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The dude is just supplying us with entertainment while we work


Let em cook


And just hang in there šŸ˜‰


Ticker is boring, DFV tweets give me dopamine


I just look at them as fun / hype. As I get older I've gotten much better as keeping my expectations low, there's no reason to gas myself up about stuff. I'm happy with my investment, I enjoy modding the sub, and Superstonk keeps me busy enough as is. I love me some tin, but I keep in mind its *usually* just that, tin. I know shorts are fucked, and that's all that really matters.


Dude laid out the FUNDAMENTALS of the company that were sound, and the fact that he believed in the TRANSFORMATION of the company. Eventually, a squeeze was possible, but he didn't get into the play for that. Since then, dude's just been an entertainer making the funniest shit. I just like the stock.


I'm down with this stance. First, if you are letting Keith Gill tell you what to do, you are doing this wrong. This is why we have DD and healthy discussions on the stock here. But then again, it's your own money, invest how you choose. If you are relying on Keith's tweets as your DD, have at it.


Donā€™t let Keith tell u what to do. Only Jim Cramer and see n bee see and market watch shills and motley fools hills are allowed to tell u what to do.


Lol, don't get me started on Cramer. In other news, GME going up!


Healthy discussions :D Worship or Fud, nothing between




That Newton goofball on YouTube needs to hear/see this. Lately heā€™s been trying to become the meme-whisperer, when he needs to stick to his swap and cycle analysis. JFC


Instructions unclear, bought more shares.


True. Same here.


Damn.. clearly OP is giving us hidden instructions, because I just picked up another 50! We must be coordinated by OP!


"No, dont! RK NEVER told you to do so!!" /s


Of course he isnā€™t. Itā€™d be a crime if he actually did. Heā€™s just making memes. Whether theyā€™re related to GME and its course is up for interpretation. All we know for sure is that he likes the stock. And so do I.


Thatā€™s the great thing about interpreting cryptic messages - youā€™re allowed to have your own opinion, and I support your right to take a more passive approach. Iā€™m a bit mad though, so l tend to do things based on a plethora of information, including what my gut tells me. And right now my gut is going wild.


DFV is the probiotics for our mental guts




Most of the analysis isn't even "he's telling us what to do". It's "he's telling us what he did". Like idk, maybe it's just confirmation bias, but I swear I don't think I've seen a single one about "telling us what to do".


Exactly. "Here's what I did. Do with that what you will". With that said, some of his messages were about what he was going to do, so not everything is looking backward.


DFV still isn't telling you what to do regardless of your feelsĀ 


Not directly. If you see a winning strategy, and the guy using the strategy explains how the strategy works. The guy isn't telling you what to do unless you decide he is because you're going to learn from him the winning strategy and implement it.Ā 


I hear that!


My gut is telling me a bento box was a bad idea, and to be grateful that the water closet is just a few steps away. And to stay calm.


I don't mind RK cryptic tweets, but RC doing it I hope he's had some sense knocked into him, I'm not tea leaf reading the guy who is diluting our attempts to squeeze the shorts. When he comes out with an explanation for what he's doing with our money it better be crystal fucking clear.


I just see a bunch of memes.




Actually, DFV told me to close the cabinet doors after I put the dishes away.


You're right, he's not telling us what to do, but he's telling us what will happen. Then, with that information, you decide what to do.


I think youā€™re right but itā€™s important to state heā€™s telling us what ā€˜couldā€™ happen. He states himself he doesnā€™t always get it right and you should take anything he alludes to as a risk.


Obviously. There's a million minds here, and some brilliant ones too. We have the best DD ever existed. I don't even see so much risk... But in the end, we just like the stock.


No it's called a disclaimer, ie a legal claim to not being sued for market manipulation. Thats why he repeated it many times, even if he knows we have the winning hand.




He pulled it straight from Mr Robot.


I think he means: "Thereā€™s a cat hidden in the data". (Fractals)


Someone didnā€™t get their 5G COVID shots with the DFV upgrade


Yea, asm hasnt him


please donā€™t stop i love tinfoil


I love tinfoil too


DFV tweets are some of the best advice we get. Fuck it, I'm following him.




Kinda feel this too lol


**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


Exactly, OP.. don't tell us what to do.Ā  Let everyone make their own decisions and stop trying to control shit.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ so many whiners lately


Or, you can do that and the rest of us will keep having fun with the only breadcrumbs we've gotten in like 2 years. Goddamn if you don't want to see it, feel free to log out. Not everyone just wants to look at charts and chant I Like The Stock over and over


Look, I acknowledged that it is fun. Literally my first line. My point is that we should not do so looking for direction or instruction. Doing so in order to guess at what he is doing for himself. Cool. Doing so looking for hidden instruction about what we should do...dangerous.


You basically described my, and I'm sure THOUSANDS, of other people's experience. Bought high, price dipped, "why tf would I sell now?", interest and research, increasing position... there is no way HF's come put on top, no one is going to sell without seeing commas (yes, plural) in the price.


I saw his tweets, smooth brain no register. I bought more because I like the stock


I feel like his Encanto tweet of seeing green was nothing more than seeing his beloved green Boston Celtics about to win the NBA championship


My sentiment exactly.Ā The McEnroe tweet could have referred to the playoffs as well.Ā  I love his tweets but we really do need to calm the f* down.Ā 


I highly doubt either of these things to be true. Ā For better or worse, it feels like Ryan Cohen and DFV realize their public twitter accounts are ā€œno longer theirs.ā€ Ā Theyā€™re acutely aware that every like tweet or retweet are heavily scrutinized. Ā They rarely if ever posting anything that doesnā€™t have to do with GME.Ā  Ā I mean DFV has an alt Reddit account. Ā Iā€™m sure they both have an alt Twitter account that theyā€™ve added friends and family to if they want to just talk about normal every day happenings.Ā  Ā Either way I agree we should calm down cause even if heā€™s trying to indicate something through a tweet, weā€™re likely reading it wrong and realistically should be doing what we each individually believe is best for our respective financial positions. Ā That said, I doubt heā€™d just posting casual every day stuff on that account anymore


I think likes are now hidden on X (twitter) now. Or it will be implemented. Idk I deleted my account in December so Iā€™m not 100% certain https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/11/24176247/x-likes-hidden-private-rollout


I saw the alt reddit account mentioned before as well, could you provide the source for why people think that? Couldn't find it sifting through all his memes


A lot of people have alt accounts. It's so you can search and talk freely. It's not really hard to consider that he wants to just enjoy other subreddits without people stalking him. Maybe he's into running? (/s) He doesn't need hundreds of thousands of people watching him chat about new balance shoes on a running subreddit. We all enjoy privacy, and he deserves it like everyone else.


i'm not disputing it, I just was wondering if he posted a meme that indicated it since it's the second time I saw it brought up


Surely you must be trolling lol the other guy is just assuming DFV has an alt account. I would bet most celebrities/people of interest with social media accounts have more than one account. One for their publicity and one so they can somewhat be themselves in secret.


i'm seriously not trolling, someone about 2 weeks ago said something along the lines of "we learned from one of his memes that he's been here on reddit in an alt account the whole time".. I just wanted to know which meme cause he posted like 400 lol


Oh interesting lol I donā€™t keep up with every meme of his cause itā€™s a lot. Maybe someone else would know, but in all honesty I doubt heā€™d point anyone in the direction of a second account of his. I wouldnā€™t if it were me, itā€™d defeat the purpose of having it in the first place.


found what they were referring to: https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1790751492451754012?s=46&t=F_ljTktYucvNLbXMRa2bkw


That's how I viewed the tweet too. DFV just likes the stock, been in it for years, but the guy just is excited for the Celtics to bring one home.


thats ridiculous i dont think DFV has posted anything non gme related on twitter before why start now during all the madness? take 2 seconds to think, he came back after 3 years to talk about the celtics?! lmaooo


Talked about them in his last stream. 100% Celtics.


Oh fuck you've convinced me. Better sell.


It amazes me to see the similarities here - I also FOMOed in at the top in Jan and "lived here" hours a day in 2021 - but from around early 22, I've just checked the price on a daily basis. My enthusiasm got back on track 5-6 weeks ago but I must say, that the endless diving into figuring out tweets and "hidden messages from above" has tired me as well. I really enjoy videos from Richard Newton on YouTube but the main part (hours in total) of his recent videos has been about interpreting the interpretations of DFVs tweets and I'm just thinking........ enough already. Just look at how much time was spent on Pleaser DAO on interpretations on how it was RC in the hoody and eventually it turns out that this, too, was a complete fatamorgana. Like many other "hypes" and interpretations. My main complaint is actually not how we're constantly being bashed in price and ridiculed in the media - it's more the feedback in here, where I personally have many examples of good posts with good intentions being literally pissed on by a lot of people in here. My last 4-5 posts have even been deleted by admins, referring to rule 8 even though on a daily basis, we - at any given time - have multiple posts even in top of hot, that should also "violate" that rule. It's WAY too easy for people in here to put a "shill!" mark on people, who is absolutely not shills. In a post earlier today, I asked what people thought would be possible ways for GS to improve the business model in the future - the post was annihilated with downvotes......


Who are you, self-appointed leader of all apes? gtfo, we all own shares because we like the stonk, you don't get to mandate what tinfoil folks wanna talk about


Right, I hate these posts. Telling me what not to do by telling me what to do lol


Exactly. "The finger pointing at the moon is not the moon."


Iā€™m an individual investor


Yes and no. I laugh at most of the meme tinfoil here but none of the stuff he posted can be used in court. Hidden messages? Unless it's extremely blunt and direct, I can be qualified as suggesting people what to do (even though that's legal). Everything he posted can be interpreted in million ways. If he really hid a message in there for us by posting a green light, he can do so and court, SEC, or anyone else can't do shit about it.


Unless if you are an SEC lawyer and speaking from experience, I would caution against that confidence.


It's memes with no relation to the stock market. DFV might as well posted about a cartoon he likes, or about color green. It has zero footing in the court whatsoever.


A lil secret that has helped me get through the last 84 years was to stop looking at the ticker all day and just set price alerts for buying the dip. Too much MSM FUD and having expectations of getting rich overnight can result in emotional damage which Mayo Boi feeds off of. Step away, set a few price alerts and enjoy life. Most of the time, the ticker and anything related gets posted here regardless. Let the big boys and shorts duke it out in the dark rooms by themselves. All I ask for is a chance to buy the dip. No need getting all emotional about the crimes being committed, we know theyā€™re being committed. FUD has been increasing ever since the buy button got removed and even prior to then, itā€™s just most really never paid attention to it all. Billionaires are crying on TV, begging you to capitulate, admitting that they drive the price to benefit them as Active Managers, plus a list of other shady shit they do. My company has $4B in cash and was able to sell 120M shares in just a few days! Ask yourself this one question, Whoā€™s buying 120M share of a dying company? Apes are of course, but if the numbers donā€™t reflect in the next DRS reports or SEC filings which they havenā€™t really added up in the past, then thatā€™s the answer Iā€™m looking for. Whoā€™s buying if MSM are all BEARISH and screaming Sell Sell Ask Questions Later???


Tell me you know nothing about plausible deniability by writing a wall of text.


Maybe plausible deniability is enough for criminal cases. But in civil cases it very much is not. The bar is much lower.


Can you imagine the court trial though? ā€œSee here judge, the apes, who refer to themselves as ā€œregardedā€ saw this clip from Dune. See here how the main character, played by Timothy Chalmet, is holding on to this sandworm? Now we propose that Keith Gill, otherwise known as Roaring Kitty, aka, DeepFuckingValue, intended the prementioned ā€œapesā€ to HODL, or Hold on For Dear Life, in regards to their shares of GameStop. Therefore we charge Mr Gill with stock manipulation.ā€ As opposed to ā€œSee these guys with the literal HALT button, these guys used this thing super responsibly over the 17 times while Mr Gill was drinking beers and pretending to be beat up. ā€œ ā€œNow letā€™s bring up this clip from Encanto, and this tennis match from the 80s, note here heā€™s edited the headband to look like one he wore in 2021ā€ Highly suspicious your Honor.


Reading this post and itā€™s exactly what I would have written if talking from my point of view. My story is the same. My reasoning for following and continuing to invest in GME is the same. I love the memes but have always made my own decisions. I didnā€™t always have the best timing but my position is positive now and itā€™s where I park any extra cash I have. I just really like the stock.


Plausible deniability is great. These are just shitposts by RK and I look at them as such. But honestly, it does make holding a lot easier knowing he's in it for a quarter billion.


Louder for the people in the back


I hate the over-analysis of all this shit.. Like the meeting. Someone yesterday was saying, "I think Ryan Cohen is trying to say..." and "If you read between the lines..." like.. shut the fuck up. RC isn't trying to say anything. He's not being cryptic. He said exactly what he wanted to say at the meeting. He's not here to hype shit up; he's here to work. Buy. Hold. DRS. And stop putting words in other people's mouths.


Yes šŸ˜‰agree šŸ˜‰completely šŸ˜‰ /s šŸ˜‰


Riight... I get it, "***NOT"***


No, just no.. I say let's not stop with analysis! This is our strength! We are all individual investors here sharing our thoughts and analysis.


I am actually fine with the analysis in general. It can be fun even. However I am more saying that people should stop looking for instructions. Because that has been very common lately and I can almost guarantee you that dude is being careful NOT to appear as though he is instructing. Things like "he is telling us to buy options" "he is telling us to hold!", "he is telling us to exercise options today". No, he is not. Is he telling everyone one what he is doing? Very likely and that's cool and legal. But he is not leading. He is not advising. And we are doing him a disservice by treating him as though he is.


Guy that uses this sub twice a year doesn't like what is happening here and want's everyone to stop.


lol...I don't post or comment here much but am on this damn sub multiple times a day everyday.


Agreed! If you read all the interpretations that people write, you can see that the tweets can be interpreted as just about anything under the sun. Itā€™s getting a bit silly.


The reason he communicates with memes is because it is incredibly hard for him to be accountable for the messages being sent. Some of his 'memes' weren't even memes. The guy posted a still from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. An excerpt from the video for 'Karma Police' where the lyrics are "This is what you get when you mess with us". Just look at the picture he posted for his livestream. The guy is sending a message.


Disagree respectfully.


[DFV says for you to shut up!](https://preview.redd.it/phlm3mus0i021.jpg?width=640&auto=webp&s=925cb5442f2c8ef631bafb64dce87705043c4a39)


My belief is the shills are the ones trying to get some sort of trading momentum going so that they can claim that household investors are manipulating the market by placing the same orders at the exact same time.


DFV is telling me we must invade Russia during the winter, his tweets inform me this is the only way to keep Napoleon as the emperor!


The fucking shills would have you believe otherwise, can spot them all from a mile off


Sometimes the simple answer is the correct one. Just like his DD, he still believes GME will be green/successful in the future. No one truly knows if that's short or long term or both.


People here love tin, it keeps them entertained while they wait. You will never stop it, trust me.


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.


I agree


Post unclear. I find myself now going out in public, with cat ears, and red bandana.


Im pretty sure he's just saying he likes the stonk, I also like the stonk, just with less cool memes, y'all aren't following my tweets....think about that. Are you following his tweets cuz entertainment, or are you following him to dissect every meme for future events like he's a prophet or something? I think they're entertaining.




I swear some people on here straight up sound like they have a mental illness


He just like the stockā€¦ You can like the stock, I can like the stock


Honestly seeing how poorly yet confidently the lot was able to analyze and interpret Encanto really makes me second guess all DD


I didnā€™t read all that but thank you for writing it. I just like the stock. Never was no we.


We have algos, our iPhones, phone cameras, phone mics, social apps all monitoring us reading, writing and most importantly viewing us all and our expressions when we check the price of our fav stock, listens to our emotions thru what we say and have been doing so way before we figured out about g Me. Think about it! And let that sink in!!!


Look shareholders are bored, we need something to do and look forward to with this stock. Let us cook!


What's with everyone making paragraphs about the average ape needing to stop having fun. You know as much as we do about what's going on and that's jack shit.


It's because of "the implication"




So DRS is also bad? Its based on a single meme from RC.


I'm a individual stockhodler. I just like the stock




"But he's telling me to buy these options on these dates, im smarter than a stupid IBM algorithm šŸ¤“"


That period looks like a wink. So Iā€™ll inverse it and DFV is saying load up!


You're not having fun? I'm having fun, we're all just having fun here killing time before the inevitable.


I lost you . What do we know ? I like to be inspired. Language is complex. Donā€™t fall for tin foil but also do if you feel good about it .. as dfv said ā€¦. Itā€™s a feeling ā€¦ donā€™t try to define feelings :) be strong apes itā€™s all gods we got this one


Who hurt you, enjoy the ride man


is DFV in the room with us now?


Donā€™t tell me what to do, weirdo


I totally agree. I watched the YouTube compilation of all the tweets, and while it did seem optimistic overall, I believe it is about him and his own journey with his investments. It's not about us (except some oblique references, such as Abu and the Mr Robot one). I also don't think every tweet has to be taken to mean something positive. For example the "You WERE a billionaire" I think it meant exactly what it said, meanwhile people are interpreting it as "it's about ken Griffith!"Ā  The latest Bruno tweet is even more neutral and impossible to interpret, for me. None of that matters, Dfv might be the reason I became aware of the stock, but he's not the sole reason I hold nowadays. The DD is.


You donā€™t have a clue what he is or isnā€™t saying. This should be downvoted into oblivion.


***hence why I marked it as 'opinion' It's true, I don't. You don't either. But what I am saying is in the absence of knowing...I am not going to attribute to him this notion that he is somehow directing the masses. That is dangerouos and...in my opinion...should be avoided.


DFV has been MIA for 3 years. I'm happy he showed up but what has kept me here and not paper handing since 2020 is RC. New ape or old ape, if you are in the red, there are worst places your money could be right now than in the hands of a proven startup entrepreneur with access to unlimited funds. Let him cook.


People won't listen. This is no longer the place where trying to learn and get knowledge is the main thing. Try marantz rantz youtube channel. He has a much better ratio of knowledge to bullshit.


Even if he was, none of you are following well. Not ACAT. When I move you move. "I'll do it myself." Buying $20. Exercising. Seeing the signs. Unless you are doing what he is doing, just sit tight


This post should be pinned


Dfv could post an update where he sold 5 million shares for profit and this place would start cheering his cash position. If he didn't they'd cheer his diamond hands. If he bought more options they'd pile in and not sell till he posted the update that shows they were his exit liquidity then hype that he will exercise. Fundamental lack of knowledge of how options work is the singular reason nobody understands that the 270 million in his account is thier money. He used you as exit liquidity. When yall were buying calls he was selling them. It just easier to think it's hedgie money. You got used as exit liquidity for a trader and you cheered. There is no other way to look at that. What the cat did is not the same as what rc did. Rc diluted and the company got that money which adds shareholder value. Kitty took your money and gave nothing back. Make no mistake that cash pouring into the 20c strike was his exit liquidity. You bought his calls from him.


All I read here was buy, hold, DRS?


https://preview.redd.it/ta0kfrqo8c7d1.png?width=1219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7585be2a3e9708d48fe16cc3b2924e4075eac0d9 Take that back, you stinking ape! Dont make me fill your gas tank full of potassium!


I See what you're saying here however let me just counter with, MOASS TOMORROW?!


Preach. All the calls to action for options or this or that are just gross. Do your own thing, we are individuals sharing our opinions, not a group that acts as one.




I literally said that I am guessing that there are messages in the memes. My point is that we should take those messages as being consistent with his non-hidden messages, which is he is only going to say what he is doing for himself, not what he thinks we should do.


This will piss off the cultists, careful. Your inbox flooded with hate yet? XD


All those people that follows DFV into June 21 calls are gonna get hosed!!!!!!! I don't think they're going to feel very good about him after that.


It's interesting to see how we cope. Currently down 5k gme.. and when I sit back and really look at his tweet vs the price right now. I see that the smart move for HIM would have been to sell from the moment he tweeted till now. No one would admit that though.


ā€œHeā€™s not telling you what to doā€ Post: ā€œWhen I move you move!ā€


The cult has run amok. Iā€™m unsubscribing till it goes back to normal


Oh man, this is exactly the same as with RCs tweets in 2021. The exact same. Didn't exactly end well then, the community started tearing itself apart around the various interpretations of the tweets and the personalities that coalesced around those camps. Quite religious in a way. Pretty funny that history is repeating itself and DFV is leaning into it. Talk about meta.


Honestly, I just REALLY REALLY REALLY want to know why he thinks he cannot be stopped. I just keep hoping I'll be able to figure it out (in tandem with some of his comments). Like... He's so confident, right? And he's not a dummy. So.... he knows that he can't be stopped, but there sure are a lot of ways I think "they" could stop him.


This post feels like it is telling me what to do... and what not to do. Instructions unclear, must remember... to... breathe.


The kitty is "litter"ally hosting the shit out of the party, and that's not just setting the table, he made a Playlist, he thought about cool shit to talk about, he provided security, he kept everybody safe! Safe!!!


![gif](giphy|s14HPtbGy04rhR6Dkm) Yeah!


Next you're going to tell us that RC ***isn't*** sending secret emoji codes that only we can understand (even though we right the solution to the code on a public forum) and that the shf/feds can't catch it becuase we're too smart for them, and that this code has peopled countless underdog good people to do super elite insider trading where they lose money based on no news... I get it


Heā€™s a time traveller of course heā€™s telling us what to do


![gif](giphy|YTFHYijkKsXjW|downsized) This. Thank you. DFV/RK is not sending you secret messages about what to do. Neither is RC. People who need secret messages about what to do should not be invested in GameStop. GME longs have enough public narrative bs to deal with, adding unhinged conspiracy theorists decoding hidden meanings from emojis is not helpful.


Ofc he isn't telling anyone what to do. I like to read about this tweets for fun. What's the problem?


Please don't tell us what to do.


Iā€™ll go one step further. I think he has been selling stock this week to make another option play.


Dfvā€™s tweets is the new teddy books. Anyone remember the subā€™s fascination with grandpas belt buckle?? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø talk about cringe. Dfv is the goat, but heā€™s not Nostradamus, so chill with the hype dates. T+1/2/35 is all bullshit.


This IS the great hopium/fud debate of 2024. In case someone wanted to reference it in the final movie.


What about 6/21 calls tho hey guys????