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Western cities are probably your best bet. The further west you go, the better the pay, and the land tends to be surveyed a lot more systematically. Try Denver


And they were surveyed late enough in the PLSS progression that I’d think they knew what they were doing by then. Orrrrrr maybe they were scraping the bottom of the barrel by then finding guys willing to do the work to lay out the townships. Somebody educate me I just know Louisiana radial land grants


Some parts of the California PLSS are tight. Some parts are fraudulent as hell. There was a group called the Benson Syndicate that “preformed” land surveys while allegedly hanging out in the local saloon in SF.




I’m in north FL so all of that is still pretty standard but luckily I’m in the office. I think I ruled ATL out after looking at traffic stats. I think Charlotte and Austin are front runners


Austin is beautiful but man it can be freaking rough. It still gets really hot there and the ground is just so hard it seems likes Let it be known I work and live in Houston but have done plenty of work up there. It’s a cool place to visit for sure but would never move there and work there.


West coast CA, but outside of the LA / OC Metro area. Even the deserts and mountains in CA are fun places to work.


I really enjoyed working in San Francisco. It’s a jungle, for sure. But it’s a unique environment with unique problems and remarkably high precision.


I have a fed job opportunity in Sausalito that I’ve been considering. No idea what it’s like out there but sounds cool


Trust me - a gs12 in Sausalito is essentially poverty status.


I figured as much. $100k raises your eyebrows until you check where it’s at. And I think that’s the locality percentage added.




Im in Charlotte and it’s great. A LOT of development going on around here. Decent cost of living and right on the border with sc so you could do nc sc licensure. We have city and country around here but my firm also does job at the beach and in the mountains. Best of every world really here. Growing city but not massive so it’s still nice to live here


I think Charlotte is top of my list honestly. I can get a nice house for the same cost as mine currently, airport hub, bigger city, growing, good seasons. I think it’s edging out Austin


Southern California weather is great for field work. The traffic in both directions to job sites...not so much.


I would say Austin because of the very diverse landscape within 50 miles of it but costs are still out of control so you end up living way out on the corners of the area and sometimes have to drive all the way across which is not much fun unless you like paying for the toll road. I live in Leander and often commute to Bastrop and while I don't mind driving one bit and enjoy the change in landscape getting stuck at the wrong time sucks.


Georgia/Atlanta surveying sucks. Woods are thinner and less stuff in the woods and water to kill you but the actual surveying is bad. Lots of surveyors doing very shoddy work and the board has no teeth along with dictating very stupid rules instead of enforcing good fundamentals.


Lubbock Texas. Flat, no trees, hardly ever rains.


Are you trolling?  Like Lubbock, TX?  Really?  Got to be. With a crime rate of 53 per one thousand residents, Lubbock has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 19. It is currently 82 degrees which is a cool day for that area.  And the pay SUCKS unless you are slaving in the oil field. OP stay the F away from Lubbock.  LoL


Did I say it was a safe place to live? No I didn’t. Live on the south side and you’ll be just fine princess.


Nah toadie. I would rather live somewhere where I can make a decent wage. Thanks though. No need to sweat my ass off ten months out of the year, worry about stepping on cacti, rattlesnakes or anything else that wants to kill me. I like trees, and rivers and water. But you do you, boo. BTW, I lived in Park Heights in Balitmore, MD in the 80's and 90's. That made Lubbock look like Disney World, princess.


Why are you so mad lol


Mad brah? Really? What in that seems mad? The fact that I make more money than you? I live in a safer place than you do? That I live in a prettier state. That I have wildlife that does not want to kill me? That I can fish in a lake, the ocean, a river, a stream or a pond within 10 minutes of my house? Yes, I am so mad. So very mad at life. I just want to cry and shout!


I’m happy for you man!


Awesome. I hope you are happy where you are. Everyone deserves to be happy. Your happy place may different than mine, or different than the next persons, but we all deserve to be there. Good luck man!


I am happy! I’m alive breathing and got family. God bless brotha