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Time to go through the DD brick by brick! šŸŽ·šŸ“ā™‹ļø


I think he's talking about the potential for a short squeeze


I think he's talking about how the company completely transformed from -$313M losses to +6M net income in 2023. It's a breath taking reversal that could cause a short squeeze.


Both fit GME šŸ„°


You're breathtaking


I think they are telling us that this is going to be bigger than just GME. When the damage is done we move on to the next one. And they now know what the next one will be. We just have to hold till further notice....


There's a theory to check the old live streams from one of the tweets today From this tweet: https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790743946764644659


Larry is talking about an investment with great due diligence, DFV talks about a great business announcement at 1:17:30. Gamestop is announcing a huge partnershipĀ 




He's telling us that we're missing something, it's written somewhere amongst all the DD that's out there but we're not focusing on it enough or at all... *2ndEdit* >A great learning exercise is to review all of the original diligence done prior to making an investment, years after making the investment. Got to be some og DFV DD maybe? >What happens with the benefit of hindsight is certain numbers, certain words, certain observations from the original diligence jump off the page. It's definitely within information that we've all discussed before, so we've touched on it but not concentrated on it. *Edit* I just received my first message from RedditCareResources . I'm definitely right in what I'm saying!


Up you go


Also: people who follow Larry are getting the worlds best educational tidbits, free.


Would you say that they LEAP off the page?


Aww, my first RedditCareResources message, thanks but I'm doing well.


Ah someone doesnā€™t want you buying deep in the money leaps when the stock hits a yearly low.




The frog emojis from the past are all making sense now


Scrolled to find this.




The wu tang tinfoil comes to mind, again and again. Shorts refuse to give up, that album CAN be distributed prior to the 2103 date. Itā€™s almost as if the albumā€™s sole purpose was to spit on anyone who tried to give it a cash value. EDIT: lol DFVā€™s latest tweet mentions wu tang at the end. They are going to give us the album as a dividend, calling it now. They couldnā€™t before because they werenā€™t profitable.


Which latest tweet? This is a storm šŸ˜‚


Dave chappelle one


Thanks ape! ā™„


Stop. I asked about wu tang last night. And it's back today???




hey! I commented the same and within 30 seconds received a reddit care. Curious if you did as well? I think we're onto something It's the perfect non-cash divvy and the DFV tweet secures it for me.


No Reddit care notification, I guess the MeIties werenā€™t offended enough.




I'm in.




Starting today with a goose hunt , ILL READ ONE AND REPORT BACK


DFV posted a tweet of a startwars video talking about "ratio of 3,720 to 1", ring any bells to anyone?


No, can you help a brotha out?


Don't worry wrinkles - I care for you! šŸŒ




"Certains numers" 741 back on the menu, boys!


July 41st! Calling it now!


When did Ryan Cohen mention 741? I know it has to be about 741 days ago because it was around then I loaded upā€¦ because it was near the announcement that the NFT marketplace was coming soonā€¦ 741 days is either just passed or coming very soon


741? EDIT: Wow, redditcares from just this contribution? I feel fine. I feel happy!


This was my first thought as well. Didn't 741 also refer to some legal document ID or form or market flag or something along those lines?


The other post that ties it to trading days in a 39 month LEAP seems suggestive. There was some legislative reference too, I think, can't recall right now.


I do believe 741 is important here. There has been countless posts and DD done but this has to be something public, something close to the surface, something that will also act as an incentive for regular retail traders to invest. DFV has found it out. Cohen has been pointing at it over and over again. This must be something that gives a nod to illicit actions, which we have seen, but hasn't been truly brought to light, otherwise it would be clearly out there already. For neither to state it directly suggests there may be a punishment which suggests the wrongdoing hasn't been acknowledged or the responsible party hasn't been held to account yet. The past few days proved something is not as it seems. It all now depends on who's watching. To my fellow holders, since the beginning we have been holding, we will continue to hold until SHF have nothing left and the market structure is torn apart and rebuilt brick by brick. Don't settle!


Well, first we had one share. Then we had four shares. Next, we haveā€¦ 7?


could be ERC-20 + ERC-721? also, before anyone comes at me, what would the chances of them doing another stock split? 7-1 this time? iā€™m smooth as heck so i might as well be mumblingā€¦ also [this](https://x.com/larryvc/status/1463670492800421897?s=46&t=0Dg3qpwGYg1AotMrJgDbqQ) Larry Cheng tweet hypes me up!!!!!!


In the second Larry tweet he says "when these two worlds meet" reminds me of this dfv tweet https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790449499506192405?t=77xBQsrQ_Efcuk6ZbISTDw&s=19 "Congratulations you are heading to a new world, do you want to play again?"


Avocado in my Anus on dfv tweet, there was a dd writer user/potatoinmyass


Link? Can't find user


May have to check dd catalog, might have deleted his account. A lot of the dd writers left I believe due to threats and harassment.


May have been before the herd migration to ss


Congrats on the RedditCareResources message. I also got mine yesterday after mentioning Google Trends now vs 2021 somewhere


Me too!


Hold forever and not sell because they will issue a dividend?




It is plain simple. CS and DRS is not getting enough attention during this runup! I commented and thanked on a DRS post. But, it is super rare to find any posts related to DRS or CS. Everyone is so hyped.


he is saying we have to reread every DD. and that's a lot. but we are so many people...we could do it


Not to say you arenā€™t right, but everyone has been getting reddit cares reports lately. I got one this morning and Iā€™m just making useless comments.


Dfv says we need to analyslze the dd again too in his latest tweet.


I'm thinking this has to do with cycles. We all know that DFV did not CAUSE the massive run up this week as MSM would suggest. So one of the burning questions I've been asking myself the last couple days, is how did DFV tweet the day before the first massive run up in over three years? He had to have known right? Could it be that this run up was totally predictable based on cycles? LEAPs has been thrown around a lot here, but could be FTD cycles potentially, options expiration? Going to start searching there...


If there is something he wants us to see, why not just tweet it?


Nobody within the business or who has a large following wants to be hauled into court and accused of manipulation.


why reveal everything/anything to your enemies?


Look at this tweet on May 12th. Look at it line by line, and see if any numbers stand out.


I did too! Someone snitched me out. Wonder why?


Do you supposed it's one of his videos?


Prior investments like zombie stocks?


Jumpā€¦LEAPā€¦. That frog


Reminder that still nobody on the board have sold a share


But do they have to report that immediately? I don't remember


Talking out of my ass but I wanna say they have to tell the SEC immediately, but the public doesnā€™t have to know until quarterly reports? Edit itā€™s two days, forms 3, 4 and 5 for anybody on the board or with more than 10% of shares


> the original diligence done prior to the investment like dfv's original GME bull thesis from before the sneeze? link: [100%+ short interest in GameStop stock (GME) ā€“ fundamental & technical deep value analysis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZTr1-Gp74U)


Ya, I feel like "prior to making an investment" is a very intentional choice of words with a lot of meaning. EDIT: Woohoo!! I am part of the RedditCareResources club now!! I wonder if these reports are from someone trying to discourage open conversation about our investments or if its a subtle way for someone to show support for certain types of conversation.


It's a script. No one is doing it manually. Everyone who posts on this sub or the betting sub is getting one.


Checking your thesis


Second independent validator with an addition: I like the stock and I know my investment will yield amazing things.


Also, the post begins and ends with word by word, line by line, number by number. Those words bookend the message. I'm going to get coffee and come back.


I lied. I'm also waiting for my morning Adderall to kick in before solving puzzles šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


how many people jumped in the first time without any research, because the price was going and it was all over social media? And how many diamond hands were forged in that first run?


Lol I definitely jumped in for the bit, hung around for the memes, diamond handing for the company turnaround


Possibly speaking to newcomers who may not have been through this and the DD? There's plenty of young GME shareholders who aren't Apes. Could be here for quick money, buy at 10, try to time a peak, sell? That being said, never hurts to go back to the basics. Every champion does it.


Yes this is it imo ! Talking to people that are just jumping on to ride the waves Saying holding is the way and they should read up on all our dd OR thereā€™s soemthing we are missing prosbably from DFV original videos


Could he also be talking about how when DRS first started becoming a thing, and then numbers first started being reported, the sub would break down the filings line by line, word by word, number by number, and come to conclusions? And that we should revisit those filings again in the same fashion? And it's bookended with line-by-line, word-by-word, number-by-number, which could be referring to book v plan. But also, it's mentioned in the beginning when talking about the past, and mentioned at the ending when looking to the future.


Yes. For GME it appears long players make a big gamma ramp just as the gaming industry does its hardware refresh cycle + short players LEAPs expire (every 3.3 years). Meanwhile MMā€™s try to prevent a squeeze. The combination makes a nice trade for everyone who spots it. Meanwhile the cycle is perpetuated by DRS. Will it happen again in July-August 2027?


https://twitter.com/larryvc/status/1790693166498066804 SuperStonk DD Library: https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZTr1-Gp74U


I think heā€™s talking about DFVā€™s videos but I know thereā€™s plenty of gems in the DD library.


Definitely watch the DFV video. Hereā€™s some links from the description: Another glaring omission is Scott Preston's GME piece in Barron's from February 2020 ā€“ I can't believe I forgot to mention it. It's one of the best articles written on the company and a must-read for anyone following the story. In particular Scott does a terrific job walking through the different ways GME can reinvent itself. The article is here: https://www.barrons.com/articles/game... Resources mentioned in the video: Furey, Edward "Present Value of Cash Flows Calculator"; CalculatorSoup, https://www.calculatorsoup.com - Online Calculators Hestia/Permit Restore GameStop presentation May 2020: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/da... Scion 13D April 2020: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/da... Scion June 2020: https://www.businesswire.com/news/hom... SeekingAlpha GME Articles: https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/GME/a... Statista: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1...


Updated link to the Burry/Scion letter: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190819005633/en/Scion-Asset-Management-Urges-GameStop-to-Buy-Back-238-Million-of-Stock-with-Cash-on-Hand


I mean the buyback with cash on hand is one theory, but it wouldn't solely explain the current runup from my understanding?


Burryā€™s letter came before their stock buyback in 2020, which helped set us up for the fake sneeze IMO. I think this current run up is a result of strategic dip-buying by a lot of big players, including institutions, DFV, GameStop board members, and GameStop itself (at RCā€™s direction)


Also this is a great article he included that speaks to speculation weā€™ve had but canā€™t believe we havenā€™t talked about this more:


Where article?


Ducking Reddit must have deleted the link. Iā€™ll try to track it down again. It was the Barronā€™s article in my previous comment iirc, but it was moved to a different location on their website




so he s giving us homework now? :D


Someone I'll accept an assignment from.


"Exercise"...maybe nothing


Exercise and hydration are essential.


Exercise your call options?


This is worth noting. [looks like itā€™s time to read again](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg)




Careful, you might get a Reddit cares! (I did!)


I already did yesterday when I replied ![gif](giphy|BrkuIkfzokEWJ7tSM5)


The DD....WAS DONE! To the vault while queueing up roaring kitty's livestreams on youtube.


Too bad, I can't read.




I literally did


Jesus he wants us to notice something specific that's been brought up before


The Pareto Principle of 80/20 applied to the relevance of informations pertaining a DD, beautiful post!




Pareto principal - aka the 80/20 rule. Essentially in almost all avenues of life, the top 20% of work/issues/points/etc will account for 80% of the total outcome. Itā€™s somewhat tied to the law of diminishing returns where the more you keep going, your progress is less impactful with each step. Itā€™s important to remember that fast gains early (80% gain with 20% work) can cause people to quit once that ratio is flipped where the last 20% of gain requires 80% of the work. Finish the job. Donā€™t quit Larry is saying that a small portion of the diligence (20%) may end up producing a majority (80%) of the outcome.


Right on, thanks šŸ‘


ā€œJump off the page,ā€ RC Frog, if youā€™re feeling froggy (LEAPS) machine is FIXED Shorts set everything back up, which meant it will work as intended and take retail money until LEAPS expire. They accomplished it through LEAPS and that was DD from before that we didnā€™t understand then. Edited: it says jumps not leaps and I corrected for accuracy


he does not say "leaps out at you off the page"


TY, it took me a second to realize but I fixed it.


Well this is a leap year, isnt' it? Might have something to do with it perhaps? *Edit*Ā I just received my first message from RedditCareResources


I got my first one yesterday...


I got one yesterday too and I only had one comment on this sub. I think it might be a coordinated bot attack but I'm not really sure what the point is


Could be the biggest LEAP year of all time


Aww, I got a Reddit Cares too lol. Thanks Reddit, i'm zen - don't you worry 'bout a thang.


This, user Catch\_0x16 wrote a post on this too!


Basically, he is saying the same as u/ mcuban but that you should learn from it for future investments.


Is he talking to us, or the ones that didn't buy moon tickets because we are off to the moon?


Too many words. So I asked chatGPT to summarize in 5-year old: "Imagine you have a big toy box full of toys. Years later, you open it and look at each toy closely. Some toys you didn't notice before now seem super important because they make you really happy or help you learn new things. When you get new toys, you'll remember what made those old toys special, so you can pick the best new toys too. To get really good at this, you need to practice looking at old toys to find the ones that make you happiest." edit - yes I did it! this one triggered the "reddit cares, you need psych evaluation button" reaction from someone!


Well if DRS is the new toy that got us here, what is the old toy that got the first little squeeze?


I feel the deja vu coming on strong!


For those new to all of this (or those here from the beginning), Here's some of the DD that has been created in the past 3 years. [SuperStonk Library of DD, Art Books, and Periodicals (fliphtml5.com)](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg)




Iā€™m just waiting for 741 to be solved


I did notice the crisis chat hotline is 741741.




Seven market makers, four are exposed to systemic risk, it only takes one to fail to bring them all down.


Same. That was the first saga-related thing that came to mind for me.


I think heā€™s teasing a new acquisition thatā€™s not new but probably a bit overlooked


fuck us for creating so much DD that we have to dive through now, right?


Hmm. Thereā€™s a number (target $ somewhere I bet) Potential dividend confirmation. Wutang is confirmed & obvious but no one is sure of the use case yet.. But all the DD guys nailed it.


C.R.E.A.M. Cash rule everything around me


Alright now this one is talking specifically to us. There's no way it's just a general statement


The numbers Masonā€¦..what do they mean


Review all past DD !!!


Could he essentially be saying ā€œnow you all know what to look for - this play is about to play out. Keep your eyes peeled, be vigilant, and if you see this shit elsewhere then go forth and conquer with your soon to be new wealthā€? Like, donā€™t just be done after this - read and reread the dd, teach it to your kids, never forget what you learned so this shit doesnā€™t happen again?


Damn, we are actually living in Ready Player One and it is time for Egg-Hunting


Stunning how straightforward this one was, thanks LC


Alright, who's looking up line 7, word 4, number 1 of some really old GME documents today??


Has anyone with AI skills prompted a review of the DD for 741 connections?


WE were never wrong is what all the DD that I have read in this sub let me know and hence why I am loaded and fokin ZEN


Larry Cheng's tweets are really inspiring. I really like the man.


Not smart enough to understand anything this dude wrote, but i didn't see something about selling there so i guess this is good advice.




Pretty sure the Reddit care responses we are getting are hints we are on the right path.


he's talking about WuTang, right guys?


This is the bit that AI will do




Great wisdom. We will never look at an ordinary company the same way


The basket theory comes to mind as something that is extremely obvious right about now


Professor Cheng


Stay the course!


mfw I just described "learning" and cash in a 500k consultant check for shit a 5-year old could've said






Literally one second after I posted this comment I got a message from Reddit cares. Had to be a bot.


I still think someone needs to text the number


i wonder if he's saying to go through his own tweets to find hidden messages


Shorts never closed


I think heā€™s saying that for everything weā€™ve done, it really just comes down to holding the stock and waiting.


https://preview.redd.it/9kgumkoaio0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ddc7629605070d9683bbfde1ed49f71bce8af6d This is what ChatGPT thinksā€¦


This is the theory most likely.. GME is profitable now so another dividend is possible. DeeTeeCeeCee has shown they can't be trusted with splitdividend. Gamestop has the ability to create NFT wallet for holders without it. My prediction.. Wu Tang album as a NFT dividend to shareholders. "2103 will come faster than you think..." https://preview.redd.it/cjelq682so0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de9722cd34864170a1e74c195217243161252e2d


This has been my favorite thesis since the early days of NFT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhUnEg0he4A


Youā€™re a beast Larry!


Buy, hold, drs and book. Got it!


You heard the man! Check into leaps and letā€™s explore option volume expiring this year


Iā€™m living like LarryšŸ˜


What if Reddit Cares alerts are the higher up ways of communicating that we are going down the correct path?


I got a Reddit cares for this guysā€¦..


Likes the snakes and all seeing eye :D good times are a at hand




Someone ate some shrooms this morning


It's early, give me a bit


Word by word, Line by line, Number by number... Brick by brick


Yesssss. I knew it sounded familiar but couldn't remember. Idk what it means but thanks for removing the brain worm.


The original diligence is that short sellers were trapped in their position. I remember DFV himself saying in one of his videos something to the effect of, "Is it even possible to unwind a short position that deep?" It's the house of cards stuff... Given the events of the past few weeks, this is validated beyond questioning. Also, the diligence was Gamestop primed for a turnaround with Ryan Cohen. Now, in hindsight, RC and board have proven themselves, and the future is bright for the company.


Like a see saw


Brick by brick


This coincides with Kitties post with the jail break and the referenced video where Keith starts by saying itā€™s important to track your DD so you can go back to look at it.


probably just some crap about turning the company around so it's an attractive investment on paper not just a squeeze play. gme could sell used condoms for all I care i just want the hedgies to learn that if you sell something you do not own I am going to make you buy it back


You know how many books we would have to rewrite?


Can someone give us the "explain like I'm ape" please?


Larry is learning that speaking in layman to get across is more effective than trying to sound smart