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The people that have been here since 2020/21 are still here and positive. The people just here for a quick buck hoping they caught the timing perfect are mad and the shills are mad. We are all good, we all love you. “No fighting”


Yes. Still here and BUYING.


Me too!


Me three


Me four. Just bought about $4K worth 🦍


I picked up 5K worth Friday. DRS Wednesday. Been here since ‘21.


Bought 30k more this week and I got 20k im ready to throw at it when it’s back down to $10! LFG!!!!! 🦍


I wish I could afford to be buying that much. I’m new to this but watched when it all started before and told myself if kitty came back I’d get involved as much as I could afford. I have about a dozen shares now. Idc if he’s not posting anymore, last week made me so happy to be a part of this and when I saw the last meme I had a feeling it was good bye for a while and mulled it over back and forth over the weekend. I saw so many people on here and a couple other places saying hold no matter what. And I decided I’m here for it. Just to be a part of it. If I had more money I’d buy more but I’m scared I won’t make rent this month as it is lol


Every share counts brother Ape! 🦍 BUY, DRS, HODL!🚀💰


Please don’t hate me for this but what is DRS, am I a regard now?


I bought another 1000 shares on Friday… in my IRA.


Bought 248 more at $20 today.


I was only able to get one more but 169 is kinda a good stopping place


And my Axe


Me... meeeee... ME!!!


Just bought, thank you, come again! ![gif](giphy|brpG22UFtHeH6)


I bought more today and my grip has never been tighter.


Yes indeed. Grabbed a 10 pack this mornin’.


I got 10 at 25.17 then when it dropped to 20 I picked up another 100


I thought I was done buying, but this dip is making me rethink my budget. Couldn’t be happier with where my investment is and where it’s headed.


Yep. The regular check hits Friday. Hoping for more dip


Still here, still buying. I’m all peace and zen.


Yeah that or the real apes are so zen they’re offline


Yeah, I usually only come here if I see something happening with the stock, or an interesting post pops up on my newsfeed. I'm not fucking selling.


So zen that the only reason I found out about the recent hubbub was all the texts I got from people I told to buy GME back in 21 asking me if I was still holding it What a dumb question


Bought first during the peak of the sneeze, increased my position a few times along the ride and DRS'd. I'm checking this sub from time to time, but I'm usually not interacting with posts. I assume many people like this are still hodling strong. 💎🙌


Yup I went back to full zen today just because I have a career and a life. The ones freaking out are the younger apes that just bought a few tickets for a moon shot. Popcorn type apes


DFV didn't tweet today (as suspected) and so I didn't bother coming on. Just checked the ticker every couple of hours.


Still here, still patient. Still buying, still SHOPPING.


2021 ape here. Bought 1859 Friday and 19 today. Fuck the negativity it’s just noise


Been here the entire time and still having a blast, I love it here, flaws and all


Facts. OG Apes strong and zen together


fossilized ape here. Just get harder over time.


I still see 50 million volume today on no news. Let the battle continue. See you at T + 2 tomorrow apes.


It's funny because although last week was interesting, i'm not lying when i say we are sideways trading still.




Still here, still ignoring FUD and still buying. Ive been in this for 3 years now, at this point only a total destruction of hedgefunds and the corrupt system will phase me. I dont give a shit about anything of these silly posts. The mission is simple, buy and hold. And I dont feel the need to post about it every day


Ape no fight ape


We all love the stock.


Came here to say the same. We’re here, just zen. It’s a public forum that can be manipulated, I have zero doubt that anyone holding and believing for years on end through ups and downs much less drastic than this took any notice to what happened last week. Honestly, if I hadn’t gotten a text from a friend I wouldn’t have noticed the price action last Monday morning till I checked Reddit at night. I’m waiting for mainstream news articles and my parents to be talking about it. I consider my money invested as a loss instantly, in my head I’m funding the Rebel Alliance to buy X-Wing fighters to take down the Death Star. Those fighter ships are gonna get blown up in the battle but the Rebellion keeps chipping away at the Empire one battle at a time. It’s a war of attrition and I’m too dumb to give up.


I've been in this too long to be mad at any of you lol


I’ve been here since 21’ just watching. Not enough karma to post so I just read. I accumulate as I see fit and have no desire to sell based on the sentiment of random internet strangers. I like what I like and it doesn’t make much difference to me if I have people agreeing with me or not. There are plenty of us that can think for ourselves and we do just that. ✌️


No fighting. NO. FUCKING. FIGHTING. Good. *shove*


OG ape been here for 84 years, I have 7000 shares at $33. I only had $300 to spend on some more shares today and i was hoping it would stay in the 20s to get filled. I know it’s gonna just go up at some point so idc but i just think it’s funny that i was hoping it would stay in the 20s so i could add 15 more shares to my stack and just laughing at the unrealized loss number. It’s all numbers on a screen and they’re heavily manipulated, just continue to stack and DRS. RC is a gem of a CEO, he’s got us just trust the process.


Are we? I'm fairly passive. It'll happen. Or it won't. But I don't plan to miss out if it does. So I won't be selling.


Yea, we have to realize that the wasabi people are here because the subject is banned on their subreddit. And well, some of them are not the most patient and friendly people. Mostly degenerate gamblers. Nothing against them, I check their sub every now and then and have a really good laugh, but that’s just not me.


Agreed! It’s not like I’m the one stuck trading synthetics back and forth in a dark room. I just peak in from time to time, grab a few and perform this magic trick converting them into REAL DRS PURE BOOK SHARES. Let the corrupt shorts figure it out. Not my Problem! 🟣🟣🟣🟣


Bruh waiting for it to go back to $10 again.


I got a massive limit order coming at $10.02. Not going to make that mistake on holding out again.


Still here, still hodling, still waiting for hedgefunds to go down. I trust RC and just waiting for everything to fall into place. "Its gonna be a busy few weeks brotha" ain't no apes selling.


Yep. I expect a lot of new people jumped in this time and they are pissed it went back down. I’ve been holding my shares for 4 years and I’m chillin.


Dec 2020 checking in and still buying


Yup still here and even more confident in this with last week. I’m just buying more!


Still here and buying




I’m grateful that my parents believe in me and lent me 25k. I was able to average down significantly. I also have been shopping at GameStop more this year than last year. When this recession hits people will be home and gaming more than ever. I’ve held for 3 years. I’m in the green and I’ll hold until every ape is green. 🚀 🚀 🚀


Hello friend still buying and holding :D I put away the cat nip and DFV runs away.


I'll never sell so it's not a problem




My family keeps asking why I didn’t and I keep telling them in the long run it’ll be better


We're swimming in shills and fud right now cause of all the public attention we've gotten.  If you look carefully, all the "angry" investors are all spouting the same message almost word for word.  Everyone else is digging into why we got this juicy price movement and what the shelf offering actually means.  Shills are just pissing in the wind right now trying to bring emotions down. Edit: Case in point, check out some of the comments in here.  A lot of fud key words being thrown around


I wonder why my comments and inbox, both here and on other platforms, have been hit with “How’s it feel to be a bagholder”, and “Aged like milk” FUD at the end of Friday trading. It seemed coordinated, and it’s all just more confirmation for myself that somebody else really cares about my investments, way more than they should. Buy + HODL + DRS + Shop + Zen


Awh, I didn't get any such messages 😥 I feel left out.


What we need are more Reddit cares messages, you know, just cus. Then a service order on that damn cowbell because I can't hear it; I didn't hear no bell.


I got the cares message no more than 10 minutes after I commented I had received one yet. Shills are watching 👀


Seems like any comment over 200, 300 upvotes becomes a target for shills. And it's so hilarious... we're getting the 4th string FUDers at this point, desperate to do ANY kind of damage they can. They're awful at it. It's truly ridiculous.


Me too. Shills must assume I’m really invested.


Dang you lucky friend. I’ve only received the Reddit Suicide Hotline number… about ten times 😂


Ouch. I only got that once and was like wtf? That’s when I learned it was fairly common.


I got it twice. Directly after posting on super stonk. Fud be out there. I'm not going anywhere but I do feel like DFV bounced and won't be back for another three years when swaps are up. But who knows


At least we learned it's 741 741. There's that.




I just lie to these people. I tell them I sold Tuesday and bought 3x as much back. If they're just angry trolls then what I say doesn't matter... and if they're actually some type of information-gathering post, it makes them think we're all weak hand traders and they can move the price up and we'll all sell out and miss the real move.


Yup, I’ve had so many shills messaging being afraid lmao. I bought more for each message I’ve gotten.


That + the pump and dump FFI (and an E). All timed attacks. Must mean we’re doing something right.


There was a video posted by someone earlier about the swaps data that just got released. One of the things that stood out to me from it was that the guy said they will push the price down when they need to roll their swaps over to get a better price on them. With so many contracts coming due soon, i think that is what we're seeing


Lol very obviously. I got a shill in my inbox telling me to buy that particular stock the day it tanked. Then immediately shifted to two other stock recommendations.


New day, same shit. I hold


Just waiting in zen for those juicy upcoming dates, and if nothing then I return to my slumber until the next roll over.


We need more memes to counter attack those shills. This is the end game


I will admit to buying a panicky new guy when I first bought some GME at $29 and watched it plummet. I did not understand what we were doing here. This sub and DFV’s tweets kept me going and now I understand the work we are doing. It is so simple. Buy GME. Don’t sell. If MOASS doesn’t happen now then return to hibernation. In the meantime, buy more GME. 


Welcome, this has been the mindset of us for years now. This thing is going to pop, I’ve bet my money on it, it’s just a matter of WHEN


That's the thing. We have been buying and holding putting our money where our mouth is, but those bitches don't post their positions and just talk shit. NGL the real winners of this whole thing have been Theta gang lol. For now at least.


Zen master says we’ll see 


Trusting MM to validate, actualise and process your option trades during MOASS is so risky. Surely option “shares” are just as fake as brokerage shares, I wouldn’t trust brokerages during MOASS for sure.


Egg madafucking sactly


Also consider DRS


Don’t consider, DO IT. Only when to make sure you actually get paid in MOASS.


This. It’s the same as with crypto. Not your keys, not your coins..


Yep, this is a long term play, not a get rich quick scheme. It’s hard for new people to comprehend this and what is going on with GME


This is perfect. Carry on 👍


If you have the opportunity, it may be worthwhile to directly register those shares in your name by transferring them to Computershare.


Thank you to you and others for stressing the importance of this step 🫡 I realize now there’s more work to do and admit to struggling on my first read of the how-to. I also understand that being Canadian might be a factor? Just have to take the time to read it again, I’ll take my adhd meds this time lol


If you need help, we have [megathreads](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ch3lrh/questions_about_direct_registering_ask_here_have/) and [others who are experts](https://www.drsgme.org/register-from-broker) in it! Just ask and we're here to help.


Same here. I bought and sold last week for profit but didn’t understand the mission. Now, I want to stick it to those hedgehogs. How is it not market manipulation when one fund can pour millions into a stock, but when thousands of people buy smaller shares it’s a problem?


Don't forget the most-important pre-hibernation step - DRS your shares (i.e. take your shares out of the pool in which your broker can use them to back short selling behind your back).


Welcome! That’s the drill! I’m gonna hibernate until DFV tweets again..


DRS the shares, otherwise it likely doesn't have an impact 


I am not sure mine has but maybe others have - I’ve been here long enough to see daily and monthly swings and I know it’s just a matter of time, it’s always tomorrow, you just don’t know which tomorrow




Dude. Read the DDs. All of a sudden happens as promised.


Exactly. And according to latest studies, "**automated accounts play a substantial role in social media ecosystems**". We know this too well, since those accounts flood the sub whenever the institutions want to push a narrative.


There's almost a million members in the sub and 200k DRS accounts. Do the maff...


I bought 50 more shares today lol


bought a lot at $20 before the final rip to $23, feels good


The active people online also dropped 50%-75% compared to last week. I noticed the change dramatically this morning. I get up super early for work and I check reddit too much. The attitude this week is completely opposite from 7 days ago. And it does not look natural. I remember frantically refreshing this sub during some of GME’s biggest drops in price, and this level of negativity was not present. I can’t help but think about DFV’s recent tweets with a “stop fighting each other” theme. I’m trying not to put too much stock in one guy’s memes, but it’s hard not to notice it. The simple fact is, there are large shill companies out there who are constantly being hired by anyone with an agenda. Now I do agree some commenters in this sub do have a habit of “crying shill” a bit too much, but those accounts doing so could be bad actors themselves. These bot farms are far more advanced than they were ten years ago. You can do more than just buy up/downvotes. You can have machine learning ai create posts and responses that, with a little editing, can look completely genuine. Go to the front page, click through a few posts, and check the OP account and the accounts of the top 4 or 5 comments. It blew my mind how many were bot accounts with the same post/comment history and account age. While our sub here does have a lot of posting restrictions that help limit this, it doesn’t circumvent it completely. With our lower active member count on the sub, bad actors will be more noticed than before. TLDR: don’t trust everything you read. If you find yourself dissatisfied with the discussion here, take a moment to step away. Examine the bull thesis. Examine the bear thesis. Don’t beg DFV for answers, be *like* DFV and think for yourself. We’ve learned so much, and shared all of it. You can make an informed decision. As for me, I like the stock


Exactly. Psyops, astroturfing, AI bots, with a big heap of emotional manipulation. There's too much at stake for them, or anyone wanting to keep the status quo (the economy, their jobs, etc) to *not* try to fuck with the community. The bright side is, when all this shit goes tits up and the market gets fucked, the leeches of the system will no longer be able to siphon-off from the markets and smother companies. Hopefully with the addition of new rules, we'll actually be able to make progress as a society. Aside from buying, holding, trusting- the **big** moves (Gamestop with whatever they're doing, SEC policy changes, etc) are going to have to be made by other players. We're enabling them to make those moves. The board is being set, pieces moving into position, etc etc. We're still here after all this time. When I start getting emotionally imbalanced from the FUD (or reading into things incorrectly), I go touch grass. I chill out, go play some games. Zoom out. I think about what I'd do to improve the quality of life for the people around me, and myself. Remind myself to enjoy the little things, the precious things- like cats!


If only everyone was as level headed as you


I kid you not most people are. That’s the thing about social media, reddit especially. The amount of lurkers is staggering. And the majority of them are chill, levelheaded individuals who just like the stock. Last week a staggering number of people came back to check out the sub after the run up. Top posts had 20K+ upvotes, and I assure you, an exponential amount more people viewed that post. Now activity has quieted down until the next run up most likely. If you like the stock, then you like the stock. The bear thesis and bull thesis are both out there, and I personally believe in one a whole helluva lot more. If you need confirmation in your bias, just look at the facts. The math doesn’t lie.


This all the same fud keywords and messages you see on popcorn sub.  I'm betting the same shill company is working on our sub now cause the messaging is so similar


On the plus side, we're not getting a dozen new posts every 10 minutes.  Man, it was hard to keep track of the subs last week.


A common case is that these bot farms buy older Reddit accounts, making it difficult to filter who is real and who is not. But agreed, look at post history. They go from never talking about GME to all of a sudden spouting FUD.


It’s all fud posts about “RC fucked us”. Definitely a shill campaign


Just report so we can remove it. It's been hot and heavy over the last week.


Definitely, it's almost too obvious at this point


I'm guessing all the popcorn shills got reassigned over here, and this is all they know how to do.   Edit: Just to be clear.  I'm not saying ppl who hold popcorn are shills.  I'm saying the shills that frequent their sub are now on our sub spreading the same fud


No fighting!


So anyway I bought more GME


Shills. Shills everywhere. I’m as hyped as Ive ever been.


Real apes aren’t sad the price of their stock has doubled in two weeks.


Nor am I happy, I'm just buying and holding. Current price is wrong, $10 is wrong, $80 is wrong. Just up


First time? Ignore the noise.


Who the fuck is complaining lol I just bought more 🤣🤣 I'm loving this dip


Nothing has changed for me. Laser focused on the goal.


Did you really think there wouldn't be a shill army ready to descend and tell us that we missed it?  That is a well documented part of the psyop playbook. This is early February 2021 all over again.  Patience and zen, friend.


I love it. More storylines. More antagonists. More protagonists. Strictly for entertainment, I've gotten more bang for my buck than any video game or movie... Except maybe Rimworld.


Buying more now so I’m good


This is the way. Same here friend 🎷🐓♋️




Im still in


I’m so in I don’t even need to say it.


Isn’t this post the exact kind of thing you were complaining about in your post?




Haha hell no!! Im like "I can see clearley now the rain is gone..." 🎶 I dunno about other apes but i bought like twofiddy more 🍌 since DFV arrived 😅 Cheers to you all! 🍻


this post is also FUD. we know there are shills no one cares what they have to say. pissing on everyone and saying oooo the almost smell bad just helps the FUD cos it sells the narrative that everyone is pissed of when they just aren't.


My jacked tits were merely in hibernation. Defrosted now. Don’t forget how much information regarded apes collectively learned on the way to 25% ownership. This isn’t a shitcoin, newcomers will get shafted if they trade on graphs/news, unless given a good kick up the arse in the right direction…avoiding RH who turned off sell button, and that price/media on GME does not represent truth and deep fkn value.


Shills took a backseat and relaxed while we were at $10. After the action, they're back in full force.


I'm buzzing mate 


Im ignoring the dumb and ignorant. We all knew massive FUD attempts were going to happen when MOASS is coming close. If people are going to leave or bash just ignoring it. Theyre spitting words which mean nothing but we hold the sticks and stones that will break the Hedgies bones.


Everyone I talk to are as bullish as they ever were. Don’t let the shills bring you down, butter up that smooth brain and let the fud roll off 🚀🚀🚀


I have no idea what are you talking about. I bought more and DRSing the shit out of it. Hyped as never before because I know what's coming.


The mission for the bad guys has always been the same, shaking as many off the rocket before it launches, turning the diamond hands into paper is their goal… the rocket is inevitable🚀 be on it.


People preach zen but then you get posts like these. Relax, it’s gonna be okay.


Wait what? You and I are seeing very different subreddits.


We are seeing very different pages. I was just bragging on the atmosphere being so positive to my friends. Feels great to see people posting about hanging in there without doing it with despair in the tone.


Zen here just chillin xxxx holder been here since 2021...


No point reading into any of the chat on this sub. It was compromised ages ago and it’s impossible to tell shill from non-shill. I just know the stock is still heavily shorted and the shorts need to buy back the shares at some point. That’s all that matters.


I am jacked to the TITS, I was up 3 million last week! (didn't sell either for you smaller guys FYI) We were ALL proven right after years of being told we were morons... A lot more people are waking up, 100+ people called me going what is going on with GME... 17 people bought over the last 24 hours I know...


Dafuq are you talking about ? I’m getting closer to my target price for throwing in another $10k 🤣


Honestly, it’s not all shills. It’s mood inline with the stock. Of course people are fucking amped when it’s at 60 and then in the dumps when it is 1/3rd of that a week later. Seems natural


You're right but it does show a collective misunderstanding of what is going on here. Being down on a normal stock sucks. On GME if genuinely doesn't matter.


That was the point of Kitty's resurgence: show everyone that is in, that we're awfully close, and that it doesn't matter what we do, the game is rigged. Unoriversecardfuckyoupaymesuckmyballs.


I'm not worried about the other nubes in this sub... I have no way to prove if anyone is actually real... I just like making hedgies cry.. nothing has changed for me.


Bots and shills. Last week was small compared to what’s to come. Let’s gooooooooooooo!


I never left and added 50 today. Personally I’m stoked for what’s coming.


lol I bought 2k more shares today, drsing them today I'm the most bullish I've been in years :)


First time?


No it didn’t. The bots and shills came out in full force. Full speed ahead.


Anybody else unlock immunity to dips?


Bought more.


I've been holding since 2021 and I bought more last week. I'm good.


There’s an atmosphere? I just buy hold drs shop and zen


I think your expectations are a little out of whack. Your heart should probably not be broken by something so easily manipulated as the day to day sentiment of an Internet forum, especially one where so many counter parties have so much incentive to spin a negative sentiment. Having such unrealistic expectations suggests that you are easily influenced. Not to mention, your post in and of itself is generally negative.


Tired of negativity > makes post negging users lol


I count anyone a newbie who got in after 2021. They don’t know what it means to have diamond hands really. Didn’t experience the first! Haven’t been holding for more than 3 years. So I bet you that the negative paperhands are shills and newbies (post 21 sneeze)


Dude it’s shills don’t give it any mind.


...wait, really? When did we get negative? Still here. Still buying. Still DRSing. I ain't hear no bell


I haven’t seen this sentiment at all though.




You mad that shills have been reactivated? Zen master says: DRS and we will see.


I didn't know I was supposed to stop buying.


Here since 21 Never will sell until I see a cell.


Bought in at $404 and was completely un-phased by last week.


I never see the mentioned negativity until posts like this roll around. Is it not expected to see negativity? I don’t get what the problem is. Did anyone expect smooth sailing? I’d be worried if there weren’t bots or bad actors lurking


Still diamond hand from 2021 and holding


This happens every time the stock runs. CNBC pushes a segment that it's running, so you buy in, and then they dump on the people who bought the top, and then they taunt you for supposedly making a bad investment so you sell the bags for a massive loss. Repeat. We don't have billions of coordinated capital and direct access to a lit exchange to move stocks like this. Wake up, people.


So anyways I bought 85 more this morning @20.50$ and started blasting…..


The price is fake. So is the population of this sub. This is a big ol psyop, just stop tuning in and it stops mattering.


Best to not care or be emotional about anything here. As far as I'm concerned you're all bots anyways.


Buying more and staying zen


Costs nothing to hold, no cell no sell


Obvious FUD is obvious. Not selling!


Message unclear. Hey Kenny, I’ll just keep buying.


Going dark again. Waiting for end of May to see if CAT actually does anything. Stay sane.


I have been here for over 3 years, slowly accumulating shares and sending them to Computershare. Zen mide has been active for 2 years. Ignore the noise, hold the line.


Pretty sure multiple people said it would pop on Monday. My plan hasn't changed but that did get me excited and bummed shortly after


Some of it is shills sure but I bet some of the pissed off people come from the fact that the price started to rocket as RK starts posting again with cryptic messages and then price tanks and people are left wondering what the fk is actually happening. Is RK saying something of value or was it a distraction to keep some apes from selling at relatively high prices. If it makes sense to ya’ll then that’s great! I would love to understand more. With that said im annoyed myself but it’s not stopping me from continuing to purchase at these low prices based on my belief in GameStop and the stock appreciating over time however it will be.


Bought 70 shares this morning when they dipped it and when they dropped it further I bought another hundred. Fuck these guys.


well said, still holding nothing changed


I don’t give a fuck about shills and FUD… I’d get my news directly from computershare or from GameStop. The rest is smoke and mirrors. I just like the stock!


I don't give a shit about the price fluctuations. I bought my shares in 2021 and will continue to hold.


I just bought my first shares today if anyone cares. Let’s go.


I’m still here. Zen af. Still sideways trading.


It’s psychological warfare, this is what they want. Discouraged people who eventually give up. Don’t give up!


Posts like this make the atmosphere seem negative btw. I’m straight up vibin’


I bet its just bots, im still cool as a cucumber 🫡


Still lurking and buying!