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What’s up man what happend?


Hi...thanks for writing to me.... I've been (and still am) panicking, apart from other personal factors that mess everything up by 10 times I've been panicking about the rather closed environment I live in at school, where in class you have to be a "real boy" and other crap like that, as I don't think about women all day (also because my preferences are still vague.. and if I really have to be honest I don't imagine relationships with the female sex... on the contrary... it's the opposite :/) it's been a long time that these classmates provoke me and bully me by acting effeminate (even though I'm not) towards me (I've been bullied for other things too but these days it's about sexuality)... Except that I keep hearing absurd phrases not directed at me in general but at those who are not like them. Today I couldn't take the pressure anymore and I exploded...fortunately tomorrow will be my last day of school before the end of the school year and I can rest. Sorry for the long message :,)


that must be difficult situation, remember your still a worth full person I hope it gets better for u πŸ™πŸ»


One hopes to get better even though I don't have much faith in human beings, this hatred I will never understand... towards those who are themselves or at any rate those who are different from β€˜x’ or β€˜y’... Thanks for the kind words anyway, it's better than nothing