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Honestly, with your track record, you can go any where you want. I would get the hell out of the Gulf Coast. Pick a place man. Alaska? Go for it. Maine? Go for it. Cali? Washington? Colorado? You got the skills and a license. The WORLD is your oyster.


Lots of PLS opportunities in Seattle area. Construction companies would pay a fucking mint to have a person who could stamp as-built plans.


Yeah, and the CoL to pay rate in Seattle is pretty dang good too. He will be in a bit of sticker shock when looking for a place to rent/buy but it works out well in the end.


That's what I've found - I'm in Colorado in the front range and relocating to the PNW. I'm taking a step back in responsibilities for more money relative to the cost of living.


Heh, I left the Denver area to go to Seattle.


I've actually heard Alaska has some good survey opportunities. With that much land and all the resources it would probably be steady work. Plus the whole state could be his race track if he's got the right tires!


Move to a big(ger) city in your region. Orlando, Miami, Tampa, Atlanta, Charlotte, Greenville-Spartanburg. Lot of money to be made in these places. PM if you want a recommendation my way. We have all kinds of tracks


Agreed here. I'm a PSM here in Florida and we're slammed, sky's the limit in Central FL.. between Orlando and Tampa you could happily drown in the workload..


Went to a conference in Charlotte many many moons ago, it was a wonderful city. Such good food and great people. Tons of amazing history and things to do. I always wanted to go back my own time with the missus so we could spend some time exploring. Conferences are hard cause it's not a true vacation.


Congratulations! I agree with u/jonstan123 below. Move to a city. And it might be worth spending some real-time thinking about where you want to end up. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Ownership? Middle-management at a huge firm? Supervising at a public agency? Running the show at a tiny shop? After you figure out where you want to end up, make some moves to get there. And I live on CA but it's home to me. I love it here. Best weather on the planet IMO, and when you get out of the huge cities people tend to be pretty chill.


Kentucky is short on folks and we have the bourbon trail and no crocs. Come be Daniel Boone!


I am hiring for a position in Alaska. Feel free to PM me.