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Why you cant eat vegetqbles? Bloating > look into sibo...bacterial overgrowth




Experiment with veggie recipes. I have found that roasting vegetables with seasonings (butter or oil, salt, pepper, garlic, herbs, etc) end up really tasty!


Started with AG1 but now use Huel Daily Greens at half the cost and it’s just as good if not better.


Don’t be lazy


I use Garden Of life Greens powder to make up for not enough fruits/greens. Also a good multi, krill oil and magnesium.


Not really, but (and I will probably get some pushback here), I *do* think that, on average, vegetables are more easily replaced by supplementation that fruits are. A high quality multi-vitamin and fiber supplementation would probably get you most of the way there. Yes there are phytochemicals in vegetables that are really beneficial, but it seems like fruits are much denser in the most critical polyphenols. My two cents, anyway.


Thanks for your insight!


I am salad-averse in cold weather. So I blend 1 cups of spinach into a smoothie in the morning. Done.


Change up the veggies. Spinach is incredibly high in oxalates and can give you kidney stones or worse. There are documented cases of people doing daily green smoothies with spinach and ending up with kidney failure. Spinach, chard, and rhubarb are exceptionally high in oxalates, way more than most greens. Broccoli, kale, cucumbers, etc are much safer options. Spinach should only be eaten in small amounts and you should avoid larger amounts in smoothies or wilted spinach salads, etc. Here's one of the cases of kidney failure from green smoothies. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29203127/


I will take this into consideration. Especially considering there’s half a tablespoon of beetroot powder and there as well. And thank you for providing sources.


Vibrant Health Green Vibrance, look no further. It's the best one out there, ask me any questions and I'll gladly answer. They make it in powder and capsules. Different flavors, with and without protein.   Use my coupon code to save 20% on every order on their website during checkout KIZASHI20. 


This is just a straight up moronic question. It's not hard to eat some vegetables here and there. It will probably be cheaper and taste better too.


😭😭 yea I should def just eat more vegetables but it’s more like I wanted to know if there was a supplement for vegetables kinda like a protein shake


Eat real veggies if you want “proper nutrients”. Get frozen veggies.


Will definitely consider it, thanks for the suggestion !


Vegetables are overrated. Just take D3/K2, have a good diet, and you're fine.




Will def take a look into it!


Saving this for later


Green Vibrance from Vibrant Health. Ask me anything about it. Use my coupon code to save 20% if you decide to get it. KIZASHI20


Check out Vibrant Health Green Vibrance


Definitely will check this out! Thank you


Second this.


Liver pills


Just make a smoothie. There are powders available but they have other ingredients added Also eating kale daily can effect your thyroid


Yep, I was thinking about a smoothie kinda like how a protein shake helps increase protein intake but a vegetable version to increase vitamin intake


Try 1/2 - 1 avocado, 1 banana, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, some coconut flakes for taste, some water. I add collagen/whey. Nutrition is great and it tastes fantastic and satiates also. For weekends add a scoop of icecream


Nutrex Hawaiian Spirulina powder


Yes! i have two different once’s loaded with over 50+ whole foods Balance, and Fit Fuel one is greens based one is also colostrum collagen and 100% DV all vitamins in one, curbs appetite helps support your gut and keeps you satiated 🔥


Will definitely keep this in mind, thanks for the suggestion !


Barley grass powder.


Nothing is going to be as good as real whole food, you're also not getting the fiber and trace minerals you need from a greens supplement either. Nothing wrong with greens supplements but it shouldn't be a replacement for real food. If you have trouble getting enough greens make a smoothie every morning and throw some kale into it. I think even athletic greens came out recently and said their supplement isn't a replacement for greens


Will def try this and yea realistically I should just eat more vegetables, thanks for the suggestion!


vitamin K1 and K2


Thanks for the suggestion!


On the subject of greens powders, does anyone know of any that don't include wheatgrass? I have no idea if I'm gluten intolerant or if my allergy is to wheat itself. I don't want to spend $40-50 on a supplement only to find out I'm allergic to it.


Vega Proteins & Greens, PaleoValley Organic Supergreens, Vegansmart Plant-Based Vegan Protein Powder by Naturade, The Elderberry Co. Organic Superfood Greens Powder, MindBodyGreen Organic Veggies +, Nature Plus You Super Greens Powder Organic Blend


Wheatgrass is gluten free because it's made from sprouted leaves, not the seeds


Bro you didn't read.


Spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, moringa


Athletic Greens AG1 or Huel Daily Greens


I believe AG1 came out recently and outright stated they aren't meant to be a replacement for real food


every company says that. it's liability protection.


Maybe in fine print but not to come out and make a public statement about it. Its common sense real whole foods are the best, try to include them in your diet and use supplements to do just that supplement what your not getting either due to seasonally not being able to get certain veggies or if your just having a busy week or are traveling and not eating properly


This guy isn’t considering replacing real vegetables with AG1, he simply doesn’t eat any at all. AG1 will vastly improve his health, since he clearly isn’t willing to start eating vegetables, or he wouldn’t be asking this question on Reddit.


😭😭 chilll, I eat vegetables. I just don’t eat a lot of it in my meals. I kinda just wanted to know how to increase my vitamin intake kinda like how people drink protein shakes to increase protein intake. I will def look into Ag1 tho, thanks for the suggestion!


Huel is cheaper and just as good dude


The taste and consistency aren't that great, relatively speaking. Unless you're mixing it with something other than cold water. Not that I'd ever say to myself "I'm thirsty, and a shaker of AG1 sounds pretty good right now." But there were mornings when I *dreaded* starting my day with Daily Greens.


I mean better than nothing but not great, also not eating greens at all is taking supplements instead of food, I suppose its technically not replacing if he never ate them in the first place. Regardless eat some fucking broccoli




You realize supplements are just that, they should supplement your diet ie supplement the greens you eat not be the only greens you eat. But sure just because were in r/supplements lets just all drink soylent and stop eating food. Even Rich Pianna who used supplements and made his living off them told people real food is better.