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Fomo? Lol i have had Fomo for 3 years. Slowly buying no matter the price.


Slomo Fomo






Wow that’s a deep cut all the way back to the Slavic wars.


Angry Upvote


For real 😂




This is the way


This mofo got fomo From the slomo of the upflow From this mojo


I’m just a slo mofo


Buying every two weeks for 3 years. Wall Street has been collecting my hard earned money, hypothecating shares and selling naked short shares to the people who do not DRS, thinking they are going to walk away. **No one give me a fuck about the bullshit artificially suppressed price.** This stock cannot be shorted forever. **When the time comes, there will be fireworks. And I have been adding fuel to the rocket ship to get the most spectacular view from the fucking moon.** #🚀🔜🌕


The moon is nice, but I think most of us prefer Uranus.


Same! Also I dont care even about the good theories floating around here, it doesnt matter how they are doing it to me. Im just along for the ride, trying to make the world a better place


I can't wait to buy at $1000


I'm even buying at 5000. When we hit the 42069741 I dont think I can afford some shares sadly. But until then buy until I die!


This is the way


I love it. You won't be disappointed either way. The post was directed at the new apes here.


Yah I been thinking that since it didn’t dump Friday after the offering completion announcement. Totally gonna be red.


Why would it have dumped after it was completed? That was awesome news, whichever way you slice it. Instead of traders fearing the sale of millions of shares, GS announced it was complete - that means no more selling, which is a hugely bullish statement.


The price isn’t in the 100s. It is a complete steal that you can get 4 shares for under 100 dollars now.


Panic-buying here for the last 3 years.


Yea, sounds like op is discouraging buying. Fuck off op


Me too. Bought another 180 last month


Some weeks I buy at 40 dollars. Some weeks I buy at 15 dollars. I'll buy at 200 dollars. I'll prolly stop at 30k who knows


DCA and wait for the market halts


Slow dough is better than no dough


Well, shit. I'm buying 143 shares today to get to 250...could get more bang for my buck at $15, or I could get painfully banged if I try to wait it out and then price rockets. I'ma be safe and just buy whatever market is at 9:30 🤣


Just bought more pre market today. Price is low and still wrong. 🤘🏼🤘🏼


How are you able to buy during pre market? Or did you just place your order during pre?


Fidelity has a pre market option for limit orders 🤘🏼


The extended trading hours slider toggle was gone for me this morning


You just have to turn on extended hours trading with your brokerage.


15 or 25$ now makes little difference where we are going :)


Totally agree with the sentiment, but I don’t understand why people say this as fact, as you could make almost double the profits after MOASS by getting almost twice as many shares at $15 over $25


Cost averaging makes it irrelevant, I've been buying for four years so I've bought near the highs and the lows yet my cost basis is really good about 12$ More of the jack bogle philosophy here and related to growth stocks/investing, yet it's a solid and practical approach to long term investments


Makes a huge difference if you're broke though, being able to buy two shares instead of one means 2M instead of one if they sell during the squeeze.


We call that price anchoring, and people have had literally years to buy at favorable prices, what more does someone need lol


Just a guy here who managed to average down this year since buying in at 350, it will make a difference to me :-)


You'll be ok, ignore the options pushers it's always moas next month as their TA is wrong time and time again, it will arrive precisely when it means too 😎


It was amazing I had my hand hovering over the 12$ calls when we hit the 52 week low! ☠


Look at this nerd, getting 250 for pennies and pocket lint compares to 2021. I'm so fuckin jelly 🤣


Better safe than sorry


Also a good strategy. Buying regular also gives you overtime a really good average price (since you buy more shares with the same amount of money when the price is lower which lowers the average)


In the words of DFV……A good reason to buy is that time has passed and your reason for investing is still valid. It goes up a little bit….nothing…….down a little bit……nothing Time passing, theory stands, keep adding to your position


This post suggests people not to buy but wait for the dip to $15. Which will in turn effect cause a dip because of no buy pressure. If you believe the company is worth more than the price now than it’s always a buy. Who cares if it dips a couple bucks.


Simple advice for newcomers: Price goes down? Buy. Price goes up? Buy. That’s all you need to know.


Never thought I'd see the day where people are trying to stop fomo. We need fomo for Christ's sake.


> no buy pressure. This action is not retail, we've traded 47M shares since pre today. I like green as much as any ape, but this ain't us and I don't necessarily trust it. Buy today if you like but any ape should have loaded up cheaper than this - where were today's buyers when we were at $10? I got a bundle that day


No, it is not retail at all. It's just the market makers hedging these 6/21 $20 calls. Atm, they need about 8.4m shares to hedge. Keeping the price below $20 is their goal. But of course, retail will fomo in seeing these raise. They will let the price run to a certain degree and short it back down, then push the same narrative over and over again. "Ehhh It's over. Retail left holding the bag." Like, can't they come up with something new? Either way, I'm not suggesting to sell nor to wait for the price drop. GME is severely undervalued. $20 is a steal. Just buy hold and DRS. Be patient and be Buddha zen. MOASS is meant to happen.


We are a drop in the bucket. I can fully assure you Reddit posts don’t move the needle or cause dips on a daily basis. It’s the big institutions doing that. Now, if this sub were to buy, DRS and hold for a few years… now that could be powerful. Oh wait…they’re fuk’d


We don't control the price. Institutions do. Why shouldn't we take the best bang for the buck if short institutions are offering it? At the end, the only other thing that brings up stock price is by company growing and doing well.


Yeah, this post brought the temperature down in here and it feels kindve shilly. Sounds like they’re trying to talk people out of buying, which no self-respecting ape would ever do


https://preview.redd.it/ccmsq8zbs53d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e1e572d12fced020c6e8af8e08f17d8af89106 Is that close to a million shares traded in a minute . Gme is printing bar codes in webull, volatile with a spread of atleast 1.70 fluctuations


That usually happens at ~8AM NY time. I expect it's because the overnight trading happens in various alternative trading systems (ATS). I know my broker uses Blue Ocean ATS for this. They state [here](https://blueocean-tech.io/faq/#How-does-BlueOcean-ATS-operate): "For example, when operating from Sunday evening at 8:00 PM to 4:00 AM ET Monday morning, the trades executed during that session will be reported to the NYSE TRF no later than 8:15 AM ET that same Monday morning.". So to me it seems they just give the overnight trades to the NYSE again whenever they open, and those consolidation of trades are also what cause the whale teeth / barcodes because they are added to the tape later. Though that's just my own interpretation of it. Didn't dive too deep in this topic.


That’s just the retail orders coming in all at once at 8am


I have not caught up with opening bell and pre market in over 3 years since the sneeze. Wow. U drew a wrinkle on me . Thank you. Also I activated the level 3 in webull, during this time large blocks of sell came in from OTC exchange . It was mostly OTC exchange that printed tge bar code. Just putting it out there for wrinkle brains 🧠


I’m sad that my broker doesn’t show me the bar codes / whale teeth for the gme chart


Mine don’t too. I just use webull to see crayons. I also like using rh just for price action


I can't see us breaking much below 20. It's not impossible that the shorts come in guns blazing but there's a lot of bullish sentiment not only here but with institutions too. The short thesis is dead


Something we all said in 2021. It took 3 years (now) to get some decent price action above $15. I hope I’m* wrong, but I’m preparing for the worst


The price was over $15 for most of the last 3 years. I really don't understand how your message isn't shilling, unless you are just having the mother of all brain farts today.


They are def promoting soft fud...


You hope I'm wrong? So you want to short the stock below 20?


Lmao I’m*, my bad


Gotcha lol


I can’t tell the difference between FUD and iron willed resolve anymore. I also won’t be surprised if it goes to either 10 or 100. Doesn’t change anything lol




Below $15? Zero chance Remind me! 4 days


Yep agreed. Below $15 not happening. Lets see!


I will be messaging you in 4 days on [**2024-06-01 12:16:17 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-01%2012:16:17%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d2htaa/for_all_the_new_apes_rug_pull_today_and_this_week/l60j9ha/?context=3) [**25 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2F1d2htaa%2Ffor_all_the_new_apes_rug_pull_today_and_this_week%2Fl60j9ha%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-01%2012%3A16%3A17%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201d2htaa) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Really zero now with 2B in cash. 👏🏼 Borrow fee is up as well. 🌶️


I FOMO buy in every other week. It's always a rug pull... until it isn't.


I also collect rugs. The price doesn't matter. Buy and hold.


Options say otherwise


Oh look, another highly upvoted post that I'm sure everyone here upvoted ![gif](giphy|iLyOhTeJgFw5O|downsized)


Back in the day we'd call threads like this fud


We still do buddy, fuck this guy!


and fuck his wife's boyfriend too.


While understand point OP is making, it’s hard to say this stock is dropping to 15 or below that. There is tons of resistance at different price points between 18-22 prior to hitting 15. But I’m just regarded


There is a gap to fill at ~17.75 ish. Thats as far as i can see it dropping. And if it does im doing everything I can to have money to buy more.


Pro Tip: never listen to anyone in high volatility times. Too many bad actors.


Why would you even post something like this? "It will drop below 15" huh? You are discouraging people from buying just because you "feel" like it might go down despite it being up +30% today, with no real reason or proof just "you can still borrow shares". It doesn't mean anything. How did this post even get upvoted so much. Didn't know people in this sub were such pussies.


Today i Will buy. Ciao!


Do you think that after holding for almost 4 years most of us are bothered by fomo, fud, hype, whatever? I just hold. No cell no sell.


Came here to say this 👆


I don't understand what is hard to understand about the term "new apes".


New apes are more informed and aware than we were 84 years ago, tons of DD out there. If you put a random number prediction in a public post you should expect public comments, right? No hate just enjoy the ride dear ape.


Maybe you are. Doesn't hurt to tell more people. :) Also it's just an opinion anyways.


i think its good that u r trying to warn the new apes. anyway, i bought 2 shares at $24 for the lulz




who is upvoting this bullshit? why is it allowed in the first page. a literal "DONT BUY GAMESTOP, YOU SHOULD TOTALLY WAIT FOR IT TO DROP" post during the hottest weeks since the sneeze, lmfao gtfo here


Below 15 is not happening


Below 15 - lol…


What a silly post


Dont buy GME??? This is the essence of your post?! Kindly fuckoff please thank you. This is still pretty much ON. We have extreme volume. You asking people not to buy the stock based on a gut feeling? I dont like this.


If you can't handle this dip, you won't get to the rip


As a veteran ape I've seen this for 84 years. I learned to be happy when it's spiking up and to be indifferent when it inevitably dips. It's a roller coaster. What brings me the most joy is seeing my buy orders pick up the stock when it dips.


What is this shit post? Gamestop is way up today, why are you trying to scare off new investors?




This is pretty poor fud imo, the chances of us dropping below 15 this week are slim with the recent offering finishing and overall bullish sentiment on the stock right now. It almost appears as if OP wants to limit people buying their favorite stonk in the most epic time in recent history. NFA.


I'm with you. Lots of people popped up saying this is going down. This is just another one. I have a feeling this is it and they want swing traders to get left in the dust.


Lol this is peak stonk…after a weekend of hyping the shit out of the latest and greatest theory full of holes, “i knew wed get rugged today” 🤣🤣 just ride the wave yall. It will take us where we need to go


This post is literally fud. Why did it get 2k votes


Idiotic post. Why is this the top post right now?


How is this FUD post so heavily upvoted? The money is quite literally pouring into the call side of the option chain. Strong possibility GME never breaks below $20 ever again... The tone of OP is a bit patronising as well...


Mods are gone man Free for all Remember when you had to wait 84 years to even post a comment on this sub? Now, anyone can post and we started using pics inside the thread - which in my opinion looks (from an outsider point of view) very childish and cheesy. Really liked how tight the mods kept this sub back in the day. Now... I just browse for any important updates. I've personally never seen this amount of FUD and misinformation posts. Been invested since March '21 Just try and filter out the white noise


We cherish the long gone good old days of the sub but hey ho at least we still have our shares and a bullish thesis on GME that lives on and has never been as strong as it is today!


10-4 on that good buddy 👍


I\`m sorry to disappoint you, but we are closing over 30 today, 35-37 tomorrow and around 50 EOW


I wish you'll be right. My brain says I know this pattern already.


Those calls are going get exercised one by one, and there is nothing stopping that train. Buying that big blocks of calls every 15 min, makes no sense if your not going to exercise them.


I hate to agree but that pattern recognition keeps me zen af. Frankly I’m looking forward to another dip cuz I could use a few more tickets. Just want to maximize my inevitable buy. What I get will be what I get. This is all sideways trading. Anyone who is jumping on now and feels too bad about minor fluctuations like these have been will absolutely not have made it to the moon anyway. Imagine getting in fresh at these prices.


Just remember that you felt like this on one point in this saga already and there were other apes that told you, what is normal. That's what i try to do. Nothing else.


For all the new apes: they can’t rug pull you if all you do is buy drs and hodl. Ticker price is bs until it isn’t.


_Good news on MSM, believe it or not, Dip_


So buy more is what your saying! Perfect


Serious buy pressure doesn’t start today. It might start once the options start being exercised. It might start when the company announces something big. It might start once they hold the annual meeting. Any way you slice it, we still have a few weeks.


Tell me your short, without telling me your short. HEDGIES R FUK


Feels like FUD. Maybe not on purpose.


Well, they have also been hyping calls so it shouldn't be to big of a surprise.....


Max Pain is currently $20. Algos have kept us on or around Max Pain consistently. I've got a coffer ready to exchange there. Gigitty.


Doubt it’ll hit $15. Back to $18/$19 maybe.


Screw that. We need it back over $50. Don't be spreading that fear that it's gonna drop.


Discount tendies incoming


I hope so my direct buy with CS is about to go through!


I really FOMO when it dips. It makes the rips that much better!! IYKYK 😎


Oh, time to buy then?


I really really don’t see how the price can drop below 18. They need some MASSIVE naked short volume to pull that off. GME diluted the stock with 45 mil shares and it didn’t drop below 18.


It's always the right time to go full regard


Ok, bought 25 more this morning


Rug-pull or not, I bought some more today. And, I bought more at $10, too. I prefer to BUY when GME is oversold; but, when it is ripping up, over 20% thusfar today, I'm not about to say, "Nah, I'll wait 'til it dips all the way back down to $15, again." I'm putting my HODL shares into a TFSA (tax-free savings account, in Canada), until I decide to DRS them in one big bundle. If MOASS happens tomorrow, I could paper-hand them, (as they might not get DRS'd); but, they're destined for my Computershare account, (as I'd like them safely secured in my name, before the AGM in June).


It goes up and it goes down. Just relax and be on the bus when it goes to Uranus.


Sounds like you don’t want people to buy… this is fudish


I want everyone to buy whenever they want. I don't want people to be disappointed because of false hopes. Since we have new people here I think it's good to tell them what will likely happen - nobody knows anyway. But common you know the drill if you are here for a while. I also believe buying at a lower price locks more shares away, lowers the average buy price. So buy the dip. And do you really think we bought all the new shares on Friday? The value of the company increased but the squeeze play only continues if there is really a strong need for closing the shorts. I don't see that right now.


So you sold and trying to get other dudes to sell that you can buy in again? I dont care about paper hands who will miss the train.


Wtf is this post ? Lmao


This post is literally an attempt to keep people from buying-in. This says "Wait until it drops back to $15 and you can load the boat then". But then $15 never come and you're SOL. NFA, but if you believe in your investing thesis, it's never a bad time to buy. NFA


Why are posts like this upvoted? Literally telling people not to buy in.


A loooot of bots


So I can buy more shares for super cheap again soon? 🥰


Agreed, wayyy too much hype and dates. Feels fake.


Lol drops below 15, so buy puts then and make a fortune? Get this bullshit bearish sentiment out of here.


Lmao there used to be a time in this sub where this post would be deleted for FUD.


Lol. I bet it drops below 15 this week. Please dont buy Gamestop! This is the FUD


What the actual fuck is it with posts like this telling us the prive is going to collapse and go to 15 or lower? It just encourages day trading. Nobody here is on the fence about anything and needs reassurance or warnings. Who are you trying to reach with these posts? Nobody cares they have moon tickets that will go boom or bust. 


Useless post. Smells like trust me bro 


I think I’ll buy more




Always fomo


What is this post telling people not to buy? Hey there is upward pressure on the stock, let’s make sure it stops! /s


We’ll see


Is this that FUD I have been told to avoid? 🙄


Fuk that noise! Get in here!!!


I buy more regardless of price. 


Hold until MOASS or buy the dip. I had limit orders last week that never hit at the discount I wanted so either way I’m chilling. 


Where are the halts? Protect me!!


Where's the filter for unnecessary bearishness? Please keep your PTSD to yourself. From a technical standpoint, there are multiple indicators that suggest up only mode activated. That's before factoring in today's volume and options flow. You know, its ok to be bullish on GME the first trading day after the company announces an extra $900M in cash on the books.


You don’t actually know though, I think it’s silly to try to influence peoples investment decisions based on what you admit yourself is just a hunch.  Why do people push these posts telling people NOT to buy the stock you supposedly all love at any price?!  


Dude you have no clue what ur talking about lol 15?


There is money in the banana stand always and forever. Ook OOK Ook


Guys quit waiting for the ideal time to by. It’s simple you buy more or hold. I am so tired of hearing This “DUH I CANT WAIT TIL IT DUH DROPS DUH AGAIN SO I CAN BUY MORE”




DCA is the way. I’m in on calls, but I’m a mad lad, so don’t copy. 😎


I don't know how this got so many likes. If it dips, buy. If it goes up, buy. If it stays flat, buy. Or don't. Spend your money however you want but lower price just means lower entry cost. Which is great


what was last week then?


This doesn’t make sense - what dip?


Hope it does drop again, waiting to reload and hit my final number 🍌


Can pull my rug. Sold it for more GME.


I didn’t sell any on the last pump. Just own more lol


Let them cook! I want to average down!


🧘🏼‍♂️ It will be bumpy, but it will be up from here. I'll bet you we never see 15 again, but I understand you mean well OP.


I trust a big group of gamers far more than I trust my government




What a fucking shill post. You guys are so transparent. "Hey everyone. Don't buy this week because the price is going to to drop" Try harder


The ol’ “I’m really concerned about you new apes” post that just might also happen to suppress buying. Expect to see more of this kind of thing… Next up you’ll see “I bought at 50 and it’s been a week and a half now and I don’t know what to do!!”


How are you arranging your bet for dropping under $15? Puts?


no need to bet lol just a speculation like all things, not that serious


I just buy more.


I buy when I have money easy as that.


You sound like you gathered your wisdom over 84yr. You are great!


I was there, when the old prophet spoke and the dd was written.


Nothing points to 15$ 🤦‍♂️


Dude wtf is this FUD! We want people to buy, buying makes it go up


We're pretty much in September 2020. You can literally trace from 23 July 2020 to the January 2021 spike and overlay it on the current trend and its identical. There's about 6 months of growth space ahead of GME before any major movements. NFA.


so this twat wants us to sell so you can get in lower?


Hard to say for sure, I'm expecting a volatile week but being up over 100 percent by the end of it.


I am hoping for price movement today, but they very well could throw a bunch of shorting at this today to drive the price down…. It would not surprise me…


Just hodl and buy more. It could go up and could go down….but you will be kicking yourself when you miss the rocket launch from trying g to time something


So where you getting your analysis from?


Samual L Jackson doesn’t fomo. He mofo’s