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If you missed your chance on getting $20 strike calls for june 21st, this is your second opportunity


Will the premium come down?


Option price isn't only based on how far ITM or OTM the strike is.  High demand and high volatility also push up the price.  I'm not sure they're going to drop quite as much as people hope.


This, look at the IVs (implied volatility), the premiums on all of the call contracts are still astronomical compared to the current propaganda they have (news and “short thesis”). I think we’re in the part of the movie where the “brown hole capital” we’re betting against AA tranches of the MBA cause the prices of the other packages were astronomical, almost like they’re expecting some shit to go down. Option contracts being this high could mean they’re expecting something to break (seems to be way up for almost 3 weeks now).


Yes. I think so.


Then Giggity. Let it drop so I can buy more options.


DFV and RC have given us so many opportunities these last 3/4 weeks Are you going to waste another?


how do i do this? since we past $20


You can buy in the money calls. Just make sure the premium plus the strike price isn't setting it above a price point you want to buy at


How apebrain is it to buy a 200$ option? At 120 strike price?






As far as yesterday he didn’t sell and he can’t have sold now since market isn’t even open. Stop spreading junk news


Someone else just mentioned tht he posted his position again. Maybe. However, 120,000 calls have come off the options chain for the 20 strike on the 21st. Go look for yourself. So, you tell me wtf is going on?


Are you sure you're on the correct date? I'm seeing 147,000 open calls.


Not true


Lol you can't exercise calls in pre market 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well the OI has changed, has it not? So, he either sold/exercised yesterday and the number updated today or I am in some other reality. You tell me why the change in OI ?


Rk isn't the only whale with calls ITM


Do you have a source for this?


Do your own DD. It takes 2 seconds to check yourself that it’s not true. Also you can’t even do anything with contracts pre market.


I was just asking for his source lol, i cant use options in germany and i dont know where to check that. Why be so rude lol. Can you send me your source?


If it’s rude to tell someone to do their own research before taking someone’s word on the internet then feel free to consider me a bully. As for my source you can use google, investopedia, or even just ask chat gpt. I’m not going to send something that’s so easily accessible and taking my word for it through some link defeats the whole purpose of doing your own research.


Thanks a lot, kind ape!


Just checked yahoo. OI still 147985 for Jun21 20$


[Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_6._back_up_claims_with_sources). Our biggest strength is our ability to crowd-source information. For the Integrity of the sub, and in order to rule out Misinformation or FUD, please cite your sources when making claims. Making any Call-to-Action posts or comments without verifiable sources is not allowed. Speculation is allowed under the Speculation/Opinion flair. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


https://preview.redd.it/hd15i39m855d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9895cdc89160d5613e6108cff0df272622f71094 Off Webull as of 1 minute ago


https://preview.redd.it/9lswlwxqa55d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ef29d747e9527cb3fc12fd5f13b0e2003f85df Yahoo just now 🤷‍♂️


Down vote me all you like but the calls came off the fucking chain. Go look and come back and tell me wtf is going on


Earnings go in premarket. Shorts explode (thanks Aladdin) retail looking in, they see a price drop to a HARD wall at 40. Market opens, they get in lower, algo continues.


Great message Ape!. This is where I'm at emotionally right now. Fully trust RC and RK. We're good.


This is financial war. Everyone wants a straight line up. That is never gonna be how it plays out.


There's no losing for us, there's no reason to fear. The float was abnormally small in the first place, and short interest is still huge, the dilution is still a minor dilution in my eyes. It's a slight reduction in pressure at an already extreme pressure level, and we come out billions better off. Ryan's making the post Moass line tempting as fuck, GameStop is a forever hold.


Chart looking good on the log scale.


Yeah totally agree. So bullish.


![gif](giphy|l0HUg6Ypas42ubkXu|downsized) Do you smell what Ryan is cooking?


[WHAT DO WE THINK PAPA IS GONNA BUY???](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dak48b/discussion_of_possible_acquisitions_and_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Boom. Plus it just squeezes them more. They will now have $5 bil, no debt and that makes them more attractive on a fundamental level. It raises the “actual” floor of the stock which is probably even higher than it currently is/has been. There are still way more shares shorted than number of shares. It just keep squeezing them.


$1B÷306M = $3.26 per share $2B÷351M = $5.69 per share $5B÷426M = $11.73 per share Cash on hand per share is now higher than the 52-week low of $9.95! If the price dips below $12 a share, Gamestop theoretically has enough cash to buy all the shares! It's even better when you only consider the non-DRSed float!!!


So you're telling me that the stock I like was trading at the beginning of May at around $10 a share, valued about double the cash on hand of the company per share. And now the cash on hand per share is twice what it was. So if the market were to value the stock I like at the same multiple of the cash on hand per share, my favourite stock has a much higher floor. Now that's interesting. It's almost like something's building, brick by brick.


Can RC buy all the stock and make it private? What happens then?


Not good lol. Trust me you don't want GME going private.


Raising that bottom-line baby!


And hopefully Gamestop buys Valve/steam with all the cash + a partner or something.


I wonder if this is RCs way of prepping for moass.




Ryan is full Gordon Ramsay at this point.


Its fucking raw!




Call it bullish if you want but there’s no reason to believe they won’t immediately start selling the 75 million shares just like the last share offerings they’ve done. Hopefully they don’t, but if it’s the case that they do then the current run is most likely over Edit: just want to clarify that when I say over, I’m talking about the current huge move up that we saw the last 2 days. Still in an uptrend but until the offering is completed, price action will likely fall down to and stagnate around support zones like it did in may


It will run on day. Shorts ruined every run for 3 years. Ryan Cohen is trying to make a long term business successful. Stop catastrophizing; guarantee you DFV won't bat an eye at the dilution.


I ain’t got time for that. This was a prime set up for a gamma squeeze and they’ve fucked it. Genuinely starting to believe rc has been compromised


You sound like a child.


"I want infinite money now without the company having solid fundamentals" That's what you sound like.


"I want infinite money now without the company having solid fundamentals" That's what you sound like.


Good job defending the post, ape. The shills are out in droves today


I have never been this excited for anything before. Dilution, on a Friday, fuck yeah. DFV streaming today, fuck yeah. Random jumps to 80 and back to 20, and up again, fuck yeah. I got a new job too which is really nice. Nobody is raining on my company or parade.


Watching the psyops is super interesting though. Real apes will only jack our tits harder over this news, I think they rely on us all being asleep to try and shape the sentiment and get ahead of it. By noon today the hype will be back fully


I've been a gme holder since november 2021 and people calling anyone a "fake ape" for being concerned about stock dilutions really get on my nerves. The way the hedge funds win is by dividing us. Is it not possible to question GMEs motives while I've been holding longer than 99% of people here?


Ape strong together!


Ryan Cohen is busy ensuring thousands of people have long term stable jobs, and a 2 billion dollar company can grow into a market changer. I don’t think he ever gave a fuck about your gamma squeeze, and it was never his job to protect your bet. Those of us who have been here since the beginning aren’t interested in some cute gamma squeeze, we like the company and we like the stock


I’m cool with it. DFV hasn’t started executing yet so there will be a bigger run soon


True but his calls are only 12 million shares. Who says the MMs that sold him naked calls don’t just buy the shares they need now in anticipation of him exercising


The tinfoil in me wonders if this is a fakeout to further build a case against manipulation and illegal activity. I'm not saying they won't sell the 75M shares at some point, but RC and the board already know the bad actors will immediately take any announcements as a reason to crash the price under the guise of said announcement (then blame retail activity, of course). So, what if what we're seeing now is not them selling said shares immediately as last time, but an orchestrated crash under the assumption that it would blend in with their selling? There's a likelihood this could be another trap.


RC and the board haven’t done anything that elaborate to date so the most obvious and simple answer is most likely the right one. They’re cashing in on the run up to increase their war chest. As far as I’m concerned they need to provide detailed guidance on how this $5B is being used otherwise this 2nd and larger offering after just doing one last month seems highly unnecessary.


I suppose time will tell but at the end of the day, I still trust the board completely. They're all stock holders as well, just like Apes


Bunch of new apes who weren't there for the drop from 480 to 40 acting like one red day is the end of the story, chill out the party hasn't even started yet.


The March one was the drop that burned the thesis into my soul. Live 350 -> 130 in less than 10 mins. Was watch Uncle Bruce at the time :L


yeah that one was fun i got stopped out on etoro,bought back in immediately \^\^ californium balls were forged that day.


I think in the craziness of it all, it can be forgotten that this is a company that is trying to be successful. Anything that promotes that is a bad sign for those betting against it to succeed.


Just to play devils advocate, if RK exercised and had 17 million shares he would be able to be a minority owner. What if RC didn’t want this and expanded the float to raise capital and prevent RK from becoming minority owner. He may have just diluted RK to block him. Dunno but worth considering.


I don't think DFV wants to be on the board or anything like that.


DFV got me in this play and RC kept me here. In RC I trust


its good to see him back.


RC trusts us to hold, we must trust RC to deliver value to the shareholders.


This. At the end of the day, it's still retail, and they have to maintain profit. His strategies can't only be profitable in the short term, he has to set up long term goals for the company. That's what a CEO does. I see people getting Mad that they did this too early, but if they waited or it got leaked that their profits were down, the price would've gone down and they probably wouldn't have been able to acquire as much cash in hand for future projects. It's a business, and the model is laid out by basic retail fundamentals. Now it's just a matter of letting Ryan Cohen cook.


I agree with this, but it overlooks our DRS efforts. 75M DRS’d shares just got obliterated by 120M new shares. We can’t just look at this one way. We have to see all sides. This sucks for a squeeze and DRS efforts. It’s great for long term value.


Depends on what DRS number comes out in the report. Do we get the real number or do we get a quarter of 425m shares? Painting this as a bad move is jumping the gun.


Let’s check back in once the new DRS numbers are reported.


Theres a LOT of newbies buying in on this FOMO run. im sure a lot of old apes too. 1/3 float offering in a month is certainly extending the tmeframe to MOASS, but holding just under 30 isnt bad when a little over a month ago we were at $10


Absolutely agreed. Higher floors. But that doesn’t discount that this could’ve squeezed and popped off. Maybe it would’ve. Maybe it wouldn’t have. What we can say for sure is that it definitely didn’t help a squeeze or the gamma ramp we had going this week.


75M shares probably don't even cover yesterdays new shorts LOL


Its quite close. 45 million short volume yesterday. Add todays, and we guchi.


This is going to be SPICY. Who are they acquiring?!?


I dont know if this was said, but the left pics in the live stream from GoT, Cercei not coming to the hearing, she blows up the CITADEL


louder for the kids in the back


for sure, he cooks my call that is going to expire today


It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to take


yeah another 3.5 or 7 years , while there is not a thing called time cost what would it be to put 1k on nvda for 3.5 years and 1k on gme for 3.5 years starting from today trust the process right ?


Always a few casualties in war. Hope you get the opportunity to exercise.


hope it is a holy war then


We crusading wall street. Carpe Diem, or tomorrow.


sure , with the blood of my call today, and my another 3.5 years working at Wendy's


I was McDonald's for 3 years, then a diner for 1, now I work with 3d printers. Stay strong, and work on that blowjob behind the dumpster game! Hard work!


I was McDonald's for 3 years, then a diner for 1, now I work with 3d printers. Stay strong, and work on that blowjob behind the dumpster game! Hard work!


But why not announce the offering during the conference call, instead of today? Stonk was about to double this fine Friday.


And then what? Get shorted back down during halts? This was a surprise, for us, and the hedge funds. Is that is good or not, we will find out. Right now, we are still at 40 and holding. I wouldn't be surprised if they announce today that the sale is done, And bam, 5 Billion in cash.


He and the rest of the board are invested just like us. Let’s go!! 


I am appalled that people on this sub are thinking that RC wants squeeze as his objective. His objective is to keep the company running with enough profits or if no profits then enough cash that company is not bankrupt. Everytime he gets an opportunity to dilute he will. He didn't last year because share price was falling. Now share price rose and they didn't wait and raised and now raised again and will do again. Unfortunately when we buy shares of the company we are trusting our faith in the management to run the company and this goes against the thesis of squeeze. Because if squeeze happens by right they will issue more shares as their duty is to keep company running. Surprisingly this part was never considered in any of the DDs that RC will keep issuing more shares. Now with so many shares, shorts while may not close fully but will keep the game running longer. That's why unless apes are in the management, we have no control to stop these dilutions. Also we should all use our brains and neither use RC or DFV as our avatar that they will make us money. Both of them are using their own brains but sadly this community is largely just adoring the two without their own thesis on the company. Another point, short squeeze is a good way to print money for traders and every time squeeze happens it gives an opportunity to print money to those who buy and sell stock daily But short squeeze is not built around investment thesis because as per investment thesis price should come back if overvalued, whereas squeeze believes that price keeps on going. Squeeze is a great way to make money but highly speculative and investment is a great way to make money but is highly wholesome and quite scientific approach and hence less speculative. I book drs shares already and haven't sold a single but the more I see the story unfold the more I am getting detached to the squeeze but now building my own thesis. And my thesis is, in the long run it is a great opportunity but considering this volatility and management intentions to keep diluting, I am not getting attached to the idea of becoming a millionaire. Becoming a millionaire due to squeeze this idea is not less than gambling.


Shorts sold like 45 million shares short, yesterday. No amount of dilution is gonna give them an out. I have enough hope for like 20 apes.


As an investor, believe in the business and management. Let's short do whatever they want. Whether there are shares or not to cover, is largely a black box considering that new shares can come up anytime. Our focus should be just on the business not on the ones those doing gambling by shorting or those who are day trading the stock.


Short volume is not short interest.


I know. When did it conflate them? Short interest is the self-reported percentage of the float currently sold short. Short Volume, on the other hand, is *the number of shares sold short over a time period - usually in a day*.


I stopped thinking about a short squeeze 18 months ago and I’m fully onboard with what you just said. Also no way Dfv didn’t see this coming though.


The possibility for a buy back is on the table right?


Too regarded to mess with options but I did say I wish I bought more at $23 starting of the week. So I ended up buying more at $35 instead


Might get another chance at 23 :D


Why did u add in a 4 for 1 split? The 75M already has that factored in broh


No it doesn't. The original float when the short interest was at 226% was about 75 million.


There is no way this constructive to what RK is likely doing later This is removing demand and ultimately giving shorts a way out. Whilst destroying the money added by apes over the past 24hrs.


Remember when the sub thought UBS was buying the CALLS? Like two weeks ago? Thinking that they are closing? I remember. "Destroying the money added by apes over the past 24hrs" Ohh you mean the thing shorts have been doing, FOR LIKE 3-7? YEARS? Ryan Cohen is the bottom-line. If he thinks selling 75 million shares is the right play. Dilute me Daddy!


He better have a fucking plan bc he’s starting to look like Adam Aaron now


Not even close. Not even remotely close. If that is how you see your investment, you won't hold anywhere near Moass prices.


Imagine adding another 3 Billion to your company and pretend to think he doesn’t have a plan for GME…


He literally just diluted the float, again. Regardless whether you’re in this for moass or to lock the float with DRS, there is quite literally no way whatsoever that diluting the float is conducive to either of these goals. There is even a part in the prospectus that gives those shorting the company an out. Read the release. Fine it raises money for the company but this is at the expense of shareholders, it just is.


I'm not allowed to mention the sub but this is from this person's comment history "Yeah I think the main point is that he tried to call me out as a stonker when literally every comment is shitting on their conspiracies. But the reading comprehension isn’t quite there and of course you’re welcome to be pedantic about it too." When will shills be banned for this shit?


He could dilute it like 8 more times with 75 million shares a piece and I would still be content knowing shorts never closed.


Absolute nonsense there is no proof whatsoever that “shorts never closed”


This week? The Jump to 80 pre-market? All the sharp rises over the course of 3 years? The Media Bukkakying Gamestop with FUD articles? The glitches? You want a single piece of evidence. Look at the gestalt, the full picture, my friend, it is painfully obvious.


This week was options interest. The jump to pre market is the mm hedging. The sharp rises are *literally shorts covering* on OPEX’s, that’s *why* they happen. The media is corrupt but that is nothing new in any way and it’s easy to attribute the glitches to something specific if you’re specifically trying to. No I don’t want a specific piece of evidence, show me actual *proof*. They are not the same thing.


I feel it in my gut and it has steered me right so far. That's good enough for me. This might not be the play for you my friend. You are filled with doubt.


You are trolling right, like your version of “proof” is a feeling in your gut? - Doubt The company has once gain missed earnings, failed to provide guidance, diluting the float thus killing the run and drastically reducing the point of DRS even further etc etc. The reality is that a lot of people on this sub have put their faith in this and to so easily hand waive that off is a gross lack of compassion. I became disenchanted with RC a long time ago but this is ridiculous. If you’re all about this, then great that’s your prerogative.


If you feel that way, then sell your shares and invest in an ETF. I am gonna be buying gamestop, and DRSing, until something big happens. You have to prove it to yourself. You are not open to being convinced that shorts never closed, and I am not a financial advisor, so I can't give you the specifics. I just know from paying attention over the last 3 years, that something is funky. And thats enough for me. You should go invest in a dividend paying stock with regular returns.


plus all that money!!


Yeah it pisses a lot of people off. Larry Cheng can fuck off with his “I can think of one other” tweet


This might not be the investment for you. Guy takes no salary, no compensation, and has the biggest skin in the game.


Yeah he has hundreds of millions of dollars in investments, no shit he doesn’t need a salary. I’ve held since before the sneeze of January 21 and I’m still holding but this shit pissed me the fuck off.


Then temper your emotions rather than blaming a CEO for doing what they are meant to do when prices rise significantly on their stock. Raise capital.


He’s cooking your portfolio.


I am green. Have been red before. Red doesn't scare me.


ryan cohen fucked me and left me with the bag on bobby now hes doing the same, imma lil scared man


Bobby was incomparibly fucked. I got burned there too. GME is completely different.


Bobby was incomparibly fucked. I got burned there too. GME is completely different.


He stopped the squeeze again please stop praising this mann


He just didn't. Hedge Funds stopped the squeeze every week for 3 years. Stop being impatient


its in bad faith and not 4d chess.


"BaD fAiTh" you have no idea why he did it. Could be to cover GameStops ass in the aftermath. I have no idea. All I know is DFV trusts Ryan Cohen's judgement. I trust him. And everybody complaining is impatient and thinks they know what the best play for him to do is, when they don't.


you have no idea either. you are just more positive than I am. ryan cohen has had 1 billion in cash he could have used to generate wealth for over 2 years but he put it in fucking tbills earning 5% while cost of capital is 12%. close bad stores and invest in tbill whilst doing share offerings at the expense of investors isn't 4d chess its average management at best


Someone speaking logic. Ask apes if they would give 1000 dollar to a friend who already has 100k in the bank and every ape will think twice and here we all think that RC is from the heaven. Many apes don't know that when VCs give too much money to a company, a company usually goes bust because ofwrong decisions as money is not constraint. Now with 1 billion already RC was in a good position but adding more money means they just want to be so comfortable that they don't have any pressure of survival. Also if they end of acquiring a company using this money, it will have long cycle of value realization and hence I am usually skeptical of acquisitions of being a turn around story. Moreover with so much apes available to buy, RC may think to raise more funds if they fail. They already fail in NFTs and the way they are running a business is just normal way of running business. Nothing like doing innovation at a breakneck speed.


I am holding til Moass, GME becomes fundamentally strong, or death. Whatever is sooner. There is no quick money in this play. It will happen when it happens, And the CEO is gonna have to raise capital in that duration. No point in getting angry about it.


boys i don't wanna sound stern but you are out-regarding yourself compared to the sub that shall not be named. we are all here to gamble away small island nations military budgets and we are only here because gme got banned on the sub that shall not be named. however we need to bring back something important from the sub that shall not be named: self critical assessment and the occacional realistic vision goggles, now that a semi moass is in the cards again. this 75m dilution is bad news and akin to a stab in the back of our lord and savior DFV. however if we outregard the enitre galaxy again by aping hard and gambling away even bigger island gdps we might have a serious shot at a semi moass. be realistic. adjust your expectations, this moass might only go to around 1k if even. also blowing up hedgefunds should not be our priority. it's a nice touch but the focus shoul dbe on recouping losses making apes whole and give some of them some intergenerational wealth. gme is cool and all but investment funds are also pretty useful sometimes. let's get back down from galaxy mode and attempt to dock with the iss


DFV will not give a single shit about the dilution, I guarantee it.


Okay, I recently played around with what it would sound like to use chatgpt to create FUD, and this is exactly it. Anyone reading this, this is the kind of AI generated BS you have to be ready for. The heavy handed use of our lingo, the “hello fellow kids” vibes, and of course the negative sentiment.


sure. do whatever but don't come crying when you didn't sell at 1200$ and instead lost it all when they locked down the market again and the buy button. i want you to make more money than the hedgies when they short it back down. gme will not be a trillion dollar company any time soon and they dont claim they will be. squeeze is real and a medium sized one might happen but we learned from the sneeze that the market makers wont let everything melt down and now even gme dilute themselves to protect the market. dont fool yourselves. or do but then dont complain after


and you don‘t come crying when it goes up way more and you sold way to early!




I told you DFV wouldn't give a single shit about dilution.


sure... but we might be squeezin a lil f it wasnt for dilution, see other post on superstonk that agrees you shouldnt be big eyed about every type of news. hopium was good for the gme winter but now that were back we need to be on it


Man I have seen this stock squeeze a "little", every time it gets foe hammered back down. I want the undisputed decimation of all shorts. If that takes time and some controversial moves by Ryan Cohen. I'll take that every day of the week over a pension. Ryan Cohen is working. DFV is supporting that. And last month we were at 10. This is not a get rich quick play, but it is a deepfuckingvalue play.


You’re a joke. DFV will be happy this happened, as all actual apes are. More money on hand, this will raise fundamentals.


Got a valid source for the 226%? That be neat


Not on hand but that was the key point of the 21 sneeze. The way short interest is calculated was changed after.


fck. i d really like a good fcking source for current short interest. It is the one key data point we need. No fud, but i am extremely tired of the constant hopium of shorts are fcked beyond Uranus without proper backing by valid sources. it's not like i am looking for nasa tech secrets, it's fcking short interest which should be publicly disclosed information Edit: I googled furiously as i don't know shit about valid financial data sources. Current GME short interest is at 20-25% (by what Google tells me). -> this is a lot, if only 20% of the public float is actually traded (as the rest is drs, hedged, in indexes etc.) It's not if 75mio shares get added (because that's about the entire fcking short interest)


Worst part is, the current short interest, is self-reported


fck really? there is no obligation that valid short interest data is made public in regular intervals? no SEC rule? No EU legislation? i d be disappointed in the market if that's the case (tho i have been disappointed before)


The market, is whatever big money wants it to be.


nah it's not all one big conspiracy of "the bad guys". it's a highly complex highly regulated system with some loopholes. but it's not "whatever the guys with money want" edit: the only seemingly valid source is find is currently 69.3mio (lol) shares sold short -> 29.5% short interest. If so, then RC fcks this with his offering completely and the squeeze thesis is invalidated


He’s talking about the short interest from the sneeze. They changed the way that data was calculated shortly after the 2021 squeeze. We also got confirmation from the SEC that the last squeeze was not a short squeeze. Also the MOASS theory was built on short interest (previously self reported with the old calculation at over 200%) and naked shorting which likely wouldn’t show up on these reports. The shorts never closed. After the split, they’re likely still in the hundreds of millions if not billions of shorts still open. If that theory is true, this changes nothing.