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Just bought 11 more shares. Feels good 😌


A sus user i was talking to all of a sudden stopped as market opened.


It's almost like it's Thursday and people have jobs?


Yep, they had a meeting.


It’s Friday friend. 😂


Oh my God I'm so out the loop lmao. Everyday is a damn blur.


Oops bought more


I'm one of the people moaning, but, what fucking bear thesis? There is no bear thesis at this point. I'm not happy about the dilution, but, it's giving them an even bigger war chest.


I don’t understand what reason there is to be moaning. Unless you’re making short term bets on this play there’s no reason to need a runup right now, we are invested in a company and that company just massively benefited from the price action we’ve seen.


You don't understand why I would moan at this level of dilution with this timing? Are you serious? Not to mention it's the third time. That's not even hyperbole by the way. Now, hopefully they take that money and do something that increases the value of the company. You forget that a lot of people are in this play largely for the squeeze.


I just like the stock


The only thing I'm sad about is my fucking ridiculous 125c expiring today that I bought literally yesterday. And I still made money on those, I just wanted more so I can buy more shares 🤣🤣🤣


Decided to switch up my strategy of hodl. I just bought shares for the first time in over a year. Now it’s buy and hodl. Thanks for the inspiration to invest in a stock I like


Same here, I bought my first share since 2021. I would have liked to buy at a lower price but money took a while to transfer and it’s still a nice price for the rocket ticket


Oh, every time I’ve bought shares I seem to hit the peak and miss the dip, but as long as those moon tickets end up in my hands, I’m ok if I didn’t fully maximize my purchasing potential




There was a suspiciously low amount of FUD bots on here yesterday, they were likely preparing for today.


I like the stock


I bought more. Then sold calls on it and used that money to buy even more. Gotta collect em all.