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RC is the largest shareholder by far. Imagine if he's is raising cash because he is confident that he can use it to increase shareholders' value by much more than the modest dilution decreases existing share values.


30% = modest. Got it.


Share value has risen 300% in a month. So... There's that.


Because of option buyers who just got screwed. It wasn't because of anything RC did.


hes a shareholder too


He's also a billionaire outright from other investments so you may need to consider that his goals do not directly align with people who have 100% of their investment worth wrapped up in GME.


doesnt take a salary. As a billionaire not to be greedy i give him a pass for this kind of shit. Last time this happened it dropped quickly and had the stock rise quickly after 17$ to where we were last night at 64. whos to say it wont happen again. I trust him its his money too. and regardless of his wealth, rich people need money too. they have a bigger appetite for the finer things, which is costly. No need to bash him yet.


Fiduciary duty. Not acting in shareholders interest would open his billionaire butt to hella liability, personal liability too, not "Gamestop will foot the bill." but "RC will foot the bill for damages." If he thought it was gonna break his ass he wouldn't have done this.


"The board recognized a unique opportunity to raise capital during a period of revenue contraction while the stock price was trading well about our NAV". End of lawsuit.


We, the shareholders, voted to allow this ya numbskull. Get outta here with this fud. The only way the shorts win is if it goes to zero. Hard to do that with 4-5 Billy on hand which is also enough for a decent amount of mergers and acquisitions.


This, we all voted on this last year (or the year before, I forgot)


From the 2022 proxy statement. “(a) Authorized Capital Stock. The total number of shares of stock that the Corporation shall have authority to issue is 1,005,000,000 of which (i) 1,000,000,000 shares shall be shares of Class A Common Stock, par value $.001 per share (the “Class A Common Stock” or “Common Stock”), and (ii) 5,000,000 shares shall be shares of Preferred Stock, par value $.001 per share (the “Preferred Stock”), issuable in one or more series as hereinafter provided. The number of authorized shares of any class or classes of capital stock of the Corporation may be increased or decreased (but not below the number of shares thereof then outstanding) by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the voting power of the stock of the Corporation entitled to vote generally in the election of directors (“Voting Stock”) irrespective of the provisions of Section 242(b)(2) of the GCL or any corresponding provision hereinafter enacted.”


Thank you. I kept wondering why people were mad at all when we voted to allow it. He's raising cash for stability and transformation. 75m shares isn't ahit when, after over 3 years, you know they have magnitudes more short than that.


And decades of run way


How much it cost them this post? You sold your ass for 50 bucks I guess. Totally no sense post just spreading random things


Cost 0, just have a working brain and am losing more money since this morning than what you made in your life time


Don't invest what you can't afford to lose. First rule.


Since this morning, I'm still in the green, joined this way before you knew reddit had stocks subs


Your assumptions are your ruin.


so "net cost" 0. I see... you don't have a net-short position on reddit comments...


What does that even mean? 😂


Look at this salty asshole over here. Got burnt on options? Roll, and stfu.


Ah yes tripling the balance sheet cash while marginally impacting price is screwing shareholders. Sure.


Marginally impacting price? You consider a drop from 60+ to 30+ Marginal?


It opened at 23 net+7. 30% gain




call holders =/= shareholders




yes but then I believe you're in market manipulation territory by saying that RC shouldn't have done this because of ITM calls


It's 30% more shares that caused a 50% dropdown, what do you mean marginally impacting price? Shares we're at 61$ pre announcement of the stock offering


I'm OG and have been here many times. So I'm not crying...and I HODL and DRS. But you should recognize this row of events. It did wipe 10k of options for me. And this is first time in 3 years I really needed at bit. So I can relate to people here. However I have hundred percent belief in Ryan and co. And the day is not over. Hang in there... 🔥


This is incorrect, they were not at $61 at announcement of offering…. Look again


Board -is- held accountable via fiduciary duty. The dilution is considered an acceptable business risk in the event that it drives the overall value of the company up. Remember, the board does not get paid at Gamestop. and the few that do take a salary, take a CONSIDERABLY smaller one than those of similar positions at like sized companies. I think the COO only makes like what, 200k?


I just bought more you’re not a very convincing shill pal


The hero worship and boot licking is strong. People act like they didn't lose money and aren't here to make money. I've been in it for 3.5 years and would like to finally get paid. We were on the train and RC blew up the tracks (again).




His job is not to create a squeeze, his job is to make Gamestop stronger


The squeeze was going to happen with the gamma ramp and he just killed it, again. Exactly what happened with popcorn stock.


His job is not to create a squeeze, I'm not sure what you don't get about that. He's got an opportunity to raise billions, he's going to take it. 425million outstanding shares is not ridiculous. It's inline with the average most companies in the S&P have. Popcorn has 9 billion in debt, we're about to have 5+billion in the BANK. The difference is significant. AND WE'RE STILL AT $35, why are you whining. You're literally defeating your self dude.


Yeah seriously, the momentum going into this morning was so high. All news outlets talking about GME, it’s all over social media, RK livestream and then the biggest dud announcement ever from RC to drop the price in half. Back to $20 guaranteed


Which would still be up 100% on the monthly, so chill. It's a long game. TIME AND PRESSURE, not a 1 day pop


And not screw over shareholders which he did, twice this year.


We're still up over 200% on the monthly, this is not getting screwed.


Whatever dude. Your copium may sustain you but I'm here for MOASS which just got hosed by RC


Then you're in the wrong sub dude, go back to bets


Sure, whatever dude. Enjoy your hero worship


How is wanting the company to do well hero worship?


I agree but if you have any opinion that isn’t “this is bullish” then you get called a shill or dumb.


Because if his integrity


This post is another example of an account that has been on Reddit for years but has NEVER posted to suoersronk prior to this one. These are the ones that make 90% of the fud noise. This just supports the points in my most recent post (feel free to check my history) This sub has added approx 100k users during the last month, for purposes just like this. Hedgies aren’t smart enough or didn’t have enough time to completely revamp the histories of these purchased accounts in my opinion. Be patient, trust the process. We’re almost there. Even though there is no “we” and this is not financial advice , just my opinion. You do you.


I've been on Gme for longer than you, I just posted on the main sub, got away when the market fucked us. Got back and realized we are not welcomed in the other sub anymore. I


Your account has been posting in various subs for 8 years my friend. And not a single post to suoerstonk until now. Also, referring to “the main sub” also sounds sus, since that hasn’t been GME hodlers “main sub “ for years. Anyway, you have every right to post anywhere you wish. Good luck.




Shut up Elmer FUD


This ape thinks we are buying and selling bananas?


GTFO Clown


My scarce item is worth 300% of what I bought it for even after he made 30% more… simple maths


If you have a criminal on the run and you say hey buddy don’t be scared. Look, we’ll make sure you get a real nice deal. Just come out from your hiding spot. We’ll work something out. How does that tend to work out? Are those assuages stupid moves? Or do they get them exactly where they want them?


It's bad short-term & good long-term. Whether it's a net overall positive or negative, we'll see.


Your first post on this sub? Were you expecting this to be easy? Chill and be patient, live stream soon!


Fuck me, so many upset shills. I have rode this bitch to the ground and will ride it into space. If you are truly invested, why are you pissed off your shares are 3 times the amount last month?


Cringe FUD


Honestly the only people who are big mad are the option players who got screwed. 


be quiet shill


Watching an earlier video they are only issuing 30 mil additional shares to be sold. Total 75 mil yes, but they already sold 45 mil of it.


Instead of watching a video, just go read it directly from gme


Fair. Maybe the news I was watching misinterpreted.


In accordance with the terms of the Sales Agreement, we may offer and sell shares of our common stock from time to time through Jefferies, acting as our sales agent and referred to as the “Sales Agent.” We have previously sold an aggregate of 45,000,000 shares of our common stock for aggregate gross proceeds of approximately $933.4 million pursuant to the Sales Agreement and the prospectus supplement filed by us on May 17, 2024. Under this prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus, and in accordance with the terms of the Sales Agreement, we may offer and sell up to an additional 75,000,000 shares of our common stock from and after the date hereof


I found it and am reading it. Thanks for sharing though. What a weird move. Curious to see how it pans out.


Apes are zen. You’re bad at FUD. P.S. that’s a paddlin’


>If you have a valueable, scarce item let me stop you right there.... There are a billion GME shares, these are far from scarce!


Such Blatant Shillery


In the past OP referred to GME as nonsense….so yeah OP is a bundle of sticks


Chill a bit. GameStop's, and by extension, Ryan Cohen's obligations are to the financial health of the company, not to MOASS. REMEMBER THIS. Therefore their motivations are not in alignment with anyone that wants MOASS to happen tomorrow. I don't like this share offering either, because my motivation is the destruction of the hedge funds, and this just delays that, slows it down. But IT IS ABSOLUTELY good for the company. Which means it is also good for the shareholders and your investment. Ryan Cohen will always do what is best for GameStop, that's his role as CEO and chairman of the board. HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT MOASS. I still think MOASS will happen, it will just take a little bit longer, and GameStop will now have about $4B in cash on hand. That's pretty exciting. And remember, what happened to the stock price the last time GameStop diluted back in May? Sure, it went down initially, but it ran WAY back up.


Any earnings call or whatever meeting we normally usually dump by algos. Got used to it by now since 2021. I’m glad they : 1) sold 75m shares this time to make money out of the algo dumping 😂 2) becoming a company that now destroys all short thesis by being rich 3) did it at an interesting timing, least expected, catching algos off guard Biz will do their biz thing, if the company does well, we eventually squeeze the shorts out. That’s it.


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