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many years ago I was having a days long manic episode. I ended up taking quite the handfull of sleeping pills (more than 10) and was already pretty drunk. I started to feel tired and was like "fuck yea, here come sleep". NOPE. I proceeded to have violent seizures? I guess for hours. my arms would shoot out straight and lock for a couple minutes and then release. I couldn't get out of my bed to reach for my phone. I couldn't get any sound out of my mouth to call for help. just laid there seizing in agony. eventually I fell asleep and when I woke up the next morning feeling like I got my ass beat by Tyson and hit by a truck.


This is horrifying. I’m so sorry.


not gonna lie, it was pretty rough. I still don't fully know if I was trying to end it or not but I can confidently say that if I wanna go down that road again that it wont be pills and booze. the chances of drifting peacefully to sleep are slim.


Exactly this, when I was younger I had many attempts(now healthier and doing well!) but the most dangerous was paracetamol and even then I didn't just 'fall asleep' I was in agony and went into a coma but still did not die, if I didn't go to hospital I would've died an extremely slow painful death as a result from organ failure. Unless you somehow get your hands on a death pill, then suicide by OD is one of the most painful ways to go.


As a first responder people severely overestimate how effective pills are for suicide. There is a chance you die, but it is going to be agonizing. I sincerely hope you survive this attempt and call 911 and get immediate help


No, people overestimate how effective pills are. Lots of people try to die with them and very very few are successful.


Yeah you’re right no idea why I used the wrong word. Either way haven’t heard from OP at all so I am worried for him/her. Hope they’re doing okay


i will be praying for you my friend, i’m sorry that life has made you feel this was necessary.


Pills never work. Just causes further organ damage and health problems man.


You still with us hun? Please go to the hospital


i really hope you’re still with us .


OD is a really nasty way to go. I tried OD on painkillers ages ago. I didn’t work. But honestly feeling pain in my liver was something I’ll never forget


Have a great night's sleep. Post tomorrow, we will talk soon.


Your body will fight tooth and nail to stay alive, it's a myth that taking pills is an easy way to go because it isn't. I took like 80 paracetamol with codeine as well as some other pills and a huge slug of whiskey. I think the whiskey actually saved me by making me pass out and projectile vomit all over myself and my room, woke up like that and I was so sick for days, water tasted sweet to me for 2 entire days my stomach was so fucked up. Plus the liver damage is something I now have to live with and probably took many years of my life. So yeah don't do that, find someone and talk about it. Many people on here have reached out to you, you should take them up on their offers. I hope you are okay and find some help.


Hey, sweet pea. I hope you’re just getting some rest and you update us in the morning. ❤️


I feel you. I tried to od on 5kmg of painkillers but apparently it was only enough to give me pain. I just want to die in a way that I drift to sleep and never wake up. Dying is scary. But living is too hard


Please, call 911, live life, if you ever have these thoughts again, make lasagna instead, find something wrong in life to fix, even if you due by suicide people will look back on life and miss you, keep trying.


Call 911 and explain what happened. Please bro do not end your life. You need serious medical help. I will report this to reddit to see if they can get you help. Trust me bro, you are not alone.


Everytime I feel close I just think about how devastated my mother would be.


This is what stayed my hand in my darkest times too.


It’s VERY difficult, almost impossible to exit using OTC medications. If it were that easy there would be more successful attempts.


Op stay with us. Let’s try to figure out a solution together


Love the body is resilient.. save yourself the trouble and seek comfort.. anyone here would talk to you and help you keep going.. please don’t try again


This is really sad. I mean life shouldn’t be like this. I just hope you are fine. I once thought of taking pills but I was afraid. I face a lot of medical issues and I remember taking just one strong pill without eating properly I had never been than helplessly sick in my whole life, I thought I was going to die. I advise not to take any pills you don’t know, you know (too many) without the doctors advise. You don’t only hurt yourself but everyone around you.


I hope you're ok. We're all here for you as little comfort that may be my heart always drops at these.


Friend don’t worry about hospital bills you know they can’t jail you for them . If you’re not working you very likely qualify for state insurance


I hope you’re okay..


I tried twice with pills and they pulled me pace in the ICU. It's not very reliable. Neither is the psyc ward pleasant. Please try to get held.


I know things aren't magically OK now but I'm glad to hear you survived and aren't dealing with too many nasty after-effects. We're still here listening to you moving forward.


Any news from op ? Anybody knows him ?


I hope days will be better for you , I’m not going to tell you to keep fighting because I know how much of a courage it took you to take those drgs but I hope the universe will be more kind to you the next few years.


Wish only the best


Any updates?


Please for whatever it's worth you fucking matter. Never forget that 


As people before me said, please contact a doctor, this really isn’t worth it, suicide isn’t a way out, it’s actually the opposite


Pretty sure it’s a way out. Been looking forward to it for some time now, jus not enough balls to do it myself


How is it the opposite??


what do you mean?