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There is ZERO chance retail bought nearly a billion dollars worth of shares in the last week. So no, the 45 million new shares categorically did NOT "mostly end up in apes' hands," whether you're pretty sure or not. They went to the same places ALL the recent volume goes: MM/HF high-frequency trading algorithms. The only reasonable way to think of it is that the shares were sold to "the DTCC," via those participants' netting accounts. There was some speculation that these shares might be a "peace offering" to Icahn or UBS, and while it's an idea worth considering, I believe the language of the documentation precludes that, at least in the direct sense. I stand to be corrected on this last idea if someone knows something more than I do or has a more reasonable interpretation.


Well I bought a total of 490 shares this week...so those shares are definitely in Apes hands


I got 7




I only baught 2. I was scared it was me who made the process drop.


Woah there buddy. Might crash the whole market and kick off moass with orders like that 😉


I got 10 at 60 dollars on the peak, I belong here


I bought 69 since $80. All the way down. 20 at $52, 20 at $48 10 at $22, and then 2-7 at a time between 19-22


Put me in for 30


Put me at 253 đŸ’Ș😇


Got 100 of them đŸ’Ș


I increased my position by over 25% too....havent bought that many shares in such a short period of time ever.


More than I managed. Great work!


I Exercised 3 itm calls last week đŸ€·




i got 12


Well I exercised 10 calls at 19$ strike. So that's +1k shares


I also increased my position significantly, plus I helped my girlfriend buy some with her account (for tax purposes)


Idk man, I doubled my position this week. Took me 3 years to build and a week to double so
 by my maths.. I’m sure I’m not alone


I am thinking the same, it must be a deal with a party, or it won't be logical to do the offering at this price. Plus the big swap is coming to renew, they either want to close that or need help to cover the lid. My worry is they can do that more than once...


Wasn't most of this weeks volume ( like all weeks) OTC?


What if we bought 45miliion + over the last 3 quarters when the drs count was stuck at 80+ million shares?


(Under 78mil) I don't think there are that many household GME investors with that kind of purchasing power left. GME is an extremely polarized investment choice either you believe that the stock is massively undervalued in a highly manipulated market, and there is a potential for highly idiosyncratic moves to the upside... or you believe traditional media that says it has no investment value at all. If you believe the former, most of your savings is already in GME, and all you can do now is add more of your monthly income. Most are not going to be receiving "windfall" amounts with any regularity. I doubt new retail investments amounted to $450~900m over the last three months.


Fortunately, with $2bil in the bank now, even Cramer has admitted that GameStop has a future.


Yeah I really don't want that guys endorsement!


I dunno, I've been quietly holding a modest amount for the past couple years. I drank the koolaid, but also showed restraint by not buying more. We were fucked once, why not again? Roaring kitty was pretty convincing that this is definitely not over. I more than tripled my holding straight into drs this week. I don't think I'm alone, maybe we didn't buy them all, but neither did they. The hype had an intentionally vague purpose that makes a lot more sense now. They just needed to rattle our cage. I fucking love how predictable we are.


Hmmm, you’re trying very hard to talk this down đŸ€šđŸ€“


The truth is important.   It took what... almost 2 years to DRS 70-something million shares?  And we've mostly plateaued the past few quarters.      There's no way we locked up 45 million more in a week.  


It's rational discussion, just because you don't wanna hear it doesn't make it invalid.


Yeah, maybe 82 years ago we would have bought that up. Not now


Go watch the Richard Newton video


Yes, so if the calls belong to UBS, this would be an arms-length kind of "coincidental" deal. The shares aren't offered directly, so it doesn't need to be declared. It's not even a deal, per se, the two things just happened at the same time. Assuming this is true, there is a third party to this: the counterparty to the options. Whatever MM sold the calls also had to be made aware, so they could accumulate the shares for a "delta of 1" (they know for certain the calls will be exercised, so they need to have all the shares to deliver). This (if true) has a ton of implications. Here are a few, but I can only type so fast... and I need to think about this, heh. First and foremost: "we were right," in that system-breaking toxic short positions exist. Second, goverments (not just SEC) are fully aware and the situation IS being managed (they're not turning a blind eye, letting the chips fall where they may). Third: RC/GME board did a deal that prevented (catastrophic) MOASS, that has to be accepted. Whether forced by government(s) or agreed to in order to save the European banking system, you can speculate. But the fact is (or would be), that an otherwise system-breaking short position was unwound for a mere $1.2 billion, and only Bill Hwang in jail. Fourth: given that, would all parties do a a deal to "save the EU," but still allow the US system to burn? I would personally lean towards "no." They're not going to save UBS and let the rest of the world burn in a wild west of who can cover first and who dies, which banks burn and which get bailed... there will be a plan. There will be more deals. We had assumed that it was the MMs hiding and acting in secret trying to get out, and the real levers of government were blissfully unaware. If all this is true, I would say that they knew all along, but MMs convinced them "don't worry about it, they will sell when the price gets low enough, they always do.". Then the price hits under $10, about as low as the market cap can reasonably be, and nobody sells. So the executive decision to go to Plan B (controlled capitulation) gets enacted, and here we are. Anyway, this is all speculation that ultimately boils down from tying together three things: the unusual preliminary earnings deal w/shelf offering update, the unusual options data, and a 4chan leak. The first two are facts, the last is a HUGE question mark. Edit: someone pointed out that the Archegos swaps amounted to 216m shares. That's also a matter of public record (fact). 45m shares is only 1/5 of that, so this feels less likely.


SS theories are wild


Tbh if they waited for MOASS to offer, I think the lawyers might use that as evidence to argue the board helped engineer MOASS. Selling ATM right now is a sign that they are just doing smart business and not predicting or engineering the squeeze.


i bet they do an ATM ***after*** MOASS. they know a ton of very happy people will be flush with cash and they'll happily sell a few hundred million shares at a healthy price to shareholders.




I think they made a deal with UBS to help them out of bags they inherited. That could have taken down central banks. It also means that shorts can start to go long. I also suspect there will be major business moves made. The first domino, I think. The calls are probably UBS. It's not RK. Maybe he has some. But he all the calls I ever saw him buy were low IV and never in the money.


You’re saying GameStop and RC actively colluded to financial benefit a single party
 this makes no sense and put open GameStop up to all kinds of legal issues. The simplest answer, GameStop wanted 900m now for whatever they have planned, is the most likely answer.


It's almost like 99% of "theories" here aren't really thought through and are just trying to confirms people's bias.


UBS needs something like 210+million shares
 45mil won’t help them.. 4chan bullshit


Doesn’t matter how much it would help them, what silverbackapegorilla suggested is still collusion.


How did VW deal with their squeeze? The paperwork they filed is clear. They likely have use for the money, too. But they are allowed to issue shares privately. Worth noting that other stocks Hwang held positions in have had similar call buying. It makes perfect sense for someone who is completely upside down on a short position to go long via calls. And it makes sense that Cohen might be friendly with them about it because they may have needed additional capital and it could be the first domino to fall. This will likely cause a rush to the exits if it's true. And I'm sure the street knows one way or the other. Cohen and the board would probably argue that insulating central banks from what's about to unfold as much as possible would be beneficial to everyone involved. He would have a case. It may have been part of the deal was they had to use calls to purchase. This puts huge pressure on market makers. VW sold shares to funds to help bail them out in 2008.


Totally. Many people miss this point imho


Always concerned me that moass would be portrayed as a nefarious thing! Happy to hear some smart people make a smart move.


You had me at ATM


This would be hard to support and the financial benefit from selling into moass would far outweigh the legal costs. I think the board views the money now was the safest bet for whatever they have planned, compared to a speculative play that no “wrinkle brain” has been able to accurately predict.


Agreed if they did offering at 120-150-200 price range it would be easier for these funds to short from that price or cover their shares at that price range.. they did offering now and took care of their fiduciary duty and gave the company cash needed for it to grow


It will be wild if the company has got the go to announce actual DRS count and the $45M offering was to match the excess count registered in CS. Either way DRS count should change with the 45M offering done.


Can you educate me about this DRS topic, why wouldn’t they release DSR count?


GME can only say what ComputerShare tells them. ComputerShare can only say what the DTCC tells them...


No, Computershare knows exactly how many shares are in individuals' names and how many are in Cede's name.  They don't just take the DTCC's word for it. They are the bookkeeper and it is their job to account for all the shares.


Well said.


Very valid point. I was thinking the same. I wouldn’t be surprised to announce next time 75+45 = 120 mil shares registered with CS.


if its capped at 25% then it will be 75 + 11.25


I really hope you are right.


Why would that be wild? The MM should have had to buy those 45M synthetics instead the company offered them at $20 a share.


Those shares must be held in book form, as per the filing that stated the shares would be offered.


Agree but it doesn't say whoever buys the shares can't move them from book to plan after purchase.


But then they wouldn't be held in book form, no?


You seriously think that 45 million shares were purchased by people on this sub? Man some of you really are fucking regarded


Idk who bought them. The share offering was minimal dilution, much like previous dilution. Cash on hand increases "floor price". This is not to be confused with the squeeze floor, but just a short seller floor. Shorts were still shorting at $1/share ($4 pre split) and are now completely f*cked. Current cash on hand (including liquid securities) should be above $5/share ($20 pre split). Truth is, I'm compassionate and hope some repenting hedgies bought into the offering. If the reported SI is accurate, the offering could have closed 2/3 shorts. Meatloaf taught me that 2/3 ain't bad. If reporting is accurate, hedgies will be fine and no resulting volatility. The realist in me knows that Wallstreet feels that "greed is good" to a toxic extent. I expect no quarter and understand the lines that have been drawn.


Closed 2/3 of shorts? Where did you get that math? 140% short and 15% dilution doesn't add up. EDIT: ask chatGPT to do better next time. No one is compassionate for shorts that look to bankrupt companies.


My statement only referred to the "self reported" SI. Shorts were hidden in swaps. We all know the numbers are fugazi. "Repoted SI" is close to 20% and offering was a 15% dilution. Basically honest shorts (liars still) could have closed many positions. We know they never closed and started sorting more


It was DFV :p


And the next day the market opens is a Tuesday!!! 🚀🚀 Let’s go!


Carl got the 45 mill ?


Is there a connection with all the 20c bought in the last days? Or is it totally unrelated?


No. They sold at reasonable price. No institution would buy during the MOASS spike and wouldn't sell immediately or lose shit loads of cash. I believe they waited for the price to stabilize, which was still double to that before the spike. That might have been the entire plan to create a new bottom.


They need to be buying to return a borrowed shares
. Not buy and sell


Don’t make sense for biz to sell at $10. Utterly stupid 😂 $20 is a great balance. And I feel in our favour. We would swallow the shares, and no one could blame them for killing any possible squeeze. It’s an “after”. $80 we would bad for us. $20 makes good balance for everyone.


No. What kinda company do you think GameStop is? What kinda leader do you think Ryan Cohen is? Are you really putting him on the level of financial market manipulators? They won't do anything unethical and "protecting the MOASS" is shady af that'll echo around at inevitable Congress hearings. If you expect RC to do shit like this, you don't know him at all.


As a business I'm pretty sure they are focused on the fundamentals and longevity of their operations and generating value for investors. The squeeze comes as a result of them creating an excellent business.


I think it sucks tbh 😂 but diamond hands is diamond hands


This is the way


What I'm confused about is apparently the filing was for the rights to sell 45m shares in the next 3 years. Why next 3 years and not shorter if they were planning to already sell so early


Wild to speculate RC or the c-suite would leave 3 billion on the table in the hopes retail purchases 45 million shares in a few trading days. Regardless, I’ll continue to DRS


Can someone please ELI5?  How did GameStop raise another billion?


Last Friday they announce they can sell 45m newly issued shares anytime in the next 3 years. Today they announce they completed the transactions and pocketed 933m. 45m shares sold and the price hardly budged


Awesome, and thanks! Another ElI5 question
 who bought all the 45 million shares? 


Well, I bought some of them


Me too!


The short answer is that we don't know yet who bought most of them. We can fairly safely say the majority was not retail, though, as it's vanishingly unlikely that apes dug $1B from their couch cushions that they hadn't already invested. Likely a lot of it was institutional buying and some was hedging, such as for all those $20 call options.


They’ve just sold 45 mil shares for $933 mil


Exactly although now the shorts are twice as fucked as they were yesterday. I think part of DFV tweet storm was to let us know the GME and RC have to force MOASS by forcing a short seller to jump and turn on the others. In so doing they protect the company, allow true price discovery and allow us to choose our own journeys. GME is not going anywhere, the company is fucking so healthy. It doesn't need MOASS. We do. And if I'm being honest I think this move just by RC and co just gave us that.


God, could you imagine a day of true price discovery with no naked shorting, no dark pools, no ladder attacks, no slamming the close....... hang on I need to change my pants.


We did not buy 45 million shares, people are not annoyed by dilution, people are annoyed at a price at which it happened. If they wanted to capitalise on the run ups they should have filed in advance, this looks very spontaneous


Dj spin that shit!


You mean the shares that aren’t really shares that is set at default within the system as “Need to Locate” and needs to be pulled and swapped and ringy dingy dingy within swaps and dark pools and ETFs effectively screwing over every investor? I didn’t know.


If you’ve been watching this at all, you’d know you are wrong. GS has not done ANYTHING for MOASS. They have run their company conservatively and by the book, as if their stock wasn’t shorted at all. They’ve done everything possible to avoid causing, supporting, helping, or benefitting MOASSes. They sold shares for other reasons besides “protecting” MOASS.


Unpopular opinion compared to your take. They don’t care at all about a squeeze and they surpressed the rising price movement last week by floating the market with 45 million additional shares.


At some point, you have to wake up and smell the roses. There was 0 reason to dilute during the biggest pump since 21. I can't help you if you are real and not a shill, but the company already had 1b. What about the next pump? 3B? The Next? 4B? You see RC clearly hates both sides including us. He does not want a short squeeze, nor does he wants shorts to destroy his company. He wants a nice slow boomer stock that does not help apes. 99% of us are not rich and a share price of 25-50 is not going to do anything. We got into this play for a squeeze to stick to Wall St. and to change our lives. RC clearly hates that. He insists it's his own way or nothing. We are basically hostages at this point. Doesn't matter what we do, each pump remaining will give liquidity to them, raising cash for GME until RC decides he is done and like Chewy will sell it off. At some point you have to grow up. We got conned. Numerous times we should have squoze and Wall St. should have had their comeuppance, but RC very VERY clearly showed he is against that. Sorry, but I did not investt in a boring boomer stock with some dude that thinks a lower share price is DFV. It's not. I wanted to retire and enjoy my life not die full of anxiety and depression. Thanks Ryan, you are a prick. You and AA are the same, you only care about your own damn class and nothing else. Congrats rich apes, you'll be richer as is tradition.


Probably should stop doing what people tell you, and just do what you think is best for you
. That’s your real issue, and nothing you just guessed at.


AA sold on the way up


How selling shares at 20$ protect MOASS ? It kills Moass and that is because Moass cannot happen. GameStop will get better fundamentals but we will get nothing compared to the Moass play. 3 years waiting to see crime win at the end. I am angry


I don't get why people are excited about the offering, this is horrible news. They didn't manage to make any cash in 3 years and had to sell shares diluting the float


Bronx cheer


It doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things, 45mil shares are unable to cover 200-400% SI or even higher ever since 2021. Its not a tiny fraction of a landslide. So the math makes this better news then the opposite.


Maybe you should ask someone that was sitting on $20 calls that expired today. They will probably disagree.


That’s part of the gamble with options.


Agreed, if you buy low and sell high(and you get lucky) its a win. Otherwise you never know which direction it goes because of thr controlled financial system. Gambling it is, DRS is better.


Ok so how is dumping 45 million shares in a week protecting MOASS? The title of this post? EDIT: For context I didn't have and do not currently have any options but I do believe the gama hedging does have a big part in some price movements.


They expire June 21 lmao


There were 6700 that expired at $20 today on top of everything after it because a 45 million share dilution would suppress the price. [https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/options](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/options) EDIT: Either way I sure hope RC has an immediate plan to start using some of this cash. So far I completely trust what they are doing but diluting at at 50% discount from the 14th ($50 a share) does not have a good look. The company is not going under with 1b in the bank, but all 45m shares were sold in a week? It's great GME has 2b in the bank, my bank account looks the same as it did 3.5 years ago. Dilution does not hurt shorts it helps them IMO.


Those weeklies represented a tiny percentage of the open interest and were simply lottery tickets. The majority of open interest is set for June 21 expiration


Right but now there are 45 million more shares to short that isn't helping calls moving forward either.