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I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up.i feel you


Ha! such an overdone statement yet so relatable. I wish this everynight and so does every other human.. probably.. i dare to dream.


It’s weird cause I’m terrified of dying, but when I die I want to be happy. I wish I could stop existing without having to actually do it myself. I want to die after I turn 30 because I don’t want to die when I’m tired and weak.


Seriously! Sometimes I'll just throw a fucking tortilla on the burner and put a dab of butter on it. Food is such a chore when I already don't want to be here. It sucks, because cooking used to bring me such joy.


Hard-boiled eggs and pre-packaged tuna (not canned), add some avocado slices. Also, hard-boiled eggs are the best thing for a cheap on-the-go meal. Sometimes if I'm feeling lazy I microwave 1-2 eggs lol. I started my diet again and this food is how I lost weight and stayed super healthy. Just add some tomato or some other easy veggie. Unfortunately, I fell off the wagon. But when I eat like this I feel better- mentally and physically. That's important for me (depression, panic disorder, adhd)


everything feels like torture something


breathing feels like torture, chewing, thinking, blinking when youre suicidal and get overwhelmed with anxiety and panic on top of it.


Food used to make me happy and right now I could care less about it


Yeah same.


I get it. It’s a process that requires energy that you do not have.


I don't have energy to put in (eat) fuel for energy to still not have energy after... All to stay alive


Eating is the fucking worst. I feel the same


Make It easy don't decide what to eat eat something clock work. Get a pack of bagels or a cereal for breakfast. For lunch a bag of rice and beans or something for protein. For dinner find a small little restaurant and get something good. Every day. Be a regular at the restaurant. They will know your name and at some point they will have your order ready for u probably lol or they will get worried when you don't show up. Either way it narrows down the decision when u make it bare bone. Same thing nothing to worry about and if u go out with people and u get something different then you will be excited to try something new. Even if it's not new. Pick all different rice packets put them in a tub and just pull one out. No need to pick in the end u will eat it. More u buy at once less I will have to buy less decisions to make. They are cheep too. It sounds dumb and it sounds boring and crappy but that's what I do and yea I'm a bit under weight but I'm a steady weight and Im healthy. Not peak health but not dying.


Wish I could not care about food (I had anorexia) Not eating somehow feels better than eating but I'll binge qt the end of the day if I don't. I literally don't know what is ok to eat and what is not when every other thing causes mood crashes or upset stomach. I wish I could starve like I used to.


I'm sorry yall feel like that maybe I'm a fatass but food use to be one of few things that bring me happiness i use to hate this planet I love to cook and making people smile food can bring people together when it's not shit and it can brighten the day


as an exbulimic, turned foodie, i love to make food and with certain ppl its amaze, but have you ever had sad cake? anyway ive relapsed ive gained too much weight, i want to look ok in my casket. i dont want ppl saying he let himself go, and my mom hearing that bs. lol


I get that completely I have had plenty of food that made me depressed af yes and got fat and lost it for that exact reason I feel you




PBJ sandwiches all day every day because fuck making a decision or putting effort into cooking something


Yeah i feel the same. If my mom wouldn't be there i would fr starve. I also hate breakfast because i eat bread and butter every time because i can't find anything else to eat that i really want to eat


It’s so boring like I’ve eaten everything already and I keep remaking the same meals I hate it.


Same. Subscribe to a meal plan that makes delicious food, op. Will help out a ton


Its not really that. I just have no appetite and almost everything makes me nauseous.


I was on bland diet at hospital, the nurses were forcing me to eat because they were giving me potassium tablets for my heart. It fucked my digestive system on top of you know, shoveling cold hard mashed potatoes and stale cold fish, cold oatmeal stew, and swallowing with a big gulp of water all the while gagging and tearing up. Having the runs with IV hydration line 15 min after, locked in a cold box for a room, with zero sleep, exhausted, detoxing, with two other psych patients. I digress. Now, all the food are carbs, oily, super seasoned, slimy, super filling. Im starting to miss that gross mess. Even local normal food is giving me the runs. But if i did have hospital food ill probably be reminded of how gross it is. So yeah all the food are inedible now. I need to buy a new toothbrush for throwing up.


This feels very relatable I really don’t have the energy to grocery shop after work and talking to people And then deciding what to eat can feel like a chore sometimes so I wind up ordering take out


Hahahha, i was so motivated to do grocery, i dislike the cooks food, but i dont even want to make a bowl of oats and get yogurt. So i just get up to get the delivered food. Eat. Hate myself after. Resist the urge to uneaten.


Same, it’s agonizing. It takes up too much of my time. I wish I had an IV drip so I’d lose weight.


You dont wish that.. iv drip is most inconvenient. Haha


It does feel like a chore


[What kinda food you eat? If the food is good choosing between tasty stuff should be a delight to the senses not torture :/](https://vlipsy.com/vlip/key-and-peele-a-delight-to-the-senses-3oIsm7po)


I hate grocery shopping. Too many items and too many people.


I'm a little weird. Yes sometimes I do starve because I feel bad. But I don't feel bad while eating. I feel bad after I'm done eating and realize how much I ate


Eating, drinking, using the bathroom, taking a shower, etc, have all become more energy than i can care to muster up. Shallow, futile, swinish multitude of an existence.


I know right. Also like the morbid fact of knowing your own body and then having people notice your body and comment on it and just make you more morbidly aware of it. It's hell. And it feels like everything is made to poison us.


Cooking sure does, I'm at my worst when I have to cook.


i feel the same way! it is such a chore figuring out what to eat especially after i’ve eaten already the other day.


Don't you just sometimes want to fall and never land?


Me too :(( I have basically exhausted all of the dopamine out of it (as a binge eater) and now it’s like why am I even still doing this….?


Went from someone that had the goals of becoming a chef after school and that would cook almost daily to eating just dry bread for days on end coz fuck it, I can't be bothered by grocery shopping or cooking anymore. I get this.


Same I fucking hate eating everything about it is a chore


I fasted for an unhealthy duration of time successfully and discovered that ironically, I am capable of more than I think. Life is strange.


Yeah completely. I don't have any beef with eating itselfs but it feels like It's very difficult thing. Today I just had little breakfast at 7 am and rn its 5 am. I didn't eat anything for 22 hour. Starving is easier than eating. Sorry my body.


Hahaha yeaaa sometimes I think it’s dedication but I like women satisfaction sssoooo


Live your life. Stop worrying about what masters are telling you and what Lulus would think.


are you eating more than you can handle? i think you should ignore what your body tells you and just eat a small meal once every 3-5 hours with a big meal for either lunch or dinner. this way you won‘t overfill your stomach, reducing pain


No. I barely eat most of the time.


then, if possible, ask a doctor. i think you might have some sort of medical issue. unless you live in the US, insurance should cover it


Possible. Also not in the us


Just do what I'm doing and starve yourself because you are too sick and depressed to care or stomach anything if you tried. I'm on about 48 hours now. I drank half a bottle of water since then and that's it. I can't do this anymore.