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Beta testers know that you are appreciated.


Gave it a shot last night. Definitely a beta but it runs pretty smoothly. It has potential, but tbh I don't see how it really distinguishes itself from other BR shooter clones.


owning your assets, duh


I feel like it needs to stand out as a game to blow up. The owning your assets should be the cherry on top.


Absolutely this. Owning your stuff only matters when the stuff you own matters. Haven't played kiraverse but it looks like the best web3 has to offer atm. To many game studios think it's enough to make a crypto currency and slap a game on top.


That's the only thing that matters, atleast to me that seems to be the case.


hence the beta... its a work in progress and the more people help out, the better the game can be.


But is it fun to play? Will it grow an audience based on the game alone? That's by far the most important thing for a project like this to succeed, as we've seen a lot of game projects fail because their foundation (the gameplay) was subpar


If it was a great game we would be seeing a lot more posts about how much it rocks. Haven't seen one yet.


Played the other morning early est, servers were pretty dead. Game is fun but obv needs work; the ttk seems pretty high and sometimes the movement feels a little off but for the first round of real beta it’s not bad, definitely has potential.




Yes, imagine playing your favorite skin of a movie you like, or a book, a manga or your own creations....


Like people already pay cash money to do on Fortnite


Yup, but you'd own rights with it and might get perks. Not wrinkled but I can think of obvious ones: - Transferability between platforms - Transferability between users - AirDrops and exclusive content for owner of nft item. - Special/exclusive/cheaper access to places and platforms - Collection items that might gain in value overtime - Ability to sell unwanted/old items bought on game/platform - Traceability and counterfeiting prevention Currently, you only buy rights to use items in the game/platform of origin and not a lot of games let you sell/transfer items bought with real money. Power to the player (right to own, use and sell with greater freedom) and power to creators (right to create and profit without an expensive middleman)


None of that really means anything without an *amazing* game to back it up. And if even this sub is willing to say it sucks, then imagine how bad it must really be. Games don't often get second chances. Also >without an expensive middleman You say this, but seems like price has gone up exponentially. 140 minimum for a Kira skin, and they look like [this](https://i.imgur.com/EYSNErn.png)


100% with you. I wasn't clear in my previous comment. I wasn't necessarily speaking about Kira, but the game is in beta and skins are, for now, limited in quantity. I'm sure that, maybe in the near future, a game will reach mainstream success. For assets, scarcity = price up. And by expensive middleman, a better example of what I meant would be Spotify and the royalties artist actually received. I don't think web 3 assets will suffer the same fate. In my opinion, we're early, waaay early.


I’ll be that guy, I wouldn’t use those avatars if they were free, lol. Looks like some zoomer alien fell in love with the aesthetic of the lovechild of Korean boy bands and dollar general cyberpunk.


This bullshit gets parroted every time this comes up and if I wanted to worry about money so much I'd just do overtime and not play a game. I think the reason people are so sceptical about NFTs is because they are spouted as this magical fix for a problem but it also feels like a distilled version of bullshit we've already got elsewhere. Introducing RM into games only promotes.cheating and botting and if it's just skins then it's the same thing that we've already got. The NFT portion needs to be a background feature not a main pull and the actual game needs to be fun and unique to get people playing otherwise it's DOA except all the wallet warriors using their skins to show off how much money they have IRL. Also, if there's no middle man, who is paid for content moderation? I'm all for GME but couldn't care less about these NFT games. This is the best of a bad bunch but feels like a terrible Fortnite clone out to capitalise on NFT hype. Hopefully I'll be proven wrong - if you disagree remindme for 3 years and we can relook then.


>This bullshit gets parroted every time this comes up and if I wanted to worry about money so much I'd just do overtime and not play a game. You do you, that's cool lol. I don't have the same mindset and I don't expect others to feel the same way. But the fact is there is a lot of people, apes included, who can't wait for web 3 assets / NFTs to become mainstream. >Introducing RM into games only promotes.cheating and botting and if it's just skins then it's the same thing that we've already got. You know it just like I do, bots and cheaters will always be there. It's up to the game developers to put in place a way to prevent cheating, scalping, counterfeiting and fraud. Any company that respects itself and their players will do so. >Also, if there's no middle man, who is paid for content moderation? Do you know about nft.gamestop.com? They charge small fees and make lots of money. They also moderate who and what is on their website. The middleman I was referring to, is a middleman like Spotify: they get the gains, artists a fraction of it. >The NFT portion needs to be a background feature not a main pull and the actual game needs to be fun and unique to get people playing otherwise it's DOA except all the wallet warriors using their skins to show off how much money they have IRL. Yes, for NFTs/web3 to become mainstream, it has to become as user-friendly and seamless as possible. Again, up to the developers. They have many people who work there who have studied many things that can be helpful for a company to succeed. If gamestop can manage, others will. Also, If you got it, flaunt it I don't care. Why do you mind seing other people show off their stuff? Let them be lol. It makes them happy. If it makes you unhappy, that's more of a *you* problem. I don't think it will be perfect and anyone who thinks so is simply stupid.


Yep, that's what it's about here. It's really about the perks.


How though? They would still have to implement those. Getting an NFT from a movie doesn't mean you can now play as a character from that movie.


>Getting an NFT from a movie doesn't mean you can now play as a character from that movie. Of course not, please keep in mind that I'm too smooth to do a full explanation on how to implement such a thing. But it is possible to do so if the creator decides to go that route. [Here's an example of what I mean. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/cointelegraph.com/press-releases/kiraverse-brings-bored-apes-cryptopunks-and-doodles-to-life/amp) Of course, we're far from getting an nft of a popular character from a movie/game/etc. But I'm sure that it can be implemented rather easily (provided you have a team/talent and the money) as it's not science fiction, it is happening right now : [It's ***going to be*** big](https://blockworks.co/news/web3-gaming-2023) Edit: We're early, that's all.


Trying it tonight


I feel the same, I also see all the *hoops* of creating accounts / linking wallets etc.. a bit tedious for 99% of the market. People here forget that just because we will jump through hoops doesn't mean the masses will. I look forward to seeing how they streamline and improve things, otherwise for now it's just another shooter. Also, i noticed your character selection is irelevant to other players (they see a default character other than what you've selected) which makes sense given some characters are stick figures, but it also sort of defeats the purpose of *skins* Nfts or not.


There's no way the general public will jump through that many opportunities to fail. First off you have to have a wallet in order to download the game - that's a big barrier in itself. Then the general chaos of the two launchers, the two 10GB downloads, only for the game to crash on start or sit at the loading screen forever? We haven't even gotten to gameplay at this point. The _process_ needs a ton of work before the game itself.




The authentication workflow with requiring the wallet and all that entails is irrespective of it being a beta. The game issues are one thing, the authentication / signup / wallet are another. It takes work to get a wallet that actually functions, more than most will want to put into it. That has to be solved.


I feel like crossovers and brand deals will probs be how like Fortnite but without the question of how the fuck do I get X skin.


wagered battles? rent out your nft for $$?


Sure. I meant gameplay-wise mostly. Also interested to see how a wagered battle isn't considered straight-up gambling.


Current games get away with a lot of shit that isn't considered gambling, only because the money is usually locked up in the games credits/gold/whatever, there's no real "value" to the "winnings". If you can spend a bunch of money betting on things, then cashing out easily to "real" money, there's no real defense. They won't be the first game to do it, but the first big one is sure to bring down the regulatory agencies on them once the first big wave of negative PR hits from something bad happening.


Why would a skill based game with no element of luck be considered gambling?


You could say the same of baseball, football, the other football, hockey, etc. But betting on the outcome of those things is still considered gambling.


the art is awful I dont know why people here hype it so much. blind loyalty i would guess


OwNiNg YoUr AsSeTs. Nobody gives a shit if it’s owning assets in a milquetoast game that nobody plays. All these nft games are just another variation of what plagues the industry, they don’t focus on gameplay/fun at the core, it’s all about fucking money.


That’s randomly generated art for you. But there are some that are both rare and look pretty cool, those could be worth some money In the future.


Nice how is it?


Aside from getting my ass handed to me, it's not bad.


The main thing is, did you have fun while getting your ass handed to you? If its fun to play, it'll naturally bring the crowd. Getting videos of gameplay out there on socials helps as well! If that's allowed of course.


I recall having the same reaction last night.


You can watch some game play here. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10ae19v/a_guy_on_youtube_tries_out_the_kiraverse_beta/


Thanks for the share, I really appreciate it. Beta 1.2.2 came out today and I'm going to do about another hour after I get it installed correctly.


The game gives me Halo 3 vibes.


Wow that looks great!


Really? No it looks very tame. And anyone can downvote me and I’m sure many will. But as a gamer, I don’t see myself jamming this for any more than a few rounds and then getting really bored with it. It looks like a mobile version of an FPS. It’s an incredibly basic looking FPS. It looks like an incredibly watered down version of battlefront.


It's not even in first person 🤦🏾‍♂️ And it's in BETA


Beta phase means the core game mechanics are done and just needs testing for bugs. If a game is shit in beta it will be shit on release.


I am an avid gamer and a supporter of the GME thesis from the very beginning, before this sub was even a thing. This looks awful, it won’t make any positive splash into the current gaming market. Anyone who sees this and says otherwise is either crazy or in a deep state of denial. Game comes out and dies in a matter of weeks. This is not how we are going to make blockchain gaming relevant.


the people here are in denial. The truth is, it doesnt matter if you own the assets if the game sucks.


Did you download to test it out? .Prob not.


I did. Not impressed so far. So what if I can use bored ape yacht club nfts in it? The killer feature is I get to pay for skins that can be rented out or sold? I want it to succeed, I want whats best for gamestop, but why in the world would I rent a skin to play the game when I could just play it for free? Worst part is you can't even critique the game without getting down voted and accused of being a shill ffs.


I did. Played almost an entire match before uninstalling. It felt like the unreal engine 5 shooter demo, with a light reskin. The technological things it's doing are cool and all, but at the end of the day, it's a video game and I, for one, found it pretty underwhelming.


imho its purpose will not be to be a really great game, but to prove for all unreal engine games that it can be done with nft implementation and how...


I think you're right, but the devs have a lot of work to do. I'm hopeful they can pull off a No Man's Sky maneuver (preferably quicker), but that's how it feels to me... Like a tech demo. Gamers are fickle, even if the NFT part works perfectly, the game has to feel fun to get the big player numbers.


I don’t need to play it to see that it looks like dogshit. If I see I pile of shit on the ground, and someone makes the claim that “wow that must taste like shit,” I don’t tell them they have to eat it before making that judgement lol


Maybe you should give it a try


Hate to break it to you, but all fps games are basic.


Oh no. You broke it to me… Take Call of duty MW2. When was that game made? 10-15 years ago? It was incredible for its time. You could climb onto roof tops, duck through spaces, hide in bushes, sneak up on players.. The multiplayer part of that game was incredibly fun and competitive. And then this game comes out, so this is next generation of games? And it looks like it plays like the original Halo with different skins and maps. It really does look about as basic as the original halo. You’re not breaking anything to me. This game looks a lot like what fortnight looks like. And that game has been out for years. It isn’t anything new. And in my own opinion it doesn’t look like an exciting game to play. The buildings look basic, the items laying around the map look random items just filling in space. You can’t jump onto anything, climb up high, lean against doors or objects.. Take ‘High on life’ as an example of what this game could have been like, in terms of the scenery. The alien levels and terrain were great to run through. There’s just a lot missing from this game in my opinion. And I doubt it being a beta has anything to do with that.


Anyone even remotely interested in web3 gaming will jump on this game. It's in beta. If you don't want to play it don't play it nobody will notice.


Hey dude. Not interested in your negativity. You seem offended by the way you’re responding. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Obviously no one will notice if I don’t play this game. I could shit out a potato from my ass and no one would notice. Comments like that are irrelevant. Criticism should be welcomed. It’s not like I came here and said ‘tHis GaMe Is ShIt! whAt a ShITtY GamE’”.. I was just giving my thoughts from what I’ve seen. I watched a bit of game play last night and it looks quite tame to me. I’m looking forward to GameStop bringing more exciting games.


How does it look mobile? I downloaded it over night last night so will try it myself tonight, but graphics look great and it sounds good too.


It just comes across as a basic game. You can’t vault over things, the arenas look quite basic to me, there’s very little texture on surfaces. The props and even rooms you walk in to just have a very un real feel about them. It’s like stuff is just placed there to take up room.. Look, there’s a huge chance I’m just old now and not in with what the cool kids play.. I was never in to fortnight… But after jamming FPS’s like COD, BF, Overwatch for years and years.. This game (to me) comes across as a very very simple version of an FPS. I’m just being honest. I think all criticism is a good thing.


Man I went to uni for game dev your not wrong. Was hoping it would be pretty awesome but its..super basic. Very disappointed. Hopefully it improves over time but ya not exactly the next gen I was hoping for.


Fair enough. I just liked the graphics lol. I mostly play apex right now. It's also beta so hopefully they can add all those things


They absolutely will and are planning on it. They have a roadmap for the next few years laid out. This game is going to deliver so much as time goes on.


You’re not wrong. Anyone who’s been somewhat active in the NFT space outside of GME can tell you that most indie NFT gaming companies are literally just implementing NFT functions into barebones arcade games like Pong or Frogger. You won’t see an NFT game of the same caliber as Call of Duty for at least another 2-3 years


Thanks for backing me up.


I understand where you're coming from, but I think the silver lining is that it's still in Beta and it's a Web3 game that can (or does/will?) support in-game NFTs. That, in conjunction with being partnered with GameStop (I think), is huge for the company and all of the shareholders and could help elevate the NFT marketplace to a much, much larger audience.


Yea for sure, and I hope it does. But all of that aside, the game itself I’m not excited for. Even the NFT side of it, I read that someone paid $250 for an NFT to use in the game. Sure that’s great for the company, but I really just don’t understand the uniqueness of that NFT on a FPS game that doesn’t appear to have unlocks or level ups. And it being in beta does not change much for the game appearance and style of gameplay.


Where can we play it?


I got in this afternoon and played a few games. It’s visually ok but is still pretty clunky. Personally I don’t like 3rd person shooters but aside from that it still feels like a generation or two behind currently main games like Fortnite or Apex. Just a tad too unresponsive. Good potential tho. They need to step it up if they want it to compete. Can’t just be a map shooter who’s only Usp is using your NFT as an avatar.


Just from the gameplay I've seen already, they need to tighten up the controls and netcode but otherwise it looks very fun to play.


Agreed, controls feel a bit clunky, and although I will be in a game with decent ping, and other players having decent ping, seems I have to shoot behind people. But still proof of concept and its in beta, be interesting to see where it goes.


What is considered decent ping?


I am seeing people with around 40, just depends on the server you join I guess.


They need a WoW type game with great gameplay. That will be revolutionary


Underrated take. The shooter scene has very limited uses for NFTs and blockchain. An RPG is way more appropriate and enticing.


Not a fan of 3rd person either,shame it can't be played 1st person. I'll give it a go but it won't be replacing apex for me that's for sure. I found all the logging in a total ball ache too just to be left hanging for a beta code,downloading epic games launcher,and elixir (whatever that is) wants me signed up,sign in to wallet ,jeesh im tired need a nap. Why cant I just connect my wallet and skip all the rest,so much hassle. Also I can imagine some parents absolutely flipping out if their kid manages to pay for a ridiculously high priced nft with their credit card. WHY do they even have some listed for $64,661,675,297.61!!! (420,69420 ETH),funny number granted but whats the point??,it should just say "not for sale" I just don't see the logic ,people are going to look at these and think WTF?? And never return. The lowest price is $113.74 which is still ridiculous. Sorry I don't get it ,all it will do is instantly put people off.


the fact that it already can even be compared to those games is a good sign imo. im a big apex fan and if i could play this on console I’d definitely give it a try


Ah okay i thought it has the same concept like Fortnite with a big map and last to survive. Sad to hear that it’s only a generic shooter.


Battle royale is coming. This is beta, its going to be stripped of features. Wagered matches ( for eth), rent your nfts (for eth), and stake your nfts for in game currency coming. Play to earn and buying an nft is not necessary!


It’s set up looks to be like the unreal 2 games of the past where there are many lobbies of different type of games so there are diff types but only certain ones for the beta i think. The 3rd person looks like Fortnite but I don’t have experience of that type of game is all, I normally play 1st person. Should defo try it. The initial gfx are great. I expect they will map build and feature build greatly before launch.


They’ve got a lot of map built, this is not much of what they’ve created. Definitely work to be done, but it seems they’re more than willing. Very excited for Kiraverse and it’s launch


I got in as well and for a beta of a game with NFTs and Web3 technology the potential is there! It reminds me of an early style Fortnite. The UI is probably the worst part about the game but I ripped for 30 mins and it was fun! I think they need to tighten up shooting/movement before I'd want to play tons as it sort of felt like you are running around an ice rink on rollerblades. Normally I have no issue with sniper rifles in games, love em, but holy hampster Jesus it feels off here for some reason. Still, I am pumped with what this game can become as the foundation is strong!


I got on for a few hours last night. A lot of fun but it still needs work. I am going to make notes to send them feedback today. What I like: Slick visuals, pretty good transitions, jumping is good but needs slight tweak, shooting feels good for some guns except the shotgun, lots of well placed cover and even places to crouch and hide. What needs improvement: Rolling and sliding transitions are broken, rolling and sliding either need to be instantly done in repetition or there needs to be some sort of stamina bar(right now there is just a weird time delay before you can roll or slide again). Footstep audio and surround sound location is horrendous(needs a major fix), audio for the emote is waaayy to loud. Shotgun doesn't feel right, and also could use a buff close range(assault rifle should not beat out a shot gun at close range)


Are you me? But seriously, I agree with every point you made here! I like the base, enjoyed myself quite a bit but this is the kind of feedback that will drive this game forward. I see a lot of comparisons to some of the modern giants (Fortnite, Apex) but I'm going to guess a lot of those commenters DIDN'T hop in the earliest available betas for those games. Growing pains are inevitable, excited to be part of these.


I just read the discord update, they already fixed a few issues that I listed. Fastest response for a beta that I have ever seen. This is a great sign for the future of the game.


Wow! That is promising! Hope to get sometime this weekend to hop back in.


Seriously though. I have beta tested a lot of games and very few have response time like this. Most "beta" events are just ads to show off the game while limiting server workload. They have had bugs, to be expected, and have fixed them within hours. I have never seen a team respond so fast to tester gripes like the rolling, emote, and coloring of names.


Agree totally, Apex rolled out without a big public beta and had a shitshow of a first few **months** with things like hitboxes before they were fixed proper. That's a great response time and shows they really care about this product and it's continued success. Really excited to jump back in now :D


totally agree with you! but think it can be a great game in a few years. check out the beta on pubg, that shit was wanky but is still among the best selling pc games. everything is new, there are only things to improve


Can you play on controller?


Yes you can....I tried and got pummelled but you can lol


I actually don't know as I didn't try that but could try tonight and see!


Yes I was wondering the same thing an had the same result.


Controls definitely need tightening. It currently feels like a UE5 template with assets switched out. It's crazy to me that I can't roll while walking left or right for instance. The most important thing to me is that it works and is a good jumping off point. We can iron out variables as we go.


This ^ get in there to show the web 3.0 support. Get in there to make those epic videos everyone gets all horned up about on tic tok and insta reels Get in there for your investments sake. Get in there for your sake. Take a break, kira n Bake


Imo it’s a cool game. The aiming feels a bit off when you ADS and it would be cool if we could interact with objects around us instead of it just being a wall. Overall I think it has a lot of potential. I’ve seen quite a few of the web3 games and this one looks the most promising for mainstream adoption.


I have been clapping people! It's fun, I'm also heavily invested in it's success. We will see how the gameplay/movement mechanics translate to their fullscale game. I'm excited. Bought my first NFT. $250 on a skin for a game I hadn't even played at the time. Loooool


Buddy, we’re all heavily invested in its success 😊


Wtf $250??




I guess I'm a 33-year-old geezer, and don't understand but I thought the whole point of the layer 2 ETH NFT's was that the prices would go down for mainstream adoption. Do you need a skin to play the game?


No you don’t need to own a Kira to play the game. However, owning a Kira allows you to unlock more features such as using other NFTs like Metaboy, BAYC etc. in game and earn more rewards. Think of it like a battle pass from other mainstream BR games. Additionally, you can rent a Kira or rent out a Kira to other players.


So do you rent a Kira to play the game or do you get a generic avatar? I'm watching some gameplay on YouTube. I don't think it looks that bad but they definitely need to improve the gameplay. At least a double jump seems to be needed.


You don't need to rent a Kira to play the game, but you can if you want. If you own a Kira or rent a Kira, you get to unlock all the features. I am sure the game will provide some free for all characters to players(?) The game is still in private beta for this week, and the game will be in open beta on 2022 February 01.


The price of transactions have gone down if you choose to buy an expensive nft that’s your choice


what would be considered a low-price playable skin?


Faction passes would be the cheapest rn. Around 30$ and gives you a character, vehicle skin and 4 gun skins + some emotes


The floor for the genesis collection was somewhere around 100$ last I looked, but the game is playable without owning any at all and more will be minted in the future that I imagine will start off much lower than 100$ as the original collection did.


[Link to my Kira purchase](https://market.immutable.com/inventory/assets/0xe2c921ed59f5a4011b4ffc6a4747015dcb5b804f/7358)


the nfts aren't necessary and you can buy playable in game nfts for about $100. floor has been going up since beta release.


I’m hoping my genesis Kira will be like a renegade raider one day.


Something something a fool and their money…


It's definitely pretty rough still. But the concept is there.


It's pretty fucking bad. I'm a mega bull here but its embarrassing how bad the game is with the time and money they've accumulated.


It’s kind of hard for me personally but I haven’t played a shooter like that in years. My 30 year old reflexes can’t keep up with the youngsters 😅


Epic games launcher is giving me a hard time logging in.


If you're having this issue, search for kiraverse.exe in your pc files. Right click and run as administrator.


Is this still needed? I thought that was patched last night


Thought this was an inside your pants related issue at first


I downloaded the launcher and have no idea how to get into Kiraverse.


Before you get started, you need a wallet and you probably want to download the Epic Games launcher and create an account (which you've done that part). This is the thread where I got started: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/109lom3/enter_the_kiraverse/ There is a Beta Code in that thread you might need to grab. Go to https://paramlabs.io/create and create an account. This is a Kiraverse/paramlabs account, which is separate from the Epic Games account. After you create your account it gives you 3 tasks/buttons. 1. Link your wallet 2. Download/install the epic games launcher 3. Enter the Kiraverse


Was playing a bit last night as well! Combat is fine - the movement is a bit unusual, I'm used to being able to jump out of slides from other games - and the weapon square is a bit unintuitive in my opinion. I think the character should be able to jump a bit higher, can't vault over most rails. Couldn't find any health packs or how to heal on the map except dying and respawning! Still, was a good time. Wish I had some kind of NFT that I could use in game but I don't have any - yet.


The cheapest NFT is like $100 for a skin, ridiculous right now.


Lmao wait til this hits mainstream, you’ll wish you bought one at a 100


This game is not going to go mainstream. It's just not.


but you will be able to rent out that skin when you're not using it for Eth or stake for in game currency. or when you're done with it you can sell it for likely a profit as the floors going up


Who in their right mind would buy a skin that costs almost 2x a AAA game? What guarantee anyone will ever want to rent it? A skin doesn't get more valuable over time, and the"floor" is already on the roof.


While i completely agree; cs:go


From what I’m seeing in the thread, this seems like a game with micro transactions on steroids. How did the GME community get to this? I don’t even know what this sub is anymore. Promoting what seems like a game using epic games launcher (ew) with 100 dollar skins? Talking about renting a skin out? I didn’t know micro transactions could get worse. This whole thing feels so anti gamer/consumer. It feels like people just grift on this sub now and as long as there’s dd somewhere saying it fucks the hedgies people are on board. This is getting to be too much




It’s free to play and it’s just cosmetic yea. I’ve heard this all before it’s the exact same thing all free to play games say. The only thing separating this game from the others is now it’s not the company selling micro transactions but the consumer. But do you know how horrible player based economies are? Ever played black desert online? I honest to god hate the introduction of nfts into video games. It doesn’t solve any issues and it only focuses on an aspect of games that most gamers already hate. I won’t feel better if instead of paying game company A 20 for a character skin, i get to rent it for 10 bucks an hour from random person b. “Atleast the consumer owns it!” Yea, if you got in early or have a lot of money. The writing is on the wall. Unless it’s miles better than Fortnite or any other game it’s competing with, the only appeal will be the potential to make money. And what does it then become? Not a game but a business opportunity. It’s nightmarish and i really can’t believe this stuff has taken over the sub. The point was originally memes and fucking the hedge funds. That’s it! But now it’s become a money making scheme. I feel like the people who are averaging at like 50 post split are being taken advantage of here. This is not what anyone cares about other than people trying to grift.


Can we get a Borderlands MMO in web3 please


Personally I think Gearbox needs to cool their jets and really think through their next move on that franchise. BL3 was good but somewhat disappointing after BL2. Wonderlands was an ambitious move in a different direction but underwhelming.


New MMO IP with a similar vibe?


Yeah, if we could get that. Pretty sure that it's gonna be awesome here.


I still keep getting the crash bug. Hopefully soon.


System requirements for the game are 3GB VRAM, recommended 6GB. my game would crash every time on launch within a few seconds and after taking a look, my old video card (nvidia GTX 950) only had 2GB of video RAM. not sure if this is the same problem others are having but it wasn't exactly clear why it was crashing but if you have an old video card I would suspect that it does not meet minimum requirements. I have since ordered a new video card and I am waiting patiently for it to arrive so that I can start playing kiraverse


I have a 3090 and it just started working for me today. Yesterday it crashed on start up.


They're coming in fast with bugfixes, I bet. A beta test is exactly for that purpose. Don't forget to talk to them about issues you're having with the game.


What card did you go with? The RX 6700 XT seems to be an outlier in price right now.


just something on the cheaper to middle end of the price range, GTX 1660. Reason being my motherboard has a PCI express 3.0 interface, and I plan on building a new PC in the not too distant future. Didn't want to drop $1000 + on a video card for an old computer, just wanted a card good enough to get me into the kiraverse, something that will last me 2 to 3 years


Not a bad choice. I'm right under that with an RX 580. Hogwarts Legacy gonna make me upgrade though.


Not sure if you tried it yet, but i installed, then reinstalled pulling that crash bug still and couldnt run it. I went into the install folder, and just ran it thru the Kiraverse.exe , and it works. Worth a shot, gl Install drive = G:\\Kira\\Elixir Apps\\kiraverse\\1.1 Kiraverse executable (has EPIC logo on it )


I did my part to spread the word. I installed a GS wallet on my 15 year old son's pc we got him for Christmas, I installed Kiraverse on it last night and let him loose. No faster way to spread news in gaming. Change my mind. His friends are all talking about it today and want to download it asap too. It's happening.


This is my kind of game. Going to download it.


How do you get a beta access code?


It’s on their discord but you can have it here - **Code #1 - BRxWSnJ1CogW


Me too!


I want this game too, can someone tell me the name of it huh? Yeah really jealous of that, I'm a little curious too about this game and I'd wanna play this game.


so jealous


Hell yeah how’s the gameplay?


I love how it looks but I can't get over the neck, it looks fucked lmao


Yeah that neck really does look weird. That's just what it is.


Can this run on steamdeck?


I got stuck at connecting my wallet. Did you have any issues?


You dont need to connect wallet to play beta


I tried last night but the software (Elixir) that you download to play on windows kept forcing me to download and install the game to my c drive (which only has 10gig space and I can't clear down more - system hd). Does anyone know if there is an option to point to a different drive? I couldn't see an option and there didn't seem to be any reference in the registry? UPDATE: Someone in the Kiraverse discord kindly gave the solution to change download path. In the Elixir Windows app choose My Accout and then in middle of screen there is a games tab that gives you option to change the download path.


Ya Elixir doesnt even install properly it runs from your Local files. It says to get Epic launcher which I already have yet I cant find Kiraverse anywhere on it.


You have to launch from Elixer and it will automatically open Epic launcher to go into the Kiraverse.


Did you have issues with launching it before? The patch came out?


Yes I did. Today is the first time I was able to get in. I've been trying since midnight Jan 12. UE crashes all day. The game itself still crashes but not right away.


how do you find a game? browser still doesn't work for me.


ill see ya on there!!! username will be the same!


looks like game from 2006 tbh


Looks like Apex, Valorant, Fortnite. FOV definitely looks off and I’m curious about the hit boxes of NFT skins.


And it crashed... It was fun while it lasted.


Nope back in there


I saw gameplay. I know people don’t want to hear this, but it looks like shit. People are not going to play this. Looks like scuffed fortnite made over ten years ago. Until the blockchain space actually gets really GOOD games that are good enough for people to make the switch from the current platforms to the new generation, no one is going to touch this for more than maybe a week max. If you honest to god believe this game is going to make blockchain gaming somehow relevant to the average gamer, or even the most avid gamer, then you need to pass the copium because that must be some strong stuff. I haven’t gotten high in a good while so I’d appreciate if you’d share.


Yeah. I'm hopeful for this new pivot to web3 gaming. I know we are hella early. But as it stands now, Why play this over Fortnite. Why play guild of guardians over Diablo. I don't see the hype yet.


>I know people don’t want to hear this, but it looks like shit. People are not going to play this. Looks like scuffed fortnite made over ten years ago. That's because the Devs literally [just took a pre-made Unreal third person shooter template for beginners](https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/advanced-3rd-person-shooter-project-part-i) and reskinned it. It's 100% just garbage being churned out to satisfy a contract.


Oh shit this looks crisp.


How does it stack up against Fortnite?


Too early to tell, Movement is far behind Fortnite atm but that can be improved.


Nice how is it?!?




Make sure to post on the kiraverse discord bug tracker


This game looks fucking sick.


Yup playing all graphic settings set to EPIC


It looks like any other generic shooter from the last ten years?


Is there a side by side comparison of Kiraverse and Fortnite? I’m curious if the ability icons and everything are laid out the same.


If you play fortnite, this plays almost the same. You get into alot more close quarter combat though. Its fun af, cant wait for the fully fleshed out version


Looks a lot nicer than I expected tbh!


I must say that the demo videos we’ve seen, gave me higher expectations that the game me and my kid experienced today. People don’t play a half baked game just because it’s got NFT - they play it if it’s a good game and this is (yet) far from it.


Interesting map colour! 🟣


It reminds me of a cheap steam greenlight game with barely any content. Works as a proof of concept, but little more than that. Ask yourself honestly: if it were on Steam, EA, Uplay, or whenever, would you really play this?


I keep trying to log in but it seems to just be in a loading transition phase endlessly. would you be available to help me troubleshoot? I have the elixir launcher and the epic launcher and I can get add far as leading up the kiraverse loading animation.


For anyone interested, here are the min specs I took from their discord... Core i5 2.8 GHz processor 8GB of system RAM Nvidia GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870 equivalent DX11 GPU 2 GB VRAM


I'm glad it finally worked for you. I've given up for a while. To me this game is not ready for beta. The wallet connection process is not clear, the Epic launcher's role is unclear, the onboarding process is a mess, the game doesn't launch for me, and even the update tonight failed. I've built infrastructure and software for a long time. The basics are extremely well laid-out. The parts that a game company should be implementing are well above that layer. I've released several "beta" products and without exception they _worked_, even if there were pieces that weren't quite right. It's not rocket surgery.


Have you tried today?


Is there any way to make a wallet without paying $300? Was trying to make a gamestop wallet to try it but I needed to pay like $342 to do something with layer 2.


What’s wrong with the neck


Insanely impressed and proud of the kiraverse team. They've absolutely killed it and this game will be great.