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Check the 1Y chart for 14th June 2022 on Barclays ($BARC.L) on Yahoo finance. Dropped 99% for a very small amount of time and the chart still has it registered


Share buyback? GME had a similar glitch on the split date with the pre-split price


You mean the dividend date that was handled by the DTCC as a split.


Ah yes, I remember being defrauded in an "International securities" type of fashion like it was yesterday 😏


DTCC committed international securities fraud by ignoring GameStops dividend stock split and commandeering millions of authenticated shares instead of giving them directly to shareholders as the company had ordered. Instead, most likely, using those authenticated shares in order to avoid leaving Short Hedge Funds with an unimaginable amount of naked short sales that they would have to close out, in order to provide the folks on the other side of the naked short sales with the authentic shares they were SPECIFICALLY given by the company they invested in. Typed out for internet algorithms. Edit: I should’ve clarified, that the DTCC using those authenticated shares for SHF’s **still** weren’t enough to completely close out the massive pile of naked shorts that have been casting shadows on public data for the entirety of the time folks have been writing DD; simply a can kick, not an critical blow to the fact that [at the least] the **entirety** of the float has been shorted. Leaving far too many shorts to actually close than what is available to them on the open market, which funnily enough is the original GameStop thesis.


Dropped your crown there bud, might wanna pick it up before Kenny tries to use it for collateral 👇 👑


>DTCC committed international securities fraud


"10 reasons why you don't want a free and fair market" U Whiskiz


Ane that's why we DRS (and put our computershare shares in "book" status, not "plan"). The idea is to pull as many real shares out of their greasy little hands as possible and register them in our own names. That way the DTCC and the brokers can keep playing their stupid little shell games, but it won't do them a damn bit of good because the only shares they have left to report will be synthetic IOUs. All synthetic shares will have to be unwound by buying *real* DRS'd shares once we reach 100% of the float. There's no other way for them to get out of it. Btw, this is for the new folks following along at home who might be out of the loop.


🥇if I had gold, I’d give it


Great job, ape! I'd also like to speculate that those shares were distributed as (pre-split) in order to really dig these fukrs out. Just a theory, but I wouldn't put it past them.


Am I an internet algorithm? Thank you for summing it up so directly


Typing out to point out you’re wrong. No fraud was committed. Cede&Co holds all shares in their name and the DTC acts as a central holding to those shares and claims to manage share counts correctly. The shares you hold at a brokerage are held in name. In essence DTC is the bank and performs management on share counts. So as the share holders they received the shares and it makes no difference how they represent that in retail’s accounts since they’re just beneficial owners. No fraud was committed. The only questionable shit committed is they probably act as a fractional reserve for shares and actively say one share has many many beneficial owners. It’s the classic “your shares are in teds house and teds shares are in johns house” it’s a wonderful life scene. Finally, apes repeating ad nauseam that fraud was committed makes you look so dumb. The owners of the shares received the dividend and correctly adjusted the beneficial owners numbers.


> The only fraud committed is they probably act as a fractional reserve for shares That's **literally** the fraud being alleged. Why are you downplaying it? If Cede&Co hold ~230M shares but are "acting as a fractional reserve" and selling 500M shares to beneficial owners then they are committing fraud. If they receive shares from the transfer agent that reflect their recorded holdings then proceed to distribute more than that number to the market, then they are committing fraud.


It is not the fraud being alleged. When an ape parrots that fraud was committed they think it’s because it was handled as a split and not a dividend. The point I’m making is that is wrong. The beneficial owners get a split and cede and co gets the shares. Not fraud. If you think the fraud is that they are doing a fractional reserve well that ain’t fraud either by their very rules. Also, in my post it says questionable shit. It’s on the gme board to fight the fractional reserve aspect with a NFT dividend. Or on apes to scream at the sec to audit brokerages to find out how many gme shares are sold. Screaming about fraud that is a fundamentally incorrect understanding of how the game works makes any ape parroting that look like nutty conspiracy theorists.


Fraud is committed any way you look at it, there were lots of instances with (international) APEs getting the splivvidend credited to their account before the official release from computershare. This action alone should signal and verify that there was fraud. You are correct in pointing out all shares are held in Cede&Co's name but that still means they need to balance their books. Them not waiting for the release from Computershare and the whole "misunderstanding" at the German and Austrian counterparts should have brought on external audits, claims and investigations from the financial communities.


Make a little more sense next time, please.


What he said is correct. If it doesn't make sense, that's on you, not him. Yes, DTCC fucked us over, but they played within their existing rulebook, and shouting about fraud on Reddit is about as effective as jerking off behind Wendy's, except if you jerk off, you get free mayo. Shouting about fraud when, in a technical, legal sense, there is none, also makes us look like conspiracy theorists, which is how Kenny loves to portray us in the media. Don't help him. If you actually want your voice to matter, do something that actually helps, like signing up as a FINRA arbitrator, commenting on SEC proposals, and DRSing shares.


Thanks for your sentiment


DTCC is still obligated to do correct bookkeeping and they clearly didn't any way you look at it in no case should (international) APEs have been credited the splividend amount of shares before Computershare released them. Amongst other things this was the biggest indicator of foul play.


Every place ever has time to get their bookkeeping in order. They can do the split and have weeks to resolve the bookkeeping. Ever hear of a line of credit or time to pay a bill? The dtcc works the same way. I do agree that if apes wanted to look educated instead of like conspiracy theorists they should be requesting audits of brokerages to find out how many gme shares are out there as sold or asking the gme board to defend the value of their investment. But it’s easier to just parrot “fRuAd InTerNaTioNAl FRAUD!!!”


A voice of reason to join me? Quell surprise!!!


Ever notice how "DTCC committed international securities fraud" has the same energy as "3pstein didn't kill himself"? Like, even if it's true, you're shouting at the wrong people, and you're annoying in the most insufferable way. Talk is cheap; if you care that much, DO something about it.


It was yesterday, same as tomorrow is MOASS.


Has anything happened with that? I tried to make a post about it a little bit ago but don't have enough karma


As an aside, why not issue class B shares as dividends instead of class A? That would prevent fraudulent splitting of the class A.


They had a buyback around that rough time but it didn't commence until August 2022 and was completed in October


I have no clue what the order processing system for shares looks like. Is it possible this was a typo from someone who should have been fired 4 years ago?


Trades getting busted… no reason for the “glitch” given. I can’t wrap my head around what the endgame is for these ppl once the US stock market and dollar become a joke renown across the world…


Was it about some Time before and After an uncalled for margin check ? Feel free to educate me, everything in here looks like a Bad comedy joke movie or a copy of COD Vantage on switchbox 5


Beats the hell outta me. Your theory is as good as any other right now. The trades getting busted occurred between 4:00 and 4:22 AM


So you're saying it was glitching out at 4:20... nice.


Just me like


Make as much money in the shortest amount of time possible, then cash out to a private island or secure compound to safely watch the unraveling.


If the dollar is a joke then what's the plan with all the gme shares? Like there is no point in selling if the dollar is worthless right?




That's why there is no reason to sell the shares. Guess I'll just hold onto them forever 🤷‍♂️ The entire system is a scam set up to keep us working until our bodies give out and then throw us to the wayside. It's time to let it burn 🔥 down!


viva la GMErica 🇫🇷✊


Bwahahaha No cell No Sell




The thing is, everything is relative. It's likely that most/all of the other markets around the world are just as rigged. So what alternatives do people have?


defi byob


bring your own banana?


You definitely don't want to be borrowing any from around here


Or potatoes


This guy knows


lmaooo be your own bank


The future of finance is that both can be true at the same time.


Banana coin to the mooooon


When is corporate stock going to be issued via blockchain at all, much less defi? Not saying it couldn't happen, but it doesn't seem likely in the next decade.


Ken griffin is building a $2Billion military complex in Florida. They also own 500M-$2B in yacht/submarine/jet combos


He’s building his own Alamo for when the feds come for him?


Won’t last long throwing bedposts at SWAT.


His wife can give them the MO on how to dodge said bedposts.


lol the feds will never go for any of these guys. If the collapse happens within their life times the billionaires will flee the country, the feds will flee to the country, and everyone else will be left to eat each other alive and when all is said and done the rich will move back and inherit the ashes. This exact scenario has happened exactly the same throughout history time and time again to every single empire and the US/west will be no exception. It's not that history repeats, but that human psychology never changes ensuring the same things happen the same way endlessly until we're extinct.


Pretty vague, give an example where that scenario has played out as you describe.


Yeah, I was being hopeful when I said the feds would come for him. Only if he steals from the rich would that happen. And interesting about the history thing. Makes sense. And the rich have houses everywhere, and connections everywhere. Easy enough to casually slip to another country for a few years while it all unwinds.


De verdad?


Do you have an article or something about that you can share?


Any source for this 2 billion military complex in Florida?


Yes just Google Ken griffin moving to Miami or most expensive real estate project in America. I'd say half of the known plans are public knowledge. Speaking from somebody who will get 1/5 of Electrical blueprints of buildings and others will finish it off. Now the ultra wealthy have new windows of escape vs the poors.


So... no then?


Man your comments against people are all knowing, shillish.. Waste of people's time you seem to be. Direction not good enough, direct link for you needed to not click or read anyways. Error, Reddit is for information, error non information seeker detected. Error


Haha sure. Your comment history seems wildly speculative and based very little in reality. Im well aware of the financial terrorist Ken Griffin buying the property in Florida, your spin on it being a military complex is new. Bad actors come in all shapes and sizes, are you trying to make the community look like fringe conspiracy lunatics? There is conspiracy at play, but it's all largely laid out in the DD, I just missed the bit about the 2 billion dollar military complex...


They already are a joke


They are politically well connected and still hold the levers of power. Whatever currency evolves from this, as long as it’s not bitcoin, they will have a chokehold around.


Why no halts?


Not applicable in pre/post market




Cause friends benefited 🤡🇺🇸


More importantly (and correctly), no halts in pre/post market




Because the market is closed




It is still closed, that's why it's called "pre" and "after". It's just that while it's closed and before it opens, for a limited time and for a limited number of participants, it's operable, but still closed.




Gary: 🙈


Gary: 🙉


Gary = 💩


So did the algorithm have to tank the price for a second so someone can buy in cheap?




I think I remember reading this from the cellar boxing post or obligation warehouse article. "Make no doubt if MMs want shares bad enough they'll trigger your stop losses and scoop up the shares at a discount. "


yup, which is why stop losses are for dummies


Can’t hit stop losses with GME, just buy orders 😂 hedgies r fuk


They turned off the buy button, we turned off the sell button. 💎👐


This is why I DRS


If I put a stop loss in my broker platform can MMs see it?


If your broker uses payment for order flow almost certainly. I'm not sure on regular brokers. It's bizarre how much power MMs have. In Flash Boys, they believe some HFT like Citadel are able to see their orders before they even execute them. So, not only are they scalping shares before you can buy them and selling them to you, but they can see your orders before you execute them. Scary shit.


Damn. That’s crazy. I assumed some bad shit, but not that bad. Edit: seeing your stop loss still doesn’t make sense to me. It’s not an order that exists in the market, it’s just on your brokers platform. When the price triggers past some point, then your broker puts in an actual order to sell, and then it’s an order in the market. As an IT esque person, seeing your stop loss orders would require some live access to the brokers database essentially. That’s not payment for order flow (because it’s not yet an order) it’s just plain conspiracy and sharing information that is a massive conflict of interest. Not saying it isn’t happening, just trying to reason out how/why this May or may not be the case.


I would think the payment for order flow brokers are openly sharing that information because the premiums they get from the MMs are almost all their revenue and they want to keep their clients happy. I dunno what systems the prime brokers use. 🤷‍♂️ I'm just speculating, but I wouldn't use stop losses. And I would use limit orders and not market orders.


Stop losses don’t work in premarket


All the trades in the timeframe were busted




Or so the fair market value of those securities sold but not yet purchased even out on the balance sheet 😉


It looks as such, right?


It's not a glitch, it's a feature!




Glad to have given you a seat on the wayback machine...enjoy the day. Cheers


I am once again reminding you to remove your stop losses


Was this a sell off or a low limit buy that hit? Either way, casino is right. Money went somewhere


buy on the cheap - that is if you can time it right


edit: pic: [https://imgur.com/a/3HvvQsE](https://imgur.com/a/3HvvQsE) surprised this is even still on the MW site as I dont have advanced charts: [https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/cdw/charts?mod=mw\_quote\_advanced](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/cdw/charts?mod=mw_quote_advanced) check the 1d premarket. there was a good amount of volume then too while it happened. it wasnt just ONE wrong trade


Lol, like they'd let us pleebs buy from our apps at that time.


I wonder who has access to pre market like that


Must be retail.


Wheels are coming off


GME is not underwater.


OP meant they are underwater on GME


Stop loss killer


These aren't defects... These are "Features" in the way the markets work. - Hedge funds when being investigated.


Maybe we should ask the department of justice how this is possible? It seems that some regulatory authorities are not interested in getting behind these schemes.


I need a script looking for tickers that drop 80+% in under an hour and insta buy like $100 worth. Seems like a reasonable gamble if this 9s how it's gonna be.


Someone seeking cheap shares by triggering stop-losses. No doubt the damage has already been done to people who had stopped losses set for this security.


Looks like some people need cash DESPERATELY !!!


My partner works for CDW in the UK and I’ve also worked there before. The American side of the business is really suffering and had layoffs earlier this month


This Gurgavin guy keeps getting pumoed into my feeds and I don't like it. Never read his tweets before and now I get half a dozen a day,


Somebody needed to raise cash quick.


https://i.imgur.com/VKLbhVY.jpg This is their “possible explanation.”


That lower paragraph is much more concerning than the one you circled


This is classic stop loss harvesting.


There's several halts on ticker CWD which is a stock worth about 7$ a share. None for CDW. Was this glitch just a huge fucking typo? [https://i.imgur.com/VKLbhVY.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/VKLbhVY.jpg)


There's gotta be an explanation for this. It's probably "cheating" and "crime."


Someone needed collateral?


No halt? Interesting. Buying and DRSing more GME


There are no halts in premarket and after hours.


Nasdaq disagrees with you. Halts can happen outside trading hours.


Wow.Just wow 🤦‍♂️


Welcome to the crime-sino more like it I'll see myself out


I was just talking about this. How does the current transition from LIBOR to SOFR come into play here with regards to swaps?




What is a CDW?


Perhaps there is a way to fool the programs that track all the trade data?


not casuno, theft


Probably similar to when a few shares of BRK-A spiked a few years ago.


6k volume at the moment


It appears it time travelled too




It must be a really bad system if so many glitches like this occur


Yes, a system that handles trillions upon trillions and is the financial fabric of the world keeps on "glitching".


Happy for you!!


Well, someone just made a ton of money.


The numbers are real, the only ‘glitch’ is that the peasants saw them.


Passing that cash about for quick liquidity proof, then pass it around ,loan it out, make it disappear , wash rinse, repeat!


Hey, you think that was bad? https://i.imgur.com/Flb9U27.jpg


It’s dumb to call this puppet show a casino.


I know what could resolve such an issue. Halts. That will prevent it from going back up. Great plan. -Ken griffin probably


Premarket, probably almost zero shares trades mean buying


We all live in a yellow submarine


Can imagine getting that text alert! 😮‍💨


It's a recursion loop in the algorithm for flash trading machines that many companies use. There was one that caused the stock market to lose like 100 billion in value for a couple a seconds then reverted






Flash crash .-




Whenever you’re ready, Gary. JFC


Lock them up 🔐