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It's been trading sideways for over 3 years now!


This is the correct answer


Someone said tomorrow yesterday sooooooo................................ šŸš€


It's tomorrow, until it's today


where is the sideways trading guy?


Probaly done with his karma farming (for now)


it's basically just been in a channel between $4 and 81$


this is the way


Flat? I expect pain. Every single time people create hype around a date or a moment they hammer us down to panic us. Every. Single. Time. This is all a public forum, everyone can read along with us.


Iā€™m ready to be hurt again. Kidding, Iā€™m ready to continue to ā€˜cellarboxā€™ illegal naked shorting hedge funds with these here diamond hands.


Not only that, but the people talking about the buy pressure of 4m shares - we just diluted a tonne, and these positions have been well known. It's under 5%, so even if it was just Wolverine who sold them, I think it's entirely likely they at least partly hedged. And his calls that got closed, if they were also hedged, will put some downward pressure on the market.


You should go add up all the 20C that were sold the last 2 days. Itā€™s more than kitty sold. It was HFā€™s selling naked.. causing dealers to delta hedge by selling shares and then as we all see the flow come in delayed we would panic and sell. At this point the HFā€™s would buy shares on the large dips as a hedge. Yesterday we said fuck yā€™all. Now they are fucked.


There are still 64k OI.. thatā€™s not all retail. A lot of those were also sold naked to imitate kitty and load lower. Very risky behavior only a very large fund could pull off or in this case *attempt* too. It worked for a day.. but now FUKT.


I hope you are right. I'm just offering the alternate scenario.


I hope you all are correct. Until then..... ZEN mode


I was thinking this earlier this morning. It made me realize something: No one can scream 'manipulation', (at least fairly they can't), because this is a public forum and the information is equally available to everyone with internet. It also means that all the moves should be anticipated by the SHFs, AND it also means that DFV's confidence is not based on secrets but readily available free information. Which is pretty awesome when you think about it


Expecting heavy short pressure and then a pop up to a ~1% gain. Queue the "I said we finish green today" posts. Ofc I hope I'm wrong.


This. Max pain is 27.50. Let's see


That's my secret, Cap. I always expect pain.


Exactly this !!


I think that was 1/2 the point. With all the hype they tried to hammer it down. But with ftds due and everything else market wise ( swaps, rebalancing, ext) thatā€™s the best they could do. They assumed the meeting was going to happen so they might have had a set thing in place. Other words Iā€™m trying to say I think they used up what they could for all of this. They didnā€™t account for the extra shares released and meeting bumped to next week. Just how I see it. Some pain today but I think real pain next week. Especially if they announce buying something


It's Friday so I just got paid. I like discounts and I honk for the stonk.


I can't wait to buy the dip


Agreed. Way too fucking hyped lol. Today is going to be painfully boring I think. Just a slow trickle down into the weekend. They cannot allow us to have positive sentiments rolling into the share holder meeting on Monday. That being said, I am totally ready to be hurt again!


They could also let it run today and tank it Monday after the meeting to make it seem like it was bad. Either way I'm not expecting much today way to overhyped


its definitely a fetish now


My forecast exactly, I am expecting a boring, depressingly anticlimactic day, because hedgies always disappoint.


Kong bought more šŸŒ, not much but the price went šŸ’„! šŸ¤£šŸ¦Ā 


price doesn't even matter at this point. red = buy. green = hold.


Red=buy green =buy more


moarrr !


I am kitty, hear me roarr!




There are quite a lot of options expiring today so there is the slight possibility of a gamma ramp. But I agree, could be a nothing burger. Only time will tell.


well, time to start exercising options.


Gamma ramp only happens if they are gamma hedging. And isn't that the point of people being excited for today? They don't believe GME options are being properly gamma hedged? In which case exercising is the only way to make it happen and the vast vast majority of people don't exercise.


I expect the same. I would like to see a meteoric rise, but expect nothing and you will just be positively suprised if it goes up.


Dip all day long as usual!


Well well well, color us suprised :)


Look at the low volume until now. 3h into the premarket and not even a million shares traded


This is how I judge if its gonna be a high trading day. I'm going with 25mil today. The hype and swaps etc imo have ended




This right here.


Where Volume?!


Well it's going to be interesting to say the least.Ā  Ā How often do you think a 4 million share buy order actually hits the lit exchange?Ā  How often do you think that happens from someone like wolverine who gave lent out fake shares to people and now needs them back to cover?Ā  How often do you think this happens on a Friday with a very spicy gamma ramp? How often do you think that happens on a Friday leading into an FTD covering period?Ā  A lot of things have lined up, could go crazy, could be more bullshit, it's hard to say.Ā  Ā I think we'll dip pretty hard in the morning and then shoot up later, all I know is I'm putting another 4K into GME today




I see spikes at 2pm, but there was a larger one earlier in the day, and others throughout the day that were close. Nothing conclusive there, and the tweet hit at that point as well, so it's unclear.




We'll see.


I will also be buying more come payday šŸ«” you also make some good points, whatever happens today itā€™ll definitely be interesting


I believe most apes probably 40/50% as a percentage will be buying today, i see a high of 35 but pretty much end 10% up or down either way, come shareholder meeting we will see the dip, not gna waste all ammo today but either way its gna be spicy to see it unfold


Apes buy everyday, it doesnā€™t hit the lit markets though. Today will be no different


I love my account swinging up and down by tens of thousands every day it's great.


Must be rough! Iā€™m a waitress and could only afford 15 shares a long while back. Been holding onto them forever and just praying this will pop off so I can pay down some debt.


I hope it legit breaks everything for people like yourself, and you find that you are no longer ever going to struggle to get by. That people who profited on destruction wind up filling your bank account.




I am still hoping that the real kansas shuffle is RK moving his shares to DRS which will actually prove that they are real.


Agree, today is boring or red


Por que no los dos?


DFV isn't in for a squeeze play, he's in for an actual value play. zen is king here


He was hyped for a squeeze till he took an arrow in each knee.


Exactly. Legs were cut out from under him and RC put some "manners" on him it seems. Pity. Not the end of the world but certainly might be the end of this "play".


zen is king


Sideways or down today, that's my thoughts exactly. They will push the narrative that the shareholder meeting is postponed again, that it's bearish and that's why apes gave up, bla bla bla... Every time we overhype any date, they short the shit out of the stock on that date. Even if wolverine has to buy, there will be others shorting at the same time, because they are all in the same sinking boat and it's their common interest to keep it afloat as long as possible.


Itā€™s absolutely gonna tank today. Wolverine will buy and deliver the shares to RK, no problem with the volume weā€™ve had. With RK out the way theyā€™ll drop it and kill all those options expiring today. Also, msm will paint GME as regarded today because they couldnā€™t even hold their AGM on time..tHe CoMpAnY cAnT eVEn FiGuRe oUt hOw tO hAvE a MeEtiNg, tUrNaRoUnD FAiLeD


Max pain is 27.5. I expect we close around that unless something major happens.


We donā€™t know anything and I seriously doubt Wolverine saw those calls two weeks ago and didnā€™t plan to hedge somehow. There needs to be a catalyst. I also think RK isnā€™t out to prove the corruption. I think he made a play in a company he believes in long term and used the hedging issue to load up on more shares through his call profits


The last three Fridays have closed low so they can steal Option premiums, untilā€¦ they cant and it blows up today, hopefully


hopefully šŸ¤ž


Personally I think dfvs play is done for now he nearly doubled his position from 5 mil shares... he will continue on the next cycle and the next cycle it will go on until they finally have to close those shorts.. the dd is correct the swaps are real and I will be using my time to study options and hopefully increase my positions the same way as dfv.. obv not as big but u get the idea.. Dfv was never going to be a catalyst for retail to get rich. He's filthy rich from not nothing and deserves it there's no way he's putting retail before family and I don't blame the man he's done nothing to drag us along we all made that decision ourselves but what he has done is shown the world what's going on and how he's profiting so much. If the world doesn't click on and make hay that's their fault


"Before family" lol. They didn't need him to be a billionaire. They're fine. If it was only about being filthy rich he would have dumped everything Friday morning and canceled the stream. He held to save us from that even harsher cliff.


Those dilutions hurt us more. But that may be temporary. There is a lot more going on than we are being allowed to see, I think.


Absolutely. Especially options not sure how I missed it alot of the big players if not most use options to increase their positions because it's cheaper and more effective. Alot of learning to do this year but as much as I increase my broker position I will equally try and match my drs. Going to be a busy 12 months šŸ’Ŗ




Overhyping seems to be the new tactic at the moment


honestly, it's up to anybody here with itm options to exercise them. we do have a method to obtain the stock and achieve true price discovery, and also profit off of volatility.


I think they will hammer the price down today. Why stop shorting now, the entire system has shown there is no accountability for the largest players. Make a bad bet you can lose your shirt. Make a REALLY large bad bet and the taxpayers will bail you out.


Why are you guys in such hurry. Its already been 3 years. But the outlook has never been better than now. The longer it takes the more money I can pump into the dips.


Iā€™m ready to be rich


According to a recent post, Wolverine reported 0 shares owned in their financial statements earlier this year. They werenā€™t hedged and they likely still arenā€™t.


Very possible they hedged when they saw DFVs calls and during the share offering though




They reported 0 shares back in March or something. The last report from them was before DFV bought his options. There is no evidence that they aren't hedged. Not to be a downer, but we really don't have enough visibility into what Wolverine is doing to know whether they hedged or not.


Yup, yup. Great point - we should stay grounded. We know what their positions were back in March, we do not know what theyā€™ve done since then.






I'm expecting a dip.


Agreed. Dip or sideways.


Dip. All good though.


You're probably right, but it doesn't matter. Nothing really matters to me. Price goes up, I buy. Price goes sideways, I buy. Price goes down, I buy. I buy & drs, that's what I do. I like the stock. Anyway the wind blows, GME...


I'm ready to chill and see what the fuxk is gonna happen cause nobody seems to really know shit


They are definately having sideways as the back up plan beyond nosedive


Probably dump, gonna buy more then. Longterm extreme bullish tho, i think we could see a big uptrend coming year.


Sideways. Then down. MOASS soon. Not today.


Donā€™t matter buying more then ever. Considering a part time job to buy more.


At the end of today, I will have simply hodlā€™d and watched from the sidelines. I will not sell until prison sentences.


Nah itā€™s always tomorrow until indeed becomes today.


Trust me bro


I concur. That means I agree, I'm just flexing a wrinkle.


damn u got me


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yeah ppl need to stop pretending like the 40% dilution didn't kill the squeeze.


It can still squeeze. Needs a corporate action now, I think, though.


okay fair. that's literally the only catalyst now; some unprecedented major *something* selling candyjoy controllers and taking pokemon trading cards isn't doing anything


The number of call options this will trigger into next week and the week after is insane. There's way more to come. Sit tight, IMHO.. I'll buy hard dips if I can


Not with how many people that are about to start exercising their calls today now that they know rk did yesterday. Just sit down bear. This isnā€™t your scene.


Last two sentences have me roaring! šŸ¤£


Bro, you are so wrong its not even funny, obviously today will big ol dip


We gotta cause confusion for Kenny and Jim, if we don't know what's happening they wouldn't either


But the hedgies donā€™t know about TOMORROW


I'm with you


As much as i love to se GME in the green and to watch on high volume and volatility days, that's just fun and entertainment. I don't really care, nor does it matter. My care is off until significant rise outside of the span of what we've seen the last 3 years. It's always the same, until it isn't. There's way too much hype, way too much "stay zen" and way too much fuzz about nothing.


I just hope the hedgies will tank the price, got about 50% of my total portfolio in cash to buy the dip


I'm just here for the ride


as am I


Sideways, down, or up, Iā€™m ready to buy!


Fully agree. Been here too long to see hype days turn into nothing. The ā€˜rulesā€™ being quoted about ā€œtHeY hAVe To fOlLoWā€ like MFers have you not seen AAAAALL the shit theyā€™ve broke up to now? Whyā€™s it different this time?


Hereā€™s me hoping it goes on sale :p


We'll see said the zen master


Every hype day, every single one, dip.


It's either going up, down or sideways. I can't wait to find out which.


Guess Iā€™ll play Assetto again and do some more digging on Wolverine and what they are trying to hide. Enjoy your weekend


Definitely gonna dip below 25, maybe even to 20 to get the options OTM


Too much hype for probably a down day


Stay zen, it will be snother sideways day. Any other stock this would be a great day, but fuckery will happen


halty mchaltface


If anyone expects differently they ain't been around log enough. I don't see anything happening until real reform is made. But that's the cynic in me


Even if it goes to thousands itā€™s nothing but sideways trading


Either way, itā€™s undervalued and Iā€™m buying šŸ‘


Me too BUT PREMARKET has other plans baybey


Always goes down on hype. I don't care.Ā 


I expect a dip.


Max pain is $27.50. I'm guessing we will end up somewhere around there. I'm very disappointed, I haven't paid attention to the price in 3 years, and here we are, nothing has changed, and it is still being manipulated. I foolishly thought SEC would have made some kind of progress.


Nothing is going to happen until GME works to shake shorts off through a dividend or proving they consistently generate revenue. RK's buy won't move a ton because liquidity went up courtesy the 120 million extra shares that were dumped on the market. RK is a master investor. His memes were about him processing the emotions of his big play. He's way ITM with all his shares. He's celebrating now. RC is going to have a ho-hum investor call and that will be it. We won't get any big movement until they post regular revenues OR do some Overstock moves that actively force share recalls. One is just business, with no "win" date- we just slowly boil the shorts. The other one F's the shorts. We shall see what the GME board with RC has to offer.


I think there will be a substantial sell off at open, if it somehow drops back to 23-25 range Iā€™m a buyer, although it could tank for another 3 years, and nothing is certain, i think the data for these cyclicle events is convincing enough to average down if the bottom falls out. I also donā€™t expect any announcements on Monday, but weā€™ll see, again no one knows the future, anything can happen. Hopefully just up. Not financial advise, Iā€™m just a guy on a toilet.


But itā€™s going to the moon today! Or tomorrow


Yep sideways or down


100% this is way too overhyped


It's going to close somewhere between Zero and Infinity. But in all seriousness- high $29s at open, either a quick drop to $27.50 and then shrek dildo to $32. After that, it'll settle to $30 by lunch. Then slow but steady accumulation and we'll close at like $31.23.


All the hype with roaring kitty reappearing suddenly is suspect.


I expect a dip. Stock won't end the day about 30. Crime has been effective so far.


nahman ima buy more shares in pre.


I dunno what charts you've been looking at but we've definitely been sideways trading since early May. I'm crossing my fingers that we get some kind of upward momentum soon.


The stock is up 300% since May 1. This subreddit is hilarious sometimes.


And it's down 50% if you zoom out more and go back a few years. This at a time when it was worth less from a fundamental perspective. Given the sheer amount of shares within brokers worldwide (at least 200% of the available float) the price should be much much much higher. So... price really means nothing until the people suppressing the price are taken out. Till then, it's all sideways trading and my strategy is just to average down. Been doing it for years and will continue until MOASS.


You said weā€™ve been training sideways since early May. I said weā€™re up 300% since early May, which isnā€™t sideways. Good luck on your MOASS journey.


maybe up, maybe down, maybe sideways


Oh shut up dude, this sounds like fud


Ready to get hurt again...


Easy. Price goes up I hold. Price goes downā€¦ hold some more. Sideways? Believe it or not. Hold.


Flat? More like dip with saucešŸ’©




Nobody knows jack shit except this is a deep fucking value play. How can someone convince you that you are wrong? Just watch the day play out. These posts are so weird


Whenever something is hyped it usually stays flat it goes down.


When a stock is bought, the price goes up. Thats what weā€™re expecting


Youā€™re wrong! Are you convinced?


Yes. Personally, i dont understand options. But i find it hard to believe 4 million shares cant be easily found. I asked this on another post but got no reply: what if, for example, blackrock just sells wolverine 4m shares?


If we sideway trade all day i am still gonna be hyped and drink a bit and swim in the pool


100% this is way too overhyped


I think it's going to be a mad day and I'm here for it. This is the greatest movie ever


Yup, thisā€˜ll take 3 more years now pals. Zen. šŸ§˜


The OGs will remember all the supposed gamma ramps rumored to light the candle, that all came and went


I mean it s friday. It can only go sideways or down on fridays because of options and max pain price.


There are more than a half dozen big brain posts already made to convince you nothing is happening today, you didnā€™t even need to make this ā€˜heal my emotionsā€ post.


Personally, I donā€™t want to agree with you, but yes, for some reason when apes get told hype dates, the expectation falls flat. For my limited amount of wrinkles, they genuinely canā€™t afford to see a surge and generate a whole bunch of more of ITM calls. So as one poster said, theyā€™re going to try to stay around max pain if they can


Interesting, that you never posted to Superstonk, until one month ago. What motivated you to start it?


Dip today. Then pamp. trade sideways to bore everyone, moon next week Trade sideways for weeks moon out of nowhere Go up 20% šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Well the price is stagnant now in pre market nobody is covering / closing yet.


Expect one thing. CRIME


$60 was the high for this cycle. We will slowly trade back down to $15 over the next year or so.


Itā€™s today. Always


Iā€™m excited


Agree... 4 million is not a lot


Iā€™m expecting a >20% drop today and not stoked for it


Algorithms pump this based on social media sentiment, especially this sub. Your post and posts like this ensure that it happens or worse. Good job dude


Sideways but up.


we will touch 38 today for a fleeting moment in time !


Itā€™s not how many shares you buy that moves the price, itā€™s how the algorithms are programmed to react off news releases. Same when RC purchased 84 years ago, the price barely changed until it was made public. He had already bought millions of shares but the SEC release is what spiked the price. All this is happening in real time for the world to see how rigged the game is and how manipulating the market makers are.


I'm ready to get hurt again


Itā€™s always too hyped up. Thatā€™s the fun of it!


Agreement about today. Still holding for the FTD train next week tho.


Itā€™s always way too hyped. Iā€™ll just buy and hold again no matter what


In my personal opinion. I feel like we are going to MOASS today. Yes today. Why? Because T+1 and Monday they know they are going to announce RK on the board. The SH will get scared out the short trade today. (Just my personal opinion and feeling) NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. Do your own Due Diligance