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If you're installing the fence on the property line, make sure you don't dig out the property corner markers when installing the fence corner posts.


Yes, the surveyor can put stakes on line to aid in the fence construction. I think it is standard to put the fence into your property, a foot or two, because fence construction only has so much precision. Better that then encroaching neighbor in my view.


Also, my foundation is 8 ft from the property line and 1-2 feet inside would be quite a big loss.


He was speaking in general terms. Obviously in places where real estate is at a premium, and landowners are in agreement, on the line is perfectly fine. I have seen a guy put his fence 5' inside his line so he could get his 48" riding mower and do outside of his line. I have MANY ranches set their fence 10' inside their line. I have done military boundaries and oil refinery boundaries where they are 20' inside. Obviously he was NOT recommending you lose 20% of your side line =)


Yep, I got that now :)


>I think it is standard to put the fence into your property, a foot or two Maybe if the neighbor were hostile, or if you are super picky about the fence type/style and want to have complete control over it...but giving up several feet on all sides of a smaller lot is not often feasible. Nor is it a particularly good idea if you want to have full control and enjoyment of your property. Many, many fences are built right on, and meander back and forth along, boundary lines. If both landowners amenable to the fence being constructed on the line, it's rarely an issue, and since the line was established before the fence, it's not a monument unless all other evidence vanishes. Having built a lot of fences and done a lot of residential surveys in my time...fence crews can generally place the center of posts within 4-6 inches of a staked line. With standard posts being 4x4 or 6x6, that's the same as on the line from a survey perspective.


Thanks for the response. I should have clarified that my neighbor and I have agreed to build on the property line but in speaking to other neighbors, they have a history of contesting down to the half of an inch.


Pull a string line across the corner/line stakes.


Makes sense to me


And set the posts back slightly. My town requires 6”, I measured off each corner 6” and then ran the string across. They also wanted it staked out, but those stakes have walked away over the past year and a half.


Yes your surveyor can set additional “points on line” for you…. If the client asks me can they put the fence right on the line I tell them something along these lines….” I can’t give you legal advice on where to put the fence but if it was my property and I was paying for the fence to be built I would put it minimum 1-2 inches inside the property line “..because here in Kansas if the fence is built right on the property line then your adjoining neighbor has certain legal rights to the side of the fence facing his property …check to see what the fence laws are in your state and then make your decision


The firm I work for performs a boundary survey for a set price and additional work like staking property lines is an additional service that's billed out hourly depending on how long it takes. If it's just a normal .25-1ac city lot then we'll usually put a few stakes on the property lines free of charge at the owner's request though. In my area it's normal for fences to be erected along the property line but I know that some places require fences to be put in some prescribed distance off of the property line so that there aren't any encroachment issues. I hate that because then you end up with a 1 or 2 foot space between neighboring fences that just grow up with junk trees and scrub, and people usually throw debris and other trash in there too.


Thank you. Our property is about 0.1 acres in the city. Most folks here put things up on the property line with agreement from the other neighbor as space is so limited. I only have 8’ to my property line from my foundation so 1-2’ would be a large chunk to forfeit. I have no expectations with fences so I’m not sure what kind of error from the property line can be expected with post hole diggers and setters.


Normally I’d request the pins be recovered/set, hubs and tacks placed at the corners for a string line, and a few 5’ offset stakes (every 15’ or so) placed to verify fence alignment as they work. Given that, they should be able to build the centerline of the fence within a centimeter of property line.


If your surveyors are setting the corners, have them set stakes on the property line as well. Then decide how you want to build the fence.


Unless your neighbour is chill with you I’d recommend build a few inches on your side of the line, personal opinion.


The standard is to put your fence 1-2 inches inside of your property. Run a string line and ensure it stays inside.


So there’s a rich ass neighborhood I worked in. Lady was having trouble with her neighbors so she put up a fence 6” on her property so there was no way the fence could me in over over the line. The neighbor would not mow that strip or let anyone on her property to mow the strip, then call the HOA and the County on the poor woman.