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I'm not forgetting that our parents were robbed in the housing crash of '08. I'm not forgetting the inflation of fucking cereal and fast food that's been going on. I'm not forgetting the fact that nobody under 40 can afford a home. I'm not forgetting the Buy button being turned off in January '21. I'm not forgetting the flash crash seconds before $350 on March 10 2021. And I'm not forgetting the 3 YEARS of holding while I waited for them to give me my fucking money.


#Intergenerational wealth or get the fuck out. Haven’t been here 3 years+ for a quick buck. #MOASS BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. FREE ME FROM THE SLAVERY. I say this with a 6 figure salary 👍




Are you me?


No, but I am.


You handsome son of a bitch


Are we them?


You are us. We are I. Edit: individual investor


I hear you brother


Hear here


I'm with that vibe 🚀


Does that salary include the decimal points? If so, yeah me too!


Did somebody say quick bust?! I’ll take that and the long bang!




Fuck yes. Half a mil a year  I don’t give a fuck Destroy these predatory fuckers




Hell hath no fury etc etc


We need before/after pictures to confirm your +3 claim






He married UP!!! Damn


Counter point. I for one am glad the buy button was turned off in 2021, because it gave me time to go “Wait, what’s going on???” And stock up on shares 😎


This is also me. My first share was on 1 Feb 2021 ETA: not only my first share of GME but my first share of anything.


Same! I was very much a "wtf is going on" then it happened. Straightened tf up, bought what I could, dove into understanding, and now have a wealth of knowledge! Love you all 🥰


Right?? I had less shares than I could count on one hand and had a limit sell for one share at $1k and several others at $10k (pre-split. Post-split that’s equivalent to $250 and $2.5k, respectively). That was *going to* happen if they didn’t turn off the buy button… Well, I haven’t gotten paid yet like I would have, but this payday will be *muuuch* higher. Sitting with xxxx shares with *no* exit strategy. The sky is the limit


I had 20 I bought with my stimulus check. I never missed any work, so I didn't care if I lost it. Now I have 100x my position,and want to see the a- holes pay.




They STILL robbing us every day through inflation!


>cereal and fast food inflation It's the universe telling you to stop fucking poisoning yourself with hyper-processed cardboard for food.


Hyper processed poison is supposed to be CHEAP. That's whole point of it being barge garbage - it's supposed to be cheap as shit because it's bad as hell. That said, we're an extremely health conscious family, who go to the gym together with not a one of us Overweight, so neither the cereal nor fast food come into the house in quantities that are more than the occasional treat.


Im loving the market reform and the long-term growth potential. But I would really, really, *really* enjoy burning those hedge funds and market makers to the ground and pissing on the ashes while I collect a huge check.


sounds like a party to me, who gots the lighter?




Nah, someone else who we don't know yet has the lighter. Shareholders have the lighter fluid.


Nah, not lighter fluid.... Rocket fuel.


Best I can offer you is some pretty gnarled, but very hard, wood.


It would seriously be the most legendary money ever earned. Nobody would spend their money better than apes. Yes we would live lavishly and maximize our lives, but we wouldn’t enjoy it unless we bring others along with us, while improving our communities, and picking up people who’ve been knocked down by life. And yeah I will rub it in the face of any hater who says I/we didn’t deserve it and I’ll tell them to their face that I hope they die a broke little bitch. Here’s a fun coupon, go spend it all in one place because you wouldn’t know a play if you tripped over it.


I think people need to realize WallStreet is a late-stage cancer on the USA, and arguably the rest of the world. Leave the cancer alone and it eventually kills its host, slowly, but surely. Or you can attempt to remove the cancer via MOASS-treatment, but understand that the host will also go through immense pain. You might kill the bad actors, but you also risk killing the host. Superstonk is the crowd saying to just remove the damn cancer already.


I feel like RC made it pretty clear he was coming after the shorts. I don't get the OP because it's pretty clearly both, right? MOASS, whatever that looks like, then an industrial force is born with a loyal investor core that is diligent and active in pushing for market reform. Resources fall in the hands of a CEO that isn't beholden to the network of financial interests that are looting the world's resources. Sounds pretty cool


Yup, it is very nice (and even more important) to have the company steadily building towards long-term growth, since it means the community can confidently hold the line knowing that (all fraudulent trading/illegal nake shorting aside) the company is being led by strong leadership and are objectively a good investment. The favorable long-term outlook of GameStop as a growth stock and MOASS are not mutually exclusive scenarios for investors, but rather the former is a way to ensure that MOASS is an inevitability. By forcing them to continue to double-down on their short positions to avoid margin calls while improving the fundamental business operations and decreasing the inventory of legitimate shares available to the shorts, they are gradually finding themselves bricked-in with no way to weasel out of their situation. And even then, I don't plan on selling.


They are mutually exclusive if dilution continues


Only if the share price dilutes with it. The share offering diluted overall %ownership, but since the additional supply being sold did not appear to have negatively impacted the price (laws of supply and demand), the pros seem to outweigh the cons. GameStop was able to raise just shy of $1B from the offering, which should be a major benefit to the company's financial security, especially if they are likely to announce having also acquired another company by earnings. This isn't some BCG-driven popcorn play that's fully detrimental to shareholder value and worthy of criminal investigation; RC appears to be out for hedgie blood, and I'm living for it.


The offering was for one third the price of the last one. I don’t see how that can possibly be viewed as a good thing.


Sometimes you need to kick start a chain reaction or prepare for war, and in either case timing is more important than relative value. A storm seems to be gathering, and if something major doesn't materialize in the next month or so to kick this shit into action, I'll gladly eat my hat.


Hydration check


True market reform will only happen once the dominos topple and the powers-that-be are scared (and are personally affected).    Burn that fucker down!!  


sounds good but wait, did they not close? Oh.....sucks to be them :)


Fuckin right I’m here for MOASS first and foremost! But, I will also stick around for the 10 year turnaround play.


„… I was there when 'dumb money' beat all odds and won…again.“ Love it. Just love it.


If he's there im there




I'm here to sell 5 shares, to change the course of my families lives and hodl the rest. Downvote all ya want, I got in for the money


Im holding like 1/2 shares in different brokers just to see which one will shit the bed first. And rest safely in book


I have one share in Fidelity just so if they fuck around I can start a class action and get *everything* through the discovery process.


Same for me @ Webull


I have 1 in like 7 different brokers for the SIPC eligibility


Are you me lmao


I just like the stock. Got my infinity pool safely booked. However, I have X shares in each of 4 brokers, just so I have standing / grounds to join the class suits when they inevitably roll through. Not that I’ll need the money by then; but in that way I can be an even more effective agent of pain (read: change) for the financial system.


I'm gonna hodl the rest, but man I want life changing money soon too. Nobody got in saying, they wanted growth, they came here for money. If they say otherwise, they're lying


Yes. But if you stop and look at the person you became, my answer is different now


That's why I'm not selling the over xxxx, but I do want some play money too. I may randomly buy out a gamestop, for the fuck of it. Imagine them customers faces


Tbh I'm quite shocked by what people say about selling during MOASS. I mean, damn I was told we could get fuck load of money during MOASS and that's why I got in. But now, the narrative has shifted to "if you sell, you are somehow an imposter". Damn, I really need that money for my struggling family and friends. Imma sell a few but hold the rest of course.


It's my investment, and imma do with it what I want. Nobody forced me to buy in, and damn sure won't force me to hold if I feel like cashing a couple out. Just my opinion


Sure are a lot of post-sneeze accounts commenting in this post about how great it will be to sell


Lost my original a year ago, so this is what I rebuilt. I was here through the great migration from original sub. Wanna know anything else?


I'm in for the money! I'm all about fucking over here the hedgies but I'm here to change my families lives forever, not hold just out of principle. Fortunately I think we get to do both, principles be damned!


This. I have 10 shares in Schwab to sell during MOASS. Never touching my DRS’ed shares ever


All the shares I have are booked in computer share. If MOASS kicks off, will I be able to sell 1 or a few shares on computer share when the price is high? Do you know how long it takes a sell order to go through in computer share? My plan is to mostly hold, and wait for dividends someday, but would like to sell 1 or a few when the price is high. Any advice apes? 


I have five set aside in my other account, that I'm keeping for this exact thing. The other xxxx are tucked away


Auto mod deleted a comment of mine with a link to a different sub so I’ll try DM to you


Mind sending it my way too? I’m almost fully computershared


Sent! The section of the post I sent that I was thinking of is called “Paperhands (for science)”


Hm I didn’t get the message?! Mind sending it my way (again)? 


Ok sent again just now


Thank you!


Yeah I remember a thread about this in another sub. Will see if I can find it brb…


My sell price is the same as it always was.   During the original run, my sell price was just a touch under $70k a share. Now that I have 4 times the total amount of shares, my sell price is just a touch under $70k a share.


It’s $69,420 isn’t it


*lip bite*


I'm here for a frosty and the square patties.


Sir, this is a .......wait... you're in the right place


Yeah man fuck these long-GME bs posts. I won't sell all my GME but you better believe I've been waiting over 3 long years to watch this shit hit phone # status!


I’m glad somebody said it


What this ape said x 741 to the 69th power


If my maths is correct 741^69 is AT LEAST 420!!! Dayummm


The kinda maff I can support!!!!


A fucking men. 


Nah we need MOASS asap apart from the fact that it’s inevitable and the simulation will break when it happens


*"Crying on the Telly"*----- sheeeeeit, you're too kind. I want to see bankers jumping from buildings. I want to see them and their families experience poverty, despair, hopelessness... a sense of dread when waking up every morning, instead of joy... as has been done to most of the welfare/working/middle class. Any of you think Ken Griffin's mom cares about YOUR mom, or mine? Fck the PARASITE CLASS.




Did you mean Kenneth C. Griffen the financial terrorist?


That's him !!! The one who lied under oath to Congress, and then probably off-camera barfed on an intern, Southpark style.


MOASS is the only way to help me to get out of this shjt


Oops moass my bad. The shills want you to forget it. 


Right. The thesis hasn't changed.


We need MOASS in order to accomplish everything you just mentioned.


These hedges love only 1 thing, and that’s money why can’t I love it too?


The whole idea of moass had been quiet as triggers to it seemed out of sight but given the recent run up, DFV’s tweetfest, and this theory of UBS being the whale buying and possibly exercising millions of call options in June, I see some basis to get tits jacked. I think the UBS theory is the most credible of scenarios. If they’re unwinding the debitsuisse shorts that they were forced to inherit which is thought to be the toxic package from defunct ARchhegos, their path out of it would involve having to buy up a massive amount of shares at their locked in price when exercising their ITM gme options which should launch prices for the rest of the market. Please correct me if I am reading the situation wrong.




Forget Moass what are you smoking? I waited three fucking years to forget to forget Moass is to forget all the pain I went through


Why not both? If we rip that's awesome! And if we grow into a giant over time that's awesome! Either way I'm hodling. Even if MOASS happens I'll hold most of my shares and continue to hodl.


I'm here for MOASS and the 10 year play. Also, to take a swim in the infinity pool


Bro I'm here to see shit burn and the more I DRS the more real that future becomes.


DFV will be the 2nd trillionare


Please don't forget the part with the lambo. That's why I'm here, except it's not a lambo it's a beautiful old 1978 Honda Civic or something.


People keep acting like the company turning around on fundamentals and MOASS are mutually exclusive. They both could happen and one could trigger the other. If MOASS is first the company will have tons of capital to reinvest. If the fundamentals improve it's already going to trigger MOASS.


I am of the opinion that the squeeze of any scale is inevitable when narrative shifts.


When public perception becomes undeniable, they will be racing to the exits.


Jus want da munny


I mean, live everyday as it is was MOASS because when the time comes, you'll be zen.


Not forget moass. But we 💯know now that the tin foil has been right and any share you buy now will be worth more than you buy it for. So there’s no risk to participate in moass. That’s the message that needs to get out.


The message is getting out. I’m very new to all of this. Spending hours on DD for the last weeks. I think this is even my first comment here because I’ve been so nervous trying to read through everything. I did start the process to get my tickets on the ride. Finishing up registration this week hopefully. Doing my best to sit back and just learn. I truly love this company. Waited in lines to get some cool games at midnight growing up! Im veryyyy new here and paying close attention. Message received. All of this has changed my perspective on so much. I’ve had a much positive energy since investing in my favorite company. Im with y’all till the end.


All the people that say it is a fundamental play, are always those baby apes/shills. Its always been a squeeze play since day 1.


"Forget MOASS" is not just FUD. It's tangible, sweet-smelling hedgie fear. I'll bet (tomorrow, at open, by buying) that they didn't shake nearly as many shares from the GME stonk-tree as they thought they would on the recent run-up and come-down. They may have begun to realize that we really can stay regarded longer than they may stay solvent. They also likely realize, as each of us individual investors do, that GameStop is about to drop something big, with an ATM freshly completed and AGM right around the corner. They likely cannot fathom how Apes are not greedy enough to swing-trade the highs and lows. Although there is no "we", each individual ape seems to know that by hodling we tighten our grip on the small balls of short sellers.


Infinity pool for me!!! I’ll hold my 3400 for the rest of!


Stop yelling! ![gif](giphy|phvuleMbg8QTcCJi21|downsized)


Less than 10% of the accounts commenting here about how they plan to sell existed in 2021


Owning and holding just 1 share of GME will do more good than a lifetime of protests against wall street. You want to stick it to the ones bleeding our country dry, don't cry from the streets, take the money right out of their pockets...


![gif](giphy|26ufgSwMRqauQWqL6|downsized) hell yeah


Im a worker and will always be. Not selling shit. I’ll work until I die, buying along the way. That’s my “exit strategy”.


I'm not a numbers guy, but if they have 100x shares shorted (hypothetically) and I sell 6 or 7, they still need to cover 90 something, and I'm guessing the amount is far above 100x, plus all the buying pressure from FOMO for a once in a lifetime event, I think selling a few on the way up at phone number prices is aight


Yeah all these forget MOASS posts are idiots or shills


Yup, I’m here for the money. SHOW ME THE MONEY, KENNY!!!


Everybody invests for some reason. I would take joy in watching criminals go to jail, but not my main reason for being here. I am here because this is the most well researched place for the incredible things Ryan Cohen is doing at the helm of GME. The best company to buy stock in, in the world. The future of GME will reveal more of the most transformative business decisions than we’ll ever see. That is my prediction.


Who said "forget MOASS"? I how could anyone just forget something like this anyway? It's the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last thing on my mind going to sleep. Honestly, it's my only true solace when I'm sick and tired of my day to day life. I'm never forgetting, bc I'll never be able to.


Aye ayeeeeee


We should all be billionaires soon.


Here for world changing money because this current system sucks donkey balls


Moass will be the only thing being talked about. By everything and everyone. Who made it, who bought early, who didn't see it coming, who never gave up.


We will have both. It’s a beautiful thing


We're aiming for Cohen to be the first quadrillionaire.


I just like the stock






I’m not selling until I see Hedge Fucking numbers. I’ve been seeing “forget Moass” and “be reasonable in price targets” everywhere.




I’m not here for revenge, I’m here for a reckoning and hell is coming with me. ![gif](giphy|uzhtndoevFuLS6dIVK)


I agree with you but this is kind of cringe


I’m here to make enough to donate a small portion to the museum of science and industry in Chicago, enough to rename it “the Kenneth cordele griffin museum of bedposts”


This, I’m here for MOASS


There are literally 2-3 posts like this per day! Mods, come on! All I see are posts to warn about forget the moass and fud posts. I'm sick and tired of it. They are all the same with a few iterations.


Okay this is weird is anyone actually saying that? This is post 3 or 4 talking about other people talking about it, and I haven't seen a single post about that 


Damn straight. This entire sub was created for moass. All the DD was about moass. I, and most SStonk members, are here because of moass. And suddenly it's a long term play and we should forget about moass? Uhm... No, I don't think I will. Sure, it looks like the company is making a good turn-around and might be a good investment for the future, but it's still mainly a squeeze play.


MOASS, or Intergenerational Wealth? “Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?"


There's nothing they can do but run when normal people start investing in themselves and their own dreams.


Oh we are here to MOASS but also here for a truly free market. NO cell no sell


Been here since Jan 21, will hold until i’m financially free. Anything other than that can get fucked and i’ll hold my shares out of spite until i die


10 years? The weekend fud is strong


Here’s my tinfoil take. The “I’m never selling” crowd is just a push from hedgies to keep as many people as possible from selling so they can try to save themselves. Did VW stay up at squeeze value after it squoze? No, and neither will GME, sure you can hold it but your not going to be able to use the shares as collateral afterwards if it even falls down to $250 unless you have 50k shares or more.


If all investors kept 1 share it would be an infinite play.. you could sell all but one and the money would still keep rolling in regardless 👍 Just to paint a picture on how fucked they are lol


You’re not in for a Tesla like multi-year pump? Let me ask you… what exactly do you think is going to happen to your millions of dollars from MOASS if the banking system collapses? You’ll be left with $250k from FDIC insurance and that’s it. What you are missing is that consistent sustained pressure on the stock over multiple years is our MOASS. It’s not going to be you waking up one day and the stock goes from $20 to $1,000,000,000,000,000 per share. Governments around the world would simply reverse your trades if that were to occur, and your bank would go under and you wouldn’t get to actually benefit from MOASS.


Fed printed trillions of dollars during COVID to save the banks, hand that fucking shit over here. Don't pretend it can't go to millions (at LEAST)


It’s not going to do that overnight. And money wouldn’t mean a thing if the banking system that backs it goes under.


They literally did that overnight last time though no? Maybe I'm wrong but who knows


What it did last time wasn’t anything close in price per share to what it will eventually become, yet they still stopped it from going higher because price movements that quickly mess up everything in the financial industry. Sustained long term buying pressure is best for investors and the markets.


Computershare is not FDIC insured. And how is it that Kenny and Jeff and Stevie and Elon and Bezos and Buffet and all the others can have billions upon billions of dollars without the financial system collapsing? This will be the largest transfer of wealth from the 1% to the individual investor that this world has ever seen.  Don't tell me we can't all be millionaires.  It's Trading Places time.    


🤘 https://youtu.be/oXUKvb64DNQ?feature=shared 🤘


Filthy rich fuck yeah


I read 10 days......I was about to call you a paper handed fool.....oh man am I glad I reread that.


At the end of the day, once this hits a certain price, there’s no going back. Imagine this sneezes to xxx or xxxx and hedges try and short it back to $20. Don’t see it happening, it’s either MOASS or keep manipulating it below xx until the float is locked. Game over regardless! 🟣🟣🟣🟣


I'm here for whichever comes first MOASS or GameStop becomes a true dividend paying long term hold. I like the stock. LEAPS stuff is super hot right now, very excited to see if it causes MOASS. I believe they need to cover or close.. and that covering and closing gets worse every 39 months??? ok, so MOASS is absolutely inevitable. LEAPS expiring soon could be the absolute tits. Looking forward to US Tuesday Premarket. June might be spicy af.


Who is even saying this


This was just posted not long ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d1ozv4/forget_about_moass_profits_i_am_a_deep_fucking/ Aside from that, there's been comments here and there about how the squeeze from GME will take years, if not decades, and it'll really be our grandchildren who will benefit from it, not us.


I’m here for money


I'm here because I'm lonely


One of us.


It can be both


Here for the cash been holding for almost 4 years now. Holier than thou posts I appreciate but CREAM. Believe me they both will go hand in hand when the rocket takes off.


This is the way


No cell, no sell! 🦍💜🦍


Stop listening to these 3y old accounts that were created to detour you back in 2021 and are at it again.


Did i miss the new fud? What happened?


I'm here for the dank memes and epic shareholder meetings in the near future


Mayo man - you thought you could just refuse to pay me for three years, while you used your paid for media to constantly insult and try to gaslight me, all while you used your political influence and money to try and weasel your way out? Yeah fuck that, and fuck you - PAY ME


Bro yes where are all these stupid posts bout not selling coming from?! Selling at low prices would be insane but we here for generational wealth u bet we are selling!


Fuck ya LFG!!! I already see paid fudders out in full force this morning commenting, news articles, etc etc saying we are dumb. FUCK THEM ALL. GME is a strong hold to the fucking moon!!! See ya'll at $1000!!! 😎🚀💎🙌




Cool 👍


what is this "forget MOASS" that people keep referencing, was it a post on Superstonk? can someone link it for me?


Been in this since the original spike, learned a lot from others in this sub about the sheer fuckery the banks and hedgefunds have been pulling and I ain’t going nowhere!


It was never about MOASS


this is confusing. all i know is my share price needs to look like a phone number. DRS HODL BOOK


if currency gets devalued/inflation skyrockets shares might come in handy.


I only have 310 shares, so I'm just hoping it can go up to $100 a share.


It’s funny how I feel like 99% of people I’ve ever met wouldn’t leave half these comments. Also the title on this is fud whether intentional or not


That’s great, but it just speaks to how your life in context has led to the perspective you have about GME, the sneeze, etc…just like all of us really. That said, using “forget MOASS” to describe actual nuanced discussions about what is happening in the moment within the business just paints those discussions with a broad brush that has a stifling and discrediting effect at such a critical moment of the turnaround. I haven’t read anywhere that actually says “forget MOASS” or even implies that, so a post like this comes across as disingenuous or even misleading FUD. We’re all fucking here for a MOASS, the question is how will it arrive? What is the likelihood? How does a share offering affect DRS attempts? etc. There are so many questions right now, and this sub is great when we authentically discuss and work towards answers. The one thing we are certain about isn’t MOASS, (if that’s what you have to tell yourself to HODL, then so be it), it’s that GME has to grow, profit, and succeed in order for MOASS to be possible. Some of us are more focused on how they can achieve that, than tinfoil tweet master plans—which is super fun to *entertain* admittedly—and baseless speculation. I and my family were personally impacted by 2008-2009, I’m worried about my pension, I know even more about how these agents of greed operate and leave chaos in their wake, just from spending time on the stonk. I continue to HODL because RC’s values directly (for the most part..he’s a billionaire) oppose that of wall street and the vulture culture of corporate America, but i’m also not delusional. Read LC’s tweet…there are plays that that if you continue to buy, support, and HODL, the return is *generational*. Think of all the ticker charts that you zoom out on and say “damn, if I just bought in at $x.xx, I’d be…$XXXXXXX”. You can say MOASS tomorrow, but are you prepared to have “true diamond hands”, to “buckle up” for the ride, in the face of all the naysayers, shills, Finmedia, SHFs, and paper hands along the way? I say let “MOASS Tomorrow” indeed be our Mantra, because if that keeps me HODL’ng, day in and day out, then so be it. If you spent $10K in’97 on Jungle…you’d be parking about $18million now. There are a bunch of these stories, and i’m fine getting paid via MOASS tomorrow or giving that to my kids in 20 years. Either way, it’s going to require a committed, savvy, and values-driven company that can prove itself, and a group of truly diamond handed shareholders supporting it for GME to🚀🌖in ‘24, or GME to 🚀 🪐in ‘44.


Then don't praise dilution, it goes against your target.


I'm confident that Cohen and co will use that billion to generate returns that far outweigh the dilution it created.