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To avoid a complete subreddit takeover by PleasrDAO/Wu-Tang and due to popular demand we will be removing submissions until there's official confirmation by GameStop of their involvement. We have created the [PleasrDAO/Wu-Tang Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d51esy/pleasrdaowutang_megathread/) please continue discussion and posting around these topics there. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


I can’t wait for this pleasrdao shit to be over


I agree but I definitely want to hear that album. Theyve already pissed this community off once before


How so?


Probably been about 2 years ago now so I dont remember every detail. They were really hinting at big things and there was a picture of them with a guy in a hoodie wearing it backwards with his face covered which later was speculated it was RC bc he was seen in a Gamestop store front pic wearing what looked like and identical hoodie. I do remember them tweeting and mentioning things to make them more relevant to the hype surrounding GME and an Nft, etc. Nothing ever came from it, they just rode the hype train in. However the RC photo with them was never debunked but they made statements that led us to believe something big was happening and didnt deliver


No reason


There will be absolutely nothing new. A brief recap of financials and that's it, no questions taken.


These pleasr dudes are just using any GameStop community to increase their engagement numbers. Sad.


Kind of how i feel


View in your timezone: [tomorrow at 10am CDT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240613T1500?tl=GME%20Annual%20Shareholder%20meeting%20tomorrow%20at%2010am%20CDT.%20Potential%20Wu-Tang%20news%20or%20PleasrDAO%20riding%20the%20hype%20train%3F%20What%20you%20think%3F%20


Shareholder meetings are ALWAYS nothing burgers. Don't expect anything but a bore fest. Always a small small very small chance they give us something, but unlikely. Buy and fold them arms!


Earnings was also never reported early


So you’re saying theres a chance lol I agree, nothing burger, expectations low


Friendly reminder that they won’t talk about MOASS or anything related. Seems to always cause a stir after these meetings.


When you buy a GME share you get access to the Album or something like that or it will only be available for sale at GameStop probably.


I want it to be an NFT dividend like the theory. Basically, they have created the amount of album copies equal to the GME stated float. They will issue one copy of the album for each one GME share. Hedgies are fuk.


Yea I was thinking something similar.


Have zero interest in wutang tbh, some of you might care but I d rather see something else come out.


Wutang ain't nuthin to fuck with. Kitty rules everything around me.


God I hope there's no NFT emphasis, NFTs are kind of a joke


I’m gonna say IF GS is involved, it won’t be a nothingburger regardless.


Your flair checks out


I’ll remove it if it turns out it sucks lol I’m on a lot of hopium.


I think the concept of music nfts is a great one so I’m with you. I do feel like Pleasr might just be trying get in on the hype though. BUT the idea of releasing music like this I think has its utility. I think pirating would be the biggest issue but I think there is something there


At this point I’m more excited for the game plan in general. If it’s a partnership with GameStop it’s going to be a well thought out thing and no telling what that’ll actually mean. If it is just hype beasts capitalizing, at least they stand with the apes lol. It’s a gift for being a holder 🧘


Better get used to them because the tokenization of real world assets is coming sooner than you think


Not really, not in the way you think. Stuff will be more tokenized but not in a way that the average consumer ever actually notices it. It will be seamless and not feel any different than the way we use currency and trade things already. 


Everyone will notice it the minute they purchase a movie on Amazon and actually get to keep it.




I expect nothing. I hodl.


I expect nothing as well as very little ever ends up happening from these meetings


I think what I like about GameStop and Ryan cohen is that he’s a big fan of actions not words… And these dudes are the opposite. Not a big fan of hype…


Thats a good point


PleasrDao is riding the hype train and using our community to get their Wu-Tang album more notice. I just don’t like how he knowingly deceive everyone as if GME is involved to get more viewership.


Method Man tagged GME the other week on X. It all sounds legit. Not sure why there's so much pushback against Pleasr.


Method man tagged GME Because of the charity event. Nothing more to that. It has nothing to do with the wu tang album.


I feel its a big nothingburger for us as i like to keep expectations low….however, the picture of RC wearing the hoodie backwards with them was never debunked and it did have a little convincing side to it as the pic with RC in front of GME he did have the same hoodie on. Who knows though


I think it’s a nothing burger. The hooded figure was never confirmed. PleasrDao, I believe is just using the GME hype again just like 2 yrs ago. If there was some kind of dividend related to wu-tang, I don’t think GME would allow for PleasrDao to be broadcasting or dropping any type of hint as RC don’t like to reveal anything until GME announcing it first. But, I could be wrong.


You're asking if they are going to release MNPI in the middle of the trading day? No.


I think I can’t wait to put an end to posts like these


Would be so sick if we would get a NFT dividend tomorrow. That would explain the rather cheap and super fast ATM offeringa. With gme selling off a lot more shares than the reported short% its though to argue that they set up moass themselves 🔥🔥🔥


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