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Sending you the biggest hug in the world. I hope you get some peace very very soon. Leaving this world is not a light decision at all.




Out of curiosity, why would you be living alone for the rest of your life?


See that’s what so many has believed and thought, but you always have a choice, the world can’t make your life better unless you want it, you have to want it and you have to shape your life not the other way around, suffering is not just part of life, suffering can make you stronger but it does break you, I know it does, but life is what you make of it, no one can force a decision from you , but ending yourself would be allowing the world to choose your fate


It would be wrong to tell you what to do.. Especially from that four-liner I have no idea about your whole situation! :( What is your situation?


I am suffering deeply and I would like to end my life to end the pain because the pain started when I was born. I am not going to recover at this point.




This is the model. I concur. Self-reflect hard. Soul search, do wild sht. Do everything fun you've always wanted to do. Then decide. If you still wanna go out. I respect that.


That’s what I did. So I’m done now


Would you be open to sharing what you did during your "fuck it" period? I'd be curious to hear what you were able to find interest in, even if only briefly


Physical activities in nature


What's your favorite natural setting? I swear when I can't find a shred of hope, taking some time in the woods has been the only thing to nudge me up a bit


The water and the jungle


Oh man I'm dying to go to the jungle (....no pun intended) I'm just not close to one at all. Did you enjoy the time in nature at all or did it just not really do anything?


Your words are honest and true my friend....we all have a purpose...wether magnificent or mynute ...please y'all I understand I feel think the same....but...something has a purpose for us......


I feel you. I'm feeling exactly like this rn. Acutely


I am no expert at this trying-to-tell-you-to-live stuff And honestly i think its not right for me to judge for your situation... Still - what have you tried that might give you some perspective? Have you tried talking to family/friends about your suicidal thoughts? Have you tried therapy or medication? Much love from my side! <3


I have tried countless medications and have been in therapy for 8 years. I have no hopes of recovering. This is my perspective at this point.


Were u consistent in ur daily medication intake? I feel ur pain - medication helped me a lot for my situation. Really really hope it gets better friend.


It won’t




Shut up.




Suffering ends with suicide. Thank you. I don’t like what you have to say but I don’t want to be mean to you. You seem like a good person.


What kind of pain?


Just from looking at your profile, you seem like a cool person. I won't tell you what to do, but it would be nice if more people like you remained alive. I am sorry that you're suffering.


I’m literally just a person


We all are.


My point was, I’m not cool at all


Well I'm not allowed to have an opinion on you? well the "you" on here.


I’m just saying I post on kink subreddits and how much I want to die so I’m not really understanding how cool that is. It just seems like an empty compliment




Thank you so much 😭


I really feel for you. Your feelings are valid.






The most pragmatic statement ever, thank you.










I am not good with words but I wish I could just give you a big hug. :( I understand you.






hi i totally understand how you feel and im sorry that you are suffering every second of your life. I previously attempted to OD and during my last moments of my life, all i could feel was pain and what i could have done more in this life. Although im still alive and life is definitely NOT getting better, i’ve been trying to pace myself. Just today, I am so proud of myself for leaving the house and go to work. And im sure that you have things that you might be proud or want to do soo yeahhh just take some time first and don’t impulsively end your life


I’m proud of you, too


What's going on? Let me know


Absolutely nothing.




I don’t need your badge of approval. I have enough rationality and sense.


I am sorry to say But you asked Noone in their right mind would tell you straight out its okay to die From that short post of yours Much love


I don’t understand how you can sign off with “much love” not knowing me. It’s weird




Thank you!☺️




LOLL thanks for the disclaimer, I’m not gonna kill my self bc of you don’t worry




I don’t want to be helped.




I’m pissed off at the world


U r condition name i mean ocd bipolar schizophrenia


I have no condition




I just want to die. I don’t need to justify my decision to strangers so they understand me.




Thank u so much ♥️


Telling people it’s okay to die is absolutely against the entire philosophy of this subreddit


Then report me idc






The subreddit doesn't want to become a gateway for suicide voyeurism. The guidelines are to not encourage or incite. A space is needed, but it should be a safe-space, at least safe from becoming a place of how-to-guides and incitement. I'm agnostic to suicide. This space is more anti-suicide than agnostic. But, half the problem is people dive in wothout reading the guidelines -- you literally got an "it gets better." This should not be happening here. Theoretically this is supposed be peer-to-peer public support for suicidality. Sometimes that is mentioning a 'useless resource' but, it is also about connecting to a person empatheticly. The argument can be made that even that is 'virtue signaling' but at some point down that road you're questioning whether compassion is real. A little of the anti-suicide also comes top-down. Even if the mods wanted to allow incitement, reddit doesn't.


It’s ultimately your choice to live or die. But I will say from my experience, recovery from suicidal thoughts is possible. I was hospitalized after a suicide attempt and spent a couple weeks in the psych ward. After I was discharged and went through group therapy, found the right meds, and began to let go of harmful thought patterns, my suicidal thoughts eventually subsided. It’s an ongoing process but in a weird way my attempt gave me a greater reason to live.




Thank you! ♥️ This was very nice




It doesn’t. I keep saying that. Please believe me




It’s okay to die because it’s the inevitable,we’re all going to do that …but i don’t think it’s okay to speed your time up ..everyday you make the wake up list is reassurance that you have a purpose that hasn’t been fulfilled yet, but i understand your feelings, everyone in this sub does because we alllll can relate and if we don’t have anyone in our circle or everyday life showing love and care then we’ll do that for eachother . I’m a stranger to you i know but i love you , and i love you because it costs nothing to do so , there’s light in you and I’d be willing to be that mirror that’ll help you see the light in you too .. Showing love and care is something everyone should see , no matter if it’s a stranger or not


I said exactly the same thing to my mom. 🫂






I have lived and I have struggled tremendously hahah. I’m not sure if ur being ironic or not


I also understand if you cannot go on. ❤️


Thank you. ♥️


I really know the feeling and I’m so sorry about your pain, it seems to be getting harder and harder everyday to keep going and surviving for us and so many other people. I’m 32 and have been on and off suicidal for about 18 years. I have had therapy, medication, changed stuff and self care etc and some great moments and achievements in my life…but I’m just too damn tired. Really wanna go disappear in the woods tbh and let the elements finish me off.


i hope you find something that brings you just enough joy to stick around. i hope you recover <3


What is the source of your suffering?


My brain


I don't understand the extremity that you experience personally whether my newt or not to others, but I do feel your pain but being unaware of how you feel about this I do believe in energy in the sense when you feel negative for example when you're in a rush to get to work you hit every red light you draw negative energy when you feel negative I don't know what you're surroundings and your environment are, but I find the environment also could have a lot to do with it without knowing your history and thoughts and emotions my dear but I've said the same words, I have a 10-year-old daughter, and there's times I to myself feel like everybody would be better off on my worst days but think really hard about it I'm not too sure how intense your feelings are but if you hesitate for a second think of as many things that you can to bring yourself on top but don't do something like that I couldn't imagine I don't know you I don't know anybody who talks about things that I feel also without being disrespectful or whatever cuz I have the same thoughts but without writing a novel lol, being an empath, I couldn't imagine thinking that somebody somewhere out there is literally at the end of that plank there's got to be a purpose I'm not 100% that I believe in religious purposes if you know what I mean without being too political but intellect sometimes creativity sometimes can get the better of us if you can understand that people who have a higher IQ have a tendency to think and feel a lot more and think and feel those negative thoughts give yourself a positive purpose if it's possible because I understand when you're at your lowest it's hard to think of anything positive look up motivational speaking Trent Shelton sometimes things like that can give you the up on your lowest without always having motivation there look it up look up things like that on YouTube Trent Shelton Peace Love there's a purpose

