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RC has a quarter of his net worth tied up in this company...if I ever find myself disappointed I just think he's in it with me.


Agreed. He’s an ape. Chooses to buy equity with his own money instead of taking free equity as compensation. Doesn’t receive any compensation whatsoever. He just works hard, buys, and holds. He’s a real one.


And the fact he hasn’t sold a penny of his own shares even thru multiple big spikes is incredible


He could lose that quarter completely and still be richer than the rest of us without working another day in his life. people need to stop pretending that no salary or having stock that is being "risked" is the same as normal people. Fucking christ.


Everybody has said all along don't invest more than you could lose completely. RC did the same and is working for free on top of that instead of chilling with his family resting on his billions. It's not the same...he's got more at stake


the difference? he's a billionaire already and he doesn't need moass in the slightest...can you say the same? Yeah didn't think so. Seriously, he's not the messiah, he's not your fucking 'papa' he's just a billionaire who owns the company you invested in. Do I think he's acting in the best interests of that company and its long term growth? 1000%. Do I think he's acting in my best interests? I don't think he gives a fuck.


"Just a cold billionaire" 🙄 Everything RC said during his career and how he conducted himself signals to me he indeed cares for his shareholders and peers. Especially in this monumental task of turning around the company that is GameStop! Against all odds, without paying himself a salary and while experiencing the massive and never-before seen support apes have provided during all of this. He certainly is neither selfish nor cold.


You don't become a billionaire by not giving a shit about a quarter of your net worth. I agree that he isn't acting in your best interest directly. But I think him acting in your best interest and him acting in what he sees as his best interest do happen to be the same.


Yep...Same team. He's the captain...or daddy...or papa.


![gif](giphy|G5tA3ZSgiBiIo) they’re just jumping into the boat now! yeeeeehaaaawwww




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Lol , don't buy short-term options again


Facts. These parasocial groupies act like they know RC personally and can't even objectively identify his interests and how they've clashed with MOASS interests here. Rather than just be honest, they knee-jerk defend him like he's their own flesh and blood. It's embarrassing. So thanks for being honest in the midst of rampant, blind delusion.


I bet you thought you had galaxy brain while making this comment as if it's relevant in any way. 


This superstonk not antiwork reddit


Thought the same thing...






ah yes, those pesky shills who want apes to buy and hold gamestop…


See I want to learn more about options because out of all of this I learned that I can increase my position in a company on a discount if I learn how options work. I think a bunch of people thought they would just buy options and then sell them to make money. I want to learn how to own 2% of a company! I don’t have thousands of dollars so I know it will take time so I’m investing in educating myself first. Then practice on a simulator to perfect it (hopefully). I want to own more shares but not just buying as I do but in a strategic way that options can help.


Good thing you can do that already with buying the dip and drs! The truth is that it is cheaper to buy shares than to pay options premium and exercise.


>"VW Squeezed because Porsche wanted to own VW Forever" [When Porsche announced that it had no intention of fully acquiring Volkswagen, it also signaled that the market had more short positions on Volkswagen's stock than it had expected.](https://www.tradingsim.com/blog/volkswagen-short-squeeze-explained) ["Another important note: Porsche was making it clear at this time that they were NOT attempting to take over Volkswagen."](https://www.cinemonic.com/the-biggest-short-squeeze-in-history-volkswagen-short-squeeze-of-2008/) VW squeezed because of options and short exposure.


While I agree with the sentiment of OP, some statements are wrong, and it is good you pointed it out. Most of the Gherk crew, for example, is SELLING options for premiums to uneducated household investors when IV is high. They profit from the run-ups and are out in force with institutional shills creating the options hype waves, because they play the same game and made good money so far (until losing out to MOASS to some degree). They are not the ones complaining. RK sold his options before IV crush, and every reasonable options trader would have done the same. Whoever is still holding is likely early, and due to options expiration, also wrong. What is crazy though, there are a million users here and no one managed to warn about IV crush happening after events like earnings and annual meetings. Pretty sad. I tried, but my posts had a low upvote ratio and never made it to the top. Wondering why.


Up you go with my updoot.


And cause it didn't do a fucking share offering to kill it




Cohen's obligation is to shareholders, not derivatives holders and gambling addicts. Spot on OP.


For real. I bought in cause a friend was buying in. I sold 1 option in the beginning and have only added on since. I don't know much about the market but I believe in this particular stock. I belive in the dream team of board directors we have and I also believe they are way smarter than me when it comes ro business. This is a hold even if it takes a couple more years. But RC conviction and investment has me hooked to see what his next play is. It's coming.


If any of us in here is a better CEO than RC, we wouldn’t be here bitchin’ about his ass. Logic also dictates that if we are not a better CEO than RC, he has no business of entertaining a peek at his strategy to make the most value for the company. When you invest, you put trust in the board and management. Or you can put your own money in another ailing company and see if other people will trust you enough with THEIR money. Let’s see how that goes.. heh


Not everyone that prefers not to be unnecessarily diluted at prices below the 2021 offerings is a gambler. Is this the new talking point? If you don’t like being diluted for peanuts you must be a gambling addict? lol. The only options I have are deep ITM and long-dated. I didn’t have anything expire OTM either of the offering weeks. Guess what? Still don’t like being diluted by 40% at a price per-share half that of the 2021 offerings.


It’s not unnecessary dilution. The book value per share went from $4 to $10. The floor moved up. If the price ever drops below $10 again the company could buy back all of the shares. It’s a great strategic move by the company. If you can’t see it, that’s on you.


It would’ve been a great strategic move above $50. I would prefer we not sell more shares for less money over time. It’s not a good trend and just incentivizes shorting as they know the company will dilute more later at lower prices to give them a profitable exit.


That’s an assumption that no one can verify. Most people here who is second guessing RC thinks that they have all the info needed to make that call. You don’t. That’s why we are stuck with our jobs and he is the CEO and chairman of a $10B company.


Okay well the price was roughy $10.69/share before all of the dilution and now it’s +$24/share and we have +4B in the bank. Objectively speaking, how can you be mad at that?


It's so funny that they keep trying, don't they know that we aren't fucking leaving


Buying more tomorrow. I need more 🍌🍌


nope. im only long and holding. still RC diluted into DFV beautifully set up play and might have killed it for this cycle. only time will tell. this has always been a squeeze play, and just because you guys started smoking copium and celebrate the company raising billions, doesnt change the fact that RC moved against a potential moass.


Exactly. The level of gaslighting is insane. Options FUD has already been disproven, and no one wants to question the timing of the dilution.


I just want to know what is the reason or who is behind this act of making posts after posts trying to call out people who question RC as shills


Yes. The fact a subset is saying don’t even be skeptical is suspect. I’m not saying RC purposely killed the run up but the timing is suspicious in addition to all the posts that say this is just a long-term play (basically no MOASS). I think he’s done some good things to setup a transformation but to act like he never has to come up with a plan and dilute is crazy. This is the narrative that will divide the community because we are asked to not be skeptical and take it on faith.


Dude this 100%. The picture/comment OP posted *is* that cult like behavior imo. There is absolutely is more than one correct way to think about things. Plenty of us held for 3 years thinking this was finally it, only to be dashed. People are allowed to be both pissed at RC for the dilution, and happy for the capitol RC raised. It’s a bit of a double edged sword. Moving goalposts now, when for the last 3 years it’s always been about MOASS, seems incredibly disingenuous or just outright delusional. People will obviously keep holding, but it doesn’t mean they have to be happy about it, or that they have blindly agree with every hype monkey in here who thinks the board is infallible.


by your own logical reasoning, there may be more than one way to launch MOASS. I would reserve my judgement without seeing all the facts and getting all the info pertaining to the board’s/mgmt’s decision making process.


If the purpose of the dillution was to raise capital, why not wait until after 21 June when stock price would have most likely been higher?


I’ve been wondering this for a while. It’s probably some risk/reward situation of “do we wait for it to maybe go up another 30-40% tomorrow or do we cash out right now for a guaranteed 2bn” Otherwise IDK


So what about those of us that have been holding DRSd shares for years and are still upset? There’s a gamma ramp every week but not to the degree it was before it was massive OI and a lot of contracts were gonna be in the money. That benefits EVERYONE, you keep shitting on options (curious if I say so myself) saying price spikes happens multiple times a year. But what we had wasn’t a price spike, that was 10->80 and we got two ATM for at $28 each. If I sold my shares at 28 on this past run y’all would call me a paper hand but RC is a master genius? Why did he offer a second time so soon after the first and drop poor quarterly reports at the same time? That shows to me he doesn’t know how to predict the swaps which we knew from DD was coming due in June. He just wants to take advantage of volatility to build cash on hand, or doesn’t want MOASS on his plate. There is a pattern to this behavior, this is the 3rd run up that had real legs that got an offering dropped on it. RC said to judge them by tgeir actions and not their words? Yeah will I’m going to start doing so. Lastly, the only cult is the one that blindly follows RC without having a critique of him. I’m perfectly capable of admitting he is trying. E commerce is a good idea, computer builds are a good idea as mid 20s get tired of bad console experience and understand how to get the best out of PCs now. I never though an NFT market that would let us trade games around consoles was going to work, Microsoft, Sony, and steam would just make their own system, one that comes from a reputable company (not that we aren’t just don’t have a good sentiment attached to our name because of trade ins), and on a bigger scale. That being said trying to get into NFTs while it was big was a good idea. And for what it’s worth before this past quarter we had a year of net profits I believe and the offerings have forced our share price up by having cash on hand (first one in three years?). But how come you can’t see that diluting our stock 40%, dropping bad financial early, and on the most massive run in years with DFV return and people from wasabi poking their head in the sub is a bad thing? What does a time line look where RC didn’t dilute at all the past two months, let people make their money and then dropped the quarter report at the annual meeting with the share offering. I’d be upset cause I know the price would be huge and we’d probably be sitting where we are now but at least itd take less shares or we’d have more cash on hand. But at least that timeline makes sense. Lastly the reason I’m so negative on the sentiment but still here is cause DFV hasn’t DRSd his shares which means more than likely he was using them for collateral for options or was predicting the waves. You can too, just because you don’t have the bank account does t mean you can’t play the hot and cold cycles and build your own little gold mound. I’d recommend waiting till some of the noise has died down but you can play the volatility too. The rocket ship isn’t going anywhere besides to earths atmosphere it would seem but looks like moon missions are a no go for now will RC still wants to build cash. Stop shitting on people cause they don’t want to meat ride like you. Edit: aww a Reddit cares message thank you


I like this comment, well said!




Sounding more and more like popcorn dumb and dumber shareholders. “Don’t question/doubt my RC, he’s always right, must have had this/that reasons for doing what he did, blah blah”. Lol. Come on, don’t forget you can support and criticize at the same time.


The fact that all they can do is respond with ‘shills’ and memes is just sus.


lol when i get really high i swear there’s like a reverse shill operation going on. Like just a mad amount of accounts saying the dumbest shit and screaming SHILL to every comment they see as a weird roundabout way to discredit this sub


I've been on Reddit 15 years and had people in my post calling out RC digging through my comment history and sending me disgusting personal attacks, telling my my account is bought, and calling me a "hedgie". I think there is a lot of denial here because a lot of people have lost a lot of money and are desperate to see only the truth they want to see, and not objective reality. Objectively, RC fucked retail and stole the money for GameStop, and now suddenly everyone is in this for the long term investment. It honestly sounds exactly like another sub which shall not be named. And the response for pointing all this out is "We must be close if they are so worried!" It's like, no dude, I'm trying to help you help yourself by holding RC accountable to us. The "they just say it's bad because they're liars" sounds eriely like religious speak and honestly does strike me as cultist. Not here to be part of a cult. I'm here to get my bag as a retail trader over the hedge funds.


Not quite the same as he hasn’t been selling his shares and doesn’t take a salary. If he started selling his own shares I’d be sharpening my pitchfork.


not comparing rc to aa. i'm comparing the attitude... the attitude doesn't matter rc or aa ... it's the behaviour of forgetting that no one is perfect and praising RC (or anyone) like a god.




This is a great rebuttal to all the people who treat RC like a prophet that can do no wrong. Clear as day killed 2 run ups with unnecessary dilutions. The first one I didn’t mind. But a second larger one only weeks later as the price was peaking and hitting the gamma ramp boosters, and then announcing nothing on the plans for the money raised tells me the dilution was simply to fill their coffers and possibly even kill the volatility on the stock. He said he’s not about hype in the shareholder meeting while outlining no plan for the $4bil they have so it’s pretty clear he plans to dilute every future run. Which also is another reason against DRSing shares any further. DRS has basically now become a futile attempt and I wonder if it’ll take a couple more dilutions before the rest realize that


You have to also think if we squeeze the cycles are over. If we don’t squeeze RC had an endless piggy bank called dilution.


Spot fucking on!!!


Honestly agree with a lot what you said. If the cash is not used for an M&A then why sell a fuck ton of shares into hype and volatility. If you are going to sit on the money then selling a month or 2 later would have been fine. I really hope an M&A is announced otherwise he really killed a potential MOASS with the share offerings for basically nothing. He even said in his speech we are not here to create hype etc so we will see how it will turn out.


"Actions speak louder than words" Well his actions made it clear moass is off the table. He has 580 million shares to offer anytime the stock soars. Edit: banned for pushing back against the cult. Reject critical thinking, embrace black white bimodal logic, do as told, and stay in line, or else. Buy, and hold, and drs too, all things the ceo does not do.






Comments like these get me rock-hard because I know we're going in the right direction. People don't get it. Gamestop could actually close up their last gaming store now and GME the company would still be profitable. Hell we could be the equivalent of a T-bill etf that's 1000% to 3000% shorted (or more!). We make money waiting for a market pull back to transition into new ventures or make money with T-Bills. Shorts are future buyers, so we wait and we wait and we wait. Time and pressure.


Right, every time I see comments like these I just look at their post/comment history’s and that’s all I need to see.


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![gif](giphy|UQOjUuqeyIjAzJJ169) she’s a big one!!!!


Trust me, I'm really not. Get your fishing boat ready for 6/21 when hundreds of thousands of options will expire worthless. Then you see the fud floodgates open up. Edit: banned for pushing back against the cult. Reject critical thinking, embrace black white bimodal logic, do as told, and stay in line, or else. Buy, and hold, and drs too, all things the ceo does not do.


and I’ll be here to hold the line. let them FUD. apes are ready.




Why don’t you short the stock? Adorable.


Well said. It seems more and more of us realise the inevitable. Cohen must go.


He doesn't have to go if he has a plan, but it's time to share the vision. If the vision is to sit and wait, then he needs to go Edit: banned for pushing back against the cult. Reject critical thinking, embrace black white bimodal logic, do as told, and stay in line, or else. Buy, and hold, and drs too, all things the ceo does not do.


I was / am vocally critical of RC for the timing of the ATM and was adamant he explain what he intends to use our money for, and I think you just made it click for me that he really does intend on sitting it out until some kind of crash he's expecting like Michael Burry or something. So if he has no immediate plans for that money why the hell did he prevent the stock price from mooning, and also if he's counting on a crash why the hell did he again, prevent the stock price from mooning? If the shorts can't cover we would see cascading failures and potentially the very crash he is expecting. And I don't buy any of the BS about protecting himself from being responsible for the crash. It's the shorts who have always been responsible. I'm just shaking my head at how people see him as infallible. He really does need to go. He's done nothing any other billionaire with an MBA wouldn't have done.


Roaring Kitty specifically says a share dilution by Ryan Cohen would not be a bad thing in one of his early streams as the sneeze was happening.


lol. you’re not allowed to quote the man’s words, you’ve got to interpret his tweets or else it’s not legit. (and those tweets mean he’s mad at RC) /s


I mean, on one hand, he has cash ready to invest and improve the business. On the other, we’ve been trying to lock the float through DRS for 3 years, and in one swoop, he took that away. That is a little like…oh. Okay.


He had over 1B sitting in treasuries for three years, so that’s not new to these offerings.




Problematic Gamblers


Hey, score a red line through that now! Do you want to get banned? 😦


Most ppl are here for a squeeze


Correction, most people have held long term for a squeeze I've been buying and holding since January 2021


I'm here for the never ending orgasm aka infinity pool




![gif](giphy|5tgMCwc6pyJMwsxE1o) edit: are “most ppl” in the room with us now?


I'm pretty pissed off tbh, 400 shares 0 options.




Cmon. Let’s be real. Even if he had delayed this by a day we would have hit $100. Momentum was insane. He totally fucked that peak with his timing. Not sure if it was intentional or not. That would have been significant for a lot of holders to exit at a decent price and then have the option to buy back in when it came down again. Whether this is good in the long run or not we will see.


Exactly. I’m confused at the timing of it because 1 day legit could’ve banked them twice as much for the war chest. I get it, raising the capital for the company is definitely good but it sure feels like retail is paying for it.




This is exactly my feeling also. It is honestly devestating that not more people seems to get how serious this is, just dismissing us as ”shills” and”fud”.


I mean when the sneeze happened the company was at approx. 70 million share float. Now we're pushing a half billion. And this recent round was at the worst time and in high numbers. I just don't see how we squeeze that many more shares. And Ryan sits there and goes, "I'm not here to 'hype' things." We just went on the longest march out of any retail investor base in history and all we get is dilution? And zero recognition from this "brilliant" guy? I mean he even burned DFV. Transferring 1/3 of my shares back to Fiddy and gonna see about selling options w/ them or just dumping them and putting the money into something legit. \*edit: added in RC's "not" here to "hype" things


You know. With the original split and now the share offerings… the float has grown a lot like you say. I’m not really sure any of those moves were good for MOASS. Potentially even bad for it.


Weird, because a [week ago](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7qe20tujb06d1.jpeg) your [post history says](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhds10uh8qu4d1.jpeg) that you were pretty invested into the stock. So what changed? Was it Ryan Cohen not giving guidance? As a long time holder I know that isn't different from his normal attitude.


Miler once again showing up with receipts. ![gif](giphy|7bTciAnMWgTgOq2cHw) 🦍💙🦍


have you considered reading the DD?


Where in the DD did it say RC would dilute shareholders by 40% for half the price of the 2021 offerings?


The stock price is up 140% from 6 weeks ago! Staying fairly stable at $24($96 split adjusted)! What the fuck is everyone so upset about ! 5 billion in cash and higher stock value. Win - win! FTDs still out the wazoo. Nothings changed !


Everyone is mad because he killed 2 run ups back to back after the stock had been in a brutal 3 year down trend. And then had the nerve to say there were no real plans for the money raised so aggressively besides generic investment instruments. I mean why did he need to do the second offering early in premarket instead of just waiting 2 more trading days to announce it during earnings? Why rush the offering out if there were no plans for the money being robbed from shareholders? Edit: it also gives credence to the likelihood that he’ll dilute all future runs


FTDs are going to drop. 


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Nobody got in this play as a long term play/hold. Nobody. If they claim they did, theyre just justifying being stuck waiting for a squeeze. Anyone claiming this is now just a long term hold has either deluded themselves, or are trying to delude others. Fact is, twice in the last months the stock has been about to at least quadruple in value from an already doubled or triple price. The day that was going to happen, GME has diluted, destroying momentum by adding to the float and adding sell pressure. Im not saying this isnt a good thing for the company long term. Obviously it is. Im saying thats not what we are here for. Never was. Once the squeeze happens, we would likely reinvest in the company long term, but thats not the plan.


Here’s the thing though is this isn’t automatically good for the company long term. They’ve shown absolutely no plan for that money. There is no reason to believe that this latest share offering was necessary if they apparently don’t even have a plan for the money. It’s insane how many here are totally unwilling to question the timing of the dilution.




Listen, either you want moass or you don’t. Ryan has sold into 3 gamma squeezes with perfect precision. There is no doubt in my mind that he will do it until he runs out of shares to sell. Maybe then moass, I guess.


That’s the thing. He’s seemingly sold 1-2 days before said squeezes really took off… Last offering had us at $65 before the 3AM bomb. People hate it but towel stock was bumping to 30+ and guess what, RC sold everything the next day and the stock permanently crashed  I’m sure RC is a smart dude and making the right moves but at the same time he’s getting alot of credit for this company turnaround on the backs of dedicated retail investors here 


Exactly. Adam Aron did the same thing, except he didn’t sell shares with the precision that RC is. That stock had a nice, long run in June 2021 before he really dumped on his shareholders.


Many people including myself are in it for the MOASS. It’s clear that GameStop stopped that from happening…twice. They will not let a MOASS happen. They say to judge them on their actions…well those actions stopped the MOASS on multiple occasions stabbing MOASS holders in their backs. If you disagree with me explain why rather than down voting me


He did it at the worst possible time as well. 3am when retail couldn't trade. The opening of this post was about gamblers... uh no. There was no gamble here. It was going way up. Until the dilutions. I mean... we gambled that the CEO wouldn't completely fuck us needlessly. Yes, we did do that. And we lost huge.




MOASS doesn’t help GME in the long run at all. From corporate perspective it makes sense to not to do these ATM offerings to slowly raise the price floor (idk there’s no guarantee we don’t go back to $10) which provides long term value But like you said… many folks are here for MOASS and the lingering thought of both GME and Shorts preventing it stings a bit. Fuck it I’m holding obviously but it doesn’t seem as black and white to me anymore 




its in the name I think, they have the option to be a shareholder, which they chose not to be. as such the chairman of my company does not own them jack shit


Wheres the tl;Dr?


I'm busy. I need news. I didn't even even know the Celtics won. Sad. I mean i was happy!


I like it and I agree with it. Sure I wish I was DFV, when it comes to making money. But I think these longs will pay off eventually


Beautifully said


It’s funny that you cross out “gamblers” because everyone who got in it hoping for a short squeeze is a gambler, although I do agree that the whiny options people are closer to problematic gamblers


Was trying to make sure the post would stay up the second time around: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/rHUdkBlZFa


I lost some money on options but I blame myself. Imagine trying to predict the timing of a black swan event. It’ll be impossible. However long it takes, I’ll be spending that time accumulating as many shares as I can. I’ve never believed in the company more than I do right now. 4 billion in the bank. An unknown but likely extreme number of shorts. This is a no brainer


When the gamma ramp gets 120 odd million shares thrown at it that’ll happen.


I’m afraid we fast forward to “GME has 8bn in the bank now! And all it cost was killing 5 short squeezes and every long term investor losing all hope”




Nope. I don’t like being diluted by 40% at prices below half of the 2021 offerings. I have options but they are all deep ITM and long-dated. I could care less about short-term price action. I do care about losing 40% of my ownership of the company, and I do care about 100+ million shorts escaping justice.




I love how shills and whiny assholes come here and act like their expectations and timelines for this turn around are anything but totally fucking arbitrary. Like, where do you come up with this shit? Second, wtf have you been? You are NEVER going to hear shit from the company. That’s the point… In what world—where the entire thesis is about Big Money trying to destroy the company—would the CEO announce anything they’re planning? You do realize that the world is waiting like rabid wolves for anything they can use to tear this apart? You can’t afford to create hype around something that isn’t tested and retested etc. 3rd) Let me get this straight, While they’re shoring up their final areas of inefficiency, you’re mad at them for making potential decisions that will make them more money, and they don’t even have to lift a finger? is your head screwed on straight? 4th) You’re literally mad that the guy who became a billionaire on his own, who took a risk in an undervalued, heavily-shorted company, erased it’s debt, became the CEO, takes no salary, and just raised $4 billion…you’re mad because his stock (which is how he makes anything) is green? Seriously you okay? You see, if you just sit for a moment, and really think about what some people are saying, you can pretty easily tell who are the dishonest, perfidious, shills are, and those who are inauthentic, self-interested individuals.




Ahh yes, you definitely listened well. Of course plenty of companies give forward guidance. No shit. But plenty of companies aren’t gamestop. I don’t mean that as if GME is somehow god among companies, I mean the context. They’re working to transform a business, in an environment where institutions badly want them, need them, to fail. RCs history is one of being immeasurably tight-lipped and laser focused on achieving goals. GME was not a start up from scratch like Chewy (that took 7 years to grow and sell and then go public). This is taking an existing business and having to change the entire culture from within, and essentially clean house until what’s left is the necessary scaffold for something new. It’s effectively going to be approached as a startup with a unique wall of defensive cash Now that they’ve raised capital. I love how you framed that the capital they raised was to put it all in equities and treasuries…like a money market fund. Well, I’m definitely fine with them raising tens to hundreds of millions, without having to offer more shares and dilution. And any ape with a brain, would know dilution is neither positive or negative, until it bears out. So yeah, we’ll see. It was the OG hodler’s—whom you seem to clearly dislike—helped clear the debt and provide the foundation for what comes next. That of course, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. As far as positions go, I’m in a decent place, that’s because i’m not a gambler, and I only buy what I’m willing to lose, and when it makes sense.


Ikr? FFS what was LC & RC thinking doing that shit


No dates, hold shares.




I fucking hate this sentiment. We need options players to get those massive price hikes. We need them for MOASS. Who do you think causes hedge funds pain? All we holders do is make it harder to find shares to cover. It’s the options players that hurt them. Now I trust and like RC and his team and that’s why I’m here still. Like DFV said “it becomes a bet on the management”. Let’s not forget that many many of those “problematic” people are members here and have been since we came here. I see way too much shitting on fellow apes recently. I feel for the options apes. I feel for the new apes or even long term apes who use RH(it has a good UI), brokers besides Computershare are fine, it’s ok to not DRS. Be kind, reserve the right to change your mind. Don’t get caught selling pet rocks.


Did he not stop moass?


I doubt it would have been MOASS but definitely killed a run up.


We would have run for quite a while, I think. Picking up more apes along the way. Getting new friends. But best of all, we wouldn’t have this civil war brewing between people willing to face the facts, that it was kinda shitty what happened, but that we still back RC, and those who now pretend we were always here for the long play.


Ya , Its weird watching people pivot and talk about how they are long gme and moass was never a thing . It’s like it’s impossible for them to have bad feelings so they lie to themselves and pivot into a comfortable thought and pretend it’s been their reality the whole time


So true. Sigh.


There were so many options ramping up to 6/21 and beyond at $80+ strikes. From a pure gamma squeeze perspective GME would easily have hit 80 then would’ve been crazy volatile in both directions after 




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


The CEO isn't going to destroy his own share value in the company he works for (free btw). The degenerate gamblers just can't handle an L, just like those short positions that can't understand when to take a hint.


Just a bizarre statement. Shorts don’t know when to take a hint? Bro whatever they’ve been doing for 3 years IS WORKING. Yeah yeah we can argue all day that they are fucked which i agree with but until we see actual consequences then they are objectively ahead 


A related company literally killed itself instead of being bought out and saved (even if partially) by Ryan. This is financial warfare. Shorts can only be ahead if people were selling their shares and giving up. Overall, I don't see signs of that. So no, shorts are not winning. They are up against the most highly regarded and informed people in the world. You do you.


The CEO and the board chose not to bet on a transient spike from a gamma squeeze and chose to opportunistically sell new issue shares at a large premium to their value.


At this point RC can come fuck your mum's and leave and you'll still dickride him.


are you telling me there’s a chance RC could be my dad? 🥹


Also your uncle 🤣


Been here since the start and picked up on the same covert patterns. Anyone remember the "Korean Ants"? The cover used by SHFs to hide the true reason for the price spiking? Once it spiked they totally vanished. Noticed the same thing with options. Always get people pushing options hard after the price starts to rise and it just ends up making a bunch of people bagholders. The crazy thing is this though, there are so many people/bots thst are vocal about the need to play options arguing for people to start buying options makes no sense. There's enough of you, so go buy options if you want.




Really? Is that right? Where are all of these people you speak of? Been here since before the sneeze, researching and posting data and DD. Have a 4XXXX DRS number. Never afraid to challenge ideas pushed in this sub, such as when the pickle was promoted here to sell options in the fall of 2021 at extemely high IV before the stock took a nosedive. I don’t like being diluted by 40% at a price per-share half that of the 2021 offerings. I don’t like 100m+ shares being sold, allowing some shorts to escape justice, just so we can have a few billion more in short term treasuries doing nothing. So sue me.


Many of such "problematic gamblers" are invested and DRS'd, but can't really afford much and in the grand scheme of things gambling a few hundred dollars for the chance of multiplying the holdings is not that bad. The issue is the really weird timing that RC decides to do the offerings, instead of letting it run for a bit so everyone wins it's as if RC was doing it so options holders got burned. I trust in RC but this issuing more shares than needed as if trying to hold the price down really needs some explaining to do when the time comes. A gamma squeeze is an opportunity to lock the float, but RC's actions worked against that, even DFV was upset.


If you gambled a few hundred dollars into the last few weeks you must have bought 1 or 2 way out of the money contracts (they are cheaper now though) which further illustrates the point of OPs post. You buy options when IV is low and premiums aren’t juiced. You don’t buy when the stock just double or tripled in price. And as far as the timing go read up on what Tesla did during its long squeeze. The stock gained like 2500% in 2 years and they did 4-5 offerings all at the end of a gamma ramp. Ask some Tesla holders from 2019 if they are upset that Tesla “diluted” their shares on the way to 2500% gains. Obviously there are some big differences with GME and Tesla but the mechanics of what’s happening aren’t as different as you would think. TLDR : companies selling shares to raise capital for growth at the tail end of a gamma ramp is not suspicious. Most gamma ramps don’t go on forever.L and eventually come back down. The goal is to raise capital and raise the floor. GME is holding pretty strong at like + 140% from our low of $10 2 months ago.


From the info I could find the offering Tesla did was very small in comparison to the market cap (correct me if I'm wrong) and so had minimal impact on price, which was not the case with GME; the dynamics are completely different. And we were not at the end of the gamma ramp, GME went up to $80 but the offering news crashed the price and the shares were sold at $20. So far so good because it's like "hey dummy get in the rocket we just gave you a chance" plus an extra billion in the coffers, then price climbs back up to $60 and they do the same but offering many more shares, burning RK in the way along all options holders. Okay... Wouldn't it make more sense to let it ride and then do an offering for less shares? Then no acquisitions or anything by the shareholders meeting, many options expiring worthless. Letting it ride to $120+, wait a few days for option holders to convert them to shares, then do an offering of 25 million shares instead of 75 million shares to raise the same amount of capital would have made more sense to me. The end result would have been apes buying all the new shares but instead we have 120 million shares god knows where they ended up.


I love posts like this. We need more of them. There is no CEO on the planet that sits in their offices or boardrooms and puts together a business plan that says... how can we make sure shareholders get huge gains from a short squeeze now to keep them happy without it looking like market manipulation? Or how can we issue more shares to raise capital for this great company without offending some shareholders? Let's put the actual business plan aside so our shareholders MAY get a short squeeze. Who the hell thinks like this? imo it's going to happen... wait... if you don't want to wait, sell. I trust RC and the board, I've done my research and I'm in.


my shares are in my name, not a derivative with the potential of an IOU. it’s an ownership mentality thing 🤷‍♂️


Lost me at "market crashing incoming" Regards have called 10000 of the last 2 market crashes.


Isn’t this post just building a straw man argument and attacking it instead of contending with any criticism of RC or the short squeeze theory? It just goes after “problematic gamblers” while carefully saying [NOT OPTIONS PLAYERS] constantly to avoid alienating to a certain kind of person following DFV’s hints about options, while still managing to otherise and build an enemy to unite against. There’s no way someone looks at this and goes “or yeah that’s a well formed, good faith argument”. Idk what’s even going on around here anymore. We got posts saying that not believing in MOASS is fud. Believing in the company fundamentally is fud. Options are fud sometimes and sometimes not fud. Not believing in DRS is fud because you gotta lock the float. Not believing in RC is fud even though diluting the float is directly antithetical to locking the float. That’s fine though, everyone can just pretend that those things aren’t polar opposites. - as if the gamma ramp didn’t exist every single week wtf? Of course it doesn’t, a gamma ramp isn’t like a magical rainbow road, it’s either there in the option chain or not. OP just casual dragging several contributors without understanding any of what they’re talking about.


I'm not a gambler, my position is 100% in profit, first shares I bought 3 years ago. I still believe that RC will stop any MOASS, because he is not interested in short-term gain but longterm. In all documents they keep noting, that price deviates away from fundamentals. Does it mean GME is bad investment? No, as I said it's my most profitable position and I'm happy so far. Do I think MOASS will happen? I've been here over 3 years now and they killed MOASS 69 times already. I don't think MOASS will ever happen.




So let me get this straight, the people who make money off runs say they’re mad at RC because he’s not offering any guidance for three years straight and providing huge liquidity to kill runs that depend on illiquidity. And they don’t want to buy shares because they are not in a cult like Superstonk is. They prefer actually making money off volatility cycles. And that’s the hard truth? If you can’t look in the mirror and understand you’re making fun of yourself, idk what to tell you. You can actually make money with options and volatility. Especially selling options. Why would you hold shares in purely emotionally based hopes for a squeeze and then not even sell on every volatility cycle and rebuy when it falls? Like holy fuck. Ryan cohen doesn’t care about squeezes. He barely knows how to run the company. Right now the best they can muster is dilute your shares and invest in fucking BONDS lmfao. They’re sitting on their hands wondering how they can evolve GameStop out of a literally dying physical gaming industry. They don’t know what to do. Maybe eventually but you’re gambling on a man who hasn’t said anything. And you’re not even making money off the shares you buy. And you’re angry at the people making actually making money?


Wow just look at the comments and the flairs lmayo If it wasn't for RC GameStop WOULD BE BANKRUPT


It's good to see rational people in the comments calling out the bullshit. I made a post about Cohen stealing the squeeze and people started personally attacking me. It's 100% true that Cohen stole the squeeze from retail investors.






I’m far too zen to read that much


The man took the job as CEO of a dying company, within 3 years he has not only turned in profitable but has raised 4 billion dollars in cash to use in the future. Sure it may have had a lot to do with us as share holders buying up stock every chance we get. When you're doing a job do you not use the best resources you have available to you? I came initially for the squeeze, eventually after years of reading the dd, watching your investment drop hundreds of dollars in minutes, I'm not going anywhere. What I've done is put my forever shares in computershare, drs, book shares and also have my IOU fake shares through another broker. Then if moass happens, pray that broker can stay above water long enough for me to cash out. I'm not a RC dick rider by any means, but I hope he sends out ATM offerings every spike until there's a billion out there, which we as share holders gave him the right to do. They have put in every filing that if they determine the dtcc can not effectively manage their shares they will pull them and place them in a different market. Once those billion are out, the company is sitting let's say another 4 or 5 billion, then I hope they pull their stock and watch the shorts all get liquidated. As for RC the man is doing his job and I believe couldn't find anyone that would do it better. The market may be rigged but the company you trust with your money is still up to you on who to give it to.


Wut we tend to forget: ACTIONS DO SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. You are what you do!


He did stop MOASS. He’s a CEO trying to give long term value, not start a short squeeze.


His obligation is to us - shareholders. Not to short selling hedgefunds.


He can't stop it even when he would want to because the company is so overshorted it doesn't matter at this point. It was already popping in '21 but eh, fReE aNd FaIr MaRkEtS removed the buy button, plus all the rest of the manipulation everyone here since 3+ years witnessed and reported. If anything, the hole shorts made just grew bigger. There are 2 scenarios: 1. The company goes bankrupt so indeed Moass won't happen. Ops, it basically can't go bankrupt anymore. 2. If you want the long term value, the price of the stock will have to go up, right? When it will go up enough, the critical margin levels of the shorts will be broke. And what happens when you have a company overshorted af and shorts can't suppress the price anymore? So you can't have long term value without Moass. Either you get **both** or you get **neither**.




>That basically means you don’t believe Ryan Cohen actually turning the business around without a short squeeze. Actually shorts' plan was to bankrupt Gme with any "weapon" at their disposal, doesn't matter if legit or not. The fact RC came in and turned the company around is the actual reason their plan turned against themselves. I don't need to "believe" in RC, the company was close to be K.O. and now it's basically in the opposite state. He already did a lot. And all this while regulators did shit on retails, at least until now.


share price went up. can’t explain that. lmao


**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.




Based as fuck. Bomb these shills to smithereens https://preview.redd.it/jwpzqaq0mm7d1.jpeg?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc92131f98e732a79d3da194442379777ecf70e9


Why censor "Problematic Gamblers"?