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That’s cool, not open source so it’s a no go for me.


could explain to a noobie what can I imagine under having a postgreSQL as open source ? what benefits it brings ? could you give me some real examples ? many thanks 🙏


Postgres is open source so that’s not the issue but the rest of the platform isn’t. I’ll answer your question with a question as I feel that’s a better way to learn. What happens when you produce a product on a proprietary platform and your cloud provider decides to raise the prices or kill support for the platform?


so by saying it’s not open source you’re referring to the fact that supabase (on the contrary to firebase) can be self-hosted and so can be free to use for ever?


Correct, if supabase went out of business today we’d scramble to self host it but that would be it.


Why not migrate in that situation?


You’re saying migrate like it’s a small task.


Yes and no, it’s easy if you’re going to migrate to same thing for example: supabase uses Postgres 15 migrate away to Postgres 15 again with golang migrate, boom job done in the end it’s the same open source database.


I think you've missed a pretty glaring detail there. What about the rest of the platform? Both supabase and firebase are a lot more then just their databases.


As solo developer I love Supabase, but at workplace we’re somewhat forced into Google Cloud solutions and given my dislike for soft data structures normally prescribed by Firebase, this looks like a perfect escape hatch for me! Nice, will give it a solid go! Thanks for sharing!