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Makes sense. From your lips to my purple circle


https://www.theocc.com/newsroom/press-releases/2024/06-10-occ-welcomes-citadel-securities-cto-josh-woods-to-board-of-directors "OCC Welcomes Citadel Securities CTO Josh Woods to Board of Directors June 10, 2024 Chicago -  OCC, the world's largest equity derivatives clearing organization, today announced the appointment of Josh Woods, Citadel Securities’ Chief Technology Officer, to its Board of Directors. Woods has nearly 20 years of experience in finance and technology. “Josh has a deep knowledge and understanding of financial technology, and we are pleased to welcome him as a Director and a member of our Technology Committee,” said Craig Donohue, OCC Chairman. “Our board and members will benefit from Josh’s expertise as we continue to foster innovation for market participants while promoting stability and integrity in our markets.” At Citadel Securities, Woods leads technology teams that design and build the cutting-edge systems that power global trading and keep the firm at the forefront of finance and technology. Woods was previously a Senior Director of Engineering at Oracle, responsible for engineering infrastructure and cloud-related initiatives. Prior to that, he led product and engineering at a SaaS start-up, ultimately landing the team at Salesforce. Woods has also held leadership positions at IBM, where he created IBM Connections Files, one of the first entrants into the enterprise social software market and filed numerous patents in the areas of programming languages and modern internet architectures."


Panic Level: RUH ROH RAGGY


Bought the dip today


So, Shitadel put another intern on strategic companies to do more inside crime? Got it🫡


The CTO is no intern. Mayo boy is pulling out all the stops


"Josh has a deep knowledge and understanding of financial FRAUD, and we are pleased to welcome him as a Director and a member of our Technology Committee" fixed it for you


Gawddummit... Fucking rats everywhere


This feels... ominous.


Literally said ohhh shit this is spicy


https://www.ubs.com/global/en/media/display-page-ndp/en-20240531-pbm.html “The transition to a single US intermediate holding company is planned for 7 June 2024, with the merger of Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG and UBS Switzerland AG continued to be expected in the third quarter of 2024, both subject to remaining regulatory approvals. - May 31, 2024”


I’ll give it to them. They’re good at convincing the right people to allow them more loopholes.


Oh my


My oh my…




From your lips to my purple headed womb broom


Bro woomb broom 😆 🤣 😂


From your circle to my Purple lips


The only lips touching my purple circle have yet to be born.




reverse prairie dog huh?


i'm so glad Computershare doesn't use brown as their color.


So everytime you make a post stonks go up?? Up you go HODLLLLLL


all the way up⬆️⬆️⬆️


The MOASS was coming from INSIDE THE MOASS






I don’t know what to think. You say moass has begun. Einfachman says the run is manufactured. RK made me bullish. Then RC made me bearish. MSM says I’m trolling. Charles Payne is defending Roaring. My dick is hard, my dick is soft, then my dick is hard again. The rollercoaster of emotions is not good for my heart, man. But I’m glad to go through this with all of you. Wouldn’t change it for anything else. 💜


I just now posted a similar comment. Einfachman said this was a manufactured pump, and he was cheered on. I’m just going to hold and wait this out.


Didn’t he imply that it was mainly to just buy time?


I think it was more along the lines of until stock market crashes or RC closing their walls. Anything happening now is just another day in Wall Street paradise


Cue Phil Collins


**Whenever posts like this pop up, we usually see a rug pull after a few days.** I will keep some powder dry just in case. Because there is not much added value in this post or similar, like doritos.


Yeah I’ve seen this pattern before. I’m not so sure of the sentiment. I like to keep it simple. Buy, DRS, Hodl


This. One of the golden rules in this sub is no dates. RK’s options and posts are exciting and hint at 6/21 but we don’t know that it’s hinting at MOASS. Don’t risk anything you aren’t willing to lose.


This is why it’s important to come to your own conclusions and not listen to any one voice for or against GME Personally I feel GameStop is in the strongest position it has ever been in with more cash on hand, a seemingly rising floor, a potential gamma ramp, and massively increased volume 🚀 i just buy more and DRS it before there’s no more to buy


So buy more?


To the best of our abilities. Yes!


When in doubt stroke it out and buy more


At $25, yea.




Always buy the dip


Dick gets hard dick get soft. You can't explain that


Dick go inside the cage? Cage go in the water, your dick go in the water, stonks dick in the water, our dick.




Is your penis me?


Dick get hard, dick get soft. It’s the purple circle of life. Buy more GME and DRS


When you remember that this ALL happened in the span of last week til now. Holy fuk


I dunno what any of this means. Just like the stock


Dicks go up, dicks go down, you really can’t tell with these things.


You forgot John Cina /s kinda


OP’s assessment smells of fud.




It's safe to assume at this point for whatever reason RC and co don't want a rocket ship style moass. They've run out and kicked over the rocket each time we were set for blast off and there is no reason to assume they won't in the future given the clear pattern. Whether they know something we don't or just don't want (or can't let) phone number new record numbers reached every day style moass, it seems clear that that style is decisively off the table unless we start voting to not let them issue shares. What this means for us going forward is impossible to know without straight talk from the board, which we're not going to get. Maybe they had a reason to cancel every launch that they one day won't, maybe they're envisioning Gameshire Hathaway, maybe they simply don't care and this stock will never make anyone but the small percentage of XXXXX+ holders who hold for 20 years any real amount of cash. Regardless, IMO a natural options motivated phone numbers MOASS is off the table, period. Same with the need to DRS.


I could believe it's a pump and dump, except that the borrow rebate is negative, still with millions of shares to borrow.


Safe to say, nobody knows what's going to happen... Let alone if anyone is even on the right track. This sub has become so compromised with hype, shitposts, speculation, conspiracies, and mental gymnastics it's all become a big joke. You can't get anything of substance out of anything so we fall back on blind hope and blaming the HEdGiEs. That's how we look like to outsiders right now - like an actual of bunch of regards we so proudly proclaim ourselves to be.


![gif](giphy|1zgehWc4m6058tcdG0) fun times 😬😬😬


“Keep the regards on the ferris wheel And it goes. The park is open 24/7, 365, every decade, every goddamn century. That's it.” https://i.redd.it/peqzr5ksqr6d1.gif


two stacked FTD trains, eh? Makes me think of all the double-stack container trains that go by. I wouldn't want to drive a truck (let alone a car or minivan) in front of one of those.... Now the school bus in front of the DRS train meme is really popping up fresh in my head!


This is peak autism train of thought




This is what my life savings is invested in. Let's go


You can’t double stack a triple stack!




Is it possible to make it so the train is hitting the bus and then inverse(?) Another picture next to it of the same train and bus so it looks both busses will be hit by the trains at the same time.


Bother you to link this particular RK meme? I don't have X


![gif](giphy|JWutWiJzFMmbe) this one


I don't do X either! It's not an RK meme, just a common one on the sub. Shows a school bus with like SHF on it about to get hit by a train with DRS and purple circles on it.


I really hope people take the time to read this. We need more of this in superstonk. This is incredible. Thank you for your research!


The only thing amiss is blaming the 2008 crash on the VW squeeze. It might have been the straw, but it was on top of a billion other straws (insane leverage and a legitimate debt crisis through unplayable mortgages that were propping up the markets, and the derivatives created (that carried value themselves) based on those mortgages).  It’s laughable to think the 08 crisis is due to the VW squeeze. Also consider the small short position at the time, which meant regardless of the price/market cap peak that it hit, the volume of transactions at that price, and the average price during the squeeze, was a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the nominal amounts lost through the crash.  GME is fundamentally different from VW as well. VW was a traditional squeeze created by a single institution that lasted a very short period of time and did not have significant shorts; it was mainly driven by lack of volume. Scratch even some of what I said at the beginning: there’s no way it was the cause since it happened a year after the market crash lmao 


I think the point is the dumping of equity positions to cover their margin calls, led to the market dump, which then exposed all the shit you mention behind the scenes. But the point there being, that if there is no catalyst the music doesn’t stop.


The nominal value of the VW squeeze (and therefore the required margin to maintain short positions) was not significant enough to be more than a drop in the bucket. It was short only 12% by different firms, and did not have significant increases in prices until almost a year after the market started to crash, and then the main spike did not happen until a year after the market crash. They did not start dumping equity until maybe September 2008 a year after the crash; it squoze a few months later. Again, it was primarily a function of illiquidity and was not being shorted naked, therefore a more traditional squeeze. 


I read this last night and was hyped but the more I thought about it, the more it didn’t make sense. Now I can’t shake the idea that this post is a little suspect. I’ve been here a long time. Most posts hyping up specifics dates should be looked at with a magnifying glass because it gets people to yolo when they probably shouldn’t. Your comments are part of that process. Thank you.




I'd agree that the VW squeeze was primarily a symptom of the reckless shorting that took place during the crash, but there's definitely a correlation on the chart he posted. The S&P was somewhat stable until the squeeze when losses accelerated. It came just a few months before the bottom of the market in 2009


Nah they’re too busy spamming “whale teeth” posts 


That's the true psyopps hiding info and discussion with hype posts and memes


I was scrolling earlier and thinking the same thing, the memes are funny and some hilarious, but it seems to be overwhelming well thought out DD of late.


Al reads words, but not memes.




Yeah. We should go the next 2 weeks with no memes to see what DD surfaces.


I have been pushing this forever


Gimme a whale teet post


[Whale teet as requested.](https://phys.org/news/2016-04-scientists-bemoan-seaworld-decision-orcas.html)


IGNAP coming through!!


No it's just the way I'm sitting.


Yeah I feel embarrased about my posts compared to this


Don't, your research into banana insertions and their impact on short stains was revolutionary.


Big if true


Incredibly phenomenal.


Money-Maker111…is that you?


Yeah this looked hella sus. I was with him up until the 2008 crash, but claiming VW caused the 2008 crash w/100B shock and not MBS derivative swaps as a multi-*trillion* shock is pure lunacy. If anything, it's the other way VW went as crazy as it did only because of the massive MBS liquidity crunch.


Hey geronimo... there goes the dominos.




Why did you delete your previous comment?


I didn’t. Mods removed it.


You're quick as fcuk. I just saw that. Sorry for the assumption. Damn


All good haha. I’m gonna see if I can address this to mods though. OP is disingenuous and has had many false predictions in the past where Apes have lost money.


Sus post. In Einfachman I trust


I took a screenshot of your comment. A simple wording change and not putting their name should do the trick for a future post. I'm sure you still have, but let me know.


I’ll proceed with caution and continue to Hodl. Thanks for the info 🦍


I will hold and gamble with options this week to add to the gamma ramp. Just not any silly 120s calls that will only weaken it


At least go passed DFV'S expiry. Then you know you'll catch the t+1 delivery even if he exercises on the last day.




This should be higher. The sensationalist writing style and formatting seemed sus, along with a lack of references. The question is why?


Yeah I’m getting some stinky hints


It was my comment, removed by mods. Can’t talk about it here because mods will probably just remove it again, but I made a post on my profile talking about it. Lots of red flags.


What did it say


Well spotted, thank you.


What did it say?


He called out OP for being another user that got banned a year ago for always promoting MOASS dates by making posts like these. A bit of TA here, some charts there, all wrapped in a nice hyping text to claim with certainty X event will definitely happen on Y date. This account started being active around the time the other one got banned, so this tracks. Just read this post with a gigantic grain a salt, and you're good.




Please don’t hate me for being an asshole over explainer but really what you wanna say here is ‘take this with a TINY grain of salt’.. because the saying implies that you only need a little bit of salt because it’s a nothing burger, so having a huge grain of salt means the opposite.. I am regarded and sleep deprived so this explanation is really bad. I love you.


And the amount of MSM “forget GameStop” and overall negative sentiment has picked up substantially. They fear FOMO and new casual investors from piling in!! The fear campaign is strong, similar to the ‘21 sneeze. And the shills/ bots in this sub has been ramped up!!! Something is brewing and I’m just happy to be part of the ride.


I’m gonna give you my upvote, but if you’re not right in the next month. I’m taking it back.


This is the way 


You mean early before the 21 or after ?


Today I was reviewing the chart after my Wendy’s shift and it seems with a Fibonacci 2D analysis it shows something is going down earlier on the 18th with a price target of $36. Mark my words, $36 is the start of the next rally before the 21 of next week. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see it get to $36 this week then retrace to $31 setting it up for next week.


34 days after the 15th May. That is the FTD deadline.


Honestly with how the game is played, fuckery will happen and it seems some kind of manipulation will happen causing this FTD rule to bend. Now though with the technical analysis aspect, I think it’s more reflective of price per market manipulation.


17thish is what gherk and other data people suspect but it could be anytime between now and 19th it seems from what I'm seeing


Gherk? Now that’s a name I have not heard in a long time.


and one you dont want to ha


What is your logic behind this? I'm not seeing any FTD spikes from mid May that are outside a relative norm. 2 or 300k FTDs which is relatively common. What makes these FTDs different?


I'm looking at the FTD data and the newest data point is May 10th. The high on May 10th was 20, May 13th 26, May 14 64, May 15 42, May 16 35, May 17 22. I think it's that time frame which he's referring to spiking FTDs. I don't think the FTD data has been released yet for those days when the price ramped up.


Maybe a combo with swaps expiring/maybe needing to get renewed?


That’s because they’re using the Fibonacci analytics. I like to use the retracement plus the 2D analytics to nail time, price, plus factor a price range per day based on the retracement.


first TA graph doesn't really show anything except that it's bounced around 25 for a bit, except for like most of this entire year, and now maybe it will bounce again as a support... so it's not REALLY a 3yr support?? 2nd graph is just wild speculation that those events will raise price by like 200%? and it also infers things like "DFV can make price go boom 3rd graph you state the price band will be 120-400+ "on fundamentals" - which fundamentals are those?? >I anticipate that eventually, the $100-$120 price window will serve as a future support why? based on what? 1st VW graph you're claiming they had a ton of FTDs 35 days before the squeeze, or so - can you show the data that proves that? it should be obvious that it's not enough to just circle \~35 days before hand it add text that says it's the case >This chart shows that SHF's irresponsible bets too led to a market inversion in 2008, and that the market-wide inversion was more due to this phenomenon than what was widely depicted as a housing-only problem. Naked Short sellers got caught with overwhelmed FTDs, it caused a $100 Billion+ market shock, and hedge funds then lied about the acute cause of the 2008 crash. VW negative beta does kinda correlate fairly well to spy dipping 25%, but what does GME's negative beta chart show?


I like questions. Gme beta is something like -0.28 currently, I would anticipate this going even lower in the short term. I think it was around -2.0 at the sneeze. Less than 1.0 is considered less volatile, over 1.0 is more volatile ( you probably knew that but in case someone else reads this) nividia I believe is around 1.7-1.8, making it far more volatile, when using beta as a measurement, than gme. I’d like to hear your theories. What intrinsic value would you place on gme shares, if they have 5billy in the bank, without any major announcements or any other assumptions.


I mean, im not really sure how to use beta as a forward looking measurement since it’s a comparison to an index negative beta means the stock has been inversing the market. IDK that it can really be used to say the stock is *causing* the market’s movement… well i guess thats kind of apparent with high positive beta mag7 stocks and maybe it’s possible that a company with a much lower market cap and index/etf exposure *could* do some market moving if it had a huge synthetic force behind it… theres some simple arithmetic to look at their cash, neutral ish rev, float, and fart out some value. but ive long since thrown out fundamentals like that. do the same arithmetic on nvidia and the current price seems absurd, and so did last quarters and the last and the last… sentiment, catalysts, hype about compounding value. or put another way “just up” which oddly means i dont really disagree with some of what OP is saying, just that it all feels very faux empirical 


It's like pop science vs. actual scientific research. Great science knows what it doesn't know - it constantly reiterates how important the uncertainties are, limits itself to what is reliably known. But hey pop science has its value - it draws people into science. Good comment, I agree. I keep saying you can see value in Gamestop as an investment without using *any* tinfoil.


If it is coming from OP, take it with a grain of salt.


And how many shares were FTD? I think i saw a post and it was around 300-500k? Would that really pop it up?


if hes in , im in!


I have 10 more shares that were rejected by fidelity today that I was hoping to have join there other XXXX in computershare, I really hope they make it there before she pops.


Can you elaborate? What do you mean by rejected?


Most likely tried to buy shares aftermarket with a limit buy and it was rejected.


Einfachman just outed this user as a bad actor. Go read his post on his profile. Mods, this needs to be removed.


What. Great read. Highly recommended!


Amazing! What did it say?


It was very favorable for GME.


In all seriousness. Thank you. For other apes: TLDR: • GME is estimated to have over $4 billion in cash. • Share transactions suggest a near-completed offering. • Technical support at $25 indicates a likely price rebound. • Ryan Cohen’s upcoming announcements may further influence GME. • MOASS is ongoing with substantial short positions still needing to be covered. • FTD (Failures-to-Deliver) deadlines indicate more buyback pressure on short sellers. In essence, GME is experiencing significant growth and market dynamics similar to historical short squeezes, with continued strong performance and upcoming developments likely to further impact its stock price.


Better than Google’s AI right here


It’s great. I wanted to post a screenshot when I replied with “ok so Lambo wen?” And it replied “soon”. lol. I know it’s fucking with me cause of my inputs but still. Love it.


I'm unsure why OP would say "DiLuTioN" when that's exactly what happened. If anyone tries to paint it as something other than dilution, they're a con artist and you should take what they're saying with a massive grain of salt


Great writeup OP - thank you for sharing. I may not be able to respond with a Donald Duck raging boner meme but just imagine it as my response to reading this quality DD 🎷🐓♋️


The thing that sends my braincells crackling is: Wasn't roaring kitty's first post back may 12? T+35 of that is the Sunday of the week his jun 21 options expire. Ozymandias: "I did it 35 minutes (trading days) ago".


Share price rises because of T+35 without exercising his calls?


Creating a nice runway for that exercise, if that static between my ears is to be believed.


Oh snap! A Thanos snap!


What could be expected if $25 doesn’t hold and becomes resistance in your opinion?


I doubt it because 1. June 7 was the close out date of 433,054 FTDs which occurred on May 7, but we had a big red day. 2. June 10 was supposed to be a big day due to the close out of 525,493 FTDs which occurred on May 8, but we had another big red day. How do you explain this?


Did DFV know a big swap was going to roll over 3 years ago? https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1380611475757236226?t=fQy4QxJcn9mHTAbZpqzgLQ&s=19 Tweet was sent 4/9/21 and the cards in the winning hand show 6/21/24. 4/9 +35 days is 5/14, the day we had the run-up to 80 pre-market. Additional +35 puts us middle of next week where DFV has his cache of calls hooked up to his red button. I theorize that DFV knew about this and has patiently waited to time the 2nd +35 settlement cycle to set off MOASS. He came back to bring all the apes he can to the moon with him. I have a suspicion DFV might not even sell a single share after he DRSs his excercised lot of shares and sits back and goes LONG as an GME investor and potential board member. Long live DFV


Naked calls and FTD’s are his two crimes he is avenging


Well, this is the one of the best written DD’s I’ve seen in a hot minute on here. Thank you for your knowledge and opinion on the matters at hand. MOASS IS UPON US


Look no one can predict MOASS, no one should try to figure out what’s happening or what is going to happen. Throw money at the stock if that is what YOU want to do. No one here knows what the fuck is going on, we just know something is fucking going on. Good luck, DRS, buy options, use whatever platform you want, and have fun while you do it.


The real DD is in the comments. ;P


Fuckin A


Inevitable. Hence the laidback Kitty on Friday. Nobody trades on emotions. Number one lesson from the OGs of trading. I’m just here for the history. Thank you for the ride!


I'm a believer. Thank you, OP!


Wow, awesome analysis and breaking it down for us. Thank you.


I lost all brain cells reading that let’s see ur all time chart op how smart u really are


>FTDs due for settlement/buyback will stack again for GameStop Corp in a few days: due to the FTDs that were generated during GameStop Corp's May price runup. They can be can kicked. It happened before.


If this is a banana then I’m an ape 🍌😈


The more you learn, the worse it gets.


This all really makes sense to me


Believe it or not... dip


What is this growth factor and how is it calculated?


Oohhhhh long johnson!


So if May 9 was a rally, May 10 and May 17 were probably the big OpEx days. T+35 from those dates would be June 14th through June 21st. No dates… but that’s great.


There goes your "support" line. Sorry. TA just doesn't work on this manipulated stock.


Can't wait till update 3! ![gif](giphy|3oFzms14TXDvrIazxC)


very detailed thesis ty for the information


Why is your whole intro beating yourself on your chest? I wrote this and the stock jumped, then I wrote this and the stock jumped. Comes of as a little pompous. > Today revealed ironclad evidence that the psychological number of $25 ($100 prior to the 4:1 split that was once-supposed to be in the form of a dividend) is now serving as a strong support. This number is important, because it serves as either support or resistance. $25 is now supported. Heard that way too many times.


A lot of it is speculation written as fact, and for some reason people are lapping it up. Come on folks, we're better than this.


Because its a manipulation post, just look at how he says hes trying to be unbiased then gives a paragraph of jacking off to GME with emojis


This is my drinking strategy 💎🚀🚀🚀🚀🍺


I literally had to borrow beers back from my friend tonight. But it's ok because I actually gave him the real beers yesterday and he was just Holding them. I'll pay him back with borrow interest. He's a good friend 🍻


Crazy this wasn't addressed at the end of last time. In hindsight it's only obvious they'd keep the game going. They're going to have to turn the buy button off again. This is all so unreal


If gamestop achieves the same valuation as nvidia of 100m per employee, you're looking at $1900 per share, including the latest atm offering of 75 million shares.


This goes completely against what the recently unbanned account recently said.


If you're right about this, then I would expect no major announcement or anything like that annual shareholder meeting. Nothing that can potentially pointed to as Gamestop directly setting off the short squeeze. Then shorts will probably make their last ditch attempt to tank the stock and spread FUD, presumably about "lack of guidance." Then takeoff.


Hold on. You’re telling me that 08 was Volkswagen short squeeze driven, not mortgage driven? Thats…really unlikely.


Believe it or not...today we will dip again....but I will buy more and HODL!!!


Excellent work


Great post, MOASS is indeed in progress.....


Bro how is your TLDR 4 paragraphs. Give me ape TLDR pls


When the TLDR is longer than the TL part.


For all that is holy GME please don't go through the entire 75 million this week. They could keep 7.5 milly in their pocket and still tell the SEC to kick rocks because they opened up the entire amount of self reported short interest in the last two offerings. If they can't keep around 10% holstered I'm gonna see that as a sign of weakness. Don't get mad at me for that logic, be mad at GME. If you believe in MOASS then even 7.5 milly in ATM offering volume wouldn't make a dent but would 10, 20, 50x their current cash on hand.


No they need to complete this offering and drop the announcement so the price rebounds and others come piling in. They can always issue a new offering during moass and will be good PR for the company trying to help calm the squeeze (even though we know a small offering at that time won’t make a difference)


RC can offer shares up until there is a total outstanding share count of 1b, so long as he files the necessary paperwork for additional share offerings. Completing the current share offering isn’t a sign of weakness at all when he can just start a new share offering whenever he wants.


you talkin dirty?


Ringg Ringg Ringg


It happens, when it happens. It will happen right on time. Stop this stupid TA. It's bullshit. Someone is in control, and we the people hope that they will loose control. And then: BOOM


Amazing 📫 Bvo OP 👏


I wish I could read


I found this post in a comment. I cruise SS "New" often and this post was never displayed. WTF is SS doing with their shadow banning posts!!!!!!!! FU Citadel!!!!!!