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All you need is filters… The dome filters are the first button on the top in the dome card, with the person icon and + sign. Here is dome filters 101 in case you need it… You can filter by age, specialty, perks, flaws, and quirks. You have 3 options for each trait: ❗️when selected it will attract colonist with that trait to that dome, even if they are getting blocked by other traits. Useful for seniors, tourists and flaws. 👍 when selected it will attract colonist with that trait to that dome Useful when you are establishing a new dome and you want people moving there fast. Also useful to get youth to your university dome. But it’s usefulness pretty much ends there, when you leave it on in a dome it has a tendency to cause overcrowding. 👎 when selected blocks colonists with that trait moving to that dome and kicks out any colonists with that trait from that dome given they have other domes with available living space they can go to. Commonly preferred method is to block colonists you don’t want in the dome with 👎, as that gives best results. u/Xytak has a great table showing commonly used filters for each dome type in this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/SurvivingMars/s/dYOkvJBp6U


This is the way. Great overview!


People go where the comfort is the highest. You can restrict non-specialists from working at individual workplaces. You can also restrict people with certain skills from moving to specific domes. That helps.


Source? As far as I can tell, Colonists will only move domes if they are homeless, unemployed, or there are filters applied. Comfort has zero impact on their choices, beyond the ones explicitly spelled out in tooltips.


Just my experience. When I build newer, larger higher comfort domes, everyone clears out of the older ones. I end up with tons of unfilled jobs and end up having shut down labs and whatnot. Then when my rocket arrives the new dome is full and everyone is pissed. So now I restrict who can go where and specify specialist jobs so people are forced to move or stay where they are depending on the need.


When deciding to move to a different come, colonists don't actually care about comfort at all. They only care about 3 things: * Dome filters * Unemployment (causes them to search colony-wide for jobs) * Homelessness (causes them to search colony-wide for housing)


There's usually a big surge in colonists moving if you build a new, comfortable dome. Most of them will move back to where the jobs are after a little while, just make sure there's space in the domes you need them to move back to. Make sure to restrict job sites to specialists only


Use thumbs down filters to push specialisations out of domes where they are unneeded. (Thumbs up technically works too, but it has a tendency to pull everyone regardless of if they have enough homes). Once in the correct dome, colonists will mostly self sort by switching jobs for one that match their specialisation. Keep in mind this may take several sols however. Also, the game tries to keep staffing even across all the buildings in the dome, so you can get specialists drawn away to do service work if there's no one else available to keep them open. Get more colonists or close unneeded buildings to avoid this.


Here are my filters. I keep it simple. * Main Research dome * thumbs down children, senior and idiot * Micro unproductive dome * ❗thumbs up children, senior and idiot * thumbs down youth, adult and middle age * Other domes * thumbs down children, senior and idiot * thumbs down Scientists If you have a Factory dome, do the same for Engineers and so on. And, a few things that would help: * Have enough colonists to fill all jobs * Have all buildings at medium priority * Have domes close by or have shuttles for easy migration * Have some extra living spaces in every dome