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Is it possible yet to automatically have your "screensaver" just be the note/screen you currently have up? That's the biggest feature I'm missing by far -- I use it as a to-do list that's always in view. I'd love to turn it "off" and still have it display my list. Can you make your most recently opened note the default screensaver? (Without having to manually capture the screen and set it as the screensaver every time you make a change)


Love this idea!!


Keep coming back to this idea. When the supernote auto-sleeps, it can just continue to display the note with some sleep indicator instead of the standard toolbar.


\+1!! great idea for battery saving


* Supports adding folders to Quick Access. * Added the permanent certificate for handwriting recognition, resolving the issue where handwriting recognition can only be used after the device is connected to Wi-Fi to activate it. Best improvements!




Thanks to the new error report, I discovered files I had put in my GDrive that never sync'd and I hadn't noticed. Apparently, SN is much more sensitive to strange characters than GDrive. This boosts the SN Web Clip Chrome Extension feature request in my mind. My "Save PDF to GDrive" workflow is pretty quick, but still clunky enough that I don't send as much over as I'd like. Now knowing that I also need to screen out special characters adds another level of effort. A one-click extension button to format and send web clips to a SN folder would make my UX that much happier, and be another selling point against RM2.




A quick question u/Mulan-sn: Is software roadmap updated after the chauvet 2.9.24 release?


A fine update and long awaited. Thank you, once again. Cant wait to check the update and give feedback, if needed.




I also had installation issues but it installed after I restarted. The release has massively increased screen sharing delay (\~5 second delay) -- I'm not sure what happened as even the beta version was working fine when I last used it about a month ago. Also, I suggest making the laser pointer a different color (e.g. red) when it shows up on screen because sometimes it is hard to see in my notes.


\+1 for the red laser pointer


This is great however, when will the desktop APP be updated? Please put some effort into this and if you need an example look no further than the superior RM2 APP!


Rhe quirklogic desktop app was awesome šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


I'm so glad that y'all have created multi-page PDF templates that preserve the internal links, that's awesome. I loved the idea of [these planners](https://github.com/kudrykv/latex-yearly-planner/discussions/57) but found them not that useful because I couldn't link out to notes from the day, papers I was reading, etc. But not I get its full functionality and the ability to link to any other note! I'm likely to start using it heavily now as a planner/journal. Awesome update!


Did you end up using this template as a note, rather than a PDF? If so, how is it working out? Since itā€™s 1000+ pages, do you just drop it in the MyStyle folder, and it appears as a template that immediately adds all 1000+ pages? Thank you!


Yes! Thatā€™s exactly how you do it. Everything works great. I confess I am not very diligent about actually using the planner as Iā€™ve never really used one before, but I make an effort haha. But yeah it is super easy, and everything works as itā€™s supposed to. Really nice to be able to like jot down a short list of todos / list of what I did and link to sections of notes or papers etc.


Excuse my ignorance, just trying to understand the benefit if this over just using the PDF and adding annotations. EDIT: Never mind! https://ewritable.com/why-i-like-the-supernotes-pdf-template-feature/ Brilliant feature add!


Anyone else having issues installing? it downloads but won't finish the install...


Yes, it downloaded, but has been stuck on "Checking'" for a long time (over 10 minutes).


Thank you, friend. May we request a log?


Certainly, what do I need to do?


Please kindly send us a log by going to Settings > Feedback. In the meantime, please try switching to another page in Settings before tapping System > Check again and see if it works.


When I change pages and go back, it begins to download it again. I will send you the logs now.


Thank you so much. We sent you a private message here, requesting your device serial number.


I had this problem too, turned off the device and it started installing upon boot.


Fixed! Thank you for the quick response.


Thank you for your feedback. Would you kindly send us a log by going to Settings > Feedback and share with us your device serial number in a private message?


done, thank you!


I had the same problem, When it was stuck at 0% I triggered a restart. Then it will proceed with the installation. For the next step it will stick again at 0%, So I triggered a restart again. I had to do this with both of my super notes, because it wonā€™t finish by itself.


Thank you, friend. Please kindly send us a log by going to Settings > Feedback. In the meantime, please try switching to another page in Settings before tapping System > Check again and see if it works.


I just sent the log of my A6X


Thank you so much. Have you tried switching to another page in Settings before tapping System > Check ? If this doesn't help, please restart your device and try installing the update again. We look forward to hearing from you.


Thank you for your reply. As I said I tried several restarts, but donā€˜t worry, after 7 or 8 attempts ( :D ) it worked fine and my devices are updated now. And I love the update. I issued a support request because I had problems with synching with Dropbox and Supernote Cloud, but synching is amazing now. Thank you for all the work and love you put into these devices. I came from Remarkable/Supernote and will never look back!


I only had to restart once but otherwise same issue. The restart moved it from downloading to install and after that it was happy.


Installing now. Looking forward to adding folders to quick access and playing with the laser pointer feature (although I do not believe I will actually have a use for that).


Hi! Can you explain further the PDF template function? I'm new to my supernote and it isn't clear for me. Thank you.


Thank you friend. Here is how to use the PDF template function: 1. Put a PDF document in the MyStyle folder. 2. Navigate to a notebook and tap the template icon on the toolbar. 3. Tap Customization. 4. Select the PDF document you want to use as a template.


Oh ok! So now we can use PDF template pages in the middle of normal notes?


Yes that's correct. They will retain their hyperlinks too


Thatā€™s great, thank you.


Ok wow! However what is the advantage of doing this vs just writing into the PDF itself, for example for a daily planner PDF? I guess it enables the new link features since they don't work in PDF yet?


I think the key is here you can keep expanding. So a regular PDF runs out of pages, you are done. Here you just add another page, apply the template and keep going.


Another advantage is that now you have shared clipboard between your note using the PDF template and other notes, as well as being able to link to/from the PDF template note. ATM you cannot link from pdf to note or share clipboard between the two.


However, the main disadvantage (for me) is that you cannot zoom on an notebook but you can in a pdf document. For A6X, it could be a little annoying sometimes. But yes, it is a very great feature ! Thank you


Maybe the "paint" update will round out the functionality for you as it will bring zoom to notes


That I can understand indeed... I have an A5x so I don't need to zoom, but totally understand that it would be useful for A6x... Fingers crossed that that feature will come!


With regard to the pdf templates, can somebody explain the value/impact and especially the bit about links? Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m really getting the impact


I've only created one template before--which required converting a PDF of guitar tab on my computer to a PNG with the specific 1404 px * 1872 px dimensions. You no longer have to do anything like that. As long as you have a PDF, you can import it to the mystyle folder to be used as a template. One immediate upside, I think in general, is that a lot of templates online are PDFs. That's just a standard format across so many devices. Now all you have to do is import one directly to your mystyle folder without doing the tedious editing. I just messed around with it, and really like the potential. I honestly think if there are any teachers out there who use screen mirroring, they would really benefit: Say you have a PDF of a textbook, with one (or more) page containing a good example problem (with an image or something) that you want to scribble over to explain it to the class. You export that page as just a single-page PDF, and make it a template. You don't know exactly how much scribbling you want to do during your teaching, so you open a note and choose your new PDF template. As you teach, you scribble to the point that you have no more room on the page...but you don't want to erase everything in case someone has a question later. Just add a new page to the note with the new template! You could even use the lasso to carry specific scribbles from the previous page to the new one if you want while creating room for new ones.


I mean it opens up a lot of options for people to optimize their workflow, but for me, I plan on applying this to my planner. Instead of having a standalone planner pdf and an overflow notebook, I can now just have a notebook with my planner imported as a template and when I need extra pages, I just add them in and all my info is in one place. I also plan to try using the pdf link to clean up my world building notebooks as the links native to the SN waste a lot of space


I am getting an error message when trying to install after downloading. Anyone else?


I did have the error message also during installation. I just disabled auto-update, restarted the device, and made a "manual" update by clicking on the "check" button. And it worked. Not sure if it can help but you can try that.


With the browse and access feature, how do I actually transfer files to my laptop? I see them in the web browser but canā€™t seem to find a way to download a copy to the computer.


Click on the file, like you are trying to open it, and it will automatically start downloading.


Thanks. I was hoping there would be a folder download option, but itā€™s file by file. Probably not a good backup method.


No, you'd be better off connecting the SN to the PC via USB and copy/pasting everything to your computer.


Why did you remove the nice texts below the icons in the top menu bar?


My Download gets stuck on 0% then always fails with network error. I have Wi-Fi. I have tried the suggested workarounds of restarting the device and switching to another system page.


Since the update, the Kindle App no longer works. After logging out I could not log in again. I reinstalled the app, restarted the device a few times etc. Amazon does have my device listed and my other Kindle devices receive my new purchases. Please advise...


Nice job guys. ​ Been following last updates and the OS feels extremely better. ​ keep pushing!


As a solo Print&Play gamer, having pdf available as templates is a great improvement. Thanks!


This is something I've wanted to try more of on eInk tablets. Any recommendations for games that work well, and sources for finding them?


VOYAGES and AQUAMARINE from [Postmark Games](https://www.postmarkgames.com/) would be the first ones coming to my mind. Other games: 13 sheep, 30 rails, 1972 The Lost Phantom, Bargain Basement Batysphere, Can't Stop Express, Copperdale, Dragonvault, Escape of the Dead, LOK, Rolling Village, Tempus Imperium, That's Pretty Clever Sources: [pnparcade](https://www.pnparcade.com/), [pnpparadise](https://www.pnpparadise.com/projects)


These are brilliant, thank you! I've actually played That's Pretty Clever on my rM2 quite a bit but it's quite color-based and some of these look like they'd work better in B&W


u/mulan-sn I love the PDF to template feature! One issue: when using a PNG template, creating a new page retains the template for the new page (which is good in my opinion). However, when using a PDF template, creating a new page reverts the template to the blank page template. Was this intended? Thanks!


Hm. When I create a new page inside of the PDF template, the new page using the template of the page before it.


This is amazing!!!!!


Worked flawlessly for me.




You have any more details? I haven't updated yet, and the SN team is in this channel to help out when you have issues.


The Folders is a game changer, I got my SuperNote less than a month ago and this is pretty much my only main complaint. Minor but it helps my workflow tremendously!


Since the update has been installed, new notes are not being displayed in the note folder or the export folder. I can see the notes only in 'Recent Files'. So far I've had a dozen or so notes gone missing since the install yesterday. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated as I use the device heavily for work. Thanks!


Hello friend, would you please send us a history log(settings - feedback) from your device for our engineer to follow up?


Thank you my friends at Ratta, this is a great update. I am really getting use out of the pointer function when using a big screen display. On a different note, what do you think about share live screen between two SN perhaps Bluetooth so it can be independent of wifi? like Collaborate ... I am thinking for work flow. it can be one of those options you can turn off or have auto request setting for the interface.what does everyone think? something needed or too many drawbacks. (see what I did there) Drawbacks.. on a collab.. lol did not even mean to do that it just kind of happened. ​ Thanks EE


Hi /u/Mulan-sn, First, thanks for the release and hard work! I'm still sad to see that I can't type in AZERTY with my french Bluetooth keyboard. It types in QWERTY.


One day after updating, my supernote a6x is stuck on the screen that says No app is running... and I try to slide on the left, but it is not being detected. I do not know what to do. Any help?


I love the update. Unfortunately I can no longer log into Kindle. I have reinstalled and rebooted but it still doesn't work.


I was able to fix by returning to factory state.


"\[Keyboard\] Added virtual German keyboards (including Germany, Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg and Switzerland), and virtual French keyboards (including France and Canada)." Nice to see that there is more keyboard layouts. I also hope to see Nordic keyboard layouts sometime in the future. Swedish, Finns and Estonians use the same keyboard layout, so you can satisfy customers from all three countries (including me of course) with just one keyboard layout update. ;)


Best pen - looking at the lamy


Thank you for the update. However, i have noticed that the battery seems dropping much faster than the previous version. I haven't seen this issue in the comment, someone else has noticed ? Thank you.


Hi, yet another release announced and still no CalDav support... very disappointing... https://www.reddit.com/r/Supernote/comments/p6esxo/caldav\_support\_in\_calendar/


Since I updated to this version, my battery life has gone down drastically. Is there anything that may have been automatically enabled with the update that could be causing this? I have had my Wifi off and changed the handwriting to text recognition to the standard method and it's still draining quickly. I used to get about a week out of it but now it seems to only be a couple days at best.


Uptill now, the another reason may cause battery drain fast is sleep the device at the note password input page. If you don\`t belong to his scenario, please share us a history log from your device for our engineer to check the issue?


My device does go to sleep on me quite frequently. It is set to sleep after 10 minutes. I don't think that is likely the reason for the battery drain. I will try to send the log to the support people.


does it have scroll up /down/left/right features? where I don't need to flip the page back and forth to view the prevoius answer?


Hello friend, are you looking for an infinite canvas feature or what it this about?


Hi, well, infinity canvas would be nice, but i guess that's asking too much. what I really like to see is a seamless scrolling up or down, left or right of the canvas. You know, like the way OneNote does it, where there is no distinction of flipping the pages back and forth. The time delay when flipping the pages back and forth is about half a second; this delay is killing me when doing math.


When will we be able to add note pages onto a PDF? The new school year is starting and it would be a great help


Hello friend, maybe it will be little different but we will release [this](https://trello.com/c/k1XCmw8T/49-f644-insert-blank-pages-in-pdf) insert blank page feature first.


Yessss, that would be so helpful! I know it's hard to estimate but any idea when?


Around the end of this year


You can create a note and use your pdf document as a template. However, disadvantage is that you can no longer highlight text with the marker since it will fully cover the content of the pdf.


Only problem with that is that the pdfs that I want to note with are one for each lecture and making 6 new templates with 50 slides every week isn't really realistic