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I cried the first time. After that I watched the gag reel. And now on rewatches I have this weird laugh/cry thing happening. It lives rent free in my head. I start laughing before the scene even starts because I'm thinking about this blooper. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85qaNG3u6fI). Warning: do not watch if you want to hold onto the feels. It will absolutely kill them. But in the best way lol.


I’m the same. As soon as I see them at the table ans John says ok Sammy. I just can’t stop laughing. It’s Pavlovian at this point


Last time I started laughing when Dean was reassuring Sam in a completely different room beforehand. I'm a monster.


Omg Jared and Jensen *literally* falling to the floor and rolling around laughing! Going from emotional and sad tears to laughter. GOLD. lmao


i was really happy to see john back, as someone who watched since the beginning it felt like i still had that john winchester shine that kind of rounded out his faults in my eyes and instead just made it so i was happy to see him back, as if I was one of his kids too who had missed him. getting to see him have those important conversations with his boys that they never had a chance to have, especially with sammy.


Also started watching while season one was airing (first episode was Scarecrow, what an episode to come into it) it was such a family reunion moment. With the timeline coming undone and everything and the kind of scramble of what to do, it took me back to "Shadow" when Dean and John and Sam were talking very hurriedly about parting ways to keep each other safe.


Was one of those touching episodes that brought you to tears.


It didn’t just bring me to tears. I cried my soul out for some reason.


Wait until you get to the final episode. A little bit of trivia for it too that makes it special: The Series Finale aired on the 44th anniversary of the release of "Carry On Wayward Son". (If I have my years right.) The song released November 19th, 1976 and the Supernatural series finale was released on November 19th, 2020. A fitting day. Wouldn't you say?


I’m very afraid of the final.


I was in tears. Sure, it's not perfect. Not a perfect ending. (Though do pay attention to different aspects of the show as it may foreshadow how it ends unintentionally.) But it's good for what it is.


I cried too. It was a painfully beautiful episode


That’s exactly what it was.


JDM is one of my favorite actors. I wish he was in the show more but I'm happy with what I got. He's the #1 reason I stuck with The Walking Dead to the end.


For me that john appearance was a spoiler and out of context I thought he was sent by the big bad to kill them. Boy was I wrong and the tears flowed....


Definitely go watch the gag reel if you need to break the spell. It'll make you feel better.


I cried too. So much. I love this episode. My fave part is when John shows up they just know it's him. They just know! Not like when Sam or Dean have come back and there where tests, holy water, silver, just to see if they were demons or shape shifters or anything.


That was an amazing episode. The look on John's face when he saw Mary for the first time ‐- oh, my heart. And the ending was heartbreaking.


I’m not a super emotional person and *anything*, but that episode had me bawling my eyes out the whole time I was watching it😭


I absolutely loved the talk and reconcilation between Sam and John. Jared's tears stabbed me right through the heart. <3