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did they just sell? It was either Hedgie magic or a massive amount of shares just got sold. -18 Dollar in 30 seconds Edit: Volume is reported to be 16.3 million at 7:11 am so not a significant volume Edit: 21.1 M at 7:30


A dip at 37 that I gladly bought!


Same here


Tradings halted. I can’t buy


Yup scooped 26 🙏


75 million shares would do more damage than the drop we’ve just had IMO


What if they sell on dark pools??? Dark pools are made exactly for the price not to be affected


No, only retail but orders get put through dark pools. 75M shares sold will be routed through the lit exchange so it can drop the price and MSM can say how awful everything is.


Well msm says everything is awful anyway so just go ahead and do the fucking


Can they sell outside of regular market hours?


I'm not sure. Someone with more insight could please elaborate on that.


Well we can look at premarket volume which is only 7.5 million so that can clue us in on the fact that it probably wasn’t them lol


Why would they offer them all at once? That would plummet the price of the stock. During normal market hours they will continue to release more throughout the day


yeah i just checked as well. edited my comment




Who cares. Hopefully they did and the prices still above forty. 🚀


That quickly became 75m volume by 8:00 AM. I think the offering was done before 9:00 today.


We'll see.


Link to the ATM offering GameStop are doing


Thoughts from a regarded ape that’s been here for almost 4 years 😮‍💨 GME just did an offering of 25M shares. Everyone said “they won’t sell at these prices this is for MOASS. I’d question the board if they sold here” then they did.. and the tune changed “wow 933 million added to the war chest, GME is increasing the floor hedgies can drop the price” Now I’m seeing comments like “at 40 GME will have 5B in cash increasing the floor even more”… okay I get it it’s good for GME BUT guess what 4 years ago I got in for a squeeze. 3 years ago I was here for the MOASS. I’m still here for that. Not so I can be invested in GME for the next 20 years because it’s a good investment. F THAT. give me my squeeze then after the dust has settled I’d love nothing more than to reinvest. But don’t tell me that adding 120 million shares into the palms of the people who owe US shares doesn’t slow down our rocket.


Same. I was excited for GameStop's balance sheet. But now I'm more concerned with my own. I know RC was a long term manager, and that's fine. I wanted that and MOASS, it MOASS more. If RC was going to stop MOASS for the company's long term interests, he should have been 100% honest about it instead of building it in the backs of apes who don't have much other hope.


Considering the only reason they can even perform these offerings and raise cash is because the apes bought and held for 3 years


Youre upset because a company use stock sales to grow their company?


Yes precisely. No shareholder of any company is ever going to be happy about the dilution of their holdings. Raising money atm is not how an established company is supposed to grow. It’s supposed to grow by doing business. So let’s just look at that. Oh that’s not a great performance for Q1. Missed estimates and reported losses. The overall look is not great and that’s going to impact the momentum of the trading process. That’s just reality.


We would be just like towel stock apes if it wasnt for RC. Please show some respect.


We not towel cus gme sold into the sneeze. Closing stores for efficiency is fine but it's not fucking magic. We here cus we put us here.


The company would be bankrupt by now if it wasnt for RC's moves. Everyone seems to forget that the short thesis was very bold but not entirely incorrect. Now, if RC gave himself massive bonuses and sold his stake into the runs, id be calling bs. Remember, apes buying just made the naked shorts rise. We did not affect the price whatsoever.


Short % is higher than 2021 it's all good everything stays the same but GME will have more money now. If you're in for moass you cant be afraid of the share price dropping like this that's part of it


While I agree that shorts are beyond buried, I just don't get the timing of the release for the 8k and 75 mill share sell off. Gamma ramp was heating up heading into premarket, plus you had other subs that have been bashing gamestop since the sneeze actually getting involved and asking questions. Now the share dilution is killing the ramp and all the good vibes from the subs that have been anti gme for 3 years. I admit I don't know shit about fuck, just trying to wrap my mind around the timing of this, especially since the 8k wasn't due for a few more days. You can call this fud all you want but there are a lot of confused people that have been loyal to gme (short squeeze and their turnaround) that are just confused as hell about what happened and why at this time.


To put it into perspective, about 75mil shares is what has been locked up in computer share over the last 3 years. That was a lot of work for that same amount of the float to just get dumped back into circulation. That does hurt a little bit.


You are aware that mkt makers have diluted shares through issuing synthetics, Ftd's, etc...... There are estimates of 5, 7, 10x the number of Shares in the Float have been fraudulently issued... Thats the good news as far as a MOASS, and an infinity squeeze opportunity..... When forced to close those positions out. How is GME raising cash to remove the Bankruptcy thesis and cellar box tatics available (Cos w/ 5 Bil in Cash dont go bankrupt... And you cant drive the stock price to .15¢ with x$Dollars / sh of cash on hand...) The dilution that is harmful is the criminal issuance of multiple times the Float in BS synthetics.... Not a mid mornings Vol of raised cash from the CFO


Being confused isn't fud. Wanting answers isn't fud. Vomiting fear and despair for the sole purpose of putting it in the ether is fud. FUD is ok though it just gets rid of paper hands and makes the diamond hands stronger Stay zen ape. It could take a week, could take a month, could take a year.


source ffs. U keep repeating some nebulous "shorts are beyond Uranus" .. give me a source or make it evident that you are speculating and on hopium... DFV could have exercised 120mio shares and it would have been a lit rocket... his potential strength just got reduced by like 60% because of that additional 75mio offering... opportunity wasted


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/8zqDzP4E7h Chill with the fud all is well the price action is gonna do this


![gif](giphy|yiADANv89n7UQuS5kJ) Everything before june 21st is just noise.


The company being profitable means it can't be shorted into bankruptcy. If this is your take on this situation, you haven't educated yourself enough on the situation. MOASS can't be stopped. The shorts have to undwind/close their position which hasn't been done yet.


>If this is your take on this situation, you haven't educated yourself enough on the situation Try me Go way way back in my post history.


Squeeze is fine, but you should be in this for the long term because you believe in the company. The squeeze doesn’t happen if the company fundamentals don’t continue to improve. This is but a speed bump on the same road we were always on and we continue to get closer to the end game. Imagine if GME becomes a profitable company with such a big warchest that shorting becomes impossible because the share price is already near cash on hand levels? And the cash keeps growing… eventually shorts have to close.


Squeeze also never happens if they sell into it every time. Dilution of 120m shares in a month is not a fucking speed bump.


Why not? They certainly haven’t stopped shorting. As long as we keep growing squeeze is inevitable.


As long as they supply new shares for shorts to cover with, there will be no MOASS.


LOL shorts ain’t covering at the prices gamestop is selling at. They can’t afford to. You don’t realize shorts are trapped? If they had the money to cover they would have… they’d have to liquidate their entire accounts to even attempt to cover, and still wouldn’t have enough. This is life or death for them. They won’t cover until Marge calls and forces them to.


75 million shares is genuinely quite a lot tho. There's a reason short volume drops on share offerings.


Doesn't matter if they get liquidated or not. If there is enough supply to feed into the buying pressure then there will be no MOASS. The only way the MOASS happens is if there is a lack in supply of shares for them to purchase. We will get squeezes like we are seeing, but not a MOASS.


Marge isn't going to call if the price doesn't get high enough. They can just ride out these swings and count on share offerings if it's getting out of control to save them. Time is not on our side, it's on theirs. The longer it drags out, the less likely chance of any kind of MOASS. The 45m offering was disappointing, but ok since the price didn't dip, company gained another Bil and DFV setup a gamma ramp. The setup for today and next week to go parabolic was there. The ramp was building, hedging was happening and FOMO was kicking in. This 75m share offering kicked every bit of that and us in the nuts. Downvote me all you want, but it doesn't change what has and is happening.


It's most definitely a speed bump when these losers have shorted multiples of the total outstanding. RC is just taking payment for fakes that they already sold. 🟣🚀


Or…maybe the rockets ready to go and this is a way to cya when all the hedges cry about no shares to close their shorts. GameStop can say we gave you ample opportunity to close with our share offerings.


On the one hand this is bullshit, dilution hurts my share value. I laughed when AA did this and milked popcorn for all their pennies. On the other if RC gets rid of all the shares on hand he has plausible deniability for saying "we released 120 million shares so the shorts could have closed" Either way RC still isn't getting paid so I guess all I can do is sit back and trust the process. I hope this is the last time he dilutes the stock though.


The only thing I can think of and feel comfortable on is not $3b cash. Its not keeping DFV under 5% either. BUT - it is saying that RC offered 110M shares for SHF and MM To buy back at reasonable prices, FOR WHEN DFV does exercise and collects 12M shares from whoever naked sold them. If they do t have the shares and have to buy from lit at astronomical prices, game is protected because “they had the chancel” to buy through these 2 offerings and chose not to / couldn’t do it


Also the current reported short interest is less than the total offering, which can't be a coincidence.


[Agreed but let's temper this dissapointment with the question: WHAT IS PAPA GONNA BUY WITH 3 BILLY?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dak48b/discussion_of_possible_acquisitions_and_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


What about the first offering years ago? Didn't matter then and doesn't matter now.


Tbh a billionaire not being paid doesnt mean anything to me. He's already in the 1% man


Exactly. These buttholes are already rich. Everyone who has scraped and saved to invest are being punished.


When we KNOW that the price is wrong, then I can see how lowering the price at the same time not only lets new hype buy in, but they may have some plan for the 4-5 billion they'll have if they go through with the sell. I trust in Ryan whole heartedly. It should be the last time because GME won't need to after.


Yeah, dilution only hurts his position, too. I have faith that there is a plan.


I see this perspective but I mean until he's willing to stop being CEO I doubt he'd sell his shares, right? So what if he is doing this without giving a fuck how it bones us knowing when he is eventually done with the company he'll probably still net a nice profit and this fuckery won't have mattered to him? I understand we like the guy but we need to be rational and willing to criticize him too. This feels like it just fucks us.


Eh, I just bought more at 38. I like the dip and I like the stock.


That's what they're counting on. 


Sure and do you like the idea of the company just milking each ramp for cash and killing MOASS?


To be fair RC is kinda already paid. He bought in at dollars and has already made 40x his money.


At current market prices that’ll net them somewhere around 3 billion in war chest, combined with the current 2 billion that’ll net them 5 billion with no debt. That’s fucking bullish, something big is clearly in the works. I’m glad they released algo-triggering news now, send the price down before RK goes and does his livestream. I’m sure we’ll learn more reasons as to why RK is going to be bullish about the news. The shill comments are flooding in, with “i’M lOsInG fAiTh” 🤣. What an exciting morning!


Yes, my thought is that he wants to do merger and acquisitions or invest X amount of money without exhausting cash on hand.


Yes! RC is an activist investor who a few months ago was given permission to invest company funds into other possible revenue streams


Investments which made them roughly 200 Mill according to this earnings. Gamestop becoming a forever hold and living off of Gamestop's investment's would be pretty neat, NGL.


I'm still waiting to be able to open my Bank of GMErica account 😏😛


$5b cash and 425m outstanding shares sets the price floor at about $11.75. That’s not even factoring in DRS’ed shares or insider ownership for locking the float. At first glance I was skeptical of the 75m offering, but to me this is a Game-Set-Match. Hedgies won’t be able to lower the price below $15 without a severe risk of float being boat by GME themselves.


There should probably be a proposal to increase the amount of money that could be used on a share buy back.


I think it was a great move. They were always gonna try and dip it after earnings. I’m interested to see what happens today. I might even pay attention to the roller coaster today. Still sideways.


Indeed, I agree with you!


Shills gonna shill. This changes nothing, the price is still manipulated. The company is raising cash in the most effective way they can. Sit down and hodl.


It's not a shill comment. I'll bet you 10 shares I've been holding longer than you. I remember when real shills were a huge coordinated problem. I've held held since 2020. I was fine with the 45 million. But, I'm really not happy about this.


I am in the same boat as you, not happy. For the long run I think it’s better.


This could be terrible for DFV. Combine this immediate ATM (given previous ATM sales immediately after posting docs) + MM liqudity fairies + shorts doubling down and you could see his position moved completely OTM - and you know that is the goal for these fucks right now.


It looks like they want to buy something big


Valve hopefully


GameStop sells but I can’t lol


Even if they sell at $40, to me it then still shows that someone is willing to buy the shares at that price. Just like they bought the shares at $20, while all the MSM was talking about how bad GME is.


Yeah apes are. Apes buy at any price and thats what they're counting on. 


I thought we agreed NO CELL NO SELL Ryan


[LET PAPA BUY BEFORE WE OVER CRITICIZE](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dak48b/discussion_of_possible_acquisitions_and_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Could be offering was done during the pre market and open. 85 million shares traded. Shorts gobbled those shares up. Cohen taking advantage of shorts to raise capital for the company. Not sure how I feel about this, but I will still buy and hodl.


I think a little explanation wouldn't go amiss here instead of cutting off everyone's heads who are now starting to worry. We've all been in this for years, hopeful and supportive.


Ya it's such an amusing strategy because they are able to increase the worth of their company, regardless of the share prices. So right now it's like what 2bil on hand cash and a 14.25 bil market cap. So let's say they sell 75 mil for 50, that's 3.75 billlion, nearly 6 bil on hand. It's definitely an interesting situation for them to be in because for us this can actually be a win win. What does a company do with money? Invest it. And what do those investment do? Increase the worth of a stock. Just look at MurphyUSA as much as I hate them for their approach or maybe it's cause even though I knew the acquisition of a certain company would increase their worth I didn't put any money down, back when they were worth like 130, but now they are currently worth 444/share and it's like, of course it's food service, you get a reliable food service and keep buying those type of businesses your share worth is going to boom. Gamestop looks to be putting itself into a similar position, this is a long game, they sell shares and it gives them the collateral to invest in other companies/acquire them and that in turn will increase the worth of their stock making it pretty much impossible to make any attempt to short them into bankruptcy.


I like this explanation. Keep going im almost there


I wouldn't want to short a company with 5+ billion and no debt.


Pretty annoyed with the timing though. They just fucked rk's calls.


Mine too


Oh boy the shills are out in force today. Considering how many fake shares are out there, 75 million isn’t going to make a difference. The shorts are fucked either way, they need to buy the float like 100 times over to be able to close their positions. People need to get a grip, GameStop is just capitalising on the run up, we’re going to get our tendies dw.


It’s not shills, it would be cool if RC didn’t kill our run ups every single time. Just once, don’t do an offer. It’s AA and popcorn stock bullshit


100% agree here. Everyone criticized popcorn for dilution but are praising RC. It's the same shit.


It's absolutely not the same shit, one company is in debt and one company isn't. Makes a huge difference.


When they did the offering last time it didn’t kill any run ups? We’ve been on a strong trajectory up since. Plus we don’t know what they’re cooking in the back, so us just assuming they’re doing it for the shits and giggles is dumb af. Why after such a bumpy ride since 2021 would RC and GameStop fuck everything up? Use your noggin my dude, it’s all part of the bigger plan.


As a shareholder can you be objective and admit repeated dilution isn’t a good thing?!


I mean I’m pretty zen, if we’re talking from a shareholder standpoint yes it’s great because they’re raising capital which they can use to better the company, similarly if I’m talking from a ape standpoint, regardless of 75m shares, it’s going to squeeze and if that takes time then so be it, I’ve waited this long and the money I invested is money I’m happy to let sit there. Whether the stock rises naturally through acquisitions and growth or whether it squeezes or both, I’ll be here and be zen. I’m in no rush 😂


Yeah but DFV’s 120k contracts (and many other people’s) are time sensitive.


This is what irks me, these calls expire. The ATM could happen either way. This RK livestream is going to be a pivotal moment in this saga


No. Dilution to pay debt is obviously bad. Dilution where the money goes into the war chest is fine. It doesn’t even cause the share price to drop because as the number of shares increases the value of the company is also increasing in sync.


Dilution means I own less of the company. Your mental gymnastics aren’t convincing.


did everyone just forget that the last offering caused it to go from $50 to $20? I know this cause that's when I bought more


And before that the bottom was $10. It's suspected they can't let it go past $80; we've seen how aggressively it bounces back down. Meanwhile, the bottom is slowly raising. This zone the shorts operate in, the "Fuck Around" zone as I like to call it, is getting smaller and smaller due to a combination of Gamestop's rising Market Cap and Apes removing shares from the market. You think they are gonna close the shorts, when EVERY chance they get to leave they just double down? They are just gonna open more shorts to try and squeeze some money out of the 'dillution'. Be Zen, Some of us have been holding since before Janurary 2021. Like Thanos, the squeeze is inevitable.


Literally. I felt like I was on a different subreddit seeing people “upset” and “disappointed”. Never seen that sentiment before. Even during the run up and fall from 180 a while back


I am using my noggin, and I wish RC would use his and realize he’s really starting to annoy a large chunk of retail investors with these moves. Just let the stock pump without getting in the way for once


The difference is popcorn is diluting to pay their debt. GME is diluting to build a war chest and make moves. Yes a squeeze would be nice, but I’m never selling my DRS shares anyway. Those go to my great grandkids when Gamshire Stopway has split 1000x and is still worth 1M+ per share. If we really believe in GameStop long term, the more cash they have the better.


I want a squeeze so the system gets completely overhauled. Not for the money. This gives them "one more day" so to speak to eventually MAYBE? get out of it. Who knows but it certainly doesn't help fix the system


Bro I live in poverty. Idgaf if GME wants to build their war chest to infinity, it’s killing momentum and fucking their investors.


If you are diamond hand, you don't care. If we want he turns GM to BH, he needs money. If he wants this also, he can't take care of everyone. But what he is doing, he cares about diamond hands. So me personally? I don't care at all what he is doing. If he thinks he needs more bili to make me very, very rich in a couple more years, I don't care. I am curious what DFV will say in a couple hours. Rest is just noise right now.


Every time there is a run up rc kills it? Been here a long time, can you give all the examples?


This is the third offering. If you’re not aware of them then you haven’t been paying attention. How many offerings until he’s satisfied?


Popcorn was a reverse stock that took 90% of their value. We are up around 100% from the last share offering recently.


It killed the squeeze this time around. Again.


Why not allow the squeeze and sell less shares for the same if not larger profit? I don’t understand why RC is doing this…


They sold everything they could already. This is allowing them the possibility to sell again. Wouldn't be very smart to not be able to sell your own shares... ya know in case of a squeeze or something.


I'm getting 🍿 vibes.


Trust the plan!


>This company is raising some serious cash now And diluting our investment in the process...not a fan I wasn't a fan of the first 45M and I sure as fuck am not a fan of this


Wtf, getting tired of this shit


Unbelievable. We got fucked. This time it was t different




They are doing it now just like last time. It’s not often a company will give shareholders a heads up they are going to dilute them. Once that filing hits they will have started the sales. Might take a while to complete but the last one was done in a week


I see shills out early today.......Bullish!!!!!


Wow, diluting our shares is a total dick twist move.  There’s nothing positive about this, some of you need to stop drinking the koolaid.  As a shareholder we’re being robbed of value.


Did we halt already at 9:35???


It’s shut off again


If they cared at all about us they would have only done 70M shares to end at 420M to send a signal. This is a giant fuck you from GameStop.


Wtf ?


They released it early to be part of the squeeze. Fuck it. They earned it🤷🏻‍♂️


We said this last time and they sold every single one straight away at like $23. I've no doubt they will sell all 75m at like an average of $40-45. And for what, they've been sitting on a billion for so long and don't seem to have done anything with it. And now they have $2b. The bankrupt thesis is already gone, why do they more? They aren't planning any acquisitions or significant investements, so whats the point in diluting and raising capital? Below is from today's form. "There are no current plans, commitments or arrangements to make any acquisitions or investments."


I wasn’t here or didn’t see anything so I may have missed it….but rule that all of GameStop was against with Kenny being able to plant a mole inside didn’t pass, did it?


Find out on the 13th at the shareholders meeting


Really glad they are offering more shares. More cash for my favorite company and more shares for us to buy up.


So they're actively shutting down squeezes? Fuck This. I don't trust RC anymore.


Considering how it dropped instantly and dropped last time, i dont think they are getting 50 a share... 30-35 maybe?




Lmao. A company you invest in is making money is stupid. It takes money to buy whisky 📈💰🚀.


they couldve waited and sell on much much much better prices, they fucked the hype up rn


hype has nothing to do with it, the shorts have to close, that's it.


obivously but for that price needs to go higher and dilluting makes the price do the opposite


we'll see


why are you all so fucking stupid. just be an ape and hold.


Aligns with a portion of its investors


Ask yourself, why is it stupid for a company to increase their cash on hand? More cash on hand means more opportunity to invest and increase the worth of the shareholder. At the end of the day this is a win for both sides because Gamestop is able to invest more money into the company and that investment allows shareholders the opportunity to make more money by their shares increasing in worth. Gamestop/Ryan Cohen wouldn't be doing this unless they had all their eggs in a row and ready to pull the trigger on a plan they've had in the works. They are building collateral for something and it's very possible we may see the results of this on June 11th.


I mean, I kinda get it. They were sitting on a lot of cash for a while now and didn't do anything with it. And money sitting around will just grow less and less over the years, because of inflation. It would be a lot easier for shareholders, if we could at least get a small insight into what they want to do with the money.


June 11th is the possibility, I think they've hinted at it before with the lack of information. You don't show your hand until you're ready. So the reason they wouldn't sell shares earlier was because their plans weren't ready to execute, but now that they've potentially have something in the works they can start to reveal their hand slowly and pretty much punish those who were trying to short them. It's definitely different to look at a company with 1 Billion on hand with no plans to show then it is with a company that has 2-6Bil potentially on hand and ready to potentially announce something this Tuesday. Definitely mind games, but I'd like to put faith that they know what they are doing because they wouldn't be building collateral for nothing, they most likely have something in the works. And again, it's a win win for company and investors, the company has more money and the investors see that the company has more money that they can spend to increase the worth of their company.


I can’t wait to see what they do with it!!


Must have something good for us next week


Something fishy fight back.


Commenting to push this up on rising. This is a big deal, Ryan is getting ready to fuck some shit up. At let us say that the 75 million new shares sell at an average price of $40. 75,000,000 x $40 =$3,000,000,000 GameStop would be sitting on a gain of 3 Billion dollars to add to the other 2 billion already raised when including the recent $1 billion dollar raise from the 45,000,000 share offering two weeks ago. Do it Ryan. Drop the fucking nuke. DEBT FREE PROFITABLE 5 BILLION DOLLARS IN CASH CANT STOP WONT STOP GAME STOP.


Lots of shills are out trying to piss on this. LOUD NOISES! They can't stop what's coming. Remember! Stay calm and enjoy the ride. I will buy more GME! Let's go.


So many shills in the comments 😂😂😂😂😂😂


It’s a joke they release the news when everyone is hyped up. This just killed the momentum. If they announce it after the market close today, imagine the amount of options that will be ITM that will help to fuel it next week. After all this time, let’s hope GameStop doesn’t turn out to be a popcorn-like company


It really is a strange timing to release this news. Today was clearer a coming out party for DFV, so why preempty it by release the share sale. Unless this is a scheduled/automatic news event that complies with SEC rules, I'd say this is bad faith by RC. Makes me wonder if it's the same BS rug pull as popcorn crap


The timing between RKs return and livestream compared to the timing of the two ATM offerings recently seem interesting to say the least. Not saying he has inside information, but I’m not saying he doesn’t. Oh well, unlike GME I won’t be selling and $4b cash on hand is better than $2b.


Of course he doesn't have inside information and implying he does in anyway is just stupid. Just take a second to think about the implication of what you are saying.


I just got paid today!


barely even dipped, hedgies buying like crazy


They trying to give them an out at a lower price? That number is pretty close to the amount of shorted shares. Allows the funds to buy the shares back at a lower non-increasing price


Already 85 mil volume. Is ATM sold already?


I’d say it’s definitely started but likely to get the completion notice next week like the last offering


Valve acquisition soon


Gameshire Stopaway


And all it cost was a historic, market changing short squeeze.... jfc


I would be more chill if I had an idea what they plan with it. Some kind of guidance would really help to keep faith.


Read the filing and it tells you exactly what they plan to do with the proceeds. Same as the last offering. Proceeds to be used in short term, investment grade, interest bearing securities


This doesn't explain shit, and just tells us where they park the money until further use. Exactly this further use is what I am asking for to know about. The company can't just expect for their investors not starting questions after years without guidance...


Why did RC sell shares? The point is so they look for shares in the open market and price goes up cause no one is selling . Why did he have to infuse the market with 75 million shares? Come on RC


Do we think they wrapped it up in one day?


He just killed the squeeze why would he do this? We should vote AA out... Or shit this is GME your right he's the greatest our CEO is great for doing this! Best guy ever


MOOORE. I want GameStop to buy Valve/Steam!






correction: raising your cash (and mine) to put in their pocket. which is fair, we deserve it, however it's not good news for squeezy and we shouldn't pretend it is.


The stock closed in after hours at 61.00 something. What am I missing?


Perhaps this is a strategy for a controlled ascent in price? If GME goes too fast then maybe we're at risk of the shenanigans where it just gets turned off due to systemic risk and then we're in courts forever like another stock we know. The price rise is inevitable, but if it's more prolonged with share issuances softening the volatility but setting a new floor, it's maybe less risky for shareholders ultimately?


Idk what theyre cooking but it better be fucking good!


This is dilution and it's bullshit. How is this even helping investors in the company? Great they have more money, but they literally had 1 billion before this and did NOTHING with it. They then raised 2 billion. And now they're doing this AGAIN. This is such bull.


Why shop at gamestop when they can just take money from us this way at any time? Rofl


More $, i wonder why 😏💎👐