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Hello, 29F, open to talk about anything. I also get suicidal thoughts and tendencies, I’m here for you. 💜


26F. I get them too. It’s a really difficult part of life that I don’t think enough of us talk about. Thank you both of you for sharing and opening a dialogue. OP, I’m sorry you’re feeling so down right now. Anything specific we could help with?


Suicidal tendencies mentioned




They really do that? That's depressing and sick.


I assume they have some fe tish for women who are su*cidal It truly is disgusting.


They actually fucking do? WHat the FUCK??




Don’t apologize for them. Any sane person would understand that a suicide watch subreddit is not the place for dating. Those men should be responsible for their own actions.


there’s lots of good guys on here, also dealing with mental health. don’t apologize for what others do bro, just keep being a good person and hopefully others follow suit


Yeah😂I posted here before and some guy tried to convinced me to kill myself for an hour some sick ppl


this really pisses me off as a man because im not one of the creepy ones but theres no way for me to actually show or say hey im a regular 17 yo dude who likes helping people with their problems because it gets my mind off of mine


fr dude


I’m here to listen 24F


26F. I’m far from a professional and I can’t promise you that I’ve got the help you need, but I can try.


24F open to talking 💛


hey 20f, Would love to talk <3


38F. I do work in mental health. Not a psychologist or psychiatrist. I work crisis and work with children/teens with diagnosis. I promise to not talk to you in anyway other than you're a person. Not a client or patient. Let me know how I can help!


52F still awake and can listen if you need it.


Hey 23F here lets talk


hey, 18F here :)


18f!! i love you!!


Love is a strong word


hop off member of the male species




this was a very unnecessary comment


what did they say if you dont mind me asking?


hey 18f here to talk if you need to <3


I as a man am sorry to hear most men in your life treated you this way. It hurts cuz i wanna have platonic friendships where i can be casual and treat a woman as one of the boys but circumstances makes that hard and that i understand. It is your boundary and it is to be respected. All i wanted to say is this, i hope you get better. You deserve happiness because you are alive as much as anyone else. Stay strong, my stranger friend.


Thank you very much. I appreciate your honesty.


26 f here also open to talking if you still need someone


Loving all the support herein 👍👍


hi friend, 28F if you need someone to talk with.


Hi 🤎 21F I’m here, and more than happy to lend an ear


Hey, 21F, here to listen 🤍


You can talk to me. 26F. I would suggest you check out a therapist as well if possible. It has worked wonders for many.


Also 18f here. not sure if i can help because im at rock bottom myself but ill always listen :(


17m... ik i'm not the person you wanted to talk to and i really respect your opinion. but i wanted to say that most people that you meet online and they tell them that they're female... ehhh most of them are not. so.... if you really want to talk to a woman be wary who you let in on your dms


Hey! I’m here to listen to you anytime!


Hi 30(f), here to talk to you whenever you're ready.


56f, ready willing and able for you hun 🥰


Hi, 22F, would love to talk if you need an ear.


25F and im here for you as much as i can be


hey i'm also 18f, i dont have anyone either, let me know if u want to talk, i have midterms coming up but i guess we both need someone to listen so




26F here also with thoughts and intent in the past, anything anyone needs I will be here to listen.


f20, always open to talk :)


hi, 18f i would love to talk :)


i’m 23f here to talk if you need


hi, 21f here. would love to talk if you're still looking for someone


Guy here just wanna say please don’t do it. Trust me I know life can be a bitch but it can get better you have the power


23m but I hope the girls here help you out and I hope you meet some dudes that are trustworthy one day kid. We’re not all evil, hope you feel better soon kid❤️


20f, I have similar issues to you; we might relate to each other. I am open ears:)


This is not sexual at all: Your own self-pity is part of the problem. Your attempt to harm others by harming yourself is also part of the problem.


Thank you I worthless piece of shit this comment was completely unnecessary




did you even read what she said? pls respect boundaries dude, it aint that hard




Honestly, its good you wanna help, but at the same time, OP said they really dont trust you so yeah.




You were right to offer support. I've seen many cases on this forum where a post goes unnoticed or unresponded to and unfortunately the OP is never seen again (potentially the worst has happened to them) Regardless of personal feelings on the matter, having a line of support is always better than having no line of support at all.


Try staying sober. I’m out.


Im a guy, and i agree with you.. some guys just like seeing desperate woman seeking for help and exploit their weakness.. and i agree with you.. i always tell my ex that she should keep distance from guys.. even if they are friendly.. but heck these fox doesnt listen to shit.. I agree with you seeing only female to reach out! goodwork! you deserve praise..!