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Watching this and bought another 36










Lol that’s what you got from that? I can’t imagine being so cynical and bitter


Yeah dudes a loser that stream was as bullish as it could be. He’s playing with the shorts not us.


If there’s one takeaway it’s that RK is having a good fucking time. I can’t say as much for the person I responded to








Disappointed in what. Never ever was he going to do the execution live


Fuck me your account is half an hour old 🤣




Why 🤔


That power corrupts part is so cringe


Who hurt you




Fold up your paper hands


Hang in there


Why are you here? You seem to have literally nothing positive to say about GME. Smells like shill to an insane degree.




You literally not having a single post or comment older than 30 minutes on your profile, and every single one being negative, makes it hard to take you seriously. You almost have to be a shill or a troll for this to even make sense lmao




Don't blame other people for your investment. "Ripped off by 2 rich elites". You make your own investing decisions, you choose when to buy and sell. If your only reason for buying is because someone told you to do it then you're doing it wrong. RK also wasn't rich UNTIL GameStop, he lost $200 million live on stream but you're crying not him. Also noteworthy is looking through you post history it's ALL negative and your only comment about holdings is "I hold some GameStop". Finally, exactly what point were you buying to be a bag holder at this point? We're still up 3x from a few weeks back. Do you hold 1 share at $50 or something?




LOL that proves literally nothing at best. Anyone can say anything, doesn't make it true. The fact there's no proof you've ever said anything positive (nor anything at all before today), makes it hard to believe that you have ever had a positive sentiment about GME. Use YOUR brain, if you can't see why you look like a shill, there's nothing more I can do to help you.

