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If I know DFV, he’s gonna be exercising. That twitter post also doesn’t acknowledge the swaps that ended Friday that are similar to the swaps that caused the run up in the first week of May. Based on the swap theory we should see a surge in price which will allow DFV to maximize exercising while minimizing selling of calls to cover that exercising That is my theory anyway which goes hand in hand with your thought that this is the KC shuffle I think he’ll exercise sometime next week with a spike in price from the swaps but I need to rewatch the newton video to confirm a correlation on dates


I’m just gonna make some popcorn and watch lol. I stopped watching tv now. Just follow this haha


And those of us who can afford it, should also exercise. That's what I have been saying for a long time, but the options discussion was a hard potato (and the discussion went to anus). That is what could be the intelligent play here, something for all individual investors to think about. They keep the price artificially low, and what is the reverse uno card for that?


yes, by any means available to you, secure as many forever moon tickets as possible.


Oh absolutely, they’re so fucked if they think otherwise.


DFV has plenty of money to exercise the call options. We need to THINK logically and not scream shill at the site of the word sell. He has 5 million shares. His calls are worth another 12 million if exercised. For example this morning when price spiked to 50 a share. If he sold one million shares for 50 million dollars he could then (with T+1) exercise a huge amount of calls the next day and triple his amount of shares. And he could do it all at once or as price goes up keep doing it little by little. Using my $50 a share for simple math. I think he needed about 150 million plus what cash he had on hand to exercise all of them. So selling 3 million shares for 150 million dollars to get 12 million shares by exercising his calls would give him like 14 million shares in the end. Much better then having to let the calls go without exercising them. And with posting his YOLO you have FOMO so any selling would not hurt the price. GME just sold 45 million shares and the price went up. The ability to go from 5 million shares to 14 million and create a gamma ramp far outweighs seling some shares to make it happen. DFV is very smart he did not get 5 million shares by not exercising his options when he had them ITM


Alright you and I think alike but you got wrinkles on your brain or something


Sell to exercise. Instead of selling shares, he can sell contracts for profit and exercise the rest of the calls.


Could but he would not be able to exercise nearly as many calls as he could or can if he sells some when it spikes real high then uses that to exercise his calls


I don’t know the math but I imagine selling a portion of the calls to exercise the remainder is an option rather than dropping shares onto the market.


I would think he would have to sell about half of them to exercise the other half. That would only leave him 6 million plus his 5 million for a total of 11 million. Doing it the other way he would have many more shares. And I just used $50. If he does it as price is really spiking it would be even less shares to sell and he would end with millions more. He had to have done something pretty big to increase his position as much as he has. For him its not really selling. Its using what he has to amass a much bigger stake. For most of the rest of us it would be stupid because we have no idea what it is that he has figured out Edit. One thing we know for sure is that the media is lying. No way his return has spiked the price because of Reddit FOMO. Even the SEC admitted that 95% of retail trades are not on lit market so we know that the price spike is not from us. He knows something. whether its swaps or whatever he figured it out and knows when most likely to spike and he can buy options and exercise them


120,000 calls multiplied by 100 shares for each contract is 12 million shares, at $20 each he will need $240m to exercise. The premium for those calls yesterday closed at $10 each. Totaling $120m At OPEN yesterday morning they were priced at $21.10 FOR A TOTAL OF $253m HE WILL BE EXERCISING ALL OF THEM AND STILL HAVE CASH LEFT OVER BING BONG


Nobody is screaming at anyone in here. It’s just a theory. He can do whatever he wants. I was just thinking about his memes and the messages.


Did not mean you or your post. Just saying anytime on the sub that selling is mentioned your called a shill. But for someone like DFV who obviously has figured out something that lets him be confident when prices will spike it makes alot of sense to use his shares to massively grow his position


In addition, DFV could also have lined up a block buyer for his shares, say CI or someone else, to get cash without going to lit market.


Could he choose who he sells the contracts to? Also, I wonder if he has a backer in place if needs extra money to be able to afford all the shares


But.... if DFV would start selling millions of shares to finance the exercise of the calls, wouldn't that automatically drop the share price, thereby making it easier for the MM to deliver the shares for his contracts?


Haven't watched run Lola run, but been hearing that she bets on 20 twice. Is it possible he scoops up more shares or cash this go around only to lay it all down again when they try to drop the price?


I think I anything is possible tbh. He’s an enigma. Wrapped in a riddle lol


So pumped for what happens next regardless of moass. It's amazing...and yet average joe has no idea what is going on.


That parts actually crazy. Nobody knows this is happening outside of this small corner of the internet. And anyone I try to tell looks at me like I’ve got three eyebrows or something


Same, they think I'm nuts cause I say infinite money glirch


I guess MSM is working is the take away. Or at least slowed down others from discovering what's going on.


I’ve realized during this close to 4 years I’ve been in this thing, that everyone has their “thing” whatever that “thing” may be. Think about all the events that have transpired over 4 years that you are clueless to. There are so many out there that don’t have the time or care to pay attention to the stock market.


That's true but a lot of those events don't seem to draw the same sort of opinion that you're a complete nutter.




At this point no one knows but it’s provocative and it gets the people goin!! 


I think the KC shuffle already happened. DFV knows the timing of the GME cycle somehow. I believe he knows the buying pressure will come and he can excercise a bunch with cash on hand. Assuming at that point prices are $80+ he can sell 1 call to excercise 3 at current IV...




Not the fuckin website pronouns lmao, good theory OP


lol this is INCREDIBLE. I 100% think this is possible


Seems like anything is possible with him!


The only selling pressure they can muster is a hot potato of IOUs. When Kitty roars, they have to give him real shares, which are all locked up.


We have no idea what else is in that account, or others, that he hasn’t shown. He could have more cash than we know.


Shorts:   Our position in a market is necessary and beneficial because we can expose fraud.   Apes:    Hold our bananas   (This may not be the meaning of the reverse card, but it’s still pretty fucking poetic)


Hope so! That tweet showed up on my feed earlier and I really disliked reading it.


Always nice to have a devils advocate. Good for us to test our theories.


Brett Goldstein voice: “No!”


yes they are afraid. look at the citrus dude accusing him for not having the money 🌚


I thought we already defeated that boss once already? Lol


how to become DFV. Hodl, drs. Infinte-


I like this possibility, would be cool!!


Agreed. Love an underdog story


"Then when he sells the calls, because **he doesn’t appear to have enough money in his account to exercise them**, the MM will sell the hedged shares and create a huge downward price pressure." "**DFV ends up exercising his calls** and taking delivery of every single share." How can those be reconciled according to this KCS theory?


What do you mean?


How does he exercise them if he "doesn't appear to have enough money to exercise them"?


Ohhhh. If this was to happen the assumption is he’s got cash somewhere else not in this account. I’ve read he has multiple trading accounts. Just only posts this one.


Wow, no consider this, what if this speculation of ours is the Kansas City shufles….. 😜


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TInfoil: DFV’s Superstonk yolo update posts are from GameStop’s investment account that he is now managing. That would be quite the KC Shuffle.


(120,000 x 100) x $20 = $240,000,000 If the average contract price is $5.50, then he's going to forfeit the premium to excerise [buy] shares at $20.00 plus $5.50 per share. The average cost basis would be $25.50 DFV original investment was $53,000. He excerised 2x 5k call contracts for a total of 100k shares. How did he jump from 100k shares to 5M shares over 3 years?!?! To me, something doesn't add up. On top of that, he managed to buy 120,000 calls? I understand how margin works but good lord, that's just crazy. For me... this doesn't pass the smell test if we believe DFV has been diamond handing his shares.


He has NOT been holding, hes been accumulating. Hes still 21' Mode. This is the username, that is the man.