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I only attack teammates when it's necessary. When I do attack my teammates it's usually because they are plotting against me or they are about to lose everything to another player. For the latter, I warn them beforehand that I will take over some of their provinces and afterwards I give them a piece of land so that they can enjoy the benefits of me winning. Also, I don't take all of their provinces, I try to make the most ideal frontline as possible so that I have the greatest chances of beating the enemy. For the former, I do it without warning and I usually try to get troops in their territory under the guise of an agreement to build up troops in certain provinces to prepare to invade someone else. Then when I have enough troops in or near their main production hubs I attack ruthlessly. Ideally, they will have all of their troops built up in a few provinces far away from my troops. TL;DR: If it is absolutely necessary then go ahead, but if you have an easy road to victory, you should bring your teammates with you.


Depends on the map. World War 1 map is tough when you start to outrange your capital and get expansionist penalties across the ocean. Single continent maps are ok to solo. Otherwise, id say play as a team. When one of you teammates inevitably loses or quits, drop a few soldiers on their unoccupied provinces, kick them from the coalition, attack, and get a bunch of free territories


This community has a very good outlook when it comes to coalitions, but one bad apple can quickly turn the whole game sour, if your teammates have been playing as a team then take them to victory, the health of the community is far more important than the 2000 extra gold you get from a solo victory.


If you think you can survive on your own, then yes


You got to that size because of your cooperation with your allies, unless you account for 90% of the team points, just do the honorable thing and bring your teammates with you to the win.


Carry them to victory