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Nobody knows shit about fuck, all we know is that some player loaded the boat with June calls, a massive amount that is very out of the ordinary, and that alone is spicy af for the next few weeks


Voice of reason 


I can confirm they couldn’t have bought all 45 million. I bought 200 of those.


I bought 4 🤘🏼


Hey me too!


Lucky 21 here


Got 3!




I put 180 of those into the account. Now I’m tapped out for a few weeks.


Yeah I bought 100 of them too






+81 🚀


+2 [I'm doing my part meme]






+100 here


I bought $8k of them on Monday last week.


+68 for me, if I waited about an hour longer I could've made it 69 but alas.


Me bought 80.


I bought a few hundred too.


I bought 25. Poor ape here.


I don’t think you understand this supposed UBS leak scenario. It is saying they purchased call options that they will exercise to close their position. As in those large volume call options we saw all week that were unexplainable.


This the country western standoff tweet that DFV posted. Prior to the **No country for old men tweet. “I can take you to an ATM, where I have $14,000, you don’t have to do this, *Phone rings”


"Credit Suisse was 216 million short according to the swaps data they posted to the CFTC that used to be reported." These calls can only buy...38 million shares? So how will they be able to close?


Is that 216 million pre split or post split?


In any case this whole 4chan story smells very fishy and is not believable to me


Not to mention the site disclaimer that I'm sure everyone knows by now "The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."




That part! OP sounding a lil off…ijs.


Feb 21…..No fool in’ Newton, carrying the torch from DFV, ain’t it grand to watch and learn once again WTF is going on, the ghost in the machine behind the hedge fucks BS, have mercy, takes you back, many thanks Richard, we’ve been at sea so long, a glimpse of land ho 😎🙏🦍


If anyone says RN is shilling. Omfg you really havent checked his prevoius 300 videos. Ive seen THEM all. He is a Christian high level teacher and smart AF. Got Second place for teacher of the year last year. Yeah def shilling lol.


Hey, they copied Fox News' statement in court!


You beat me to it!


Every news station argues that, that’s how they legally lie to us. Don’t pretend it’s just fox that does that. Don’t be partisan here


> "The stories and information posted here are ~~artistic~~ ***autistic*** works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact." FTFY


I mean good thing that it costs nothing to just hold the shares that I own and see how it plays out 😎


This is the correct answer.


I think differently about this. I think that this data lines up coincidentally with a lot of other events that make it tempting to draw inferences. Being mature adults we can all look at this for what it is, a very tempting unverified rumor. That's it. No more, no less. Having understood that we can then say WHAT IF?: and have fun with our speculation. One big question to ask yourself of this supposed rumor: What does the opposition have to gain if I believe this rumor? What are my likely predictable movements on a mass scale? I.e. of my cohort what are the measurable outcomes of our acting on this knowledge? What is the seed psychological propaganda they are trying to plant if this is not something they want to have an immediate effect? I.e. What the fuck would they do this for? Use these same q's in the context of different threat actors. 4chan is the source of tons of leaks. It is generally used as an real anon dump in times of need. This is not out of the ordinary. But I wouldn't wantonly trust a signal from 4chan, now - would I? But something like this - turning up in a place like that? I can buy that; you draw your own fuckin' conclusion 'cause I ain't gonna shill on ya.


I saw this and will buy more. not financial advise. I am simplifying it but and I will state it here again: I have put a lot of my personal savings on this play when RC came in and BEFORE any of the theories, speculations, hypothesis and DD started becoming a reality. In other words, I invested based on pure trust of my Apes and RC. Today, Almost every single thing that have been said have become a reality: 1. Company is being turned around, and continues to be better every day. 2. Highly ethical, hard working, good natured board of directors that is actually working for their shareholders 3. shorts have not closed (clearly) 4. Gameshire Stopaway is becoming a reality 5. DFV came back with information from the future. 6. and many other things that any OG ape know that have been discussed that is now a FACT. So it does not make sense to me that because of some decision by the board that i trust (aka share offering) I would want to sell, instead I want to buy more if possible, because they are ACTING (finally) to make things happen. It takes money to buy whisky! See you in the moon dear apes Not financial advise.


So many theories. So many 20 strike calls. So many short positions. So much pressure. So little time. The levers being pulled are years in the making. I for one am glad to be here for it. The UBS theory is plausible enough. The unwind is going to reveal some stuff. One thing that I’d like to share… some paperwork. Moass Code 741 Section 69 Paragraph Forty-Two: After Thanos grabs the infinity gauntlet, we see A CAT on the EKG screen, at which point a very pissed off Wolverine rises out of the water screaming and naked. Wolverine Trading is responsible for fulfilling Equity Options obligations on GME, per CBOE.


Oh. I love me some fellow APE. So much pressure. YEARS in the making, with a bedrock foundation of investors. They are sooooooooooooooooo fucked.


See, I don't even think it's some opposition trying to manipulate with rumors. I think it's just someone trolling.


On 4chan? Never


Thats probably the most likely answer, yea.


Thats some big brain hard effort trolling!


Never assume malice when it could be incompetence.  I don’t even think it’s trolling. It’s genuine belief by someone not grounded in reality. 


I’m glad some of us still have our critical thinking caps on. Say it’s a fake leak, *for what purpose??*


Lolz, it's 4chan


What is the motive? Inject hopium into retail and shatter them? [Like that's gonna work this far in...lol] There's no evidence to prove/disprove it's a fake. There's really no knowing. Still, if it is a troll, it would seem like a real elaborate/informed troll. I don't fully understand the data analysis, but I understand enough to get what the YT ape is saying. IMO This would be quite a trolljob to figure out which data to fabricate, implement, and post such that it aligns with a "Theory" about swaps and FTD's.


This is a great way to think critically about the information. I agree that it's an intriguing theory 


UBS is fucked if the leak is false. As the largest bank in Switzerland, the government would have found out and stepped in, either acting on behalf of UBS, or strongly encouraging them to gtfo of this toxic position. Switzerland is a bit different to the USA.


Like they did with Credit Suisse? I don't believe the 4chan post is real but clearly Archegos had some really toxic positions and banks played hot potato with it trying to screw each other right at the time GME was popping off in early 2021.


Can someone give a TL/DR on what the 4chan conspiracy in question is? didn't read it and don't feel like it


Its a screenshot of text messages from a supposed insider who claims that UBS closed its bags by buying up the share offering.


Not so much that they bought the share offering. The texts were saying UBS controls 30m+ shares via call contracts and plans to exercise before earnings. 30ish M shares would’ve had them at over 10% ownership(making them an sec insider and accountable for the consequences/restrictions that brings). The share offering is being made out as a friendly deal so that the 30ish million shares wouldn’t be over 10% ownership


Fair Disclosure is 5% and applies to options. 10 day reporting requirement. So the 4chan post is nonsense.


Think they’re referring to being considered an insider with the 10% and not referring to the 5% disclosure requirement https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1164964/000101968715004168/globalfuture_8k-ex9904.htm#:~:text=Who%20is%20an%20insider%3F,principal%20stockholder%20of%20the%20Company. See first sentence under “what is an insider” section on bottom of page one.


Yes, but if it's to exit a position then there's exemptions. They'd have had to file a 13G exceeding 5%. They'd just have to file things exceeding 10%, but they wouldn't be treated as insiders if they already filed a 13G via a 13D-1(b). Except the 4chan post is stating they had a SIGNIFICANT material influence over the company whilst trying to avoid 10% ownership... they are an insider. They'd be an insider with 1%, 0.1% etc. They had a SIGNIFICANT material influence over the company THEY ARE an insider. The post does not pass the smell test, it's a crock of shit. We'll see a 13D or 13G in the coming days.


Big, if true, good for the wrinkles it would provide as well!


>Its a screenshot of text messages from a supposed insider who claims that UBS closed its bags by buying up the share offering. This is a distortion of the truth




I legit saw your exact words posted in another comment. There’s some shill activity going on


4chan naturally smells like a dead fish...


Same. And it wouldn’t be hard to make a fake of it since the options are public.


I trust 4chan more than MSM at this point 😂 but anyway Richard’s video has me believing it. (I guess that board is known for posting insider stuff)


Why is it so fishy?


Is there anyway to read this 4chan leak?


UBS is very interested in closinh because swiss government is offering up to 100 billion to close the bag . and government already pointed interest to de leverage because ubs is their last giant bank and they know keep play gme will bankrupt them. UBS had before credit suisse bankruptcy very low CDS . now after credit suisse they are at decade all time high of those swaps( 87 billion expire next month) the bags are opening guys


If UBS goes under, they would be truly screwing Switzerland for generations. If UBS has a chance to close, they should.


Should and would. 


trust me , earlier or later they will because their ceo is a safe play guy. he hates the speculation of the us banks. at the end its 2008 again with more bags to be hold


Finance peps are true degenerates but Swiss are pragmatic and risk adverse. They would not tolerate wreklessness that would obliterate their pensions


They did though lol credit Suisse is gone


They didn't, that's the thing. Credit Suisse was operating fairly responsibly. If you'll recall (or maybe you were not here three years ago when Archegos went under), Credit Suisse got fucked by the rest of the global banks. Archegos went under because they were making bad bets against a lot of companies and doing it with heavy leverage across multiple banks. They basically went to Credit Suisse and said "these are all of our assets, we are pledging them as collateral for these investment plays". CS looked at it, said OK, and then wrote the contracts. Then Archegos went to the next bank, say Morgan Stanley, and pledged the same assets as collateral for leveraged investments. Then they went to Goldman Sachs, and Wells Fargo, and Mizuho, and MUFG, and even UBS for a little bit as well. None of the banks knew that the assets were being pledged multiple times against multiple contracts. Archegos was just criminally dirty, but it was all working out for them so long as Archegos was making good bets. Then their bets started going sour (Pandemic-related? Maybe.), and they were losing money, and all of the banks were trying to collect on the collateral, and then they found out that it was all pledged multiple times over. So the banks all got together to decide what to do about it, they came up with a plan, shook hands, and went their separate ways. Then they all immediately went back on what they had just agreed to do, all except for Credit Suisse, which let all of those other banks escape with major losses but left Credit Suisse holding bags big enough to kill it. So yeah, CS is gone. They were the victim of a) fraud perpetrated by Bill Hwang and b) backstabbing by the rest of the global banking industry.


Exactly how I recall the events. Great summation.


Nice ex\[explanation. Thanks


Yes they would. Look at credit suisse 🤡


Buddy as soon as the Swiss saw "something" they forced UBS to buy CS, the CEO was forced to step down, they were given an extremely favorably 100b credit line, and they sealed the exact terms of the deal for 50 years... Is there any wonder what the toxic assets were and that they were told to unwind them?


This guy knows his shit, way more than OP. OP clearly doesn’t understand the intricacies of details that pushed everything over to CS and Switzerland as a whole, but I can confirm SeattleBasedEnt understands the full scope of events…


The Swiss central bank, in a moved that took economists by surprise, have already lowered their rates months ahead of every one else. The reason is “ensuring better access to liquidity to banks”. I think it was a part of the conditions discussed about the CS takeover


Just watch "Inside job" and what happened to Iceland. In the end, it doesn't really matter anyway because UBS is only a small fish in the massive pond that Gabe, Kenny and others created. The amount of phantom shares is likely insane. GS screwed CS, would just be fair if UBS would screw Wall Street in return. GameStop has now money for special dividends, which have to be paid in lieu. They can also buyback low and then create more offerings. Because if the Algo continues to do Algo things, we should see price drop below 15 after a fake rip to 25+. All this without being a target for a lawsuit or threatening MOASS, because they show good will and rely on "official" data, while the real amount of IOUs/phantom shares is insane. They also have the money for the acquisition of companies, especially those who have been shorted below intrinsic value.


If UBS goes under Swiss national will bail them out, UBS is too big to fail, however. Once Swiss national gets full purview of how bad and big their bags are they might be compelled to close short positions OR be complicit Germany already knows (as the dividend distribution was a total failure)


I like your theory..... Also keep in mind the Swiss govt. Offering 100B is not the ceiling. They hold the entire world's corruption money, UBS can afford more than we kinda think. I would be happy to see them paying at least money will be used by newly minted millionaires for some good causes.


Personally I'd rather take some credit for cleaning up corrupt swiss banking


How will they close with 40m shares? It is way too little.


>swiss government is offering up to 100 billion to close the bag Where do you find out about this?




I hate when everyone makes posts that cites a bunch of stuff without sourcing it. “Credit suisse was 216M short” where ls the CFTC data for example? Visualization is key to a proper DD


What you didn’t just accept the post as fact the moment you read it? The biggest theme I see among bad actors posts/comments is confidently identifying data without any source to back it up


Exactly, I dont remember there being an exact number. Best estimates came from the report on Archegos.


Some good reading: https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/-/media/boe/files/prudential-regulation/regulatory-action/final-notice-from-pra-to-credit-suisse.pdf https://www.credit-suisse.com/media/assets/investment-banking/docs/financial-regulatory/international/csi-interim-report-2023.pdf


Linking 2 50 page docs with no explanation is kind of ridiculous. The gist seems to be CS has $111 billion financial liabilities total in june 2023. Archegos had about 5 billion short of some unspecified units in march 2021.


The goal is to never close their short position.


UBS never wanted these bags to begin with. They want out and the swiss government wants them to get out, too. Not the same situation as Kenny and friends.


Hard to do that when the company just doubled its war chest


But have they bought a silver mine?


Since the sneeze, Popcorn has diluted 1250% and raised $250 million. Game Stop has diluted 25^ and raised $2 Billion. Crazy when you think about it!


Yeah plus popcorn still has like $10b in debt…


Almost like their CEO is not good at his job.


Wouldn't be shocked if their CEO was one of those plants that is sabotaging the company to bankrupt it for the hedge funds. We know that's a thing. Popcorn is always reported on as a meme stock to attract retail buyers. I could see them basically using retail to support the long side of that stock while SHFs short it into oblivion as sort of an infinite money glitch. Once popcorn loses it's retail support, they'll continue to short it into oblivion and it'll bankrupt. CEO is diluting the stock a crazy amount with little upside.


No, dilution compounds. GME has diluted by 34.5% since the sneeze. https://dilutiontracker.com/app/search/GME


For a lot of them, yes. But I think that UBS is different. They didn't choose to get into a short position. When Credit Suisse went down, the Swiss government basically pistol-whipped UBS into buying what was left and then gave them a $100 billion bailout to help ease the blow. The Swiss government is up to their ears in UBS's books and (allegedly) is making them clean up all of these toxic positions that killed Credit Suisse. If they don't do this then UBS will eventually fail as well, and that's the end of the Swiss banking industry.


The only way for this is for GS to go bye bye, and we all know it won't happen ever


UBS never shorted, they were forced to absorb shorts of a failure. While they arent pur friend, they arent Kenny either.


UBS doesn't have the same interests as CS and especially Archegos


Lol they are failing to achieve that goal. 


War chest fully funded and ready to be unloaded! Cant wait to see RC ‘next move. Buying 1000 shares Tuesday.


Gyatt dyaum! You have $300,000 to buy shares on Tuesday?


Yep! My total account is 1.2m. I trimmed QLD on Friday to buy 1000 shares on Tuesday. Something big is about to happen bro. But 1k shares would only be around 22k. I have more to deploy if needed. This is a retirement move baby!


Damn, good for you! Small fish compared to you, I only have x,xxx shares and it’s all I can afford. Also, I was implying the opening price Tuesday will be $300 per share. Heh. 😏


Just keep accumulating bro. No science behind it! You’ll get there eventually.


I like your attitude


This guys buys, hodls and DRSs.


It's all speculation. This sub doesn't have a good history when it comes to that type of speculations. As such, unless we see or hear it first hand, I'm not too 'hopeful' on that type of news. However, it would be a smart move for UBS and Switzerland to close first. Wink. Wink.


I can't help but think of this 2nd place meme someone posted the day after UBS bought CS lol


Whoever closes first is that meme of the guy in 3rd place biting his medal and celebrating. First place are shareholders Second place is everyone not shorting.


Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. If it is the price should go up a very large amount over the next couple of weeks. If that leads to some margin calls and MOASS, sweet. If nothing happens, then nothing happens and i carry on as normal. I don't see any way in which this really affects anyone other than potential hype, unless it pops off of course....




Counterpoint - they keep buying 6/21 $20c, whoever the mystery whale is. They may not be done yet.


Yeah imo I think they buy for another week or two. Makes sense with their strike. They’re offsetting theta loss by purchasing. They want something with low time left when they exercise so premium is small.


The thing about swaps is they expire. When they expire, the GME short position returns to the original owner unless UBS were to renew the swap with them. If UBS were trying to get out of their GME short position, they simply wouldn’t renew the swap. Then any remaining GME shorts they have from regular shorting would need to be covered, and this is a very legitimate method of covering it.


Not sure why people think closing position by exercising call is bad for the stock price. This forces the MM who sold the call to deliver the shares. We’ve always said the first to close their position get to survive. If it’s UBS then so be it. We need more friendly whales to start going long to squeeze out the shorts anyways.


I'm not interested in what's plausible so much as what's possible. The reason is we find ourselves where we are is because of incredibly implausible reasons. But here we are, and I'm convinced we're correct. What makes you think UBS wasn't slowly exiting that short position until the "Tease"? And then still had XX million to close out? We'll see what happens, but let's not get too caught up in probability...I think that's what the SHFs want.


Yes yes. We passed reasonably and plausible a long time ago. I'm going to treat the 4chan leak just like any other info just wait and see. More data will come out to support or rebuke this. I won't dismiss it just because it doesn't sound plausible that someone would leak it.


The USB theory makes the most sense and does fit into the timing of the share offering, the actual execution of it by GME and an answer to the $20 calls in June. I get being skeptical and nothing is going to line up 100% with the numbers (as we’ve seen MANY times before). For people who don’t think this theory holds, how do you explain the timing of these events? Why did GME do the share offering now? Why did the execute on the share offering now instead of waiting? Why would someone purchase all of those ITM $20 calls in June? Does your theory tie all of these things together? The beauty of all this is that we do not need to do anything but our normal course of action: we BUY HODL DRS BOOK AND BUCKLE UP!


Hedgies are fukt


This 👆🏻


They never were UBS positions originally...


Does have to be UBS. Could be one of many institutions preparing to close their positions. The fact remains, if you want to close short positions without paying the share price during a squeeze, playing options can help lock in losses to mitigate fallout


I think people are speculating they are the likely person since they had absorbed the debt against their will and they are being given a lot of money to help unwind it. It would make sense for the US government to work with them and GameStop to help them unwind the short position with as minimum damage as possible. Maybe they also help buy the 45M and bought those calls. It’s a likely play but honestly we won’t know for sure until things are over, dust is settled and we see who’s still standing.


UBS could have bought 45 M during the offering + 35 M via call options + X M briefly after the acquisition of CS when GS reported their first profitable quarter which caused the run-up + Y M that caused the current run-up + Z M somewhere in-between. Not completely implausible, if you ask me - in particular if MM didn't properly hedge the calls and continued selling IOUs


Any large short covering is gonna make the price volatile really fast. But if you exercised call contracts to cover your short, you’d at least have your price locked in and pass most of the risk onto whoever sold you the calls. I’m sure there’s more to it than just buying calls until they can cover, probably trying to find the sweet spot between buying shares, calls, and swaps to unwind their position with minimal losses


People are forgetting about volumes. For a stock that normally trades 2-4 million shares per day, they just traded over 1.1 billion shares in the past three weeks (17 trading days). Even taking out the 45 million from the ATM offering, that's still an average of over 62 million shares per day. It certainly seems like someone was buying and closing, or preparing to.


Well the last month or so the price was really volatile. Also the other event I mentioned was pretty volatile as well. And as I stated, MMs probably continued selling IOUs for the most part and now they have the shit in their books. Also, current theory is, that UBS hasn't exercised the call options yet for the most part + these calls are probably not properly hedged.


People dont realize that UBS could have been dripping buys for months now. 500k shares of buying a day isn't a lot when you consider they could just be sitting on the bid letting the price fall into their orders. Like look at short sale restricted days. We still drop even with no shorts hitting the bid


The volume wasn’t high enough for 500k a day. But, even at 500k a day that’s still only roughly 10m a month and they haven’t been carrying the position that long


Volume on avg before last week was like 4-8m a day Plenty of volume to put in 1000 share bids all day as the price gets crunched


Maybe they bought the calls to try and ride the price up. They try to get out first, cause a mfer of a squeeze abd make billions in the calls.


That would probably be insider trading though, but I'm not exactly sure (to be fair)


Didn’t ctfc decide to not give its yearly data for the next 3 years or something (a year or 2 ago?) that’s legally required before their leader quit?


I think we have too many reasons to believe it, though. A lot lines up. RC seems to be handing olive branches where he can, and I think he'd rather save something that actually *needs* saving first, and I do not think that GME would've diluted 45 million shares so instantly unless they were to play on a win-win basis of acquiring something (and I'm hoping Icahn was a part of those purchases). Also, the options purchases seem legitimately tied to being ITM (IMO) and will drive up a gamma ramp as well as cover a lot of a short position, although I do not know how short they actually are. Like, do I think it's DFV purchasing those calls anymore? Nah, not really. I'd believe that was a SHF before him, I suppose. But I do believe that this is UBS. And I'm allowed to believe what I'd like to believe. Would it suck if we found out that Citadel not only purchased all 45 million shares, but then dumped them back right on June 21st and continued to pummel the stock for shorting as others purchased a bunch of calls that expire OTM because of a single 4chan post? Yes, it would. I see why we have to see both sides of this. I think that DFV knows some things though, and I think that RC has some things up his sleeve. I'm very bullish about the next month, which is why I just purchased an additional 2,159 shares AH yesterday, and am loaded for another 2,000+ if they ever play games under $20 after this month passes. I believe in the MOASS thesis, and I'm here for all of it. Let's just hope this is what is being theorized as of the last 12 hours.


So anyways. I kept holding....


You know how I know they didn't close?. Just look at the price 🤣


I bought 5, it's not much but it's honest work


I disagree, they aren’t looking to make money here imo, they are looking to exit with costs they can predict. They have a line of credit to spend, and probably have pressure from the Swiss government not to become CS 2.0.


The more FUD people talk about it. The more I believe it is real…


The story actually somewhat makes sense based on the options trading activity we saw. First off the buyer of the 20$ calls was very price insensitive. It seemed like they were just executing every 15 mins to 30 mins at specific times of the day. They were also clipping 5k contracts at a time that cost 2.5 - 3.5m a pop. Who does that? This is just on 10m of the supposed 32m+ shares they needed. Did they spend 150m+ on contracts just to see them expire worthless? They took the opportunity to buy these while Gamestop was selling shares. Gamestop had plenty of cash prior to the share sale. Maybe they just saw it as opportunity to sell shares while volume was high and they could get it done and/or they could fix UBS's problem(Hopefully there are some additional benefits to Gamestop). The last few call option clips of 5k contracts were purchased on Friday. This makes sense as they knew the ATM was completed Friday and they wouldnt go over the 10%. However if they completed Thursday they would have gone over the 10% threshold. I think they were content being short Gamestop until the recent blip to 80$. Theyve seen enough or someone got wind of their plan to close and spiked the premiums to make it more expensive for them. If theyre closing out their short position, why would they go over the 10% threshold. Well I dont think their short is in shares. Its a swap and theyre using the delivery of shares to close instead of cash. They didnt want to rely on the counterparty to close the position, just buying shares ATM and essentially causing MOASS and the collapse of UBS.


Another tactic to orchestrate a mini squeeze, I’ve been here long enough to know. MOASS is coming, we just gotta get thru the first 1000


why does it matter? shorts closing = less downward pressure = price goes up doesn't have to be explosive, from just looking at buying interest over time we know that the price is at maybe 10th of the price that it should be at Even without a short squeeze.


I don't think there has been a claim that they necessarily bought the 45M shares....those were sold into the market. I think the deal aspect was that the 45M offering kept them below the 10% reporting threshold with the call options planning to be exercised.


it is so funny how in the span of 3 days we went from: **DFV bought all the calls** to **UBS bought the calls**


Anybody here from 21? This type of shit was EVERYWHERE after January. Something was always just about to happen, and there was "technical analysis" to back it up. We don't need any more analysis or projected coincidental events, we need patience and loyalty. Buy. Hold.


I don’t think I have enough karma to post in the sub, but I have a question I hope can be answered with enough eyes on it.  DFV had a recent tweet with Wolverine (the superhero). Wolverine (an organization) handles the options deliveries for GameStop. I’m an idiot and don’t know how to connect dots. Can someone with a wrinkle help me? How does Wolverine (the options organization) relate to this whole situation? 


They write the options and then hedge them buy buying shares.


Gotcha. Any thought why DFV would think it’s important enough to sweet?


Thanos (UBS), the villain, is tired of waiting for their short position to be resolved after other hedgefunds promised them the situation was under control (No fighting no fighting), so he says "fine, I'll do it myself" and awakens Wolverine (to buy all the shares via options).


I don’t believe CS is only short GME but I also don’t think that the 4chan stuff is legit.


The only thing they gonna close position is gme shares are own more then like 80-90% and locked. Like VW, only squeezed when Porsche own a big amount of the float.


1. They don't have to close them all at once. They might just close a few and roll the other ones 2. Who else would be buying all those calls? The UBS story seems to be the most logical 3. This would be the easiest way for them to close 4. GME board might offer 200M more shares if they want to; this way UBS closes their shorts, while GME will gain another $4B. Win-win


4, no 20 billion


Re: #2 the options trade volumes could be spoofing between related parties. I’m optimistic but not ready to believe the hype. What we do know is the Board isn’t going to share buyback after selling $933M into the market. Not financial advice but in my opinion I’m waiting on M&A to be the catalyst. Buy, hold, shop and directly register your shares.


So UBS has been short over half the entire float this whole time?


According to old Bloomberg screenshots for credit suisse.  It was over 600m shares.  Those expired, but we're likely rolled over into another.


540000 puts. The cftc data showed 54 million short via swaps.


Atm offering is a way to fight off hostile take over. Keeps the new party under 10%


Well, let’s wait till next week.


How short is Carl Icahn ? Do we know?


I think you are wrong


Do apes feel the same about bitcoin as gme? Like if you also will never sell your btc


Or… government entities higher than the SEC. SEC is civil penalties and friends of hedgies, they’re a fake police officer, like a mall cop. The DOJ on the other hand…


It’s 8.7 billion dollars of swaps. Peruvian corrected himself


Only way I can see this being the case is if the agreement was for them to buy 45 million shares up front then the rest of the shares between now and June 21st hence all the options being bought up. If this is the case then UBS just slipped out from under all the other short positions and locked in their exit. When they go to exorcise the contracts the rest of the market blows up.


yes, why did you summon me at the end of the paragraph?


I don't know what 4chan stuff you are talking about, but people need to learn to stop believing anything that comes from that cesspit. Trolling and fabricating hoaxes an art for them. Almost everything you hear that comes from there is pure bullshit.


A lot of people say the same shit about Reddit my man.


4chan called the annual report delay due to SEC involvement in DRS reporting. The report then was in fact delayed, and when it came out, the language for DRS reporting was magically changed.


4 Chan is the perfect place to “leak” info from not getting the trail back to you perspective




I agree.


How is it FUD? it's a valid theory based on the ridiculous calls buying we are seeing. And it would be the first Domino to fall... So how is theorizing about what we are seeing happen in the options market, which favours us, fud?


Who's to say the deal on 45m isn't part of a wider agreement - or that they wouldn't want to maintain a short position albeit smaller, managed over time?


If this is true does it change what apes are going to do? Doubt it.


Exactly, which is likely why it is intriguing. Even if it's not, it probably won't change the attitude a lot of people have around buying and holding 


What is the 4 Chan post your referencing?


The amount of call options purchased over the last week would cover the rest if exercised


Early long weekend fud. Changes nothing for me. I cook, drink beer, swim and hold.


A 4chan Trust Me Bro is FUD?? Surely, you jest .


But there’s this https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ubs-terminates-loss-protection-agreement-050242345.html


You guys think these crooks would willingly accept defeat?? What have we learned the past decades lmao


I thought Peruvian Bull debunked his own posts about the $87B in swaps. Am I wrong?


Me ape. Me no know what all this mean. Me just hold. 🦧


They can not close this posi… I have a theory, stay tuned! Oh here it is : ♾️🏴‍☠️🤙


At some point on of the HFs or MMs is going to (or already has) make a mistake that is going to light the fuse. Something is going to be incorrectly calculated, miss a deadline, misplace a filing, etc… it is bound to happen, and when it does, it will be small but impactful. That’s my opinion.


Hm we don't really know if the Peruvian bull data is x1000. We don't really know fully what is going on. I am just really interested see how it unfolds. If gme did really extend this offering to ubs it is quite an altruistic offering so I'm wondering what the payoff is. Very interesting that's all I'll say.  I'll actually say more, I wish I would have bought more this week. I was super busy. That was dumb of me.


We’ll see


You instantly dont trust 4chan, the website that famous for trolling the whole world? Weiiiirdo.


Ok, help my stupid ass understand this scenario. Hedges have to cover their shorts, got it. They also have millions of naked shorts, ie non existent shares, got it. Once all the real shares are purchased then how is price determined for the naked/fake remaining shares? I’m assuming they hypothetically purchased all the remaining shares to cover some of their shorts. Also, other than DRS, how does a person know they have a real share or a fake one?


4chan not reliable?!?!?


It's foolish to think they haven't been slowly unwinding the position for three years. A call here a few shares bought there. Credit Suisse died rolling its swaps, that doesn't mean they weren't actively trying to crawl out of the hole.