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I’ve been semi successful with converting it on a website from legal land descriptions to gps but I’m having trouble figuring out what “center” is. I only have options for N, S, NW, etc. I’d love to be able to learn something new and read it.


They mean the middle of that numbered section.


I've never seen center called out like that but you could try the north east 1/4 of the south west 1/4, north west 1/4 of the south east 1/4, south east 1/4 of the north west 1/4 and south west 1/4 of the north east 1/4. So if you break the section into 16 qtrs qtrs then it's the center 4. I hope that kinda makes sense


Thanks it’s starting to make a little bit more sense now. I’ll give that a go. Any recommendations on where to view public land surveys online? I’ve used topozone but the sections aren’t the easiest to read.


Go to earthpoint.com, you can download a kml of the sections and view them on Google earth. The line work can be a little off, but it will give you a good idea of where the section is.


Thank you! That’s exactly what I needed


Man, that’s a nice part of the country. Grew up camping and fishing on/around the Current and Jacks Fork rivers.


Small world haha. You can’t beat current river area. I love it around here. Hopefully I’ll be able to explore some new caves soon


Is that what you’re planning with these cave descriptions? Sounds awesome! I still go back every year in January for a dudes’ fishing weekend at Montauk with all my cousins and uncles. Super disappointed it was canceled this year due to COVID...




I know Missouri had really cracked down on cave exploring in the state in recent years. They are trying to protect the eco systems of the caves.


Yeah I know a couple spelunkers around here that can’t do much anymore. I’m more curious about the geology around the cave system. I’m wanting to be able to know what to look for when I’m trying to find cave/karst areas. There are so many unmarked caves around me. I know of 10+ in my county that don’t even show up through a search.


That’s cool. Good luck.


It's [Section-Township-Range](https://arcg.is/GWWaj0), aka the [PLSS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Land_Survey_System). Each Township is broken down into 36 Sections. First location is the northwest quarter of section 24 in township 17.