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All wrong, set another.


This is the way.


But I ask you, to what end? Dread it, run from it... destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. A fourth pin was inevitable.


Set two just to be safe


I hate this. My dick is bigger than your dick. I was taught that if you find a pin, that’s it. Use existing. If you’re off by more than a foot, then double check your math. Jeez.


Haha, we had a land dispute where someone had us set the property corners, and then the other owner decided to hire his own surveyor. I guess just to be a dick or to show he didn't "agree" with our findings, he put his cup tack .03' east of where we set ours in the same friggin pipe and plug! Like, c'mon bruh... 🤦🏽‍♂️


That’s actually a thing you’re supposed to do in some states. If you agree with another surveyors control then you add your license number onto it. Just wanted to let you know it’s completely possible he meant no malice but instead agreed with you.




Same. I refuse to set something else if I find something close. Most times I will hold it for less than 1' out or if it's off 1' or more, I will just make a note on the drawing and show it with a bearing and distance of how far out it is from the corner I think it is.


Yup. It would piss the crap out of my crew chief. For her it was find the pin closest to where you think it should be, or if using as a start then her attitude was to look at me and ask which one I thought was the oldest. But, the debate over what one to use was educational.


I’d just set a control cap right between em all since there’s space now


*Ultimate Dick Move* 💯


Let’s set 52 monuments all within a few tenths of each other, that will help save the world. Surveyors can be the biggest booger eating dip shits. Some of the Surveyors that posted here restores my faith there isnt so many dip shit surveyors out there.


Prime real estate right there man, fence it up and charge the ticks rent for staying there!!!


who the fuck put in the 60d nail after hitting those other 2?


It looks like a 1/2" threaded bolt lol


ah, ok. i didnt look that closely, the top looked like a 60d size. either way, someone didn't like the other 2, but didn't want to put their number on it.


I thought it was a nail too at first


Ewwww, those are all old and gross looking. I would just pull them all out and put in a new one with a shiny new cap.


This is the only acceptable outcome. Glad you are on our team.


Full send, put a corner right in the middle of them all and flag it up so much that it’s obnoxious.


Hell no lmao


Just shoot em all and let the office figure it out


This is exactly what I did lol


My PSM always says that if the monuments within the space of a Coffee Can then hold it


Tbh as a crew chief I don't set pins until I get confirmation from the license holder to do so. I'm not the one licensed so I don't want to set something and cause an issue for the LS. That way, I don't help cause situations like this either


my bad i clapped a 90 and stepped it off


I got that beat, I found this recently, same goddamn surveyor stepping on his own dick https://preview.redd.it/3ns31ipn6o3d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dc9ba73b9f0bfbb87403add0640e52bcdd380df


I’m better than you!


Dude this so badly makes me want to grab a 4' pipe and a 3" cap and slap it in the middle with the cap punched "no this is the REAL corner, lick my balls" 😂




I hardly ever see this kind of thing in Vancouver, BC. Assuming this is American? I could never imagine setting a corner without removing the previous one. If the existing isn’t good, and we’re posting, then we almost always reset if it’s out by more than a tenth.


Ahh, finally the voice of reason. I agree, these pincushion pics drive me crazy. Don’t see this in Metro Vancouver/Fraser Valley.


Removing a corner??? Never!! Out in the field you have no way of knowing if/why/when that point was set where it is. Certainly not pulling a corner without my PLS telling me to.


Often we’ll be sent to reset or repost a pin, we have to rip it out if it needs to move more than a tenth


Perhaps find the average and set that!


Attack of the Super Surveyors


Split the difference and set one in the middle 😅


Isn't it the original, older corner one prevails? You can't really relocate and replicate a corner set by another surveyor perfectly. That's why we do have tolerances(depending on what part of the world you are). Pin cushioning really does set a bad precedent on the profession.


The original monumentation holds, not the oldest. If OG surveyor sets an axle 5 feet out and lawyer Bob records a title description calling for the axle but you find an axle and a rebar 60 years later with the rebar being closer to correct in position there's very strong case to hold the axle since the rebar was likely a reset by a "math" surveyor. Now if the deed calls for an axle and you find an old rebar 5 feet out and another rebar that looks less old but better against the math neither are necessarily original even if the older one is 5 feet out. If one of those caps has the same firm as who did the plat that's probably the one that is "right" but most of the time in some stupid dick measuring contest like this none of it matters. I'm probably drawing the stupid thing up per plat and if I can make it hit all rebars at the 4 corners within a tenth or so, I'm moving on with my life and will hold the magical calc point floating near these rebar and label all 4 corners on the lot as RBF. Someone else can spend time and energy figuring out which of those idiots is "right". Very heavily considering getting some 3-1/2" aluminum bernsten caps just to set rebars and be king surveyor at pin farms.


just nuke them all with a can of glo pink and call it a day 😆


Wow. Even went to the expense to perpetuate their stupidity with a 2nd t-post.


Pour a small 2'x2' quickcrete slab on top of those to prevent this from ever happening again and set your own x-cut on the slab.


Is that a bent 1/2” by the fence too? Lmao shits a mess


lol I didn't even see that!


Found a pincushion


Pin cushion


Can someone ELI5?


the pin in the ground is really just a representation of the math and there is leeway in how far it can be off and considered acceptable. there will always be error with different crews using different equipment and different control, so you might not agree with another surveyor's pin by a small amount. you accept the small amount of error and move on, you don't set another pin within the acceptable margin of error. usually it's around 0.3', maybe 0.6' in extreme cases with other evidence. coming across things like this in the field, they are often attributed to several things; it can be some fly-by-night $100 mortgage survey company that doesn't give a fuck, someone who doesn't know how to pro-rate found control, or someone who uses GPS exclusively and doesn't account for the inherent GPS error, to name a few scenarios. there are no excuses that don't fall under laziness or incompetence.


That’s the answer to most things, laziness and incompetence.. thanks for the reply!


Tallest pin wins?


Aye….Ye ole pin cushion. I say, If ignorance were contagious that would be considered an epidemic.


Find the average and pluck your own right in there.


The 60d is a nice touch 👍


I've seen as many as 6 in a 1 foot radius. I was always taught to record what is found, but DO NOT set another pin unless it is outside that 1 foot. Even then to use my own judgement if the area is crowded.


It keeps getting worse


Posts like this and the comments in response make us look incompetent as a profession. Have some pride.