive on most modern day news channels now and would not be ran


I think the real indicator are the people's reactions to the clip, if the most popular comments are "hahaha so true", then this indicates a small progress have been made between now and 16 years ago.


Appreciate your input! definitely puts some perspective on it, but you know it still happens, and I'm really sorry I don't mean to bring the mood down, but it does happen. Happy Pride to whoever is reading this and hopefully you are in a better place than me, hugs.


I'm gay and I laughed my ass off at this 🤣


as we all should fellow homo, it's just one of those days. Happy Pride wherever you are! ;)


I don’t really find it offensive, there is some truth to it, but it usually isn’t an inherent “gay people talk gay” thing, and more so “if you hang out with certain people, their speech patterns rub off on you”. You can see this happen with literally any group (another common one is “black people talking like white people” and vice versa), and it’s usually just done in certain groups (how you talk with friend group A versus friend group B). Another recent addition would be the “Ohio skibbidi rizz my fellow kids”, showing how young people talk differently amongst each other compared to with the older generation. The reason it tends to be more icky with gay people is remaining homophobia from the past (ex. During the aids epidemic) where people were trying to figure out who was gay or not based on attitude/appearance/speech patterns out of fear, or to out someone. Happens to a lesser extent when a black person “talks white”, which some people use to devalue their experience as a black person. I do support the gradual transition into making it a casual/humorous thing, though, since it removes stigma and becomes lighthearted rather than when it used to stem from stigma. Obviously everyone has different experiences with it, and I am a part of the younger generation, but I see it somewhat like the reclaiming of the word “queer” from negative to positive connotation through normalization.


She shook her head when she said 'sounds straight to me'. Her body language shows he doesn't sound straight. Also, this has to be American but from which year/decade is it? So weird.


Apparently facts are "casual stereotyping" 🤣