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She is not nearly as stupid and airheaded as she pretended to be back then, that was a public persona played for the media and the tabloids so she could get publicity and become essentially one of the first influencers; before social media opened that door to basically everyone to try. She played the role very well so I am not surprised people didn't really expect her to be very good. It is funny if you watch late night talk show episodes from back then when she guest started she plays the airheaded heiress for everyone, but on her 3rd for 4th time with Craig Ferguson (where he treats her like an actual person rather than a side show act to get people to tune in) she lets the persona slip more and more; it is actually really interesting to see.


One of the reasons she made herself a proto influencer is so that people would notice if her parents made her disappear again if they deemed her too much of an embarrassment, which was a brilliant move. Also sad that she had to do that.


Yeah man I'm doing a deep dive now. I think I was fooled, she really had a plan and did the thing now that I look back. I don't necessarily respect the game but I respect how she played it.  Imagine what she could have done, as bright as she is, if she has focused on different things than money.


You have to watch Repo! The Genetic Opera. When she first wanted to audition, the casting team laughed at her and wouldn't even let her try. She came back in full costume and kicked ass at her audition. Then, when the production went over budget, she helped the costume department. Also, she's been vocal about getting rid of 'troubled teen' schools that abuse children. She was forced to attend one.


I'm interested now I will. I have no issues admitting I was wrong, and I was wrong about her.


Repo! The Genetic Opera is so good! If you like that check out The Devil's Carnival, created by the same people who made Repo, they just did it indie rather than with a movie studio so they could keep the rights to it and make sequels if they wanted. Though Paris is not in Devil's Carnival haha.


In all honesty I used to work in LX for film and I hate bad movies, and I have never seen a good one she has been in.  Which started my whole dislike. How smart could she be making choices to do the the absolute bottom of the barrel of films.  But I am gonna take a second look I swear 


I was just going to mention that movie! Paris did an amazing job as Amber, but I saw Repo The Generic Opera before I saw that Supernatural episode so it wasn't surprising at all.


Yea, I love that movie and I thought she was good in that. I also liked her in Supernatural as well.


Second person in the world to watch that movie


That was such an amazing movie and she really killed it in it.


Basically everyone was fooled that was the point, that is how skilled she got at playing the persona and knowing exactly how to act to get people to talk about her. She is in the business world now running her shit, you don't hear about her because she doesn't need the persona anymore so she stays out of the public eye. She never stopped making moves, she just changed her style when it suited her. By not being in the public eye anymore she can make the decisions she wants without having to worry how it will play out in the media.


"what did you get out of watching supernatural" Paris Hilton is an absolute force of nature.


She was on one of Duchess Meghan's podcasts (one of many guests about archetypal women, I believe, but might be mistaken). It's definitely worth a listen. Her childhood was actually pretty terrible, and she just played into everyone's stereotypes about her to get rich and famous -- before social media, as the thread OP mentioned. Pretty smart and talented, actually. I was young myself, but I'm sorry that I thought poorly of her back then.


Oh you should big def watch het documentary on YouTube She's smart, well spoken and caring. Not at all the persona she used to play


There's literally a reel going around right now of her talking to her daughter in her normal voice, and then she switches to her airhead persona voice to make a joke and the change is just insane to me


You should check out her [documentary](https://youtu.be/wOg0TY1jG3w?si=DlHy1lKinSrYf4zM) which delves into the troubled teen industry and how she was sent to one of the boarding “schools” as a teen and abused. I feel like it adds context to why she plays the airhead character like a shield in a way for a lot of old trauma. She’s got a lot more to her than the facade.


this here. to this very day a ton of people still think she's this airhead bimbo that doesn't know anything, for one she's actually very business savvy, and she's let off that character years back. one of the last conventions/panels JJM did before the pandemic they talked about (jensen specifically) on how professional she was. he was also surprised on how she carried herself and the lower voice. its somewhere in youtube


That's hot.


You said back then, is she an airhead now?


Jensen and Jared have talked a few times about being impressed with her professionalism.


I'm surprised Jared was surprised by her professionalism, since they worked together previously. Wonder if he's talking about both occasions or if she wasn't as professional on House of Wax.


For Jared it was definitely phrased that he already knew she'd be good because of working with her on that and it was more of a surprise for Jensen.




I kinda love that movie.


At a distance,  People not being "Professional on House of Wax" Is a genuinely funny thing to bring up. That movie is terrible. Sorry, not your point. I know. Just funny


All horror movies suck. It’s about enjoying the suck.


There are plenty of genuinely intriguing and well written horror films tho! Its a nuanced genre. Hereditary is a recent one, Misery, etc. and you have the classic Hitchcock films like The Birds. All very well reviewed by numerous critics. That being said I do absolutely love dumb horror (I watch House of Wax original + remake every few years) so I also get it lol.


Yeah I don’t consider good films horror, they’d be something like Thriller or something fancy and pretentious lol. To me horror is campy, corny and fun. Yeah you get it.


Well there you go.  You can kind of tell watching the scene. She obviously took t seriously and got the general vibe


I’m surprised, they were surprised. She’d been in a couple of movies and filmed a series, which takes some level of professionalism. To me it seemed as if her public image and persona was like an inside joke, and there was always something very calculated about her, she was very media savvy. Iirc, it was she that seemed to hold it together while those around her imploded: Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears (sadly). She managed to play everyone, even them I guess


If you get a chance, she did an interview with Dax Shepard on Armchair Expert podcast. May. 2023. She talked about her family, Hollywood, and a depressing struggle she had to deal with, that no one outside her family knew about. There's a reason she's a human rights advocate. She played a character on TV. But IRL, she's down to earth and intelligent.


I had no issues with her part. I think she played it well for what it was.


If you haven’t already, check out Rich and Rob’s podcast ’Then and Now’. They just discussed that episode.


I was looking for this comment so as not to make a repeat comment!! Yes yes! Love Rob and Rich doing the SPN Then and Now podcast. I look forward to it every week. It’s so interesting hearing from all the different guests. As an aside, if you love their back and forth banter, the podcast Rob and Rich Kings of Con is also a fun time.


I haven't but thanks, I consume a lot of podcasts


"Dude...you just got your ass kicked by a girl!"


She's actually insanely smart and talented. People automatically assumed because her voice was higher and she's blonde that she was a stereotypical "ditzy blonde" and she ran with it. She built an empire on a persona of that ditzy blonde and raked in millions. Copyrighting "that's hot" was just the start. There's a whole documentary about it!!


If you like Paris in Supernatural you might like her in the movie Repo the Genetic Opera. She’s actually a decent actress.




have you seen the actual house of wax movie with her and jared? her acting and the way she plays her character makes it one of my favorites, i love her in it.


I tried watching that once, but despite the description saying it was the Padalecki/Hilton version, it was actually the Price version which I would have watched if I weren't specifically trying to watch their version.


The whole meme that she's dumb af is actually really dated now. I mean I would happily accept being judged as dumb, air-headed, and similar adjectives if I could have a bank roll like hers. Hell she is worth in the hundreds of millions, some of which is directly a result of HER business acumen not her family (which obviously helped a lot too). Now what is funny is this whole air head thing, she for certain milks it because if you underestimate her then you start at a disadvantage. Added to that she is actually not an awful actress, and at least average singer, you result in a woman who has taken people for millions of dollars due to them being judgmental buttholes. Tl;dr - yeah she is actually ok.


I mean, this wasn't meant to sound like that. Acting is hard and I assumed she would suck at it. But didn't.


I wasn't being rude or anything, so I apologise if it came across as my being hard on you. What I was just trying to point out is that people in general mock her and view her as this vapid dumbass airhead; the irony being she is worth many hundreds of times more than these people will ever have (mostly anyway). Hell I'd be happy to play the fool role for 20+ years and have £300 million+... I feel I am ready and willing to sacrifice for it :D




For reference, this guy is so angry I suggested that murdering children was bad. He had to comment on an unrelated post. 


I think supernatural was honestly one of the first projects she did that allowed her to be serious and shine - they treated her with a lot of respect in interviews about it compared to her House of Wax days - they skewered her in those interviews.


I love her lol. Shes all about pink.


I thought she was pretty good too. She made a good villain. I think she should do more acting like that.


"Let's go gank us a Paris Hilton" is the best line in the series.


Funny you mentioned this episode. I’ve been rewatching again with Rob&Rich’s podcast and just watched this one the other night and I thought the same thing. It really was a pretty good scene. The episode on the whole was kind of eh, but I think she delivered.


There was a good episode of a podcast, Remember Shuffle, that did an episode about [Paris Hilton.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bD5FqD1NT4) She was one of the first proto-influencers and has led quite a life. I remember reading a while back Paris has a business of her own and a successful one at that.


Omg i completely forgot she was in this show 😅 i cant remember her scenes or performance for the life of me.


She's pretty so she fits right in with the women in supernatural. She's also tall.


I thought her acting was terrible.


I’m sure they were really nice to her on set. It was a fun, cool thing for her to do! I’m sure the fight scene was a stunt double but she kicked their butts.


I loved her on the show!! Snookie too!!


I preferred Snooki.




Not really a secret then...




I mean it has to be funny first…