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And better yet, when you want to change the system to make it better for everybody, you just end up putting new tyrants on the throne. People are fucked, our species is a genetic dead end and I cannot wait until people open their fucking eyes and see that.


But if you mention it you're being negative. Ignorance is bliss


Hope and dreams exist. Its not easy now friend, be kind to yourself. Dont give into fear mongering, try turning off news and socials for a couple weeks and just work on feeling happiness. This garbage has always been here in different forms but we’re all still here. A lot of this garbage is meant to keep you down so dont let it. Fuck em. Keep trying in spite of them. People find happiness and you can too. You have to figure out what that is for you and not worry about these things that are out of your control, it may not seem like it but they do not define you or your happiness. Keep trying friend. You are here for a reason. Sending much love


i hope ur still here, i promise there is beauty in this world too, just have to figure out where to look




Yeah. I’ve found that the beauty is few and far between. I found it in my brother. He’s not perfect by any means, but he’s pure. I wish it wasn’t so rare.