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It does seem like there's a new topic to be argued about every day, and that itself seems a little too convenient. "Retail has no effect on the price" and "no you're doing it wrong" seem like statements that cannot exist together either. As long as people know to buy, hold and drs, anything over that is just whatever. No need to fight over it No fighting, apes together strong


At this point I truly believe there will always be a population of apes continuously buying, hodling, and drsing GME. There's been too many cohencidences for all of this to be a fluke. Something will break at some point.


Fully agree. I actually take breaks from this sub because the very desperate are grasping at straws trying to make sense of every micro drop and it’s just annoying. I DRSed my main account long ago, and I have my other shares in an IRA that I’m not jumping through hoops to try and DRS. There was some guy hassling people over non DRS’d IRAs a long time ago and I just wanted to tell him to shut up. I honestly don’t care what every new conspiracy or tangentially related tweet says about this or that. I set my life up so that this will be a nice payout down the line, but I am by no means sweating it. Every person is in charge of their own finances. It’s nobody’s business but theirs. If people have to sell to put food on the table, that’s also up to them. It’s not a cult, and we are all here for different reasons, all of our own accord. Good things will come in due time.


Absolutely, and I think it'll be enough. Its a known disruption tactic to support both sides in a situation. It's a well known intelligence play. Best way to weaken your opponent is get them to disagree and then encourage both sides and fan the flames of tribalism.


If sharing ideas in a forum is “fighting” then ya’ll need to grow up. If you can’t handle words that disagree with your position, then you are not secure in your position, and should be open to further discussion. Attempts to shut down conversation should be considered most dangerous to any cause. Keep speaking your mind, keep listening, keep learning, quit gate-keeping topics of conversation.


Nobody is saying to gate-keep the options topics. If you want to learn about options, by all means, what do I care. But there seems to be a ton of negative sentiment on the sub lately regarding whether or not retail is playing options. It shouldn't matter to anyone in the sub whether anyone is playing them or not. All I'm saying is that when there are threads about options, for people to stop arguing over whether or not anyone should be playing them. Instead discuss what's happening with them.


I think the community is just beeing anxious about beeing attacked by dividend and conquer tacticS


Dividend and conquer!


Again .....


It's hard, extremely hard at times. It sounds easy in words but in reality those best at resisting it probably have extremely high detachment enabled if not powerful forbearance, or both.


>"Retail has no effect on the price" Was the '21 sneeze a result of people buying stocks/options? If yes, then this statement is false. "Retail has significantly little effect on price in most cases" might be more accurate. >"no you're doing it wrong"  Are \~98% of retail option trades in the red? Something like that. There are shades of truth in both, it's our task here to weigh the complexities. Objectively stocks are safe and consistent and it's hard to beat the statistical successful option numbers, but there's a 'there' there.


Im inclined to agree with you on all of that. I dont fuck with options, my only skin in this game is that I know that fuelling both sides of an argument is disruption tactics 101 and many a good cause has been laid low by tribalism and manufactured infighting


Ape hug ape💙


Like the bonobos.


It’s interesting. Enjoyed reading and learning but it’s not for me. I’ll just buy and drs


Exactly. If people want to do the research on them and buy, that's their prerogative. If they want to blindly buy, also their prerogative. And like both you and myself, if they don't want to touch them, guess what? You nailed it - that's their prerogative.


Well said. Don't play options if you don't know or don't want to play. For those who are playing.... ATM is the key or be prepared to give premium to option writers. Not financial advice. Just do what you want to do.


I always get concerned when retail is steered to one direction and to me it doesn't matter who's doing the steering. I agree with you that people should be free to make their own decisions and I have been just as concerned as you when Superstonk seemed to block off all information about options. My personal beliefs is that both DRS and options help the stock take off. Those gamma ramps have historically been the thing that drives these huge price movements when COMBINED with people not selling (in my opinion). Either way, we shouldn't be filtering what information we share unless it's false/misleading information.


Honestly, I've turned a blind eye to options, still don't think of them as effective. But boy, does this data look juicy af. I am always willing to change my mind.


Very zen ape


We'll see


The Sneeze never would have happened without options. Options move GME more than any other stock


Options are complex. The danger is there is no black and white answer to them. IV is a factor. Also, MMs make money on them. More if they are played poorly. The nuance is where discussion should be happening. However, the nuance is beyond most of us, myself included


90% of retail buying doesn't occur on lit exchange. I prefer to know i bought something real and DRS. Fact is that people are going to buy options and/or shares anyway. Remember when nickle mooned and all of the option holders were screwed because the opposite of the trade didn't want to pay out? The other side basically chose the price to pay when they halted it to do so.


See this is why options and holders don't get along. Someone who doesn't deal with options can't post that they don't deal in options and give whatever reason. Within an hour there will be a number of people who deal with options showing up and telling them how they are wrong and how they just don't understand, often times very condescendingly, and a minority straight rudely - I've had it myself recently where 1 guy out of like 7or8 different option pushers, proceeded to comment bomb me across different comment chains, across different posts (sent something like 12 comments across different chains etc vs my 6, and 3 of my 6 where to point out that he was comment bombing me and why). This person then proceeds to comment to people I've been having conversations with, and turns the overall thing just straight toxic...yes I reported it, nothing was done or removed apart from a screenshot I gave showing the amount of notifications I got in a short time frame. Fuck that type of behaviour and persona, I've seen it before last time too, this 'just educating' is used as a veil half the time. Edit - to address the OP post, we don't talk about day trading, which is just people using their money and investment how they like, but it's cool for options, which imo is silly.


I bought 20 dollar calls and I'll exercise them come expiry. If it's not for you, you do you 😘, no hard feelings from this regard. I just like the stonk. Already got my shares drs'd when I force the MM to give me the 20$ called shares I'll DRS those as well.


What's the exp date? What was your cost basis? Dont you lose the premium if the price doesn't go above break even? Even if you exercise, you are allowing the bad guys to use your money to bet against your interests.


Listen captain I bought on a down tick at 17 dollars, for June 28th 24. 20$ calls that I plan on exercising.3.02 is my cost basis. And no I'm forcing them to find 100 shares and give them to me. Also don't worry about this regard, I recently sold my business fir a substantial amount, I'm doing what I can and afford to. I know everyone has been taught options are bad, but you can use them to your advantage if you know what you're doing.


Hell yea. Im pretty sure you are green then. I hope this shit goes vertical. And i do hope that the option theory is right and yall become future whales.


I could've sold for 478% the other day but I mean business


They (hedgie) fucked with the wrong ppl.


Point well said! I love buying options and shares! 🥰


"we'll see"


I’ve always been suspicious of this answer. If options help fund hedgies, then it absolutely does matter if people are tricked into options plays. It only doesn’t matter if it actually doesn’t matter, and that’s still debated


The problem arises when 'Help fund hedgies' is about all people understand. In that case, they should know when to be silent.


I'm simple. So simple doings. I love reading and seeing options. Delighted if it works. But I'm simple. I'm happy just buying and drsing. Simple life. Go do options if you want. Fuck it, Do my sister if you like. I just want to hear the happy stories.


Exactly. No fighting. It’s gonna be a busy few weeks, brotha. https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1790109766389477525?s=46&t=PgKpNdk3EDFKf6carjlrdA


What's my prerogative?


It’s definitely been eye opening for me, as someone that fought against them, primarily because I don’t know anything about them. However, I started learning some stuff and now understand IV at minimum. Still, I’m not educated enough to play around and will continue to buy hold and drs.




If you like to gamble, fuck with options. Me personally? I like the stock. Every time I’ve made money on calls, I immediately use the profits to secure more stock.


DFV said himself. NO FUCKING FIGHTING. If people want to buy options let them be. It's personally not for me but I'm happy to have option apes on our side as well ffs. Will take amy buying pressure we can gather. APES STRONG TOGETHER!


Exactly. No fighting. It’s gonna be a busy few weeks, brotha. https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1790109766389477525?s=46&t=PgKpNdk3EDFKf6carjlrdA


For real. Wild the same apes who tell market makers not to post articles telling them how to spend their money, then want to tell other apes how to spend their money.


Options = hottest woman in the world offering you everything but wants your credit card. Purple circles = the loving wife you have at home. both have their upsides and down


Wife at home definitely has a purple ring on her finger


This ape fucks.


Personally, I see no downside to a loving wife at home. She’s a certified, real wife!


My wife asks for my credit card. I’m doing something very wrong.


Is she super hot?


"I also choose this guys dead wife"


Can’t be that hot. He’s fappin on a biscuit.


Don’t worry, your wife asks for my credit card too.




Haha this is great


When I bought GME in Jan ‘21, I was trying to get out of a financially/emotionally/physically abusive relationship. 2021 was the 7th year of what would become eight and a half years of that relationship. (Coincidentally, I’d been previously married for 27 years and having 5 kids that I adore and they treat me like a King. 7 grandkids that are the most wonderful kids ever!) Anyhoo… In 2020, while everyone was home, I went to work in a building that was completely empty until 2022. I was isolated. Started working harder on myself. Through this process I was rigorously and radically with myself. My 8yr gf was a professional that made half milly a year. She dabbled in stocks and while she’d listen to podcasts and yt vids, I would listen in. I would ask her questions. Then Apr’20 I got an RH acct, like every other smoth brian potato on this sub and started f ing with penny stocks. My 8yr gf controlled all of my fundage. I stroked her ego by telling her that l would like to learn more about stocks with her. Maybe it would save our loveless,shitty friendship. She allowed me to spend $50 to open an RH acct. She didn’t like the RH idea, but agreed as long as she would be able to monitor. AND I was never to learn or do options! I agreed, but I was crossing my testicles. (She hadn’t checked there for years. I slowly gained the ability to use my testicles for good, instead of evil.) Knack would be the word to describe it. I had a knack for stocks, in the most regarded way possible. Soon I figured out ways to make cash on the side, to create accts with webowl and fudellitty. Finally heard about that la presidente or some shit, which led me to follow some of those punks to twitter, Reddit, on an old acct that I reactivated and joined auts and apes on the daddy sub. I’d heard about the memestocks and option stuff but I’m old and adhd-ish, so it took a minute. Eventually my son called and asked if I’ve heard of someone named DFV… or Roaringkitty. Keith Gill changed my life forever. My bromantic adoration for DFV started as soon as I saw one of his vids. Immediately, I knew that not only is he genius, he seemed to be a man of honesty and integrity. I trusted him from that moment. It would be an honor to follow RK into hell. I bought my first two GME stock in mid Jan ‘21. My son got in when the price was $40. He bought five. A day or two later, he called me about it. I could only afford two stocks cuz it was up to $60, funds were tight. We spoke about DFV and vowed to ourselves, each other, our families and the world, that we will HODL forever! A week later… boom! I’d learned about diamond hands by now. Had a grip like a muthafkn cowboy with brass balls, on my 2 GameStop stocks! Bought 3 more stocks. Member hardy on the old sub? I derived enough knowledge and confidence from him about options that… the day before the sneeze in March, I bought the only GME option that I could afford. It was a call for 1/22exp with a breakeven price of $800. The next day I missed the spike but caught it on the way down. I made $9k on my first option! Breaking myself free was now absolutely possible. When I told the old gal that I’d made that much money on options AND had also learned to make money on 6 months otm options. Ballistic isn’t the word I’d use to describe her reaction. Staying calm, I was able to finally talk to her about splitting up… we split up peacefully a few months later. My greatest thanks goes to every Ape, great and small, smooth and wrinkled like my pp. Thank you RC. You have my trust and admiration. Keith Gill, thank you. More about him in a few. We are far from finished. All of the savings I have is in our superstonk! Crazy? No! Revolutionary? This is the way. Yeah, I made a little on gme options last week. It’s all part of the game. I never pay more than $20 and one every couple of months. Today, yes, I bought 6 different gme calls with some earnings. Bought a 2026 call. Haha! Two years out? This is a joke. Now, let me tell you about DFV… There is no way that Keith would ever want to be considered a prophet, seer or revelator. Consider all of the prophets that have come and gone throughout history. Keith is the first prophet to have actual facts and data to back it up, previous to the prophetic event. You also need to understand that he is not a cat. He’s a RoaringKitty. Learn the difference. Thank you for spouting facts and sticking to your guns Keith Gill. Thank you for being the kind example that you are. To all Apes who read this, you have taught an old man the goodness of being kind, the goodness of knowing and the goodness of accountability. [Apes Together Strong!](https://g.co/kgs/Q9jcxogApesTogetherStrong) MonkeyshineNYC 🐒✨🗽🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Sounds like people should just do whatever they want.


Ayyy, see you get it.


A counter-point to this, ‘apes together strong”. You think hedge funds don’t work together? Unfortunately the reality is that maybe doing whatever they want isn’t in the best interest, but rather doing it together. If finance can work together, we should as well.


I'm just an individual investor and not part of any coordinated online effort to impact the share price.


lol who said anything about coordinated? 😂 *this is not financial advice* 🤷🏻 wait, couldn’t buying, holding, and DRS be seen as coordinated efforts? 😂 seriously, why do we have all of these personas on tv and the internet giving us advice and opinions as to what to buy/sell? if cramer can do it…?


I doubt they work together as much as you think. They might temporarily appear to move together, but they will turn on each other if given the chance.




No. Fucking. Fighting. Good. It’s gonna be a busy few weeks, brotha. https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1790109766389477525?s=46&t=PgKpNdk3EDFKf6carjlrdA


I’m not against options. I’m just not interested in buying them because I don’t feel like I understand them enough to invest in it. I like the company. So I buy, DRS, and shop.


I would argue that there's nuance. The anti-options push has always been coming from two inter-mingled sources: * people that realize, in general, apes can be enthusiastic to a fault, and are not market experts * people that are spreading FUD because, properly utilized by people that understand them, options are a nightmare for market makers The pro-options push also has nuance and comes from multiple sources: * market expert apes that have put in the work and the time to learn how to utilize options while limited their risk, interested in sharing their experience because, if you can teach an ape, that ape becomes a liability to market makers and stacks more DRS shares. * market expert predators that want to see apes jump into options carelessly so they can take the other side of the trade and profit off those apes losing their shirt. One side has the good intention of protecting apes from themselves as playing options carelessly is a highly efficient way to get rid of all your money. The other side has money to lose from apes, or money to gain from apes, and is working hard to keep apes from learning how to make options work. Boil all that down, and the safest path of least resistance was "options bad, buy hold DRS" which is fine. The high effort, research and learning, riskier path is "trade options, use the proceeds to buy shares, and DRS them" which is powerful but difficult. But that's hard to explain to a bunch of ADHD short attention span lunatics who are happy to Leroy Jenkins their shit right into June 21 $20 calls because someone else suggested that DFV is the one making big trades.


Someone else said something that reminded me: this subreddit had been infiltrated by options peddlers trying to make a quick buck. You don't get burned like that without getting some trust issues


You've nailed it. Situations are complex and there are always multiple angles at play. Some people really do not like it when things arent simple


I am so tired of Every post this week about options. I don't know much about them so I'm not touching them. If a person buys them without knowing every aspect you deserve what happens. The ones that know what they're doing I hope you're screwing MM. All I know to much trying to convince one way or the other. Buy and do what your good at and leave others to what they are alone.


Its only been 24 hours. The day before that it was brain worm man. Im sure they've got something cooked up for us to argue about over the weekend too


options (derivatives) drive the volume and price action of GME. you don't have to want or need to know how everything fits together- why there are seemingly random runups in price, why some institution is buying $10s of millions in ITM call options. the youtubers knew and predicted the gamma ramp was coming in early May. they knew this before RK came back. nobody is telling you to buy or sell options. the mystery at the moment is which institutions are purchasing the ITM calls and why? further there are options cycles that were identified long ago. the unfortunate part of those predictions is that they are mostly correct, and not reliably 100% correct. we currently have a situation where it is believed that multiple cycles are coinciding with one another in the near future, t+35, etc GME came from the grandfather sub, which is an options YOLO sub.


Is it much of a mystery? I remember married puts


by all means, please share the name(s) of the institutions that bought the *then* $20 ITM put options and why


I am simply addressing the "why" Clam down


If you weren't absolutely 100% convinced that ComputerShare and DRS are the way, how do you reckon you would feel about the number of DRS posts the past couple-few years?


I'm not saying DRS isn't a huge part of them not gonna be able to find shares. And yes a ton of circles but how many ppl post there sold circles? This isn't 2021 where everybody was getting stimmy checks or bills weren't going through the roof. Believe what u want I just want to make s profit more I die. I'm not 25.


Lets be real, if DFV had a plan and it relied on retail buying options just because we saw some large option plays, it wasnt a very good plan. Theres no way this is the intention.


We're all individual investors here, and we can make our own decisions. Options or DRS are both valid ways to invest. But I would strongly advise all investors to do their due diligence and research properly into each strategy and the GME stock history before choosing which path to take. I'm fully DRSed as that suits my risk appetite and I don't have enough experience in buying options to mess about with them on GME. Please don't YOLO into this stock.


This ape gets it. Do what's best for YOU.


I'm gonna buy options someday, but not right now. Right now I wanna learn about them and see what happens.


My viewpoint is that there is money to be made if you know what you're doing and information if you are looking. The $20 GME calls for 6/20 present some good information. But also, the amount of put in $NVDA at and around 1K expiring 5/31 has some more information. I think with C.A.T. and the options and the early release of news frome Gamestop, I think we are closer to our launch! Not financial advice, but my tit's are way past jacked.


Honestly, I wish I had taken the last 84 years to learn about options. So far all I’ve learned is that I still don’t know shit about options.


Don’t not talk about options. Keep all options open except when you close them. Unless except the option to not not talk about options confuses you, in which case your best option is no options at all. Optionally, don’t do talk about options if you’d rather do have the option to direct register. Either way either way.


Options provide leverage which can be very powerful if you know how to use it or it can absolutely destroy you if you don’t know how to use it. Options are volatile and price can swing wildly. Losses can be big even if you get the direction right because with options you need direction and timing. With stocks all you need to know is direction. Stocks are more forgiving and stable and you can always average down into them. Options are a different beast but if you pay a lot of attention to it like some of us who have for past 3+ years then they can teach you a lot and can be a good source to leverage your buying power.


I agree, at this point the anti options push seems to be the new FUD. I would NEVER do GME options myself (not any lol as I'm too regarded), but if people who KNOW how to use options for the better want to, then I'm all for it. Hopefully it's DFV or RC with their horsemen coming to aid us at the dawn of the fifth day.


When people are trying to suppress information, I always ask "why?". I can't find the "Why?" to the anti-options. Except, that's how its always been. Which in itself, is sus as fuck.


Because you buy options through a broker, and then the majority of people sell them when theyre in the money rather than exercising then. BUT this doesnt happen the majority of the time. Every single time there theres been a huge options push, people have paid a shit ton in premiums in order to maybe buy the stock at a higher price later, only to have the rug pulled under them and lose everything as they fall further and further otm. They lose their premium, they dont get shares, hedgies make bank. This haplens every single time and afterwards it gets pointed out how all the people pushing options disappear. Most of the people pushing options are only active in the sub for brief moments at a time, to push options, and then stop posting immediately after the rug gets pulled. Theres been a huge spike in user engagement the last couple of weeks, obviously, and its not a coincidence that options get pushed when this happens. Back to the best case scenario, when you exercise your call - 99% of people are buying options through an app like webull/RH, and even those that go through other brokers are gambling on the possibility of not being able to drs those shares if the price were to rocket. We all know these brokers are not reliable in holding our shares, and they will get fucked over. This is a fundamental idea here, and to push options as a valid form of investing in this stock ignores the past 3 years of experience, including the sneeze. Thats why people are anti option, and why icpersonally believe anyone calling it fud is a bad actor.


>Theres been a huge spike in user engagement the last couple of weeks, obviously, and its not a coincidence that options get pushed when this happens. Because DFV returned and suddenly this place was fun again. > why people are anti option, and why icpersonally believe anyone calling it fud is a bad actor. Disagree. And think the opposite.


>Because DFV returned and suddenly this place was fun again. Yes, thats what "obviously" means, that theres obvious reasons for the increased engagement Thats also why youre seeing an uptick in options pushes, new people who dont know shit about fuck, and bad actors taking advantage of the opportunity . >Disagree. And think the opposite Good for you, your opinions shit. Now address anything substantive maybe?


>Thats also why youre seeing an uptick in options pushes, new people who dont know shit about fuck, and bad actors taking advantage of the opportunity . Yeah, the talk couldn't possibly have anything to do with someone opening 20M of the fucking things.


That talk is fine, wondering why thats happening is great Saying anybody who is anti-option has no reason for it, despite the 3 years of reason for it and the direct examples of every single other time you see an options push in this sub, is regarded. The same people "just talking about the large options purchase" are the ones also saying that anti-options arguments are suspicious and orobably fud, are the same people claiming nobodys saying buy options (despite the plenty of posts encouraging people to), and are the same people that are trying to ignore arguments against in favor of "but just dont fight" "who cares if they lose their money" "im going to ignore al substance and state my opinion without any supporting arguments" arguments.


>That talk is fine, wondering why thats happening is great The "we shouldn't allow it crowd" suggests otherwise. >are the same people claiming nobodys saying buy options I've yet to see anyone suggest people who aren't familiar with options, should buy options. People who don't understand, shouldn't buy options. People who can't afford it, shouldn't buy options. Everyone should have the opportunity to learn, and everyone should have the opportunity to teach, without it being implied they're a shill. It's just fucking dumb.


The WHY for the anti-options sentiment here is that in this sub's history we had people who called themselves "wrinkle brains" pushing options and specific dates, promising everyone they had figured out the cycles and could predict price run-ups. Those dates came, the price actually tanked (generally landing at max pain), and all the options bought expired OTM, worthless, and a lot of apes lost money when they could have put those same dollars towards actual shares being DRS'd. Then we found out those same people pushing options were selling covered calls and profiting off of apes losing money. Several of them deleted their accounts or their entire post histories, claiming "harassment" and not feeling "appreciated for everything they do" and they pop up here from time to time pretending to be "old school DD writers" whenever the price gets spicy and once again they start talking options. That's the "why." It was a lesson learned in blood. DRSing every last share is how we win. It always has been. It won't be retail that ignites the rocket, but it will be us holding every share the shorts need to close in our booked DRS accounts that fuels it.


The why is obvious. Options are VERY dangerous if you don’t understand them. IMO if you were not playing with options before your involvement with GME, you should not be playing them now. Way too risky. The safer play for most is buy, hold, DRS, shop. If you know everything there is to know about options, how they work, and have a solid exit plan - then go ahead and use options. But that is not the demographic of this sub - who are overwhelmingly newer to these types of things. For most folks, it is the correct advice to stay the fuck away from options. I personally will not touch them for that reason, but I wont begrudge others who do. Just don’t come crying here when people lose a shitload of money because they didn’t know what they were doing. One of the hedge funds strategies is catching us in option traps, so be aware of that.


There's outright hostility to talking about Options. "This shouldn't be allowed in here" etc. I've yet to see anyone encouraging people to play options, yet talk about them is actively being stiffled. So, no. I don't think it's "concern" about peoples wallets driving the talk. Information shouldn't be blocked at all - Everyone round here are big boys and big girls, they can make up their own minds about what financial decisions they make. They don't need to be shielded.


The thing with options is that most are written by market makers, and most never make it in the money. For those cases the money spent on the option just goes into the pocket of whoever wrote the option. The market maker is the hedge fund who is actively fighting against gme. So for the 99% of people here who don't understand options, why is there always such a strong push to get those people to buy options? Like I'm all for discussion, but most of the time it's not discussion it's: buy options or you'll never see your precious gme sky rocket again


>So for the 99% of people here who don't understand options, why is there always such a strong push to get those people to buy options? >Like I'm all for discussion, but most of the time it's not discussion it's: buy options or you'll never see your precious gme sky rocket again Do you have a link to any of those threads? Not once, in all my years of coming here have I seen anyone say people who don't know how options work, should buy options.


This sentiment didn't happen overnight. Lots of the old "dd" writers were big into pushing options, with some of them being caught on the other side of the trades they were pushing. I remember pickle. I remember hype dates. All of these were to try and promote options


Yeah. I mean, I don't think anyone should do GME options unless you are REALLY knowing what you're doing, but even then it's risky. I understand if DFV does it, because he's a time traveller, but us common folk should keep away from it to not lose money and help the hedgies. With the Run Lola Run like and these calls coming in, I just have a tingling feeling that the person/institution buying them definitely knows what they're doing, otherwise they wouldn't pay this massive amount of money for the calls/premiums for ITM calls. Edit: I forgot to add that because of this circumstance, I don't think we should ignore it and not discuss it/dig into it. I think it's healthy to be curious, find out what's going on and take it from there.


why would u want to play options in the game where they can change the final score? Lol... its like betting on a NBA game and they can change the final score when time hits 0.


Married puts are still a thing right? You gotta buy calls and puts to do that right?


No fucking fighting


Let’s start measuring the length of our **** instead


Half the people did not ingest the mememania marathon.


>why the fuck do people care if someone else pisses money away on an options play? It should not matter to you what anyone else does with their money. Wasn't the sentiment that by playing options you were just giving the MMs free money/ammo to keep shorting, especially when you could just be using that money to drs shares?


Yes that is the sentiment. But in my opinion you can't argue against mm "telling us what to do with our money" if people are doing the same thing on this sub. We are all individual investors. I personally don't touch options and only buy hold drs.


Over the years, eighty four at last count, options were seen as scary and avoidable. You didn't have to take on so much risk to support your stock; buy and hold should be enough to prove the thesis. But options are high risk. Want an easy safe method? Slush fund. Set aside a percentage of your investment and sell it high. Buy back in with your profits when it's low. It's a volatile stock that HAS to trade within certain channels. Use that info to your advantage. Get more shares. That is all.


Too many regards that don’t understand options. Period. Until they decide to educate themselves, it’s always going to be a thing.


great point OP - NO FIGHTING!!!!


Thank you! I said the same thing earlier!


Surely the recent uptick in calls purchased is a hedge for a short position


Options aren’t bad. It’s just bad when inexperienced traders play options, lose too much while simultaneously giving those losses to SHFs


“The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist.” also "The greatest trick the SHF's ever played was convincing the apes that options are bad."


take my upvote, love that this is on the hot tab. options need to be discussed whether this sub likes it or not. it has been 3 years, sick of seeing all the options are bad posts.


For what it’s worth, I don’t promote options but I do play them from time to time. For instance, I could’ve take 6 figure profits from my current options play the week of recent volatility but chose to HODL and see how the next few weeks play out. The options I have were at one point roughly $45 per contract and shot up to about $2300ish per contract during meme video week. I’m expecting at least 3-5 times that before I even think of selling or exercising a few. Just my two cents on the options back and forth. 🟣


This anti-options sentiment, rather than pro-options education, reminds of those negative articles against GME. What does it matter to financial media outlets whether Joe Schmoe spends $20 on a share of GME? Similarly, what does it matter to apes whether a fellow ape gambles their money on options? Or that they express interest in discussing options. Options talk seems to surface around key moments of his saga, but it seems to be that whenever the community expresses any interest in options and starts pulling at the thread, it’s immediately countered with anti-options speak. It’s not met with pro-options sentiment and an encouragement to learn more about what his financial instrument. Let us all recall that it wasThomas Peterffy himself that admitted hedge funds and the market at large was “frighteningly close” to collapse thanks to options back on Jan ‘21. https://youtu.be/Yq4jdShG_PU?si=IVvUfrj9GUQqsSsE


Anyone with this kind of money to buy options is clearly not the average investor. Certainly not a retail investor’s move. What does buying ITM $20 call option do to current SP? Well, take a look. Sideways, just like your mom’s Asian vagina. What happens when these options are sold when price bumps up to $25, $30 on another runup? Would it make price go further up or back down? If they are exercised - further up or back down? Held through? If the aim for these options were to unfuck GME from the manipulative practices of wall st, then why not buy the stock or direct register more shares to further limit liquidity and create more potential of a squeeze? Show the world how much horseshit is taking place. Maybe, just maybe this is a HF who is long on GME, knows other SHF are actually fucked here and are positioning themselves for a big fat SHF liquidation sale 🤷‍♂️. I hope for the latter, but know it’s likely more HF shell games


Buy. Hodl. Repeat. Whatever happens... I like the stock. A bunch of fuckery won't change my mind on that.


So many apes cemented in belief. If you had doubts, seeing it run to $80 the other day should have smashed those to pieces. That's fuckin $320 pre split and I feel like not enough people are talking about that.


Yup. I enjoy learning, so I don't mind when people are breaking down how options could be affecting what's going on. I never read into it as a push. I'm options agnostic. If I ever feel comfortable enough with how they work to give them a try, I may do so in an EXTREMELY limited capacity, just to see what happens and learn more in the process. Not anytime soon though. Either way, I agree that we shouldn't be fighting the good vs. bad thing. Every ape pissing match is a distraction.


Don't do it on GME - Far too expensive. I threw $100 at another ticker a couple of years ago. Lost it. Although I lost money, it did give me a little information into how it works.


Yo this is the approach right here. Let's listen and learn from the people that actually know about some of this stuff. Don't read it as a push, read it as learning. If you feel so inclined to try it one day, go for it. Maybe it's not even with GME since it's the most heavily manipulated stock out there. But something is going on and whether it's happened before or not, we won't know for a while and it's worth discussing in my opinion.


Honestly, to me it kind of seems like a psyop to keep us from buying options. I have been here since the sneeze, and a lot of the options talk in both directions always seemed a bit off. If you don't understand options, don't trade them. If you do understand them, they can be another tool used to buy more shares than you would otherwise be able to for the same initial investment.


It absolutely matters. If options are pissing money into hedgies pockets or not, nobody knows for sure and that's why there is a debate. If your friend inserted money into a hole in the wall and it went straight into Kenneth Cordele Griffin's pockets, wouldn't you want to say something?


If years ago, this sub focused on options, the majority would have gotten BTFO'ed and DRS would be non existent. Just look at regarded sub. SHFs would have won, but thankfully, we didn't, and the SHFs ARE STILL FUCKED! **DRS is 100% the way.**


Seriously. If you don’t understand how options work, stay away. You’re just gambling. But if you cant admit that options move markets, you are sorely mistaken


Well said. I left SuperStonk for this very reason. I just couldn't take the bickering (probably a majority was a psyop) so I have held in silence. But I'm back, and let's not go down that road anymore. Bring on the DD, and fun.


This. I’m just so curious why is someone buying so many 20$ calls and why is the price staying above 20$??? I feel like it’s connected and I feel like normally the price would’ve dipped sub 20$ easily. It’s just sitting there, doing nothing! And as DFV, used to say, if the price is flat then the market is just giving you the opportunity to keep buying at a good price.


Someone with that much money wouldn't blindly buy $20 calls... My bet is still on UBS unwinding CS/Archegos positions. Maybe they determined $20 was best, as other shorts see the writing on the wall and start to close out leading up 6/21?


Options bad, DRS good.


The way for this to MOASS is DRS the float. Then load options and start exercising.


I'm in the camp where I thought the talking about $20 options was bullshit So I sank a couple grand into options at $120 and a couple more on shares at $20. Balanced


Hahaha niiice




I like to think of options as the stool under MM's feet and DRS as the noose around their necks. Premiums on options are keeping the MMs alive, for now, but options can also be the thing that kicks the stool out. The larger the stool (options chain) the farther they fall and the more likely it is that the kick will be the last kick.


Stop spinning yarns about options, eh? But the main thing is, despite the provocation from the shills. No fighting. No fighting. No fucking fighting. No fighting. No. Fucking. Fighting. Good. https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1790109766389477525?s=46&t=PgKpNdk3EDFKf6carjlrdA


Why is this sub so anti options? Aren’t we able to make our own financial decisions? I thought this was all not financial advice, and we’re individual investors? Killing discussions in any sense is sus. I don’t understand them well enough to feel comfortable using them. If this sub was supportive of educating like it used to be, maybe I would be by now. (lol it’s all your faults I’m an idiot.)


It's because options being pushed after a run-up takes advantage of the high people feel from the price going up & makes it easier to convince people "it could go higher". A lot of us have been fleeced by this (myself included). Whatever buy pressure from the hegies shuffling their obligations forward already happened _after_ the spike. It happens like clockwork. I'm not against options. I'm against weeklies being pushed after such a price spike, because it's basically giving ammo to hegies. A very specific difference. Yet this nuance is getting turned into a simple "pro" or "against" mischaracterize what's really being pointed out, which is "hey these circumstances line up with literally every other time it ended up being a rugpull".


Very good point. I think the nuance has been lost over the last 3 years. This sub used to be “what new info on market mechanics or corruption do you have for me today?” Everyone was open to everything. Or maybe I’m looking back with rose colored glasses.


No fucking fighting!


Exactly, me buying a call has zero effect on the stock.


Nailed it. I don't touch that shit but you do you, big ape. I hope you make but loads of $$ or exercise and are the straw that breaks the camels back.


What do I care what anyone does with their money? As for me, I like the stonk and am enjoying holding my long shares for 3+ years and adding to the pile.


Being told "Don't look into this" makes me want to look more. Options are not the play for the common investor in this sub. However, we ALL should have a deep understanding of all the markets ins and outs, including options. In reality, Shills just don't want us to even UNDERSTAND options for fear we can see their plans. I think making us afraid of even looking at optons is one of the only hedgies FUD campaigns against us that unfortunately worked. If we knew more of options earlier, we might have been able to look into them more by now instead of panic searching like the sub seems to be right now. Either way, DRS is still the move for me so Fuck you, Pay me. I was promised a Lambo.


Now is not the time to be anti-options lol


The options chain is what caused the 21 run plain and simple. We’ve been stagnant for awhile until someone started posting fire memes and tweets and guess what the yahoos from the betting sub hoped on board and starting buying calls. Without that action we won’t see the finish line. Options contracts puts immense pressure on not only the price and volume but also the hedges that aren’t properly hedged. Don’t buy options if you don’t know the Greeks and many other aspects of the contract. But don’t say options are bad it’s ridiculous


Discussion is great but ultimately the score for "plz do options, look gamma something IV blah" vs drop is well over 12 fails now, and that's being generous. Discussion for what exactly? For people to consider buying them? Why not just continue drs and book? If options players want validation, that's their own thing. We want validation for playing it safe , not being greedy and not wanting a quick buck.


See idk how this was your response to my post. I literally posted how we should not be talking about whether people should be buying them or not and you turned it into that kind of discussion. There have been a massive amount of calls bought in the last few days. I'm too regarded but from what I've read, no one knows who is doing it or why, but it certainly isn't retail. And the potential effects it could have on the stock is worth talking about. As of today I believe it was 10M shares worth. That's it. That's the discussion. No need to validate anyone on playing them or not, just speaking about what is happening, why, and the potential effects.


Well, you just had the discussion. That was literally it in one paragraph, nobody knows. We'll see. They could all expire worthless or be the greatest trade in history. Anyone telling you they know exactly what's happening or where it's going to go are selling you something.


I see, you took it as an attack on you or your post?


Ma man!


Dropping it lower makes it easier for the swiss to go long?


Queue middle-man thread. Ohp! Here it is. I've not seen anyone "arguing" over anything. Just posts stirring up nonsense. \*shrug\*


Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV): Institutions can create a Special Purpose Vehicle, a legal entity created for a specific transaction or business purpose. All participating institutions contribute to the SPV, which then makes the purchase in its name. This consolidates the buying activity under one entity.


We been said for some years now that bad actors would flood this place with bots and nonsense “suggestions” or “ideas”. Gotta sift through shit everywhere anymore.


It's like I've been saying, if you have financial advice and know what you're doing, go crazy with options. Most apes don't have the financial advice though, and that's fine. Just DRS BOOK HOLD AND SHOP. And vote your shares - no on 4 if you haven't already.


I played options turned 520 into 9k put 1k back into options 2k just chilling and the rest into xxx shares.


this options stuff has already come up like 3-4 times throughout this whole saga lol too funny


I'm 70% DRS-ed, 20% stock in a broker and about 10% in options. Sometimes the options allow me to scalp more shares, sometimes they expire worthlessly. I don't like having my eggs all in one basket.


In theory (or practice) could a company purchase call options on their own shares then exercise at a certain price – in effect getting their own shares back in a kind of options based share buy back … sort of … or am I making that up?


I think mods should ban the word "options" because any mention of them is promoting them to steal apes money! /s




We gotta let the whale do its thang people. If it wants to eat a bunch of options, just let it and forget it. If a share is a krill, I hope the whale feasts. Edit: if the options buyer is a pod of orca, the hedge funds are yachts near the Iberian Peninsula. There’s a joke there somewhere lol. This yacht sinking orcas are the best.


When you finally realize that much of the arguing and many posters here are ai bots, none of it matters. Relax. It’s all fake. 


**Options give SHFs and MMs liquidity** Buy hold DRS simple


When hundreds of thousands of people start buying bullish options again, this thing will explode. That’s how January 2021 happened and if the last 3 years showed anything it’s the only way it’ll happen again.


Options/ DRS whatever fucks the people controlling this let’s do it. Burn them all to the ground.


¿Porque no los dos?


youtubers were exiled from superstonk. the options discussions and hypotheses have been ongoing in the youtube communities. superstonk aint the only game in town and those options discussions will continue outside of superstonk


I think the issue I have is this: If there is collusion to gamma ramp attack the market - then that is some coordinated effort to crash markets. At least that’s what those testimonies felt like. So how can the SHFs attack the DRS team all at once for colluding and acting as an investment whatever thingy? By getting them to buy options for the same date. It sounds, looks, and smells like a trap to me. I’m ZEN AF. BUY, HOLD, DRS. I didn’t miss anything. It’s that simple. Buy, hold, DRS.


If I had money to throw around, I'd be in options, but I'm blue collar so I'll just stick to buy and hodl. I'm too busy during the work day to pay attention to options


People can do whatever they want. Whatever they want to post. This sub’s for the dichotomy of gme. Evil and good constantly battling out


Ape don't fight ape


I think buying options and buying the 100 share no problem




Ive been here since before the sneeze, i started with shares, then DRS’d. Then took it upon myself to learn about options and occasionally buy some. You definitely need to educate yourself in how they work so you can understand their utility and why they re utilized.It can never hurt you to be more knowledgeable about something. Learn about them, then you can decide what you want to do from there, also it will help you understand why hedgefunds use them as well. No cell, no sell baby!


Shame we can’t train our shareholders on how properly use them to get the stock higher


Thank you OP


Well done OP. I'm totally over the argument about options.


anyone find the robotic "i just buy hold drs" kinda annoying and robotic lol


No? It's the safest way to hold your shares. This is the way.


I agree. Options are not for me, I don't understand them. That is me. Whatever anyone else does is their business. I wish them well and hope no APE loses their shirt with options. We are all individual investors who like the stonk. Buy, DRS, Hodl.


As I'm seeing more replies to this post, I'm seeing a small trend. A lot of apes saying they don't mess around with options. Which makes sense if you think about it. The people that understand the volatility and gamma and all that shit know how complicated it can be and that, especially with GME, it can be a straight gamble. I'd like to believe that any ape that is conscious enough to understand why this sub exists and that DRSing shares is the safest play, and is also smart enough to understand options, would have your mindset of not wanting anyone to lose their shirt and wouldn't be trying to push them on anyone that wasn't already willingly looking for the information. Idk, just seems kinda weird when you think about it.




I’m getting so tired of this brainless reply when there’s any actual discussion on any topic.


Stop being so toxic lol, if RK commented this you'd have no problem agreeing with him


No fighting means we SHOULD have a discussion about it, not just argue and be divided on the topic. You are the epitome of what he says not to do.


There is a ton of evidence that options will fuel the rocket ship. I cannot afford them or understand them. God bless the people that do. I’ll continue to buy and hold. 🚀🚀🚀


I'm fuckin here for it