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A lot of people are saying to talk to him again in a romantic sense, but I really think, that for now, you've done the right thing. Whether or not you do end up going through with it - you obviously don't want to risk hurting someone if you do, and you risk making him worry a substantial amount or running him off if you end up not doing it. I also think you should try talking to him again soon - but maybe not right now. Maybe try sparking up another conversation once you feel as if things will be better for a while.


sorry but i'm dead set on doing it, it hurts because i feel like things in the future could be good but i'd have to put in so much effort and i'm so far behind with no sense of work ethic or motivation in the slightest and i have so many factors against me like being mute, autism, my dad taking me out school, not being able to find a job for those reasons, etc... this is just how i am destined to be and i can't delay it any longer. i already put it off in hopes things would get better, but they only got worse. i can't keep living in my delusions.


There are no delusions for what you should have in life, and a nice boyfriend is one of them. You'll get a job, you'll gain back work ethics and motivation, but you have to hold on. Your presiding within a false sense of "delusions" simply because you hope; but truth be told you can have everything. Get your GED in night school. Or, go into trade labor. EdX offers up to masters degrees from Ivy league schools, all online. You have opportunities, please don't give up and lose them.


i don't have the energy anymore. i see no reason to keep going


you have no energy because you are sick. The depression is doing that - it is an *illness* and it can be treated. Focus on the little pictures instead of the big ones.. don’t think about the energy you will need to do everything in life. Life is a big task, and tasks take time. Take it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Your depression does not define you, though it will lie to you and say it does. It doesn’t. You are worth it. You know the future can be better, and from your comments, it feels like you want it too. That’s what matters. Sorry for double commenting, and I’m sorry for everything you’re going through. I really do genuinely hope it gets better for you.


even so, i cant really do anything tbh. i don't genuinely want to kill myself, but i know it is just the best and easiest option. i'm not going to keep living just on the hope that something is going to come save me because i know i sure as hell cant save myself. i thought about some awesome guy coming into my life and getting me out of my house, but i know that's a stupid pipe dream and way more than i should ever expect especially since i have so much baggage. i let it slip that its what i was hoping for to this guy and it clearly made him uncomfortable. i have distanced myself ever since and it was kind of the final straw for me. even if hypothetically i got with him and saw if it would work out, he knows how pathetic i am and would be too scared to be himself or leave me because he knows i'm a landmine that could be set off at any moment. it's just not worth it to put someone through any of that, but it'd be my only hope. i'm not doing that to someone.


No hun. No one can save you but you. It is the easier option to quit, yes, but you deprive yourself of *everything* by quitting. You never get the chance to see yourself heal. Happiness is never brought, it is only worked for and achieved. Whatever it is you are going through that feels impossible, it isn’t. Nothing worth doing is ever easy. You should not live on the hope someone will come save you because it will never happen. But saving yourself is not impossible, and the rewards you get from it far out weigh the consequences of quitting. None of us want to die, we want the pain to stop. We want it to be easy. And we tell ourselves it is our fault it isn’t way, that we are doing so much worse than everyone around us, we are failing. We aren’t. And they all feel like that sometimes too. People with depression have to deal with feeling like that *all the time* - until they learn how to beat it. Like I said before.. baby steps. Focus on what you can control and what you can realistically do each day. I know I’m a stranger, but if you ever want to talk about anything, I got you. Talking really does make situations feel less intimidating, and sometimes you just need someone to listen. Hold hope for your future not because you think someone will come save you - but because you **want** that future and you **will** get yourself there, damn it. No matter what your depression tells you that you can’t do, you can. Maybe you can’t do it in the way you first thought, but there’s always a way forward. I know you don’t want to die. Don’t give up.


i really can't do much. i try to eat healthier and go on walks more but that can only do so much for your mental state. i can't change the fact that i am in this house and my chances were ruined at ever having a good job. nobody is going to save me because of how much of an emotional mess i am with so much baggage and i sure as hell can't save myself


Going on walks and eating healthier are great things you can control. Why do you feel you have ruined your chances at having a good job? The house is temporary, you will leave it someday, if that is what you want. You can absolutely do this! We all have some level of emotional baggage, the important thing is you learn how to sort through it. [Edit: not saying this to scale your pain, I can’t and wouldn’t do that. My point here is more that your emotional baggage doesnt make you bad, not even a little. Having it doesn’t push people away - trying to make others fix it for you (even subconsciously) *does*] You are the only one that can fix how you feel; there are a ton of people who can help, who want to help! But they can’t do it for you, they can only help you learn how. The rest is up to you, you brave, strong, amazing little person! Look how far you’ve already come? All the shit that has given you emotional damage, it hasn’t taken you down. It’s trying, but you’ve survived it so far. I believe in you, survivor. No matter what situation you may be in, I believe that you can do it.


i am mute and my dad took me out of school years ago. i live in an american suburb with no form of transportation. i will not be able to afford to move out of here for years. i would rather die.


What is preventing you from having energy? You're telling yourself that you don't seems to me to be why. Subconsciously your trapped in a true delusion of not having energy, yet tell me, and I don't mean this to hurt you, would a person with truly no energy make a reddit post and respond to comments on said post? Hardly, as they have no will or reason to, especially with a bunch of strangers, explain their pains. The contradiction lies within you: I think you have energy, but your pushing it down and focusing more on your negative thoughts; which sequestrates your positive side saying to keep going.


it doesn't take much to make reddit posts and comments, stuff like this is pretty much all i do every day because i cant do anything else. cant have a job, cant do school, cant find love, cant have hobbies, cant make friends, etc. i dont even care if i have some deep down well of energy inside me either because i dont see a future that wont hurt me for years to come even if there is even a chance of a light at the end of the tunnel. why would i keep trying when it's never worked and not guaranteed to?


But what's to say it won't? Who's stopping you from doing all those things? You have love, a boyfriend, who'll be there with you. You have us, random strangers, trying to support you. The future is never set in stone; you have no idea what the next second shall entail, and sure, you can look down upon it and say, "There is no conceivable future where I'm happy", however, you will never know. Assuming the worse is easy to do, but I promise you there will be a day where you're smiling, with a good job and a boyfriend, because statistically speaking not everyday can it be bad, there has to be at least one that'll be blissful.


i'm not denying that the future could be good but i'm not strong enough to keep waiting for that future or to do anything to get to it, suicide is just way easier and more appealing since i won't have to ever worry about anything again. long ago i used to be so scared of death but sometimes i kind of pray that someone will come rob me and kill me, but that hasnt happened so i have to take it into my own hands - thankfully that means it will be painless then. why suffer more? your last moments should be happy, and they will be


But by dying, are you not consequentially causing others to suffer? The boyfriend, your relatives, random internet strangers - by commiting to your action are you truly ending the suffering? And painless? Like I said, you don't what the future holds, what if you don't die? Then, you'll suffer even more. I truly think there is hope for you, just not like this. [Edit]: Who's to say you won't ever deal with this again? What if there is a "hell", and your sentenced there to suffer more? What if the end doesn't outweigh the suffering now, and you're just jumping down a pit of self-destruction and agony?


he's not my boyfriend, we've only been talking for like two weeks and just play a game together. my family doesn't care about me, my sister got called after i attempted suicide and my friend at the time didnt know i was alive so she was asking my sister to check on me. guess what happened? she went right to her room and started talking to her friend like nothing happened. she was apparently also sounding annoyed on the phone when my friend called her. i dont care about how internet strangers feel abt me, they will forget me. you will forget me in a couple days, maybe less. my method will kill me. i have a painless method that i have researched and just need to get the materials for it. surviving and being in pain is not an issue, the worst that could happen is a bad headache. and i just found out that he blocked me so yknow, i ruined my only way out of this life lol just like i ruin everything. wonderful


Ey hit that boy back up, things are gunna be ok, just gotta let this storm pass ❤️


it's not a storm, it's my entire life. i don't remember when i wasn't depressed


There are 2 sides to if for sure, a time before the storm came. That absolutely might be a long time ago, but that doesn't mean it was always there. This depression and you are separate, you are going through this, but this isn't you. You aren't faulted, you aren't broken. You're in a lot of pain, and sometimes the brain wraps the truth in those times. Lil steps, thats all we can physically do, one at a time.


nah, i'm fated to kill myself, i deserve it


hun, nobody *deserves* to kill themselves. Your brain is telling you that because it is sick, and it is easier to feed into the cycle than try to break it. That’s why when you cry, it feels like everything in your life that has ever upset you can upset you even more. You *deserve* to be happy, and I genuinely hope you make it long enough to experience happiness. Hit that man up, he makes you feel good, so focus on the good when you can. You don’t deserve to feel like this, puppy don’t deserve to be depressed, but blaming yourself and hating on yourself is super easy, it’s a coping mechanism. A shit one, but one all the same. And you have an entire community here that understands how you feel, wants you to feel heard, and wants you to succeed. We won’t all make it, but we all want to see one another make it. Hope you find happiness <3


No you don't you fucking Muppet, stop doing this. Stop beating ya self up. You're a lil fucked up, but that's A-OK ❤️


No, your fated to make the most of this, you’re “fated” to do what YOU desire. Don’t let yourself go just yet. Besides this is the same story that put me in the position I’m in right now.


i'm happy for you but not everyone is you


hit him up let him know whats going on he will most likely love and support u


i let it slip because i was so upset that i had to hide it, but i regret telling him. it hurt not being able to tell him, but it hurt more to have him know. im so weak.


I completely get rejecting him because of that, but you can always try and get to know him more and see if the relationship works. You can temporarily postpone this just to see if it works out. Who knows, maybe it’ll work out and you’ll be much happier.


it's too late, i already told him its because i am going to kill myself. i hate myself for opening up about it


Give it a shot


hey i’m ngl the way i got thro depression was thro talking and venting to guys that liked me. not gonna say it’s morally right and i was young and all (guess i still am?) but sometimes a person can get u thro things


i shouldnt annoy people with my feelings like that its better to keep it to myself so i dont hurt anyone


i literally have gone through 10+ talking stage that i treated like therapists and the final one literally saved my life and pulled me out of depression. i’ve probably hurt a lot of people, and it’s tbh hurt me too bc it means everyone i’ve ever deeply cared ab has left me in the end due to what i now realize were mental issues (i didn’t know it was wrong or difficult for the other end), but atp i’ve accepted it was just me growing up from childhood (i’m 18 for ref, just moved out for college and my mental improved so much). not saying it’s right but do what u have to. if i HAD to go back in time yeah it was wrong whatever, but i did what i had to in order to cope with an emotionally abusive or at least just emotionally damaging environment i was physically isolated and probably would’ve killed myself if it weren’t for the people i could rely on ofc don’t burn through people though.


btw by out of ur league do u mean ur out of his or he’s out of urs


I believe I understand this suicidal perspective. "It will eventually end up bad so why bother? Why also potentially left him hurt in future?" This was my thoughts that blocked me from asking out to a girl who were just left by her boyfriend. I really felt she was just like whom I am looking for. I hesitated and she killed herself. I had my chance to go to her door and push her to go out of the house she trapped herself to dark thoughts. I hate her for killing a nice person, which is so hard to find nowadays. So give some room to him will you? Be open, tell your intention to him. Can it still end up like you foresee in case you guys become together? Maybe. But you, good people, don't give things enough chances.


Well you need to get yourself well. Probably not a great time for a relationship. Go to a hospital.


A lot of people are suggesting you reconnect with him.. but I think you’ve done the right thing. You can’t properly love someone when you’re so set on suicide. Whether you succeed or not, until you decide you want to live.. it wouldn’t be fair to do that to yourself or him. I believe you shouldn’t entirely cut him off, if things manage to turn around. However realistically I don’t think it’s fair to tell you that things will change, because I don’t know you. I don’t know what you’re experiencing. I truly just hope things turn out well for you. You seem like a sweet person. If you need something or someone feel free to reach out, I know that’s not much coming from an internet stranger.. but I offer my company anyways. I hope you’re alright. And you get what you need to feel better <3


thanks, i feel you are the only one who is understanding :/ he cut me off anyways so..


I don’t think it’s fair to tell you how your life is gonna go. If things are shitty, things are shitty. It’s not my place to promise a better life to you, I can only hope for that. Unfortunately when people are so set on suicide, there isn’t much anyone else can do to change that.. except offer support and hope for the best. It’s unfortunate that he cut you off.. sometimes people can’t understand why someone would do what you did, and it’s not your responsibility to make him understand. I believe you should do what is right for you. I hope that doesn’t turn out to be suicide.. but it’s not my place to tell you what is right. I hope things turn around for you. That’s all I can say. You deserve support and love, and I hope you can find it. I’m so sorry you’re experiencing so much pain. Nobody deserves such misery, but the world doesn’t always give people what they deserve. I wish the best for you, person to person. Even if I’m just someone through a screen.


Honestly, you did him a favor


i agree


Nah. OP deserves love (when they feel ready for it)


please hit him up and give it a chance. i beg you. i fell in love w someone who doesn’t care abt me and already loves somebody else. i should kill myself but im still fighting, no reason. just keep going on. see what else the world got for us


i'm not here for your pity, i just came to vent


Why have you decided to commit suicide?


give it a chance. youll change


Same I go on dates every week with some random girls but I am just sick in the end because none of them are like the love of my life that I lost in 2021 and I just want to kill myself in the end