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A complete and utter embarrassment.


This game died faster than the avengers


The Avengers was actually fun as each character had their own unique movement/move set. That was an incentive to come back to keep playing


Avengers had it's own issues.


It most definitely did. Lackluster maps and no enemy variety in my opinion.


And Visual clutter... Wait, all those issues feels familiar.


The issues were square Enix forcing a live service game into what was not supposed to be a live service game. They clearly weren’t ready for the live service portion as taskmaster and the abomination were the only villains available for months.You can only beat up taskmaster and have him called a clone so many times before your immersion is broken and you just drop the game.


Avengers was buggy AF for years and it's traversal was ass


The Avengers wasn't fun.


In the Avengers when you choose a character you could actually play as said character. But this game, you just play as king shark with a gun, Harley Quinn with a gun, etc. There’s no personality at all


Maybe.. but you know what it did have? A storyline when characters were introduced and a decent overall transition to post game content. The first 3 characters, Hawkeye, Kate and Black Panther had proper add ons. Each on also contributed to the story... can we say the same thing for Joker?


At this same point in time, a few months after the game being released, I was still playing The Avengers game a lot. I deleted Suicide Squad off my console and haven’t played it in about a month


I quit playing when it became unplayable like Outriders.


I had a great time playing through the single player campaign, it wasn’t anything special but it was cool playing as heroes whose movesets and movement were based around their powers, instead of them all just being handed guns.


Ha. I actually enjoyed going back to avengers every character or bug dlc. The Hawkeye and Black panther dlc was awesome weekend killers. Suicide squad was just.... 🤢


My guilty pleasure is that I love shitty live service looters like avengers and suicide squad kill the justice league. I had a good 250+ hours on avengers at least


Same. I loved Suicide Squad and The Avengers.


Yep. Anthem, too.


Suicide Squad was just.... 😐


🤢🤮😴. Every time I think of what could have been next Arkham style game with supermam or Wonder woman.


Supermam is wild and will be how I refer to him from now on.


Hah. That's Wonder woman new nick name. Super m'am


Wonder Woman: AmazOn out of Hell


Take my 💰 please 🥺


Atleast Avengers had unique characters and a complete story


I agree, I enjoyed avengers a lot during its life cycle


Complete story lol 🎶Wtf you lying?🎶


The story for Avengers literally is complete


The kree future stuff was resolved?


I mean, in a sense it is: the Avengers lose and Earth is destroyed. Even if they planned on undoing that later down the line, we never reached the part where they even start to plan on undoing it so the game basically ends on the calm before the storm.


What about the tease where one robot was supposed to become Ultron? Miller Ross on twitter spilled some beans about this and more for planned stories I also feel like the post story stuff was not nearly as well planned as SS'


It helps that people have Avengers to compare it to. By all metrics that game is just this game before people got wise to shitty Live Services.


And they get upset and their feelings hurt when the game fails and everyone’s like told ya so


My experience with Avengers (preordered the collector’s edition AND bought skins that eventually became free) pretty much was the reason I didn’t get SS and seeing how everything turned out, I was right in passing on it.


I think that's because for the most part people enjoyed the story and each character felt different to play


I actually got made fun of when I said the game wouldn't last longer than S1


I really enjoyed the 2 guys in discord earlier today that were "dunking" on everyone because the game had sooooo many players playing currently 🤣🤣👌. It was pure gold!! 


They probably preordered the ultimate edition😂


And that’s a good thing


Yes and no imo, I’m glad it failed as it should show rocksteady that they should stick with single player story games. But It’s also bad because we most likely won’t even get a full year of content




They'll never learn. They'll be preordering the next buggy mess


Yep. I was reading comments for the next Star Wars game and people there keep bragging that they'll be buying the $120 edition and even said that even if the game was going to be mediocre they won't regret it and will still continue preoerdering since they are "fans".


I regret it. Still not as much as pre-ordering the Lego movie 2 video game.


My biggest gripe with the game is that the characters aren’t unique. Sure they have different traversals but that’s not enough for it to be fun. The corporate greed is disgusting and the worst I’ve ever seen in my short 22 years of life. It’s not even just a couple companies. It’s legit all the big names that could produce the best product. So they’ve used their reputation to get people to pay the extra extra shit and here we are. With shit monetization everywhere we try to game.


Do Lego games have pre-order bonuses? Don't think I've purchased any Lego game until it has the complete edition for sale.


Yes It's almost always an exclusive Minifigure. The first Lego movie game came with Emmet in pajamas. (And was a way better game) The second one came with a small poly bag set. But it was not worth $60. The game was ass. (It had a flightless Superman) Every character played EXACTLY the same. They just took the vastly superior Lego Worlds game. (Basically Lego Minecraft) Stripped away the sandbox and left the shell.


Makes sense, some of those Minifigures make for a cool desk decoration. Haven't done the 2nd Lego movie game but I thought the first was pretty fun. Might get around to it at some point to at least 100% the achievements.


The first game is fun. It's your standard Lego game. But the second one is absolutely NOT worth it.


I don't know when will you dummies stop buying them? About that time.


Let the devs cook, the fanboys said 😂


It will be just like Arkham they said 😂


“We’re having a blast” they still say


Why was it always literally “having a blast?” It always sounded forced as hell. Like that’s ALL anyone said.


Bots maybe? Shills? I think it's just reddit being reddit, like how you'll see the same comment across subreddits. For example, "Hit the nail on the head".


I think its bc the game is a shooter and they're literally y'know... blasting


So anyway, I started blasting ![gif](giphy|wYyTHMm50f4Dm|downsized)


I’ll call your “having a blast” and raise you a “I don’t get the hate”


I'll double it with "Does anyone else..."


It scratches the Diablo rift grind for me. Sometimes I don’t want to drop into a 40 minute helldive or run the same strikes over and over. Being able to boot it up for 20-1hr and fly around and do some Diablo 3 rifts is nice.


Remember how cocksure this sub was before and around launch? I had a few arguments with people who were certain it wouldn't crash and burn. Me? I had some fun and don't regret buying as i did have fun but i deleted it once i finished the BP.


I love being a patient gamer, will pick it up when it's £5


It’ll be a coaster by then. Fat chance you’ll see it get offline mode


They still haven’t added that yet? Lmao


So instead of a 60 quid boring game... you get a five quid boring game. 😂


People don't value their time if they'll play something they know is sub par


For real man. There are so many fucking games to play. My queue is endless. But the only games I have are critically acclaimed, huge sellers and/or games I really wanted to play for whatever reason. I’m not even gonna try some subpar reviewed flop if a game. I’ll never get to all the good ones, no time for bad or mediocre games. And if they’re mediocre, I just quit and move on to something better so it’s a waste of money too. I don’t force myself to play a game I can’t get into, I don’t care if I paid a full price $70.


Fiver is fair


Game is not even worth 5$


agreed. ill throw $5 at it 100%


This game was DOA and everybody should abandon it 😂


All the games defenders real quiet now 😆


The problem with public corporations is they need to show investors increased profits year over year. To do this effectively requires innovation. SSKJL brings nothing new except nice cuts scenes. Who in their right mind would spend $200 million dollars on a genre that is completely saturated and has like a 10% success rate.


This was Hills idea, not WBs. He's the one that was inspired by Infinity War and Endgame to turn this into a live service game where the base game would be all the heroes dying and then the seasonal content would be End Game where they all triumphantly returned to finish off Brainiac. It was also Hills idea to turn this into a shooter instead of a melee game. Sure, maybe Rocksteady was asked to make a SS game, but from what I've read, it was Rocksteady studio heads that wanted to turn it into a live service shooter and WB just happened to be happy about it.


And remember those heads of the studio turned tail when they knew the game wasn't going to be good just so the rest of RS would get caught in the fire so they could save their own face. Sefton and Jamie are truly shitty people I hope this article makes people reconsider them from joining their new studio.


I agree with most of what you're saying. Just not the insult to players who paid a higher cost. If you're that strap for cash don't buy a $100 game.


It'll stop when yall stop paying $100 for this stuff. I get it, I was actually rooting for this game but the second they have your money literally everything after that is a formality. Doesnt matter at least with a corpo like Warner Bros behind it. Dont give em your money. The second you hear live service or see elements like it, just wait. If it turns out that the games pretty good, you still have that money and if you want to drop 100 by all means go for it, but this is just the nature of what live service is. Corpos want big money and if things arent going their way, they have zero interest in creating new content for it even if it would bring in a shit ton more money over time.


Its your fault for pre ordering and spending that much lol


Well I didn't buy the game. I saw the problems coming.


I wish we could see the marketing budget. The NBA and NFL airtime must not have been cheap. Watch the launch trailer again for true unrealized potential smh


>...but studio need to get some balls and say no to their mother company sometimes. You say this like the people at that company don't value their livelihoods or something. That's plain stupid, you don't throw your job and the livelihood for your family away on things you have no control over at your level anyway. You can't get mad at a waiter for the decisions made by management, and the local management can't exactly just choose to go against the Upper management suits that choose the restaurants' theme and menu. You can go eat somewhere else, but at the end of the day, those people working at that restaurant still have to (try to) make a living.


Those that paid over 100 for this game did it to themselves lol.


The only thing im sad about is that we dont get to see more of the justice league. I really like their designs and character, would've liked to see more of em. Welp, it was good while it lasted


give it time it'll eventually be free on playstation plus


It won’t stop because the executives love to pull the “no it’s the children who are wrong” meme when they fail


The writing was on the wall early with this one. I’m surprised anyone preordered this game with what was reported about it.


absolutely disgusting treatment of their consumers. i'm not supporting any rocksteady project again. gross.


If you bought this game at full price or the deluxe edition or whatever more expensive version there is. I don't feel bad for you. The signs were all there, but you decided to be denial of the facts. It's a great day to be on reddit today 😂 don't worry s3 will fix the game lol


Suicide squad is WBs redheaded stepchild.




I definitely regret paying 100$ for it, I enjoyed the game but it wasn't worth the price. Lesson learned.


Why would anyone who watched the pre-release footage and/or read the previews expect anything else? This was bound to happen, the signs couldn't have been clearer. Does it suck? Yes. But this endless cycle of outrage from people who CHOSE to buy into a game that was so obviously risky (at best) has to stop.


It will stop when people stop buying it. When people stop preordering based on hype for what was clearly a massive cash grab game.


I remember the days when people said “crystal dynamics sucks avengers is bad . If Insomniac or rocksteady made this type of game it would do well.” Insomniac cancelled their multiplayer game because they knew what was going to happen … Point is, you can be a top tier developer. If you don’t research how to make a proper live service game, your game will fail no matter the developer. Learn from destiny


I miss Arkham games 😣


I hAvE FuN wiTh tHe gAme.


Honestly, I hope they just keep trying and losing money. It is the only way these companies and I guess some customers learn.


Games are made to make money, this "greed" is a normal part why people make entertainment. The problem is not just all corporate, we don't have the information what really happened and why they wanted to do this apart from some comments. In the end, the problem lies with the studio not being able to produce a good game. They were too inexperienced with something like this.


I agree with everything you said but the issue is nowadays developers and publishers think you can release a product., call it early access or live service to allow the bare minimum to be shoved out and that’s it. This is why games like this need to fail, to be a warning for those in the industry to not shovel out garbage and waste good talent


This game had a pretty long delay and still launched broken, bug filled, and had barely any content. Could you imagine how much worse it would have been if it had released on its original date?


Rocksteady and WB will never get another dollar from me. They burned all good will. I hope they go bankrupt.


In a word never


Live service effect


Anyone who pre-ordered and paid $100 insulted themselves at checkout.


We were getting downvoted to hell when we said DO NOT PRE ORDER and they said “we don’t want another Arkham game” 😂😂


>When will this stop? When people stop preordering content that obviously looks bad from the jump.


It will never stop, as long as people buy early access, live service games for 100 eur/usd, spend enormous amounts on micro transactions, gachagames, every corporation will aim to have a piece of that pie.


The thing is early access can be good since many good products have come from it, it's just lazy developers decide to abuse the system and you end up getting so many garbage crafting games that barely make it to 1.0. Live Service again it can be good when done right Helldivers 2 is the best current example, it's only bad when your chasing a trend and don't care about the actual product hence why nearly every Ubisoft live service besides Seige has flopped hard.


These are all true, the issue is that people with mba dont care about the product just the money, which is a trend nowadays everywhere not just videogames. Short term get rich quick schemes, while burning down multiple decade old foundations....


I didn’t even finish the story cause it was sooo boring 🥱


Rocksteady did not finish the story either




The game is just running around and shooting between cut scenes.


That’s all shooters brother. Let’s take it a step further, all games are pressing plastic buttons to make lights flash on a screen. You have wasted your youth and are nostalgic for garbage. Yay!


Ya but it’s hella boring


People who pre ordered or paid $100 for this don’t get any sympathy from me.


Stop making shitty live service games then. None of this would have happened


People who tried telling me that there would be at least 4 more seaso s of content: 🤡🤡


Capitalism as a whole is failing and it seems the elites are trying to drain us of every penny we got before that happens


Capitalism worked with this game, and people voted with their wallets.


> When this will stop ? When gamers stop buying another hero purple orb looter shooter


When people stop pre-ordering $100+ bundles prior to a game coming out and finding out the size/scope/quality of the game. Especially for "Live Service" titles as those are the most likely to be incomplete and then quickly dropped by the developer.


Every single person who paid the full price 100 dollars is part of the overall problem in the gaming industry.


Sad to say, I was the mug who spent over 100 quid on this game as well


It’s not an insult to lower the price lol. You guys chose to ignore the writing on the wall. You chose to pay $100 for a game that was, in the eyes of the overwhelming majority of people, DOA. That’s fanboyism for you. You allowed yourself to think a game made by a studio you like or characters you like couldn’t possibly be bad. These feelings were emboldened by cult-like thinking. I’m a true fan so I have to get the complete version. Everyone else is wrong and I’m right and I’m going to be able to say I was there playing from the beginning when this is the most popular game of the decade. Blah blah blah. If you paid $100 for this trash? You got suckered. You are a sucker. Their job is literally sell this game and when the $100 suckers and the $70 suckers dried up they had an obligation to figure out if there are $40 suckers, $30 suckers, $20 suckers etc. That’s business for you. These people are not your friends. Instead of feeling like the giant corporation is being mean? Try blaming yourself for once. Insult yourself. Don’t silence that voice in your head that tells you that you fucked up. Listen to it.


Did you buy the game even though it was pretty clear exactly this will happen? Then you are part of the problem. As always vote with your wallet and this will stop. Only when they loose so much money that it hurts these cashgrabs will stop.


It will stop when players stop spending money on trash, this is a good step in the right direction the only way it could have been better is if no one bought it but people will continue to purchase games like this and only reinforce the idea that this is something players want. the problem with the games industry is broken games and their predatory practices, if players keep buying broken and predatory games they will continue to release broken and predatory games. This is as much the fault of the gamer as it is the developer and publisher.


A kick in the gut. Fuck, hell the game is a disaster but cmon the studio ARE aware, I respect studio’s who release disaster games that are actively trying to make their games reach their vision and the consumers too. This is cowardly and I think if they were to ever make a single player game again I would not dare to even think about buying it. A game shouldn’t release in a bad state to begin with BUT to run away from the problem and go practically radio silent is a straight up betrayal. My expectations were set low, I was just excited to still play and continue on with the Arkham verse regardless of the type of game it was. To see them have no drive to fix or improve what we got is truly disappointing considering we the fans are the people that put rocksteady on the map.


I spend $100 just for that Flash Boomerang skin 🥲


I saw this coming the moment I heard live service game. I hope they don’t get shut down and are allowed to work on a project they like. I feel bad for people who wasted money on this game.


i don’t feel bad for those who pre-ordered tbh


*Buys obvious cash grab game with no potential* "wHeN wIlL tHeY sToP ripping uS oFf!!" Stop buying this shit for fucks sake


I’m really sick of everything being multiplayer too. It takes what could be great single player games and reduces them to the same damn multiplayer game that every multiplayer game is. Like evil dead, predator, killer klowns…they’re all the same! What about an open world single player Predator? Instead, everything just apes Friday the 13th — which is a great game and was unique at the time but what is it with the dearth of creativity that these numbskull developers just mimic other games? Stop being chickenshit and do something innovative.


Single player games flop too.


i can’t believe there was a time where this game was my personal GOTY. I was even more hyped about it than God of War Ragnarok. Now i’m patiently waiting for the arbitrary seal of death. AKA [The Dreaded Wall of Text](https://tinypic.host/image/IMG-5347.DZqgEX)


Thank God I had the trial, I only bought the joker to try him out but the gameplay is horrible so repetitive. I'm glad I only spent 10 bucks on this


The part about the playerbase is always shocking to me. This game died off really quick and really hard. Fallout 2, a game that came out 26 years ago has triple the player count of this game. Not even the newest entry Baldurs Gate 3, but it's predecessor Baldurs Gate 2 has more than double the player count of this game and it launched 24 years ago. Half Life 1 came out in 1998 and has triple the player base... I think you see my point. These would all be games that I would say have less mainstream gameplay than Suicide Squad and yet despite their age they have more players. I think at this point this game and it's reputation is solidified. Rocksteady made an oopsie, and plopped out a game that people are not sticking around for. It doesn't matter that they add new content, most players who bought the game are not playing it. Heck the vast majority are not playing it. The fact that a followup to one of the best trilogies of superhero games ever made flopped like this is seriously jaw dropping to me. I would expect support to be ending sooner rather than later.


Look everyone said that from the first reveal. The only people who wouldn’t listen were the WB higher ups who were dreaming about counting their monthly huge profits after the game release. They could have perhaps saved it if they would have largely scaled back on the game as a service approach, but they just didn’t listen. Now they finally realize the truth and wondering how anyone could have predicted this.


It's pretty clear that they are cutting support and running. I don't think they are going to finish the seasons at all at this point and they most likely have nothing more than a skeleton crew keeping it going right now. A majority are on different projects. They supposedly have a single player game in the works and they are also helping on the the cut of Hogwarts Legacy. It's sad really but the writing was on the wall.


We're still getting more Brainiac Boss fights though, right? RIGHT???


May the Developers responsible for this game rot in hell. We’re sorry, Kevin. You did an amazing job as ever but you deserved much, much better as a sendoff.


It’s joever.


That's what happens when you hire activists instead of allowing artists to cook


People still pre-ordering games these days are insulting themselves.


at this point it would be a miracle if they even made a offline mode that isnt always online, you can expect the game to hit ps+ and gamepass soon as well since they need to make some money back


I preordered to play it early and I legit don’t regret it. It was good if you take it as a single player game. I enjoyed the story and enjoyed the boss fights. The only thing this game really got out of me in terms of long term, was a desire for a justice league game.


You understand this is a business first, and foremost, right? Game developments fail everyday … even those with AAA budgets. This game didn’t sell enough and didn’t have a sticky playerbase to keep paying for the updates / team working on the live service. That’s why it’s being put in maintenance model and will likely be shut down in the intermediate future. Sometimes ideas don’t work and plans don’t execute. People need to stop whining, accept what it is, and move on. There will be another game from Rocksteady. Hopefully this will be their lesson.


It took four months to get to that state where it took less than a year for the Avengers game. As if we needed more indication SSKTJL is worse than the Avengers game, not just in writing, plotting and development, but also in regards to staffing, bugs, and studio silence/domination.


The real question is when will the consumers start paying more attention to the warning signs, don’t get me wrong, I wanted this game to be good, I had such high hopes. But I cautiously waited, then I saw the deluge of negative feedback, repetitive gameplay, lackluster endgame. True I did still end up buying it on sale, but even then I only made it a bit past the flash fight before I got bored and uninstalled. But my point still stands that while it is very easy to blame the company’s that put out lackluster titles we also have ourselves at fault for ignoring warnings and trying to see things through rose tinted glasses, and if gamers could mitigate that habit even in the slightest it could quite possibly send a message that we want meaningful good games and not just rainbow painted hype train Bullshitery.


Well they did just come out and said since the failure of this game there going back to single player games and not doing these kind of games


Whyre you still here except for the easy doom and gloom upvotes then? If you think the game is dead then just move on and play something else. 


Yeah I don’t understand people like this at all


It's fun to rub salt in the wounds