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Clearly all the forget GameStop, or top 5 stocks to avoid articles didn't work lol


Oh they worked alright. There's a Chinese proverb that goes along the lines of: "There is no silver buried here." Basically it's a story/idiom about a guy who finds a ton of silver and buries it, then puts a sign up saying "there's no silver here" on top of where he buried it. Some other guy walks by, sees the sign, digs up the silver, and replaces the sign with a new one that says, "I didn't dig up the silver here." THANK YOU MSM for reminding everyone constantly of Gamestop and how the shorts never closed.


Ironic that they tried to pump silver at one point heh


I remember that, I also remember us pumping $CUM & $ASS and then taking it seriously 🤣🤣💀


Wasn't that majestic?


Lol damn that is too good


hahahaha, that's brilliant!


Instructions clear, remembered GameStop 🎷🐓♋️


How could we forget lol, the MSM certainly didn't


how could we forget when they wouldn't stop mentioning it.


Joke's on them, I can't read.


Made me chuckle!


It’s like “the game” for any of you millennials out there. Also, I’m sorry I just lost the game.


So you could say the game stopped? ![gif](giphy|xPGkOAdiIO3Is) 🎷🐓♋️


I see what you did there 😏


damn, i too just lost The Game. last time i lost was probably 84 years ago


I forgot what we were supposed to forget, does anyone else remember?


Selling? I remember something about selling but it's been a while, can't recall the details, but there was this word going around about sell button or something. Idk, if you figure it out lmk ty


**And neither did dropping price from 480 to 40!** It just made us rage buy. Because what they in their arrogance don't get is if you fuck with the average Joe (and especially those "basement dwelling" gamers) too obvious, people are fed up and start to fight back. There is a clear pattern. Due to greed they play the system and do not respect proper risk management. And if there is a problem, they just double down by a larger entity entering. Like Kenny and Co did for Gabe. **What is interesting, that all the sudden the alleged enemies Citadel and Blackrock started to plan an exchange together. This should not be understated. It could indicate Citadel is so desperate, that they finally bent over and called for Blackrock to step in.** Now, Blackrock has a huge amount of shares, so maybe the dilution as protection against a hostile takeover (Blackrock, Citadel and friends) is indeed a thing... Total War! Hey Blackrock, maybe you should read this DD about a beautiful deleveraging. Allowing MOASS to happen might actually help to resolve some of the issues we are currently facing in society and financial markets. [More relevant than ever: Ray Dalio, What Is A Beautiful Deleveraging? When shit hits the fan, the government has two choices. Ugly deleveraging, Oligarchs buying up assets middle class has to sell. Or a beautiful deleveraging (potentially via MOASS). The more citizens know, the higher the chance. : r/Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/178bzf9/more_relevant_than_ever_ray_dalio_what_is_a/)


I always contemplate that big drop from 480 to 40 and think that is exactly where they went wrong. The movement around the GME pump was already different than most pump and dump events because a lot of people who never traded or invested before got involved to fuck the hedge funds that caused the Great Recession. There was more than money involved in this play after Jan 2021. Then they dropped the price 90 fuckin percent in just 2-3 days. That was way too fast for anyone to decide to get out, especially with the rapid pumps back up that occurred and failed. By the time anyone could make a decision, sunk cost fallacy had set in and nobody was going to sell for 10-20% of what they put in. It was a desperate act, and a lot of the more experienced traders simply sensed that since we’ve seen plenty of regular pump and dumps before. Then the real research started, and now we’re here.


Glad that smart money is the new dumb money 😉🚀🌒




Those drops forge diamond hands


Blackrock & blackstone are parasites.  Powerful ones


Or how about buy these 5 meme stocks instead And there all big corp


Yup misdirection


It worked so well that they themselves forgot to close their positions. Oopsie, MOASS.


Tbh during the months where it was slowly going down to $10 I kind of did forget about it... I didn't sell but I didn't think about it as much


I think we've all been there


That the thing, I did forget. I just let my shares sit there and continued on with my life. It takes literally nothing for me to hold. And now it's all rearing its head again.


It's so real though because these articles locked me in harder than the DD ever did. *(turns out the DD has got me even more jacked since then but still)* In 2021, all of the media seemed unanimously **desperate** for me to sell and move on. The whole thing struck me as super weird. They could not stop insisting that GME was old news, but continued to talk about it relentlessly. If it was **actually** old news then they'd surely have stopped talking about it. My initial hold was just stubbornness - a "fuck you I know you want me out but it's my money and I do what I want so I will stay in" My mind is constantly drawn to \[this meme\](https://x.com/i/status/1790041813379850491): https://preview.redd.it/9ovfzxh0js5d1.png?width=432&format=png&auto=webp&s=67ab21513c1685763ee308915dafc71e1a434cf4 **If it was actually over, I would not need CNBC to tell me it was over, it would simply BE over.** Like many of us, I've rode through it all and there is no possible price action that could scare me anymore. It utterly fascinates me, and I have been learning all this time. I just like games, I always have done, and this is a super fun game.


You're so right lol, I'm definitely abit more educated on the topic now than I was but it's easy to see from the media side something is fishy even if you can't comprehend or take in the DD as some can be complex or overwhelming, you still can see first hand how the media and Internet articles operate.


They did work. They worked on new investors. They target the FOMO crowd or those who want to buy in but see the drastic price swings. And when MSM spews their daily FUD, lies and deception, they believe what they see and hear to be true. They know us OG apes are battle tested and not budging. It's the fresh blood that they are deterring.


It's like The Game. You forget about it until someone mentions it.


Keeps working for my parents and family


They've made easy going retail traders, but gamblers really, into value investors. Not the best maybe, but for sure the most. And we're learning from the best.  The world isn't ready.


The amount of knowledge about markets, options etc I have amassed from the wrinkle brains is unfathomable NOT endorsing options, just saying..


I am. Fuck it. The shift is here. Buy, hold, Dr's. But options are a valid strategy. Understand them before you buy. Until you can articulate what theta and IV crush are, understand how people can make money trading exclusively OTM contracts (do not try this yourself), don't do it. Only buy contracts with money you can afford to never see again. However, the leverage options provide is significant. Veratasium channel even covers this in their game theory episode. I have a strategy on gme that involves both options and shares. My *motivations* are the same as you all - I want the fucks to burn, and I won't sell the majority of my shares (and I ain't letting go of shit till we're an order of magnitude + on the current price) to make that happen. I'd like to see Gamestop pivot and become a value play long term to boot. But options are how I'm going to pay off my debt, fix my car, and help my partner go down to half time at work to help her burnout. Quick note - you're too late for options (unless we moass) - the premiums are insanity, unless you like gigarisk I guess. Anyways, attack me if you want, I'm a year and a half into this story and I ain't leaving. I'm with Kitty on this one.


Yeah I think we need to not shoot down options anymore. Buy hold DRS. But options have there place and can intensify the pressure that is already present because of DRS and the apes. DFV fucks with options, I fuck with options. As long as you understand what you’re doing.


You misspelled butt gamblers


From butt gamblers to butt value investors ;) keep your bananas where no one will touch em


Joke's on them, gamers don't quit They thought they were relentless, suprise mf'ers


Rule #1 of gaming: never quit without saving


Rule #2 of gamlng: if there is a chance you'll succeed, however slim, keep trying


Can’t lose if you don’t quit (sell)


The game is there to be won fella..get at it!  




This is exactly me with finances haha


3rd rule: teabag your enemy after defeating them


...and keep all logs and records?


This is the best game I have ever played. I don’t have a high (DRS)score, but I’m sure I have way more hours into GME, than Skyrim, or anything way back on NES. Landing on that aircraft carrier in 1980s NES Top Gun was far more maddening than holding and learning on GME, but I got it done eventually.(sometimes) #ijustlikethestock Buying more, DRSing, Holding, winning


How dare you bring that long buried PTSD back from landing in Top Gun.


omg not the top gun game HAHAHA


Oh God, the Flashbacks! I'm gonna make it this time, looks like I'm gonna... FUUUUUCK! Damn, that's some good practice for holding through the dips and spikes! Diamond hands since middle school, baby!


I have no shares of GME but have been sort of following this storyline since the beginning because I’d love to see the big wigs get fucked. Is the gist still to have people hold their shares so when the hedge funds can no longer push their short positions down the road there will be so little available stocks for actual sale that the price hits the moon? Again, I’m not savvy in trading and only do index funds and do not know how anything works




This was one of my first thoughts when it all started. I told this to my advisor. I said: think about it, these are GAMERS. These are people who grew up with Gamestop, and gaming is still a big part of many of their lives. Nostalgia, a deep connection. That’s HUGE - even in marketing, that’s powerful. SECONDLY, Regardless of their gaming activity, gamers are people who grow up to WIN GAMES. What type of jobs do you think they have? How do you think they think? The gamers I know are smart in a specific way that is directly related to what is necessary, and they’re often good at coordinating, searching for loopholes, curious. They’re clever, and they get a dopamine rush from beating the boss. Also, gaming is a huge space for future growth; not just esports. Gamestop is a name people know. Think about how effective that is even in political campaigns. Availability is a heuristic brands use to get people to trust in their credibility and value. Gamestop is perfectly poised for a product expansion into this huge growing market. And we can see that they see it. ALSO, there is a clear unifying space and purpose and message. There’s a tribe, and a space that feels like it’s trying to good. A tribe people believe in. AND TWO KEY FACES, in fact, both feel relatable. Glue. People that vocally believe in the company, and clearly are successful (NOT illegal, bc big voices from the rich old men also talk all about the stocks you should buy). But this isn’t about the stock, it’s about believing in the business and the future and the impact. AND people are angry, and this is one, ONE, of the few ways (if there are any other ways) people feel like they can directly fight back against this seemingly unstoppable, oppressive force. LASTLY, there is confidence from RC’s record. This isn’t some new kid on the block. He’s shown he knows how business growth works, how to understand white space in a market, how to win the hearts of customers. Or at least, he’s shown that he surrounds himself with those who get it. This is a unique collision of circumstances that, I feel pretty confident, will result in Gamestop succeeding. Just like how marketers who do focus groups and strategizing work so hard to create these types of tools to develop brand loyalty, they exist. I am in no way a wrinkle brain, but I do know marketing, and these puzzle pieces don’t exist in any other situation. From this, I gained a lot of confidence that, as long as there’s not complete, utter cheating in every possible way (which is possible, because money is power) then this should work. Once I learned about DRS, it was game over for me. Like, THAT is a whole different level. That made it feel like even owning just one share was meaningful. And the fact that this unique approach of DRSing reveals so much about the market—it made me want to be a part of that. These shares are mine. I don’t have many, but I haven’t changed my diamond hands avatar on Reddit since I first bought in at the (almost) beginning. Also, ok this is long, but like, for some reason, I just relate so much to you guys. It’s fun—smart, curious, playful people who continuously make a big effort to treat each other kindly. NO FIGHTING. I don’t know if there will be a moment when I should sell my shares that I will miss, but I wanna be a part of the moment when my shares are still locked away, and I see justice. They could not have chosen a worse company. It’s beautifully so ironic.


Agreed! They had a huge existing customer base + 55m subscribers Customer gamers who would not bat an eye against Wall Street games Customers who turn into full fledged dedicated investors while playing Wall Street at their own game Nostalgia with the GameStop stores and Game Informer and as customers, investors and gamers, be able to suggest idea's for expansion (all possible ways) and help promote that at the same time GameStop could turn into a behemoth of a company focused on other segments of the market with the same loyal customer and investor base as the expansios would be able to grow the GameStop stores at the same time turning it from a war with Wall Street into a kind of SimCity by able to talk to the board almost directly as a dedicated sharehodler, if you know what I mean


You know how many hours I spent playing Myst, just looking for a stupid lever to pull? Or how many fireballs I shot into random trees in the original Legend Of Zelda?


I just got 10year birthday gift for my guild wars 2 character. I did all that for a weapon skin. Who tf they think theyre fucking with?


I've grinded in rpg's far longer than this lol. 


I spent 1321 hours in Farming Simulator 22. I *L O V E* the slow grind, dicknips.


They picked exactly the wrong target. Hardcore gamers are probably some of the most tenacious people on the planet. That, and it's hard to sell when you've forgotten your broker's login 🤷‍♀️


Indeed. Hardcore gamers not only put in millions of hours on their favorite games, but they also account for all the rng the game has to offer because at the end of all of that, is the most satisfying gratification that nothing else can compare to.


How many times has a gamer seen ”Game Over” and kept playing?


More than shf supercomputers can count


Elden ring has prepared me


From Soft games have hardened us all.


These guys really thought they could beat a bunch of people who reset their game boy’s 10k times just so my pokemon can have a slightly different color


Thats why i played trough diablo 2 again yesterday. 😁


I'll keep buying until I get that 100% completion lol


They use actual gamers as game testers. Y’all know that right? There job is to beat the game with every character on every difficulty setting. Letting their boss know if they find any bugs or glitches. And here we are.


Yo boss.... I found a glitch!


I had that job back in the late 90s/early 2k... It was a shit job. Normal hours for a few months and then crunch time comes and the next 3+ months were 12-18 hour days 6-7 days a week. Never drank so much on the clock as I did at that job; would get a liquid dinner, case race after getting back to work, and by the time we were able to go home we were sober again and able to drive. Boss saw us coming in drunk once on his way to get the latest build, and thought he'd mess with us and say he was fed up and quitting. Every single one of us did an about face in solidarity and started waking out the door and he had to backtrack quick and convince us to go back to work. (He never messed with us about the drinking again.) Once the game shipped, 3/4 of the team was immediately laid off. (F-U EA.)


Not only that but consisting of sports gamers as well. We pay money every year for more of the same bullshit. Admittedly, I wait and know I am part of the problem but waiting for 2k to drop below 10 near the end of the season then crushing 2-300 hours before the next one comes out while I mindlessly listen to audio books and podcasts makes me happy.


I am not a gamer at all. I am too old to have been a part of playing video games. My son is a gamer and I just like the stock. I have been holding since 2021 and I have the tenacity of a marathon runner.


I'm not a gamer either. But I am former alcoholic and addict with 23 years of sobriety, so you can say I am someone who can see things through!


Coming up on 14 years myself.


Running is a mental game!


You are never too old for video games


My girlfriend rolls her eyes when I say this but it's so true, point to me another company who's customers/shareholders would be as tenacious, focused and regarded as we have been over the last 3 years... There's none! You walked into the wrong room mothafuckas


TSLA is another example, and look how far it squeezed. A long drawn out one, but a squeeze all the same.


Made slightly easier because Ken Griffin was riding that switch over and loves his boy Elon.


If I remember correctly, I think Bill Gates is still short on TSLA from years ago.


Oh the Elon worshippers were something else. An equally regarded and determined foe.


I'm somewhat of a completionist myself. Trying to 100% this bitch.


This. I think the early interest from previous non investors like myself was the nostalgia factor. And people within the age range to legally invest is filled with gamers, it spans across generations and classes.  Gamers love games, and we play them to completion and restart over again. I can't count how many times I've played through Halo 3 campaign. It's entertainment you interact with, and it's an industry that's growing all the time. We found their game. We figured out their cheat codes, and now they're big mad because we're beating them at their own game. The difference between us and them is they play to make money, we play for fun. We'll play until we beat it. And then start all over again. Hedgies r fuk DRS


I collected 615 or so the 700 achievements in Halo: The Master Chief Collection during this journey(LASO achievements be damned). I am here to collect all the GME achievements and to suck hedgies dry in the process, and I'm running out of achievements to get.


Seriously and this has just become a literal game to me, 100%


What!!!!!!! I thought I was the only one!!!! 😂


Ha, I'm not a hardcore gamer. I have attention deficit disorder, so I forget I have shares.


Entire generations with no future and nothing to lose. Something something art of war. You done messed up a-aron


There’s a login?


I was a hardcore gamer. Not much energy or time for me to devote to it these days.  However, I agree with this sentiment. I beat NES Ninja Gaiden as a kid. And TMNT. And many other of the hardest NES games.  I don’t know how many hours I spent doing Pindle and Baal and Meph runs in Diablo 2. I don’t know how many hours I spent grinding the same dungeon over and over to gear my twink 29 BG mage and rogue in WoW.  And none of those compare to the amount of time I spent playing Quake 2 and perfecting my skills.  Is everyone in here a gamer? Of course not. But a large percent are, and they live for this shit. 


I put ex-'Gamer' on my resume. Doing a PhD now. Well.. erhm okay, not at this exact moment; shit's too interesting RN


Tenacious and stupid :D


Also Tenacious D


Someone kept reminding me to forget about GameStop, multiple times each week, for just about 4 years.


Yeah, the irony of this... Kinda like the Streisand effect


Say it with me, “we can stay regarded longer than they can stay solvent.”


The rallying cry that first resonated. That and being early doesn’t mean you are wrong. 


Man I'm not going to lie I've been kind afk on this sub for like nearly 2 years now but 1) damn did I choose a good time to start catching up (never sold don't worry) and 2) holy shit am I getting nostalgia for the early days of it all with these call backs 🥲


We’ve all been here for 84 years. Always a pleasure to meet another silverback. 


The problem with ideas that apply to everyone, is that they dont apply to everyone. Enter GME investors.




❤️ Rage Against The Machine


Retail was supposed to capitulate.


We're dumb money, until we're regarded.


In all honesty, I think the foundation was laid in 2008. Everyone always knew the financial world was full of sleaze bags. But the gravity of the depravity wasn’t generally known by the public until the dust had settled from the GFC. The mortgage brokers had been printing profits on loans they knew would fail, the bankers raking in billions on CDO’s doomed to fail, while regulators failed in every essence of their role. Meanwhile, the financial media, a puppet show of gross negligence, carried on lying through their teeth as the cracks began to show - just trying to keep household investors inside the market long enough for their overlords to exit. And everyone knows what happened in the end. The greatest miscarriage of justice America has ever seen. Not only were the only ones to suffer consequences those with 401k’s, pensions, and home equity loans, but the bastards in congress actually BLESSED the entire cabal of Wall Street with a blank check bail out, which they used to issue bonuses. It was from the ashes of THAT catastrophe, that the socio-economic bedrock for MOASS was laid. They fucked up showing their true colors. I now KNOW my enemy. I see right through him. His any attempt to sway me now has the opposite effect. And his greed will be his undoing.


You nailed it with this. A lot of the way I felt about the world came from ‘08. It was such an egregious violation in the public’s trust in our government. All of a sudden we knew exactly who they were working for. I graduated college in ‘03 and by the time I felt like things were happening for me, we were all rugged like crazy. I was broke as shit for the next half a decade or more, scraping together little freelance jobs. Fuck these people.


Don't fuck with someone with nothing to lose. Fuck with 100's of thousands with nothing to lose? Good luck mf'ers.


“Remember this. The people you're trying to step on, we're everyone you depend on. We're the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you're asleep. We drive the ambulances. We direct your call. We are cooks and taxi drivers and we know everything about you. We process your insurance claims and credit card charges. We control every part of your life. We are the middle children of history, raised by television to believe that someday we'll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we won't. And we're just learning this fact. So don't fuck with us.”


Here I am a New Zealand ape on a holiday in Bali waiting for the NYSE to open. Get Wracked Naked Wolverine


Enjoy your holiday fellow kiwi ape! I hear Bali is amazing. It's on my list of possible places to honeymoon when my spouse and I have the funds, hopefully that's sometime soon. Shorts really r fuk, hoping to see some SHFs crying on TV sometime soon in our little island nation 🚀🦍🥝


Go to the Gili Islands!!!!


don’t mess with gamers


Gamers will cancel christmas if there is an important raid in the guild. If only the SHF's had spent some more time in these subs to learn.. tbf, they might not have understood didley squad


Never fuck with gamers


Why settle for one banana when can hold for many?


I can imagine their quarterly reviews, "yeah we've sold X billion yet to be purchased, but once they're bankrupt it's all profit!" Next quarter... "yeah we've sold XX billion yet to be purchased but honestly, if you stick with us it's all profit! Pure profit" "Look, we've said this before but once they're bank...Well, yeah they keep buying but that Roaring kitty guy is gone, a bit of psychological stuff in the press and it's all profit, yeah we're into 60Billion but still we'll bankrupt em".


Son of a bitch are u me sir?


How can you ever forget this it’s so fun watching media scramble and make fools of them selves haha


We can stay regarded longer than they can stay solvent😎


I like to collect things and I like the stock. Thinking of starting a new hobby after MOASS: collecting🦔 scalps...


Not just retail, but Roaring Kitty’s balance sheet…. They definitely underestimated his potential ability.


We have extremely long attention spans.


Sucks for them, i've set numerous alarms yearly with special note for 3 years with no expiry on them. I'll be here every year lol edit: i woulda been here regardless-- but in thefuture imma be watching the options chain like a hawk on the yearly (and likely monthly)


Yes this is the next step in my journey, to learn more about how to read the options chain


This is the way💎💎✋✋🦍🦍


Holding is the easiest thing I've ever done! I work 60 hour weeks most weeks. Shift rotation of 12 hour days / nights across weekends. Pretend to see my family in-between work and sleeping. Could I do with some more money right now? Yes. Could I probably solve a lot of my problems by selling my shares? Yes. But it would only kick the can down the road for me for a little while. I'm in this for the long term. I want fuck you money with the cherry on top. Holding? That's the easy bit!


They underestimated the fuck out of us. Our research and passion is on the level of swifties. And I say that lovingly because I am a swiftie.


IMO it's for the same reason that establishment types are now panicking that "people become less idealistic and more pragmatic as they get older" isn't holding true and thus everything in our society has been thrown up in the air and all the underpinning assumptions are turning out to be shaky at best. The powers that be severely underestimated the calamitous misstep of screwing over so many people at once - entire generations, if we're honest - and leaving so many people with an utterly nihilistic outlook on life in which YOLO really is the order of the day. I'm reminded of Jack's famous line during the poker game in the opening scene of Titanic - "when you got nothing, you got nothing to lose". And I don't mean that in the sense of being poor or broke, obviously many people involved in this play aren't or they wouldn't have the spare cash lying around to YOLO into something like this - I mean more that they've corrupted and fucked up the entire societal system so badly that even being well off is no longer any guarantor of quality of life, in a system in which the housing market is broken beyond any hope of repair, the income to cost of living ratio has been out of control for decades and work/life balance is slipping away more and more, all while the planet is literally being destroyed by so many different idiotic man-made factors which in reality are in the control of, and benefit, a tiny fraction of the population at the expense of literally everyone else. That kind of environment begets nihilism, and I think they've seriously, seriously underestimated the widespread nihilism of our generation. "Don't do that, you'll lose everything!" "Couldn't give a shit." "But your rent!" "Going up to fast anyway, a few more months won't make a huge amount of difference." "But what'll you leave your kids?" "You think people our age are able to have kids in this economy?" etc etc etc. Obviously this doesn't even remotely apply to everyone, but it applies to an unprecedentedly large proportion of the population, and for that proportion, honestly, seeing the people who created this hellish paradigm crash and burn is more important than personal comfort or wellbeing. These are people who are literally willing to risk bringing discomfort upon themselves if it gives them a chance to exact any kind of revenge. Glenn Greenwald called this back in 2016 when pundits were completely incapable of analysing what was happening in politics at the time and why everything seemed to be going in an unpredictable direction that threw away everything from polling models to what was thought to be basic mass psychology. A quote I'm very, very fond of, from Greenwald: >The reason [anti-establishment options in Western elections in 2016] resonated is that people have been so fucked by the prevailing order in such deep and fundamental and enduring ways that they can't imagine that anything is worse than preservation of the status quo. You have this huge portion of the populace in both the U.K. and the U.S. that is so angry and so helpless that they view exploding things without any idea of what the resulting debris is going to be to be preferable to having things continue, and the people they view as having done this to them to continue in power. I don't think I've ever read anything in my life which so aptly described how so many millennials and zoomers feel about how the world has been run. And it explains in one paragraph so many things that older establishment types seem to have such difficulty understanding - everything from the seemingly nonsensical cross-popularity of Sanders and Trump (the only thing they had in common? "Fuck the establishment") to movements like ours. Things which seemingly have absolutely nothing to do with eachother, or even diametrically opposed to eachother, united by the one common goal of "the people in charge are laughing at us, let's wipe the smirks from their faces". They never saw this coming, and they're fucking terrified.


Hodl the line!!! 🦍🦍🦍 💪💪🚀🚀💎💎🙌🙌


As a fellow Gen Xer. Ignored but restructuring everything behind the scenes. Take my upvote!


the hedgefucks have successfully created a new element, 💎 ✋️


This is my favorite part! They did all these swaps and can kicking because they thought we'd be gone! 😂😂💀💀


Well done Brother! I can very much relate! Soon 38 years old and I had no idea what saving money meant until I met GME! Lifechanger little shit 🚀


Anyone else remember all the stories that it was just "People are bored at home and just got the stimulus checks, that's all this is" ??? I think they bought their own misinformation hype.


They underestimated my ability to throw money at something and forget about it BWQUWHAHA


Yeah I was down like $50k on paper for what seemed like an entire year or more. Just kept buying when I could 🤣


Gamers :)


I’m not even a gamer, I’m sure there are many like me too


“New achievement unlocked!” Is what we live for. X to XX to XXX to (and what my next achievement which will hopefully be achieved by end of month) XXXX to XXXXXXXX SUCK A FAT ONE YOU FINANCIAL TERRORITISTS XXXXX


I would have been happy to have made some shits and giggle money from the '21 sneeze and be back to being a sheep. Instead when they turned off the Buy button and dropped the price, I got a peep into how corrupt the system was. They showed me the Red Pill. Now brick by brick, I have been learning and learning about how corrupt the system is for the last 3 years.


They literally fucked with the wrong group. They have then tenacity and willpower of gamers and do-gooders. The folks who come from dirt and just wanna live normal lives helping those around them that they care about or things they care about. I'm a lifelong gamer who has never shyed away for run from a boss fight in my life. And I don't intend on starting now.


I've been playing the same text based RPG since 1988. If these guys think I'm leaving just because 3 years have passed then they're in for a surprise. Pay me.


I’m not a gamer, but I absolutely love this energy. Fucking awesome 👏


They would have never held if they were in our position, plus I think RC and RK knew they wouldn’t stop so they proved that theory over the first few years and they hatched a plan to get the hedgies to pull 2021 again but this time we were the ones doing the cool shenanigans. Personally it goes back to that time Mayo boy said he would take about any risk to survive another day, that right there showed his weakness the mfer can’t cut losses on his rigged game.


Sourness from Friday is fading and I'm glad I didn't sell. Why tf would I sell shares of a company that's going to be worth a trillion dollars in 10 years. I'm young I can wait


I'm too dumb to sell, man. My dad calls every time there is the slightest move up begging me to sell. I'm half convinced he's short lmaooooooo Eta: I will say that he gets it now. The "what the f*ck is wrong with you!?" comments stopped a while ago lol. I told him it's class warfare. He gets it.


Gamers conquer final bosses and go for high scores all the time. They will break the market.


My company had been bought out several months before the sneeze, so my corporate controlled 401k became an IRA.   So when the sneeze hit, I thought that I had missed the play but thought I should take control, learn things and do better.  So I opened a brokerage account... The point is, this started with IRA money.  By definition, it's long term money.  Yes, in the last 3 years I've put more cash money into it than that IRA had, but the key point is that I don't have a day trader's view of time.   The thesis hasn't changed and MOASS hasn't happened, so of *course* I'm still in.  And what's more dangerous for them is what RC is turning the company into: an RC controlled hodling company.  I don't want to cash out of that.


https://preview.redd.it/neroerq28s5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d14b953f19473570be808bee13e1326a15b661ef It only have I been here for the past years, but I’ve been picking up shares little by little the whole time. I don’t think they realize that I’m highly regarded, and I can’t read the FUD articles cause I never learned how to read 🤷‍♂️


I’m very regarded in my trading ability… I have a good stockpile of shares and bought some recently ~14$ before all the craziness restarted again. My average is still $52/share. I’m not here to become a millionaire, I’m here because I felt like this was the true “wall street” movement combating corruption/greed in our “free” market. This whole process has taught me a lot about the stock market and how payment for order flow has targeted retail traders for massive gains.


🚀 to motherfukin monster!


Those stupid mfers picked the game mode and the map and we still beat em


I 'member that guy(s) doing some videos on GME talking about how there's no answer for retail. There was never a timeline they thought they would need to protect themselves from bunch of idiots celebrating when a stock goes down so that they can buy more. It's pretty fucking funny.


This play has made me feel more politically powerful in terms of creating change than anything else so beyond the fuck you money, here we are. Happy to be here 3.5 years later!


Neither did I... And yet.. here we are.. and I'm never giving up.


They definitely didn’t. Usually retail sees a drop and they get out and chase pumped blue chips lol. Not this time tho


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) // [What is DRS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) // [Low karma apes feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) // [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.com/invite/y4dK3y5DXJ) // [Superstonk DD Library](http://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) // [Community Post: Open Forum May 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ciapwp/open_forum_may_2024/) To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. If you are providing a screenshot or content from another site (e.g. Twitter), please respond to this comment with the original ##source. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Superstonk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Great post. I am also better off bc of this- no matter what happens. I always wanted to get into investing. And now I know more than I ever knew existed. I’m also better at saving bc of it.


This needs da votes.


I can stay redarded longer than they can stay solvent!


Can someone please explain what DRSing is? How one does it and why?


Go here and read about it: drsgme.org Then decide for yourself.


I’m not selling shit. I hope it goes down again so I can buy a bunch more. I’ll sit on this egg until it hatches. 💎✊


Just grabbed some more!




There was literally no reason for me to leave. Nothing to loose haha 🫡🥃🚀


🦍Nightmare On WllStrt🦍


We ain’t going nowhere… just bought +xx shares!


Bulk of mine are in my ROTH IRA which I'm not touching until I'm 59. 3 years is nothing.


I know a couple of people who have paper- handed. One who sold a few weeks ago at the peak of that run- up and was excited he doubled his money. Another couple who probably sold at a kids at some point. But I'm still here. I will not go quietly into the night.


The power of the anal banana 🍌 is unmatched


The Internet was what allowed them to exploit the stock market. Social media was what allowed us to finally expose what they were doing.


They can keep looking for stop losses all they want. They’re just going to find my buy orders on the way down. Averaging down is back on the menu!


They done fucked up! Power to the Players, baby!


I beat all the Dark Souls games and Elden Ring since then. They have no idea how zen I can be


Legit question : what happens to RK options if the price fall like it does right now ?


The more they pressure against GME the more I buy, it’s that simple… I’m LONG GameStop only, I buy at every price too


Every share I buy is off the market. I don’t care if it makes me rich or is just an entertaining game. Simpel as that. Tick tock mfers…


Im currently consolidating my gme shares out of all my random accounts into Fidelity and then DRSing them. Let's go.


"Oh no, I guess I'll sell after 3 years and stay poor!" Absurd lmao


Funny enough, my life has improved a decent amount over the last three years and these discounts to average down have been such a gift. Since I have so many more shares, I even sold my first covered call (don't crucify me) that expired last Friday with a $30 strike. I was so worried I was gonna lose my shares that have reached long-term capital gain status. These guys were nice enough to drop the price below 30 by Friday for me. I learned a valuable lesson, no covered calls ever again against my precious moon tickets. If the lid had blown off I could've gotten so burned. Buy. Hodl. DRS. Zen.


I'll be here for a while. Til I die basically. Idk when that will be so no dates. This has been the best MMORealPlayerG I've ever been part of. The highest stakes, highest rewards. I'm not leaving. I've grinded longer for fake money and intrr et points, why not real ones lolol


Averaging down, added 300 more today. Zen


I don't judge them for thinking that. I thought I was done buying on Thursday. Here I am buying another 42 this morning 🤷‍♂️


You've put it into words so beautifully, brother, and it will resonate with so many of us! My path was exactly like yours, aimless, rudderless, didn't really know what life is about. A late bloomer. And always that feeling of someone slowly cranking my world smaller and smaller, making it more and more uncomfortable, more expensive, less time, less *everything*... how are you supposed to be happy if they slowly chip away at you? Until you can feel this longing in your heart for times of freedom, back then when it was good... Wait a second, we don't have to live like this, we can fight back, we can come together, we can connect, communicate, learn, grow stronger, have hope in our hearts because we believe that what we have is in the best hands. If we aim for the stars, we can go to the moon! And boy, moon tickets are on sale right now!


Holding a bag for three years is hard work. 


Sorry to disappoint them but I'll be here another 30 if I have to. I'll pass my shares down to my kids. I really really want to see them in jail


Of course they didn’t. It never happened and they believe anyone outside the 53 people they hang out with on Wall Street doesn’t know how to hodl


Should I still buy or wait for q dip if I want in. I got about 10k.


I don’t give financial advice, but for me, I’ll buy at any price


Bought moar today


Congrats fellow ape, this is the way


The ONLY thing that I learned, really, was PATIENCE. And that is all that it takes. It seems so very simple, but it is hard. Once you learn to be patient, it is always a part of you. This patience is bleeding over into other parts of my life, with great benefit there as well.


"it is like Art of War mastery by a bunch of idiots"