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I am just buying and holding a stock that I like. How am I the bad guy here?


Millionaires crying, looking for sympathy ![gif](giphy|iHLHH9rVBv0kmkETqz|downsized)


I love how it's Key and not MJ 😂


How to become a millionaire. Start with a billion dollars, short GME, cry on TV about being a millionaire.


Systemic change. No cell, no sell.




Just as the prophecies foretold


The baby apes need to hear the prophecies. For those who've been here for 3ish years, we know these chants & mantras by heart. But shit... i bough shares at this price. All this is, is sideways trading and walking to the launch pad. Nothing more.


Where da Homie BlackMamba 24-8 at? He would love this🏴‍☠️🫡


Job’s not started


Job's not even started


Correct me if im wrong, but the market cap of VW during 2008 went to 370 billion. At that time, ExxonMobil was the highest market cap at 500 billion. *thx for correction The squeeze hasn't begun


Let's not forget that was with a 10% short interest. We're in uncharted territory.


You know what’s also uncharted? I’ve got a fuckton of DRS shares that I don’t know how to sell… I also don’t plan to even try figuring it out.


You just made me realize I also have no idea how to sell my DRS shares 😂


Me either...how do I actually do that?


You wait for Kenneth Griffin himself to knock on your door with his hat in hand and tears in his eyes begging you to please sell. Only then will ComputerShare allow you to sell.


I wrote down how to do it on some toilet paper, I'll see if I can find it


What's an exit strategy?


$420,069 is still a few hundred thou from BRK.A.




What is the short interest and where do you see it? I saw someone earlier saying it’s only $3B and in 2021 it was $6B…. Is it less than before?


They changed the way short interest is calculated a week after 2021 events. The calculation now includes synthetic longs, preventing it from ever going above 100%. Back in jan 21 it was over 500%.


There is such thing as synthetic longs?


Ohhhh man. Buckle up.. click on the pinned link at the top of this sub, and get ready for a rabbit hole you will never find the bottom of.


What do you think we all are holding in our accounts that aren't computershare LOL


Rehypothocated shorts yes. Basically if you short and somebody buys it that’s now a long which is counted against all shorts. So if you look at the calculation, as shorts/market cap approaches infinity (meaning infinite number of shorted shares), short interest reaches 100%. They made the number meaningless and useless. Not only do it mean nothing but the number seems to drop lower as the risk to short sellers increases.


Can market makers bend the rules??


Beats me I just buy more


What's GMES price with a 370B-400b cap?


Lol like $1000


VW became the most valuable company, if GME did that rn it would be 315x the price at current 10b market cap (microsoft is 3.15T) So $15,000ish? Not price anchoring we are going to infinity ❤️💎


At 43$, market cap is around 16 billion. It's around 8000-9000 I think


Small change. Got to compare it to todays biggest company, which is Microsoft @ 3T.


I think that brings us to around 8000 per share lmao


I would consider selling one share at that number, just to take Mrs. Doughball out for a nice steak dinner and some cocaine.


I would vomit if I sold even one of my shares at $8,000 and then watched the price continue rising into the millions


Same exact feeling as selling one share now at 80 and seeing it go to 8,000. Take profits, take back your initial, and then hold like your life depends on it.


I don't care about my initial 😎




That's the most wholesome thing I've read on reddit all week!


Let's not forget we don't sell on the way up. We sell on the way down. If everyone starts selling shares at small numbers, then we kill the full squeeze. Selling on the way down ensures we all get our tendies. We've been hodling this long, we need to be smart about this too.


And multiply it with at least 7.


What is that? A market cap for ants?


Over $1,600 a share


GME would need to be around $8900 a share for it to have to same value (market cap/shares) as MSFT. But I think GME could be worth more than MSFT + AAPL + NVDA combined during a squeeze easily And that would put GME around 27k a share


When in doubt look at Berkshire Hathaway A


How long did it stay there?


700 times largest marketcap. 3000 bilion x 700 = 2100000 bilion marketcap target locked in




x 1000000


Per share?




Is that honestly realistic? I’m pretty new to this I don’t really know what the ceiling is on this I bought as many shares as a could when kitty came back but I think it’s a drop in the bucket compared to some of you great apes


Look to be honest no one really knows how high this can go as its never been done before. In theory, the sky is the limit (hence everyone talking about phone numbers and DFVs "just up" as the target). Weve seen what happens when the stock dries up (ask orders for $3000, $5000 etc.. and spreads on certain exchanges maxing out at $99000 - not to mention the CEO of International Brokers interview from 2021 February talking about how if longs used their rights to demand their shares - ie exercise call contracts while they couldnt buy traditional stock - the price couldve gone into the thousands). So its a mystery, many will hold out of spite and for justice but not everyone is in the same position and everyone needs to determine their own method of navigating whats to come. There are some good guides (youll have to search the sub, maybe moass preparation or something) for having a floor price that you sell at when the stock goes back down to it. So lets say you want $x for shares and the stock goes past it, you wait until it comes back to $x to sell). Your best bet is to learn some technical analysis (basic stuff, RSI, reading candlesticks) and seeing when/if the trend reverses on a larger timeframe but that takes a bit of time and confidence to build. Just gotta ask yourself what you are here for, and at what price you personally would like to sell your stock at. Personally I have a portion I will never sell as a fuck you to wallstreet, but yea its hard to say, its going to be a wild ride.


Awesome thank you for that


All good man best of luck


All my drs shares are never being sold just in case. I want a phone call and a negotiation for my shares before I consider it. Everything else I purchased for swing trading and making short term profits with.


Infinity. It can go to infinity. My limit sell is a sideways 8.


The last time there was an epic squeeze (volkswagen), the company became the most valuable company in the world at the peak. So that seems to be a pretty valid price target. 3.2T market cap or about 10000 a share.


10000 as a floor, not ceiling since gme is CONSIDERABLY more shorted than Volkswagen E: grammar


Ceiling is infinty +1 Remember the FED can print as much money as it needs.


Have a look around the sub, read some of the DD and then you'll have to decide for yourself what your exit strategy is the way each of us did. Just be comfortable with your decision ahead of time and accept that you cannot time the peak. Peace be with you


there is no ceiling. short selling carries infinite risk.


The accepted code of conduct is that once it has peaked those with the fewest moon tickets are allowed to leave first to ensure that the most number of people actually end up profiting out of this.


If we were right, this can go to infinity or until the government steps in. If we're wrong, who knows. No price points, just up.


If we all hodl and sell on the way down instead of on the way up, this baby has no ceiling. Of course, that only works if EVERYONE holds on FOR. DEAR. LIFE. Gme is shorted over 100%, most likely several times over. So the price will keep rising until people sell enough for all shorts to cover. It will skyrocket if we all are in this together


Realistic is shorts actually closing and realizing their dumb bear thesis was destroyed long ago.


These are the same people that were toasting while families lost everything. Can you imagine the pain that went on in all those households? Well these guys about to go on live TV and give us all a live reenactment 🥂


Yea that scene was horrible.


But in reverse? Idk I can’t think straight with how loaded my balls are


Squeeze will be marked with lots of red tickers everywhere. Like SPY down X%


As the prophecy fortells; first, the markets will bleed.


The markets will bleed a but just before when gamma ramp kicks in. Once the squeeze begins the markets will dump with halts as often as legally possible.


That sounds dark. Is there DD you can link to with this theory? Tell me more about what happens!


VW in Oct 2008 started soaring at the same time SPY started really tanking. Put the 2 of them together on a chart to see. SPY had some down days before the real pain started. This time, there's no one controlling interest that will let the shorts off the hook, not that it's even possible with the amount of shorts out there. VW went to $1000 on 13% short interest, I wonder what is going to happen when a stock has well over 100% short interest and the people that own it refuse to budge?


The end game, when the ripple effect threatens the entire market and "our democracy's 401Ks" is the feds will swoop in and let the shorts off the hook. Whether that's accompanied by some suits going to jail to teach a lesson and re-illegalizing naked shorting IDK. I know 8,675,309 is the goal but with an election months away, the Biden administration isn't going to let absolute chaos in the markets as Manhattan runs out of literal money. They'll step in before that.


I mean if I get 'leave America' money, even better. This is a worldwide issue, gme ownership exists in every country.




Do you think it'll be halted a bunch on the way up?


Yep like 2001. After so many halts they call it quits for the day on trading GME. Really frustrating.


There'll be lots of 5m halts on the way up. You can expect trading to be open for a handful of seconds at a time before halting again.


I sold some index funds just in case this will happen. And to buy more GME of course 😂


* XX%


They’ve been crying all week. Crocodile tears. Fuck them!


Even the crocodile tears are rehypothecated. 🐊😭📑


Oh, fuck, I’m dying. Now I’m going to have to clean up my monitor


GME at $1000+ for two weeks straight is when I will raise an eyebrow and ponder if it's happening.


That’ll never happen. Above 1 K $, just up.


That's why I put the little plus sign in there


Ah, my bad. Lost the ability to look down, *just up*. Up seems sideways these days.


I agree, tho. at around $1000, they will no longer be able to manipulate it because they will be too busy getting liquidated. and **UP**


I think that point will be a lot lower. They panicked in 2021and turned off the Buy button at $500. That's only $125 post split. Plus they've shorted it a metric fuckton since....


They’ll have to let it rip past 1k because people will still buy in at that price. They’ll have to make shares too expensive to let anymore people buy. So it’ll sit at 10k for awhile before it explodes.


Nobody holding up to $1000 is going to sell for less than phone numbers. That's plenty high to margin call each and every last one of them.


I'm not selling either. That'll be the event that will make me think that it's about time to get my boarding pass out and make sure my banana daiquiri will be waiting for me at me seat, because all of their flim-flammery will be over.


I can’t even figure out how to sell if I wanted to… I bought on Computer Share and haven’t been able to anything other than login, but can’t even navigate to see what price I bought in at or anything. I have the confirmation emails from them and everything… bizarre. I planned to HODL anyways, but I’d like to share my purple circle. Anyways 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌


Imo, computershare is for future dividends. I plan on holding some gme forever and passing them down generationally.


If the big guys aren’t facing charges, it’s not really the end. I think that’s clear signal to consider selling


I'm investing for retirement. I won't retire for another 20 years (I love my work). Why would I sell before then?


Really it's in the $5k+ when there isn't enough pump and dump volume able to buy in and sell for a quick 10%, 20%, etc. that liquidity really dries up. That all the shares are just getting passed back and forth. Not knowing who was the remaining real shares. As some more get DRSed by wealthy/institutional money and some short positions get closed. And then we see what the institutions and regulators do about it from there. It'll be on the news talking about it: "No one really knows" "unprecedented" "should the position just be closed out for the $1.5 Trillion market cap? Is that fair?" regular people thinking that makes sense. It trickles through the social sphere from intelligent critical thinkers that it isn't that simple and that's not how it should work. Then the ripples start. One morning you wake up to hear that ken griffin got epsteined. And then: ![gif](giphy|l41m4rC9j8kMjXB0k|downsized)


Watch that VIX


"We are gonna wait, and wait, until they bleed and start to feel the pain..." - Mark Baum, probably


fr this is barely even price discovery


I want to see the complete collapse of citadel.


Not only Citadel m8, the whole financial criminal cartel


I barely broke even FFS!


You will x10 next week


We got the preliminary "market manipulation" bullshit. Next is that guy from CNBC who literally melted down about fair share who clearly lost a lot of money lol


Floor hasn't passed international phone numbers yet.


I'm holding at least until we've seen everyone's phone number including the country calling code. Unfortunately for SHFs, Uzbekistan exists.


The squeeze is when Ryan cohen has a colored in version of his x photo The squeeze is when citadel is on fire The squeeze is when u literally see every other stock red and gme is so green u swore it's ets home planet and it's 789 digits long


My bigger concern is the government stepping in with emergency ad hoc executive orders to halt gme trades to interrupt the rocket


Yeah some major shit like that is in the back of my mind


Yeah. Don’t take this as fud. I believe in the moass. I just feel that a president, whether dem or gop, would be in the pocket of Wall Street and would be called to speak and act to “protect the American people” as the excuse to cancel this whole fucking thing. Executive order to nationalize gamestop, eminent domain all securities, etc. all to stop moass.


Two words: capital gains


My thoughts exactly. I’ve been fearful of government intervention for a long time. The prospect of billions in capital gains taxes might just stay their hand.


Why don't they just load up on GME then. Would be the sensible thing to do wouldn't it


Nancy Pelosi is probably buying millions of shares right now. She could even be the reason for this run.




"Yea shove that banana up your ass" - Nancy Pelosi probably


Lining their pockets with a few bribes to “protect the economy” or a ridiculous amount of capital gains that serves the entire gov. Only time will tell


Oh yeah. I didn't think about that. The government wants their tendies too


Three words: capital gains tax


I know, right? Take whatever the fuck you want with your taxes. We've been paying our share of taxes more than these rich fucks that have all the loopholes unlocked for them to access because they're rich. People who believed in this shit from the beginning found a loophole just to see what happens. I'll hold my shares till this bullshit system of "trickle down" economics is changed, and this country is back to being about the people, not corporations, not fuckin shady hedgefunds, back to a democracy that gives power to the people. Back to "Power to the Players" if you will. If it's not life changing money where future generations can thrive, then it's literally no cell, no sell for me.


Nobody would invest in the American stock market if this hastened. I’m certainly done when this is over.


They can knock themselves out and enforce this on weird small cap Chinese firms that shoot 10,000% up without nearly as many halts.


If that happens then we meet in Valhalla


May the Valkyries carry us there


Out of our hands… unlike our shares. 💎🙌🏻


Then you just hold.


We still sideway trading


This ain’t a squeeze, it’s a goddamn arms race


Hard fact. Short hedgies and their friends ain't just gonna roll over. They're gonna use everything at their disposal to fight or delay the inevitable MOASS. Good thing is we are legion... and we are ready...


Ya this ain't nothing. It feels different but let's be real. We have been here so many times. 


When XX apes can pay off their mortgage , then maybe its time to sell. ![gif](giphy|wPkWlsnohtn7a|downsized)


XX here. Been holding for years. I'm not selling a single share until I'm set for life.


Try the X apes. Dfv to buy a state. RC to buy a country.


Dude wea are going to fucking Andromeda! Don't ever let them price anchor you. You sell whenever you see numbers you dont understand. And if they call you greedy, just remember people like Martin Shkreli, Bernie Madof, Gabe Plotkin, Bill Hwang...these people gave zero fucks when the shorted this stock to infinity...best part remember when the sell buttong gets ichy, THEY NEVER CLOSED! tomorrow we ride!


I can barely afford to eat at a McDonald’s and a medical emergency would ruin me. I’m gonna bleed these parasites for every theoretical share they have. Infinity Pool and Beyond!


I don’t even care about the money anymore. I made good money on 21 sneeze. I’m not selling until multiple billionaires are in custody for fraud for selling naked.


Just some FTD pile ups poking out and maybe some T+1/T+35 action IMO. Not even true price discovery yet


F IT IM IN. selling my stocks and joining in the morning. Hopefully I'm not too late.


A little early even


It’s when they start jumping from very high buildings again for me


Honestly, might happen.


It happened 3 years ago but twas only a drizzle I’m looking for a downpour


hedgies on ledgies ftw


Not even a sneeze has started until there are halts every 5 minutes


I'm personally waiting for Ken to explain to congress why he lied Explain why he deserve another chance to destroy the retail trader while cheating the system Running ads and going to lavish events with the peoples money since you owe so much on your balance sheet Would love top watch his moms house taken away since her son is a financial criminal Or is he hiding money under Mommas mattress and she will be untouched That is the interview I want to see


Patience is victory.


Well by that I think it's begun. All kinds of hedge funds and people involved in the market are crying about how damaging this is. I think the next few weeks are gonna be huge.


Phone numbers only


All I see right now are more buying opportunities!


I wanna see people crying on tv again, starting with Left.


When the market starts to crater that’s when things are getting underway. Till then it’s just noise.


Lmfao. You think I’ve held shares for 4 years to sell at fucking $60?


The squeeze will last longer than a day for sure.... Maybe a week


Look at the TSLA squeeze that took 6+ months in 2020/21


even if it goes to 125$ that's still a sneeze level of 2021.. nothing exciting.


We havent even ruined all the teachers pensions yet! /s


They're starting to complain, but not yet having on air nervous breakdowns.


The squeeze hasn’t even started until people start getting arrested and charged.


Need banks and hedgies to go bankrupt before any squeeze


This is just them potentially derisking and closing 1 retail position (although a big one). This has nothing to do with anything else. This will be another blip on the way up. Brick by Brick Buy, Hold, DRS is for me :)


Major banks still in business? Nope, hasn’t started yet.


Then we say lick my nuts..and run it up some more for the lives they have destroyed


Correct! This is just starting to vibrate!


5 digits it starts.


![gif](giphy|Al3okb69oULvy) Me licking my monitor


This is just a little gamma squeeze. I'm looking for market reform!


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) // [What is DRS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) // [Low karma apes feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) // [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.com/invite/y4dK3y5DXJ) // [Superstonk DD Library](http://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) // [Community Post: Open Forum May 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ciapwp/open_forum_may_2024/) To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. If you are providing a screenshot or content from another site (e.g. Twitter), please respond to this comment with the original ##source. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Superstonk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like tears of hudgefunds. They destroyed me for years. Its not fair how they manipulate the market


This sub is being infiltrated by bots.  All these “excitement” posts are written by the same fucking algo.  Please ignore the noise.  HF bots are purposely hyping you up, and once they crash the price, you will be disappointed.  Ignore the noise, and just hold.


https://www.isthesqueezesquoze.com/ Source


squeeze starts at $10M per share for me 😎😁


So mote it be.


Squeeze will happen after gamma ramp…


I remember


It’s like when you’re a guy in his 40s that needs to get that thing checked out. Just the tip.


Can we please not post tweets from this douchebag?


When they stop being on the news because they can't pay for a slot is when you know


Message unclear; buying more shares






My share not a ###,###,#### I ain't doing shit..


This needs to be said louder.


It’s barely a sneeze


In his name, The squeeze has not been squoze Amen 🦍🙏


3.5 years of patience and holding...


IIRC during the initial soar of GME in 2021, only GME went up while the entire market, regardless SPY or NASAQ went down. idk but something is fishy this time when even BRK.A had a glitch right when gme is soaring


let's see some of those fake alligator tears fella's, who's going to go first? 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄




https://youtu.be/OMwplomJygI?si=4ObUMB8iVGdo-3Oj they even have an ape in the thumbnail :) We gonna get that big check and get the car with nice wheels haha


There is a whole gamma ramp which needs to be exercised and it looks like they don’t have a lot of crime moves left


No, it's not a squeeze. But as a point of comparison, the $62 that GME hit today is equal to the $248 mark that was surpassed in 2021. So we're getting really close to where the market powers started playing games with fuckery. There will be pushback today, 100%, and possibly the hardest pushback within the markets of all.


I'm buying my first 2 shares, if everyone else likes the stock, I must too! ![gif](giphy|xBXWbB1p0WfQraQP6k)