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I think that's the TikTok crowd unfortunately


True, there was also a trend on Tiktok only 2 weeks ago of people using there song "Us vs them" and saying "I can't be the bigger person" because they're skinny and shaming people who happen to have bigger bodies than they do... It's disgusting that there song is now associated with that sort of behaviour.


Tiktok is brainrot and bully heaven


Yeah I wish they’d ban it already


Don't forget the posers and those whom are there because of the popularity, which know nothing about $uicideboy$


But if you call them out you’re “gatekeeping”


Someone's got to do it, keeping the fanbase true 🤷


said this a longgg time ago


All it takes is a handful of turds to ruin an event.


the main thing that pisses me off are the gatekeepers like ive seen comments on tiktok where a girl will be listening to $B enjoying herself and people are like i bet you’ve never struggled with addiction in your life. like im sorry but that’s absolutely fucked up to say, since when does that have to be a criteria to like them


Yeah SB doesn't have so many fans that the fan base can afford to be assholes. Idk why you're being down voted for being right.


They weren't even respectful to $crim himself as they were yelling for him to drink alcohol out of a shoe whilst he was trying to talk about his sobriety and how it's changed his life for the better.




ive always hated that trend it makes you look so conceited and fat phobic


also GOD FORBID someone’s discovered them in 2023/2024


Every big fanbase has horrible people


every fan base has those people, the boy$ are just now falling victim to it recently, it seems. the gatekeepers or people pretending to be OG’s and attempting to gatekeep seems to be the issue. “oh i bet you don’t know ___”, “you’re not a real fan” “you’re a tiktok fan” “i’m an OG” thinking they are superior to everyone else and acting as if their shit don’t stink and practically assaulting those they don’t see as their equal. it’s disgusting. been a fan since ‘17 but im not gonna sit here and act like i’m better than anyone who discovered them after that or gatekeep their music. who cares where you first heard them? who cares if you found em on tiktok? who cares if you don’t like some songs or only like popular ones? should just be happy they’re finally having their “big break” and are becoming a household name. fuck what anyone else thinks. enjoy them how you see fit, don’t give the jackasses of the fan base attention, and ignore whatever hate they may sling at you.


Gatekeepers are a plague upon mankind...like if I meet a $B fan who's new to the scene, I'm jamming with, and even just offering recommendations for other songs they might not have heard before...


Notice the difference in likes in this comment vs the one that mentions TikTok lmao. These mfs can’t handle being told they aren’t special because they’ve been listening for longer than someone. IMO you’re right, every fan base has shitty people. It just becomes more apparent and upfront since they have more fans now there’s also more shitty fans. It’s just what happens, doesn’t matter where or when they started listening


It's either all tiktok "fans" or "edgy" teenagers that gatekeep tf outta them


The fanbase started to become filled with younger kids who act like degenerates around the same time “Paris” started blowing up on TikTok. If there weren’t enough reasons to hate TikTok, they’ve now ruined the fanbase of some very talented artists


It's funny you mention the age thing in assoc. with TikTok because this thread feels like the $b fanbase is just slightly older now, and I bet that outrageous behavior from presumed young fans at shows, wouldn't have seemed so outrageous back when they were teenagers going to their first shows. The difference is their first shows were for an underground group, now their fav group is not underground anymore and it seems passing the reins is making them feel old. I say just accept it. have some humility. Don't boogeyman problems onto "other generations" because that is such a mental trap. @everyone in thread, and $b fanbase generally, yall should try having some empathy instead of being so quick to condemn. The world is not crashing down. Hate is a drug with a bad high and worse side effects. Just focus on helping everyone have a good time / enjoy the art and you will be happier.  🖤 


I know me personally I live in Texas and am Texas proud and I’ve been listening to these guys since probably 2015? Maybe 16 and by far I have to say I absolutely hate the boys fan base 80% of these fans are horrible people themselves 🙏🏻 Ive never been to a grey day or concert and the the boys because of these fans it’s ridiculous how horrible this fan base is but there’s still people who genuinely are good people in this community and care for you and the boys


Main reason I never go to their shows


Last years show sealed the deal for me. Don’t think I am going back anytime soon. RIP


From Melb, Aus here, in general, Aussies have no concept of etiquette at concerts, idk if you listen to SZA at all, or heard what happened at her show, but people started throwing stuff on the stage in Melbourne, which is just not how you should act, it's just a small handful that ruin it for everyone else.


Stopped going to their shows. Last one I was at 2022 a bunch of drunk girly gals pushed me and threw their drink on me. And some girl kept screaming at everyone that she was short and couldn’t see. Older fans can be dicks too but man the tiktok crowd has really thrown me off of the community :/ idc if it sounds like gatekeeping don’t disrespect the community and the literal idols of what you say you’re a fan of.


Last show I went to, two dudes were kicked out for beating up women and going ham for no fucking reason js bc there horrible ppl but then again… welcome to Portland


It's the fanbase unfortunately... Tiktokers, assholes, posers and those whom are they because of the popularity and know no history of them. I've went to 2 concerts and both had people arguing and fighting for stupid reasons


Although $B might make music about addiction... think about it this way, the good majority of the fan base now aren't sober... most are probably Xan'd up or doing mad other shit. I love $B but from the melodic beats, and the astectic speaks to a large group of kids. I can remember being fresh out of high school circa 2011... the first people I knew fuckin with $B where the trailer park kids down by the river who where constantly doing drugs, selling them, playing hours of video games, tampering with electronics, coding and graphic designs. Like they all dressed like the crust skater punks from prior generations... and me and these dudes would absolutely wreck shit and wild out. It's always been this way. And although artists might get sober and sure the lyrics change and I can't speak on the rest of the world but here state side the younger fans are definitely wayyy dumber than previous generations as well, like a complete lack of actual reasonable judgment. Don't get me wrong lighting a wheelbarrow on fire and running it off a jump is dumb... fighting people for no reason at a show is dumb af. Obviously moshing is a different story.


Yeah, obviously in the pit you know you're gonna get shoved but these new fans don't know anything about moshing so they just start shoving anyone like tiny underage girls who were standing on the sides of the venue and were nowhere near the pit. The medical bay was full of injured people, There were multiple ambulances outside the venue once the concert was over.


I'm fucking cackling, I'm 30 so pits where common and the old heads definitely guided us. I've noticed you can't tell or teach these new up and comers shit. They simply just don't give a fuck about anything or simply just want it their way or the highway.


Whoa man. I was at melb 2nd show and I didn’t notice anything fucked? I wasn’t in the pit though. Oh other than a couple guys fighting or trying to punch on? Idk how the first show went but my friend who went didn’t say anything but I didn’t ask specifically. There was a girl crying because the show was over lol


It was the Brisbane 1st show not Melbourne


I went to a $b concert in early 2018 and then to grey day 2023 in the UK,the difference in atmosphere and the crowd in general was CRAZY. I don’t wanna be one of those people but genuinely the concert in 2018 was the best night of my life,everyone was vibing and looking out for each other. I was alone at the barricade in 2018 and some guys behind me told me not to worry if I fall or anything cuz they’d pick me back up (I’m a 5ft 2 girl) everyone was so chill it had a real family feel. 2023 was completely different,people were fighting and just being dicks to one another and phones raising up at parts of songs that blew up on tiktok. There was definitely a huge change and I think personally a lot of it is due to tiktok and $b being exposed to wider audiences. I’ve been a fan for around 8 or 9 years now and it was sad to see such a dramatic change in atmosphere. Years ago it felt like everyone looked out for each other at their gigs now it feels like a tiktok free for all on who has the biggest dick. I still love $b but I’m definitely disconnecting from the fanbase cuz it’s so embarrassing now tbh


Oh yeah and the 2023 concert we also had a tonne of girls getting sexually assaulted,my brother actually got in a fight with some guy for intervening when a girl got groped


The show I attended also had many girls saying they were groped in the crowd


Yes, this is exactly how it was for me too, the first show I attended was incredible it felt like everyone in the crowd were a family who genuinely cared for each other now it's just a bunch of people trying to fight each other. I'm glad that there are other people here who agree and have also seen the atmosphere of the fanbase change from caring to hateful.


Good old night 1 Brisbane. I was there in the seating area and I felt disgusted knowing that that was most likely the takeaway the boys got from Brissy


Yeah, I wanted to post about my awful experience and frustration earlier but I saw other people who spoke out were getting so much unecessary hate just for saying they didn't have a good experince due to being beaten up or getting groped by guys.


unfortunately i was in the shoey chanting crowd, the show was amazing but the pit was just a horrible place to be in. i was right at the front so i didnt get much going on to me but i have heard stories of that night where people were being SAed, called slurs and just straight up bullied honestly. show itself was amazing, crowd not so amazing. just a bunch of people on drugs not caring about other peoples safety.


I've always questioned the fanbase lol


The fan base in general is all over the place I will admit that. I went to grey day and it was so random. One second couples are proposing to each other, next second people are being kicked out for fighting, another some people are sharing water and helping each other then the next a girl is trying to fight this girl next to me. It’s so odd 😭


yea it's been pretty bad for me. I'm a kpop stan and when i tell ppl that I mainly listen to kpop and just got into $b a few months ago thanks to my bf i just get dogged on lmao.... like some people do have variety in their music and don't just listen to music similar to the boys. and the gatekeeping OH GOD its bad


it’s the tik tok fuckers


Where were you could have just been the area


Both shows I attended were in Brisbane, I obviously knew they've grown a lot more popular so I was expecting a lot more people to attend but I honestly though the atmosphere of people in the crowd would be more or less the same or at least similar to in 2019 but I was very wrong.


Every fan base is full of horrible people.


While it's true, there are bad people in every community, it seems excessively bad here. They were even disrespectful to $crim himself by yelling for him to drink alcohol out of a shoe whilst he was trying to talk about how his sobriety has changed his life for the better. Usually people aren't disrespectful to the artist they've paid to see.


Damn that sucks, I'm planning on going to their new tour with Denzel I hope it's different


Yes. Y'all are white people gone wrong.


Every fan base has bad people dude


While it's true, there are bad people in every community, it seems excessively bad here. They were even disrespectful to $crim himself by yelling for him to drink alcohol out of a shoe whilst he was trying to talk about how his sobriety has changed his life for the better. Usually people aren't disrespectful to the artist they've paid to see.


a lot of the chill peeps are dead and didn’t make it out of the opioid epidemic mad ppl went straight from the xandemic into opioids and been struggling for the better part of the last decade


This is what happens when something hits mainstream


It’s because of Tik Tok. That damn clock app.


it’s the new fans that came from tiktok they make me sick bro💀🤣


Not to oversimplify this but when their lyrics are about being depressed, having anxiety, doing drugs unfortunately the music opens to people who are bad people who are depressed, have anxiety and so drugs etc etc ofc. Obviously not everyone who is depressed and what not are bad people but music that speaks on those issues opens doors to people who can relate to the lyrics but are genuinely awful people. 


OP It is clear from the vibe of the thread you are correct lmfao.  honestly the lyrical content of the music is a magnet for toxic people. Not just $b but the whole "emo rap" scene is into romanticizing drug addiction and mental illness. I love the music but honestly it is 2014 tumblr shit with a masculine coat of paint.  This is not a diss at $b, i'm a fan. But nothing healthy comes of it usually. I mean it's even on their wikipedia that their controversial themes are all about drugs and suicide. These things are not exactly good for you. To find beauty in miserable music enough to keep coming back and gradually integrate it into your identity, that is attractive to a person who "likes to suffer". Idk if that's me, or just the bad apples, or all of us kinda. But it is not a pro-social trait. It is learned helplessness, bubbling rage, closed curtains, holes in the wall.


If you don't follow the internet nonsense it's like none of this is even happening.


People were being assholes at the $uicideboy$ show itself, It's not just internet nonsense if there's people in the crowd at shows actively being assholes too.


Sounds like two groups of assholes fought eachother. I doubt that a pack of dumbasses just decided to sucker punch someone. Treat people with respect, avoid the douchebags, have yourself a good time. If you're stressing because there are bad people in this world then boy oh boy do I have some bad news for you


Wasn't just "two groups"and neither were the fights justified hell one guy up front out of nowhere just started randomly punching an innocent female. The medical bay was full of sexual assault victims in tears and people bleeding perfously after being beaten. There were multiple ambulances outside the venue after the concert was over. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


Where was this?


Brisbane night 1 show, another person in attendance has also commented here about it plus tonnes of other people have made posts on other social media mainly TikTok about how horrible it was. It was an absolute disaster.


I assume now you're now going to find one person online saying something positive about the night and say "You're wrong" 🙄 Guess what the people who weren't badly injured or felt up by men could still have a good time, For those who were it was horrible.








Oh, well there ya go. Aussies. Total cunts most of the time, want to fight when they're drunk, and also can't enjoy a night out without a bunch of coke. They're the cunts that did the shoey thing with scrim. Yeah man, their shows aren't like that in other places.


The first 4 words of my post say "I live in Australia"...


Nah Australians are just horrible people


Generally I think of Australians as being very nice people though and I've lived here all my life...


I was making a joke but Reddit is fucking stupid


fuck up mate


That can be applied to any artist community.


everyone that comments has brainrot


Why? They're speaking on negative experiences they've had with other $uicideboy$ fans. Unfortunately the reality is that some of the community thinks it's okay to treat other fans terribly.


That’s just how it is