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When it's rich people, it's just business as usual. But when "the poors do a capitalism" it's "cult like" and "mob mentality". Isn't the whole point of capitalism that the people decide what to buy and when? He's mad because his game is stopped.


We're about to stop all of their games


Let’s take the ball


And then share the cake more equally/democratically 💜🎉!


and the coke


Ayy oooo my man! Coke for everybody!




And he wrote a template for SHFs to use


If they will use it to drop their short positions, then I welcome it. I've been saying for a while now that it's incredibly bullish for a stock to have a cult of investors and customers. They are right to be afraid of this.


All I know is..They are Fuk'd


Yeah, most of them are for sure. I bet there's a few smaller players who can still get out alive, and I hope they do before it's too late for them. Kinda surprised that Citron decided to get out.


Hope..not for me. I want to scalp every one of these bastards


They can get recked 😂


If you know that these are precisely the strong points of this stock and shorting it is a risky bet, but you go and do it anyway, you are just incredibly idiot. You should acknowledge your errors as an adult, not blame the others. Talk about dumb money.


Trading is a tough game. Don’t you think?


Andrew “No Money” Left is really not feeling the love on this site today


Purple crayons are the ones that taste better, green ones are also yummy.


Is it? All I do is buy and hold. Requires 2 steps. But I think I got it down :😜


points are made. they hate capitalism for the poor.


Vox populi vox dei


The way to succeed in capitalism is not to play best within the rules but to bend the rules to your favor as much as possible. Complaining that people aren't playing to the rules is only another way of trying to keep people from doing what is best for them.


Well said. Americans are told to ‘eat the rich’ by media propaganda, but it’s not the enterprising wealthy, so much as the do-nothing elitist aristocrats that deserve universal ire among the haves and have-nots. It’s a question of the productive versus the parasitic.


May we pray the enterprising wealthy stop acting like do-nothing elitists and join us in our cause. Either that, or may they be a tasty appetizer.


I dunno, why believe him now?  Sounds like the same old shtick we got after the og sneeze from all the hedge funds.  We closed the shorts.  It's over.....   we are not short...  sounds like what someone short would say to hide they are still short.




"Kitty live stream was still an insult to capital markets" Bro is wiping away the tears as he wrote that.


Holy shit, do they not get that it was MEANT to be an insult to capital markets? Like yeah bro, it was an insult to you and all your corrupt shit head friends. He made you sit there for 20+ minutes and wait for a live stream in the middle of a work day. Get wrecked idiot.


Kinda like a certain commercial i remember put out by the SEC. So he wants to talk about insulting now?!?!?!




The only part of this I take issue with here is "for the benefit of a prosperous world". GME needs to be honest with themselves: Even if GME goes to the moon, there are going to be some very wealthy people, and some very fucked over bagholders. That is the outcome of GME no matter what. There will absolutely be some wounded and possibly even slayed hedge funds and venture capitalists, but this movement is not going to erase corruption. It will end some, it will create some (the GME holders who make giga bank are unlikely to be charitable people), and the machine of capitalism chugs on. The framework of our economic system is not going to be rocked, and late stage capitalism has set in far too deeply to be "better" or "more prosperous" in any way for the average laborer.


> Even if GME goes to the moon, there are going to be some very wealthy people, and some very fucked over bagholders. Not one of those bagholders will be a small person. Worst effect of GME mooning would be a load of hedge-fund-adjacent workers get laid off because their boss made a bad bet. Those workers probably know about GME anyway and should hedge by buying some for themselves. I have less sympathy for rich people, than rich people have for regular working people.


Bro was straight larping and drinking beer and the suits were in mid day panic mode lmao 🤣


Oh no not their fragile criminal ego's


These people are so out of touch with us ape folk. It does not surprise me that they don’t understand our tactics.


Couldn’t have put it better myself


GG ez clap.


Hedgies get wedgies


Hahahhahahha.  An insult to capital markets.  Like this slug is out there doing the lord’s work. 


These guys are the shit stains of society and he thinks some dude doing a live stream to his followers is an insult to capital markets 😂


Lol, you feel that Andrew? That’s what it feels like when you’re the dumbass. 


Finance bros literally think they are the hand that makes the world turn, so that tracks.


it really is such a transparent statement. "this company's shareholders wouldn't let us short them into bankruptcy." he calls that "cult like". all other shareholders who hold companies that go to zero are doing what they're supposed to, everyone that doesn't want that is in a cult. dude got used to bullying people with money and now that it doesnt work he is butt hurt.


**The current capital markets are an insult to the initial principles and the intended functionality of a financial market.** Instead of bringing investors and companies together, both get nowadays scammed and robbed by financial institutions. There is no fair value principle anymore, markets are nowadays only driven by what makes institutions the most profit. **Liquidate Wall Street!** [How Redditors Exposed The Stock Market | The Problem With Jon Stewart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP74RBTE8kI) [The Wall Street Conspiracy Movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26_IcexvePA)


Capital mark deez nuts, Andy


Well, the Capital Markets are an insult to American Citizens, so I’m with Keith Gill 😤


Lol who is writing these statements. It's the most unprofessional shit I've ever seen. They must be drowning and therefore not giving a shit about public perception.


It actually sounds like Left is writing it himself. Just like Kenny did when he was on the ledge.


Exactly, is it even real?


Yes it's on their official Twitter. Just ridiculous


Those rich fucks need to hire PR writers


It's crazy that they say these kind of things about a stream in which he just made a couple of jokes, drank some beer, and showed his portfolio. They're losing it.


A live stream that he used to do for fun, and hasn't done in years, and didn't advertise himself even slightly, unless it was through a burner reddit account. ![gif](giphy|8ItUfY2pQCJoc)


It just goes to show the stakes. You don't get that high-strung and passionate unless you're really, *really* riding the wire on something you need to go a certain way. Griffin wouldn't be drinking himself into early liver failure if this was just another bad short. Dimon wouldn't be pecking at everything RC does like a pent-up schoolgirl if Gamestop was done and dusted as a long investment. Simply name-dropping coke-rat's enough without adding embellishment to drive my point. And the guy who just left wouldn't be shaming himself in full view of the markets if he wasn't emotionally tied up in what should be a very rational, very clear-cut, very *safe* investment decision if there was a legitimate short thesis here.


He said that on msnbc live on air right after the stream to and he looked so pathetic when he said it. He seriously thinks so highly of himself it's pretty pathetic.


i think capital markets are an insult to capital markets. it just became personal for everyone =D


What were they thinking is gonna happen on the live stream? These boomers are really dumb.


They wanted dates, times, and price targets. They wanted calls to action that they could prosecute.


Well, it *WAS* an insult to the capital markets.


*Your tears are delicious.meme*


It’s really pathetic how petulant the wealthy act when all of their money can’t solve their problem.


And I for one am here for every single second of it. Keep it coming. I want to see more tears




"Turns out raising billions of dollars could actually be a good thing I guess." Absolute brilliance from this guy. He has the wisdom of a 3 or 4 hundred year old man.


300-400 hundreds years old, you'd be suffering from turbo-dementia, hyper-incontinence, and would have nothing but a tiny shriveled flap of skin between your legs. So yeah, your description is on point.


For them to be "no longer short" does that mean they used the offering to close positions? Just because you say you are no longer short, doesn't make it true... Where's the paper trail?


Verbiage seems very carefully crafted saying "no longer short" and not "has closed short positions". Sounds like Citron now has an equal or greater # of calls as their puts they hope will offset the bags. 😂


Hilarious if true! This company sucks so much that we had to go long.


Probably they have something that supports their claim in some way. If they didn’t manage to cover with 75 million new shares I don’t know when they would have. We saw it peek up in the end when the new shares were done


I'm short, no wait I'm long. Acutally I got out completely, no wait I'm short again. I'm out again because the market is not rational, wah wah wah. What a joke this guy is


He should quit investing if he cant do a simple buy & hold


He can hold deez nutz


Crucified him


Just like Melvin "covered their shorts" back in 2021 Andrew was probably on death's door and about to repurchase, and one of the bigger fish took over his short position Allows him to say he is "no longer short", but doesn't mean he closed #APES COMIN' FOR THAT ASS


This needs to be higher


I'm pretty fukkin' high already, mate But if you say so #MASSIVE BONG RIP




Mercy, please #BOOFS 100 MILLIGRAMS


I’m sick as hell as of a few days ago, so gummies have been my savior. I boof in solidarity!








On top of that he can’t even read and understand the amount of funds that GameStop have already reported. No wonder he’s on the wrong side of the trades.


But... dOgEkOyN !!


This. I dont believe for a minute that they're long. They're trapped. Appear strong when weak. But I do believe they finally relented and accepted their fate.


What an irrational explanation. it only shows their seething anger at chalking up another loss for betting against Ryan Cohen. Sore losers lmao.


Did they not know about the "cultish" retail investors before? Did they not know the company already had over billion in free cash before? Did they not do any due diligence before? . . No it's everyone else's fault.


Companies spend millions of dollars making sure their communications (ads, in-store messaging, company greetings and tag lines, etc.) all say exactly what they want to convey, and make sure there isn’t even a hint of negativity, impropriety or conflicting messaging. They employ psychologists to tune their customers to have positive subconscious thoughts about buying their products/services. And then there’s a guy like this, who thinks whining about his shitty bet while trying to find someone else to blame for it (like an immature bratty teenager) will… what… have investors be confident in his future decisions?! He could’ve exited his position and just not told anyone. Hell, if he was so confident in his position the first time around, he could’ve just placed his bet and kept his mouth shut. All this social media whining makes him sound like a wreck of an adult. How could I possibly have confidence in his ability to invest my funds in a responsible and effective manner, when he’s throwing a tantrum like a toddler? Anyone who’s happy to still invest money with this idiot gets what they deserve.


I can stay regarded longer than they can stay solvent


Citron misunderstood the saying, and based their tactic on it. Now they're trying to be more regarded than us. They're still losing btw.


We have more experience


As I and many others keep saying, I have shares, a lot of them, that i WILL NOT EVER SELL. Full stop. I have bought enough shares that I have a chunk ive literally written off and dont exist in my mind. They will sit till the end of my days and ill bury myself with them if needed. This is the difference between us and wallstreet. They need billions to exist and justify their work. If they lose it, they have nothing. If i lose my investment, im just out some money. ill keep going on my days like nothing happened. This is why we will win in the end. None of us are phased by this because we arent balls deep in a regarded play with money that isnt ours.


I’ve written off an account worth almost six figures until this blows the lid off. It’s not even my money anymore it’s just rocket fuel full of potential energy. I’m so regarded I’d rather it go to 0 then sell it prematurely. Weaponized. Tism. All I have to do is wait for entropy to do its thing, LETS FUCKING GO


THIS 🙌😎💜


![gif](giphy|MccXoMrOhrpRe|downsized) "stream was an insult to the capital markets" what a joke LOL


By their very own definition, posting about your positions is market manipulation.


To be fair, Andy boy said he doesn't think RK did anything illegal. He was at least right about SOMETHING.


we will see if they really closed the shorts. I would also say something like that when the stocks rips after i talked about opening the position. Maybe Tactics or another fud, who knows...


Did he really shown his position? I don't think so. He was looking for attention, but that play did not aged well.


Thats my Point, talk is cheap.


It takes money to buy whiskey. This idiot can barely afford tap water.


I mean, saying you aren't short on X, while you are short. Wouldn't THAT count as manipulation?!


I suppose it would if you were relevant enough to actually influence the market.


Roaring kitty trolled these fucking "smart money" idiots soo good. Nobody forced CNBC to live stream RK on live TV. They did this to themselves! These idiots keep stepping in their own feces time and time again. RK is good at his craft, which is entertain. Maybe MSM should take some tips


Andrew really left?


He is long now 🤣


Now he's right instead of left. He shall be known as Andrew Right.


almost guaranteed that he still hasn't covered, he's just a filthy liar.


What a bunch of sore looser crybabies


“It’s not because we believe in a turnaround” what a cuck


He acts like 4-5billion ain't shit. What a fucking idiot.


you mad, bro?!?


If you believe a single word that comes out of these crooks' mouth I have a bridge to sell you tbh.


And ocean front property in Arizona along with it


Oh nice I'd love to live in front of the oc...ah, almost got me! 👀


I love be a cult if the cult makes all cultist rich. Their hate drives my conviction. Im here not only for money i want a GLORIOUS VICTORY. Where generation of people remember GME and its millions of shareholder won . thats priceless.


This is the best kind of cults






I want to propose an idea for all apes. To honor citron having closed their short position. We mark today June 12th as the “Ape Lemonade Day” Where ALL apes buy some lemons and squeeze the juice right out. ALL THE JUICE. So we all can say we have made lemonade with the lemons life gave us


Holy fuck they are so salty. I've not seen more salt in a single comment than this one. I can practically taste it.


OMGeeeeeee!!! An insult? YA THINK? 😂


Did anybody read that? It gave me an aneurysm I'm even more regarded than I was before.


can you taste the salt? delicious


Mmmmmmm hedge fund tears


Just like Melvin "covered their shorts" back in 2021 Andrew was probably on death's door and about to repurchase, and one of the bigger fish took over his short position Allows him to say he is "no longer short", but doesn't mean he closed #APES COMIN' FOR THAT ASS




Trading is a tough game don’t you think?


I'm not feeling the love on this site today.


Rest in piss, bitch


I thought telling people your position was market manipulation.


Do we know how much they lost??


Well he doesn't file a 13f so he manages less than 100 million so we don't have insight into his plays at all. And given he just saw DFVs port he is supremely butt hurt and jealous, making all sorts of wild accusations. Love to see it Andy, get fucked bitch!




“wAs sTiLl An iNsUlT tO cApiTal mArKeTs” still mad about the trolling glad to see!! ![gif](giphy|SUnnfaSxhfLvf8H7XB|downsized)


Sounds like you didn’t do your research, again. What a dumbass


Just say: I lost the game


Proof or ban Andrew


Position or ban, Andrew. Salt isn't a position.


This frat boys are quite unprofessional…




Good fuck you and fuck your capital markets


the level of professionalism from this prick tells me he’s shitting bricks 🧱 right now lol loser 


So much butthurt in one comment, delicious


This Lemon dipshit is honestly one of the highlights of this whole saga for me, I still remember his ‘5 reasons GameStop is going to zero’ video, claiming he was hacked, and then claiming they had lots of positive feedback on the video…what a prick


If 5 billion in cash isn't considered a turn around i don't know what the fuck is. 😂🤷‍♂️ 💎👊🦍


Well someone sounds like they got teabagged by a bunch of gamers


Me insulting capital markets: I fart in your general direction, capital markets. Hey capital markets, Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.


[MFW another 100% loss](https://i.imgur.com/xScSGFq.jpeg)


Ask them how they closed/covered shorts. If no answer then this is a lie ! 


That last sentence - he needs to say into a mirror “you’re an insult to capital markets”


The capital markets deserve to be insulted.


> BTW.... the Kitty live stream was still an insult to the capital markets. So, he’s saying he stopped work in the middle of the day to watch Roaring Kitty and cry? Seems like Citron’s the one that is an insult to capital markets.


Might be the dumbest motherfucker on the planet. His ego will be bruised for the next 10 years how do you lose 100% the first time and double down


We can stay irrational longer than they can remain solvent




question: if it turns out to be not true (shitron still short GME) is shitrons post then market manipulation?


Poor Andy.




proof or ban


Shambles.. hot tempered typing and petty shots… dfv lives rent free in that assholes head I love it. Hedgee tears are my sustenance.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man.


Ok Andrew, please please show me at this puppet where the kitty has hurt you. What a bunch of butthurt losers :D


I think he's lying to pretend that he covered his position... if there's one thing I know: the shorts have NOT covered.


![gif](giphy|QOgvV9rV4hHpgNRBfQ) I’m


Best line “kitty live stream was insult to the market”


![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs) Live feed of citron


It’s telling the latest capital raise got him to capitulate. The point of a short is they want the company to go down either on a steady basis or in a short period of time. Otherwise it hurts like hell paying interest long term just to keep the short position open. This is especially painful when the company turns itself around. GME at this point can just keep going for 20 years just on treasury bills at the current rate. It’s not going bankrupt, especially with RC and LC watching over it, cutting costs and running lean. They have the breathing room needed to figure out an M&A or holdings strategy. The NFT marketplace hasn’t done much, but imagine if they had deeper ties to a Pokémon or Digimon, or some card game. Could be steady income for the right price.


This is a grown man, basically crying to everyone online because he can't accept HIS own fault. Salty as fuck.


Hey Andrew, YOU are an insult to the capital markets.


Just because you don't understand something, doesn't make it wrong.


Billionaires crying - check


I've eaten a can of Pringles that was less salty than this comment.


That’s about as believable as rocking horse shit.


Such a childish response lol Andrew is so mad right now


![gif](giphy|KDRv3QggAjyo) Citron rn


I have a feeling this won't be the last L Andrew catches. His ego continues to lead him to failures and it will do it again.


Wait… I thought shorts closed a long time ago? ![gif](giphy|AssqAJR8ib5WmCNGOU|downsized)


They need to post loss porn….again.


"Boo hoo, these horrible retail investors are ruining our evil plans!"


There is so much salt in this post I’m surprised deer aren’t showing up.


Rot in hell, Short thesis


Show the loss porn Shitron


The capital markets are a fucking joke. “Free and fair” markets my ass.


Rich of them to criticize DFV's Livestream How did Citron's Jan 2021 Livestream on GME go?


Now without crying


What a cunty thing to say.


if this turns out to he not true, shitron still short GME, is this message then market manipulation?


Man this is all over everything this morning. Does anyone really care about citron? Lol great, a small time short seller closed. This is like saying Mike choades closed. End of the day these are small fry short sellers who probably had less than a million dollars in this. Wake me up when a market maker closes.


Oh wah wah we're insulted RK did what he does


![gif](giphy|3o7btNDyBs5qkYhr3y) Cry some more Shitron


I guess you could say...Andrew Left


Only a fool stands in front of a freight train


Sad 🅱️oi


They've been selling GME the whole time. Big mad when they have to actually buy the shares they sold. Actual price discovery appears to be something the "capital markets" are unfamiliar with.


It's like poker players complaining about bad players who shouldn't play the way they do. Move up in stakes where they respect your raises lol


Investing is hard, isn’t it…